Philips 75006379 DATASHEETS

TriMedia TM-1300
Programmable Media Processor
Continuing a tradition of high-performance, low-cost
media processors, the TriMedia™ TM-1300 delivers up
to 66% more processing power1to multimedia applica-
CPU and a full complement of enhanced on-chip I/O
and coprocessing units,TM-1300 achieves up to 6.5 bil-
lion operations per second—ideal for applications
requiring real-time processing of video, audio, graphics,
and communications datastreams.
TM-1300 boosts performance through a faster clock
speed and a faster main memory interface than previ-
ous TriMedia processors. Datastream I/O is enhanced
with a new on-chip unit for handling audio output in
Sony/Philips digital format (SPDIF). Lower power con-
sumption and a smaller footprint contribute to making
the TM-1300 a more efficient and compact processing
solution for new multimedia designs.
TM-1300 is an ideal building block for applications requiring
simultaneous processing of several types of multimedia data-
streams. With ample computational power available to capture,
compress and decompress many video and audio data formats in
real time, TM-1300 is well suited for a broad range of video-
centric applications such as videoconferencing, video editing,
video-based security, surveillance, or industrial inspection systems,
and multifunctional devices such as digital TV sets and set-top
boxes. It also supports applications in a Java
virtual machine
With its comprehensive software development environment, the
TriMedia SDE, TM-1300 is comparable in ease of programmabil-
ity to general-purpose processors. The SDE enables multimedia
application development entirely in the C and C++ languages
improving time-to-market and lowering product development and
maintenance costs.
compared to TM-1000 processors


Processes audio, video, graphics and communications datastreams on a single chip
+ Ideal for video-centric multimedia applications
+ Powerful, fine-grain parallel, 143- or 166-MHz VLIW CPU
achieving up to 6.5 BOPS
+ Versatile instruction set includes traditional microprocessor,
special multimedia SIMD, and IEEE floating-point operations
+ Comprehensive software development tools enable multi-
media application development entirely in the C/C++ pro­gramming languages
+ On-chip, independent, DMA-driven multimedia I/O and
coprocessing units offload the CPU
+ PCI/XIO host bus interface supports glueless interface to
PCI and eight-bit microcomputer peripherals, including ROM/Flash, EEPROM, 68K, and x86 devices
+ 16- and 64-Mbit SDRAM support up to 143 MHz
+ On-chip DVD playback authentication/descrambling
+ TriMedia application libraries available from Philips and third-
party suppliers provide solutions for MPEG-2 decode, Dolby Digital (AC-3)
decode, and more
TRIMEDIA TM-1300 ARCHITECTURE On a single chip, the TM-1300 incorporates a powerful CPU and peripherals to accelerate processing of audio, video, graphics, control, and communications datastreams.
TriMedia TM-1300
The TriMedia TM-1300 strikes a perfect balance between
cost and performance. A powerful C/C++-programmable
VLIW CPU coordinates on-chip activities. To reap the full
benefit of the CPU, independent, on-chip, bus-mastering
DMA peripheral units manage and format datastream I/O
and accelerate processing of multimedia algorithms. A
sophisticated memory hierarchy manages internal I/O and
streamlines access to external memory.The resulta single,
low-cost, programmable system-on-a-chip uniquely suited
for both standalone and hosted multimedia products.


A powerful DSP-like CPU delivers top performance through an ele-
gant implementation of a fine-grain parallel, very-long instruction
word (VLIW) architecture. Its five issue-slot instruction length enables
up to five simultaneous operations to be scheduled into a single VLIW
instruction. These operations can simultaneously target any five of the
CPU’s 27 pipelined functional units within one clock cycle. Most
common operations have their results available in one clock cycle;
more complex operations may have multicycle latencies.
Unique to the TriMedia VLIW implementation, parallelism is opti-
mized at compile time by an innovative compilation system. No spe-
cialized scheduling hardware is required to parallelize code during exe-
cution. Hardware saved by eliminating complex scheduling logic
reduces cost and allows the integration of multimedia-specific features
that enhance the power of the CPU.
The TM-1300 CPU implements a 32-bit linear address space and 128
fully general-purpose 32-bit registers. Registers are not separated into
banks enabling any operation to use any register for any operand.
High-powered, DSP-like, C/C++-callable special operations—In
addition to traditional microprocessor operations and a full comple-
ment of 32-bit, IEEE-compliant, floating point operations, the TM-
1300 instruction set includes special multimedia and DSP operations
(ops) to accelerate the performance of SIMD (single instruction, mul-
tiple data) computations common in multimedia applications. These
special ops combine multiple simple operations into a single VLIW
instruction that can implement up to 12 traditional microprocessor
operations in a single clock cycle. When incorporated into application
source code, special ops dramatically improve performance and
increase the efficiency of the TM-1300 parallel architecture.
Special multimedia ops are invoked with familiar function-call syntax
consistent with the C/C++ programming languages. They are auto-
matically scheduled to take full advantage of the TriMedia processor’s
highly parallel VLIW implementation. As with all other operations
generated by the TriMedia VLIW compilation system, the scheduler
takes care of register allocation, operation packing, and flow analysis.


Video input—The video input (VI) unit reads digital video datas-
treams from an off-chip source into main memory. It accepts signals
from any CCIR656-compliant device that outputs eight-bit parallel,
4:2:2 YUV time-multiplexed video data, such as a digital video cam-
era, digital video decoder, or devices connected through ECL-level
converters to the standard D1 parallel interface. After input, YUV
data is demultiplexed, subsampled as needed, and written to SDRAM.
The VI unit can also be programmed to perform on-the-fly 2X hori-
zontal resolution subsampling enabling high-resolution images (720
pixels/line) to be converted to 360 pixels/line without loading the
CPU. When low resolution video is desirable, subsampling during
data capture reduces initial storage and bus bandwidth requirements.
The VI unit can also receive raw data and unidirectional messages
from another TM-1300 video out port.
Video outputThe video out (VO) unit outputs a digital YUV
datastream to off-chip video subsystems such as a digital video
encoder chip, digital video recorder, or other CCIR656-compatible
device. The output signal is generated by gathering bytes from the
separate Y, U, and V planes stored in SDRAM.
While generating the multiplexed stream, the VO unit can perform
programmed processing tasks, including horizontal 2X upscaling to
convert from CIF/SIF to CCIR 601 resolution. For simultaneous dis-
play of graphics and live video, the VO unit can perform 129-level
alpha blending to generate sophisticated graphics overlays of arbitrary
size and position within the output image. Chroma keying, genlock
frame synchronization, programmable YUV output clipping are also
supported. The VO unit can also be used to pass raw data and unidi-
rectional messages between TriMedia processors.
The VO unit can either supply or receive video clock and/or synchro-
nizing signals from the external interface. Clock and timing registers
can be precisely controlled through programmable registers. Program-
mable interrupts and dual buffers facilitate continuous data streaming
by allowing the CPU to set up a buffer while another is being emptied
by the VO unit.
Audio input and outputThe audio input (AI) and audio output
(AO) units provide all signals needed to read and write digital audio
datastreams to/from most high-quality, low-cost serial audio oversam-
pling A/D and D/A converters and codecs. Both units connect to off-
chip stereo converters through flexible bit-serial interfaces.
The AI and AO units are highly programmable providing tremendous
flexibility in handling custom datastreams, adapting to custom proto-
cols, and upgrading to future audio standards. Driven by TM-1300,
the programmable audio sampling clock system supports a variety of
sample rates with fine-grain resolution enabling audio and video syn-
chronization in even the most complex multimedia applications.
SPECIAL MULTIMEDIA OPERATIONS The ume8uu operation, commonly used for motion estimation in video compression, implements 11 simple operations in one TriMedia special op.
|A-E| + |B-F| + |C-G| + |D-H|
31 0
31 0
31 0
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