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Reproduction in whole or in
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Publication number
Edition 4
Published November, 2002
Printed in U.S.A.
Warra nt y
The information contained in
this document is subject to
change without notice.
Philips Ultrasound makes no
warranty of any kind with
regard to this material,
including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose.
Philips Ultrasound shall not be
liable for errors contained
herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this material.
This product may contain remanufactured parts equivalent
to new in performance or have
had incidental use.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Do not remove system covers.
To avoid electrical shock, use
only supplied power cords and
connect only to properly
grounded (3-hole) wall outlets.
Explosion Hazard
Do not operate the system in
the presence of flammable anesthetics.
Safety Information
Before you use the Philips ultrasound system for the first
time, be sure to read the Safety and Standards guide.
Pay special attention to the
“Warnings” and “Cautions”.
The warnings explain the dangers of electrical shock and explosion hazard, the safety of
ultrasound, applications,
guidelines for fetal use, and
guidelines for setting controls
that affect acoustic output and
accuracy of clinical measurements.
The cautions explain potential
dangers to equipment.
Warning Symbol used in the
Caution Symbol used in the
Symbols used on the System:
Instruction manual symbol : the
product will be marked with
this symbol when it is necessary for the user to refer to a
user guide.
Dangerous voltage symbol : the
product is marked with this
symbol to i ndicate potential for
electrical shock.
Monitor Radiation
The monitor used in this system complies with the FDA
regulations that were applicable at the date of manufacture
(21 CFR Subchapter J).
Prescription Device
The United States Food and
Drug Administration requires
the following labeling statement:
Caution - Federal Law restricts
this device to use by or on the
order of a physician.
marking is for
Council Directive
This system complies with the
Medical Device Directive.
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
Integrated Digital Interface at a Glance
Studies listed based
on current patient ID
Indicates that images
were saved in a study
format and the date of
the study
The type of study is
listed here
Jones Stress 3 Stage Apr 04, 01 STUDY
Jones CLR Standard Jan 10, 01 STUDY
Select multiple items
Change PatientList Contents
All Loops
Copy to
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
The Philips SONOS 7500 or SONOS 5500 equipped with the Integrated Digital
Interface (IDI) enables the sending of digital images directly to a magnetic-optical
disk, network storage server, or DICOM-compliant printer via a standard LAN.
Images (loops, frames, analysis reports, and Acoustic Quantification reports)
acquired on the Philips SONOS 7500 or SONOS 5500 are sent to any of the
following devices:
• EnConcert network storage server (stored in DSR-TIFF format)
• Network storage server (sent using DICOM format)
• Magnetic optical disk (stored in DSR-TIFF format)
• DICOM-compliant printer
About This Guide
This guide is divided into four sections:
•IDI Overview
•IDI Controls
•How-To Instructions
•IDI Troubleshooting
2 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview: Provides an overview discussion of the IDI. Included are
discussions of the physical characteristics and an overview look at how the IDI
operates within the Philips SONOS 7500 or SONOS 5500 ultrasound system.
IDI Controls: Lists and describes the controls that appear on an ultrasound system
equipped with IDI.
How-To Instructions: This section describes tasks you are expected to be able to
perform in order to use the IDI. This section gives you information on how to
perform each task quickly and efficiently without having to deal with lots of details.
IDI Tips and Troubleshooting: Provides usage tips and solutions to performance
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
IDI Overview
Product Description
The IDI is an intelligent interface that connects the SONOS system to a magneticoptical disk, network storage server, or DICOM-compliant printer located on a local
area network (LAN). The IDI is an option to the Philips SONOS 7500 or SONOS
5500 system.
The IDI receives digital image studies that have been stored on the SONOS hard
disk. These stored studies can be sent, over a standard 10/100BaseT LAN, to the
following devices:
• EnConcert network storage server
• DICOM network storage server and a DICOM printer (optional)
• SONOS system’s optical disk
Physical Description
The IDI works on a personal computer (PC). It includes a hard disk that is shared
between the PC and the ultrasound system. The IDI is connected to the ultrasound
system via a SCSI cable and to the network via a network connector located on the
back of the system. The hard disk is used as a storage buffer before transferring
studies to the magnetic-optical disk, network storage server, or DICOM-compliant
printer. The hard disk also provides short-term local storage for “portable”
ultrasound studies (studies that are conducted while the ultrasound system is
physically disconnected from the network). All IDI operations are performed using
the function keys and touch panel controls on the ultrasound system.
4 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
Image Storage and Transfer
The SONOS system creates and stores an image, calibration data, and measurement
and calculation data. The system can send data in DICOM format or DSR-TIFF
format (to an EnConcert network). Image data sent to an EnConcert network
includes calibration data and measurement data. Image data sent in DICOM format
includes only calibration data. The same image data transfers in either case, though
the image file format differs.
Storing digital studies to disk: You can choose between the SONOS system’s
optical disk or hard disk to store studies. However, image storage saves to the hard
disk by default when the IDI option is present, to enable studies to be transferred to
a network storage server. See “Enabling the Optical Disk as the Storage Device” on
page 30.
Retrieving patient information: You can choose a study that has been on either
EnConcert or a DICOM Modality Worklist Server, depending on the system
options. See “Retrieving Patient Information (EnConcert or DICOM Modality
Worklist Server)” on page 31.
Storing calibration data: Calibration data provided by the ultrasound system for an
image is embedded in the image data that is transferred to either the EnConcert or
DICOM network storage server.
Storing numeric measurement data: QuickCalcs and Analysis measurements
performed on an image are stored on the hard disk. QuickCalcs measurements are
stored with the images on the EnConcert network storage server. Analysis
measurement data are stored—with their labels—with the images on the EnConcert
network storage server. You can display these measurements or include them in an
analysis report on an EnConcert network storage server. If your system is connected
to a DICOM network storage server, measurement information is not included.
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
Disk Manager: A Philips service representative sets the Disk Manager function
based on customer preference during system installation.
•If Disk Manager Auto is selected, studies are automatically deleted once they are
transferred to the network storage server.
•If Disk Manager Off is selected, these studies remain on the hard disk until they
are manually deleted.
•If Disk Manager Defer is selected (default), studies are not deleted after transfer
but remain on the hard drive. The system monitors hard drive storage capacity.
When near-full capacity level of the hard drive is reached, the system
automatically deletes the studies previously transferred to the network. You can
retrieve studies that are still on the local hard disk and review them on the
ultrasound system. You cannot retrieve a study once it has been deleted from the
hard disk.
6 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
IDI Availability: IDI takes longer to power up than the ultrasound system, so some
IDI functions may not be immediately available. The status message reads: “The
Network Interface is powering up. This normally takes several minutes. Please wait
and try again.”
• You receive the above status message if you attempt to perform any of the
following functions during the power-up cycle:
• Initialize a hard disk or an optical disk
• Format a hard disk or an optical disk
• Copy images from the hard disk to the optical disk using the Copy to Optical
• Rescue a study using the Rescue Study control
You can retry these operations until you no longer receive the error message and
you are able to complete the storage operation.
• You receive the following status message if you attempt to end a study using the
End Study control during the power-up cycle:
The network interface is not powered-up yet:
* You may wait a few minutes and select “Retry Send.”
* If you cannot wait, select “Save Locally” to
leave the study on the hard disk. To send this
untransferred study at a later time, use
“Rescue Study.”
Retry Send
Save Locally
You should wait for the IDI to complete its bootup sequence and try again. You
can start a study and acquire images during this time, but you cannot complete
the study using the End Study control.
• You receive the message “The disk is not ready. Please try again later.” if the IDI
PC is not working or if it is running a disk-check (Chkdsk) operation.
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
Digital Storage and Network Transfer
Device Selection: The Enable Optical control is part of the Disk control set.
By default, it is not highlighted when IDI is present—that is, the optical disk is not
enabled. This configuration follows the assumption that users who have an
ultrasound system with IDI will use the network storage server (rather than the
optical disk) to store studies. However, if you touch Enable Optical to highlight it,
you can choose between the system’s internal hard disk and the optical disk for
storage or retrieval. Once you make a selection, all subsequent digital storage is
automatically sent to that device until the study is ended or another study is started.
When you accept the next acquired loop, if Enable Optical is enabled, the Target
Disk Selection window appears. It gives you the option of saving the loop to your
hard disk or your optical disk.
Target Disk Selection
Hard Disk
Optical Disk
Note that if Enable Optical is turned off in the middle of a study on the hard disk,
all subsequent disk operations for that study operate on the hard disk. If Enable Optical is turned off during a study on the optical disk, that study is ended and
future disk operations are performed on the hard disk. Enable Optical is a system
wide setting—once you set it remains on until you disable it.
8 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
Patient ID Information: Before you start your study, you enter patient information
by pressing Patient ID. If your system is connected to a DICOM Modality Worklist
server or an EnConcert network storage server, and the study is ordered, you are
presented with a patient selection list. When you choose the patient from the
selection list, the Patient Information screen appears with the data filled in.
Otherwise a blank Patient Information screen appears and you can enter the patient
data manually.
After choosing a patient from the Patient Selection list, the Medical Record Number
(MRN) field and the accession number on the Patient Information are grayed out to
indicate that you cannot modify this information on the SONOS system.
End Study: The End Study Control is part of the Disk and Stress control sets.
When you touch the End Study control, IDI:
•Completes the transfer of the study from the IDI internal hard disk to the network
storage server
•Writes analysis data to the disk (with DSR-TIFF format)
•Clears all Patient ID information including analysis data and annotation text
•Clears all loops from loop memory
You must touch End Study at the end of each study, even portable studies, or the
study does not transfer properly. If you do not press End Study, you are presented
with the following dialog box when attempting to start a new study by pressing the
“New Patient” key. (Neither the End Study nor the Save Locally option causes
analysis data to be lost.).
You have changed to a new patient but have not
ended the previous study:
* To end that study, select “End Study.”
* To leave that study on the hard disk, select
“Save Locally.” To send this untransferred
study at a later time, use “Rescue Study.”
End Study
Save Locally
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
When you touch End Study, all Disk controls are unavailable until the study has
been stored to disk. Once the study has begun its transfer to the network storage
server, an icon appears displaying the transfer status. What icon appears depends on
the network settings and the network activity. The possible icons are shown in the
following table.
IconNetwork Activity
When storing loops to disk, the icon indicates the percent
progress of the transfer. When several loops are queued,
the percentage indicates the storage progress. If a single
frame is being transferred, the percent complete value is
not displayed.
With Network Autosend on, the icon indicates that the
network is available.
With Network Autosend on, the icon indicates that the
network is unavailable.
With Network Autosend off, the icon is blank.
If the network is unavailable, for example, during a portable study, or the network is
disconnected during a study, IDI simply queues studies for transfer to the network
storage server or printer for a later time. In the background, the system periodically
attempts to re-connect to the network storage server or printer. All studies are
properly transferred once the network becomes available. If network activity is
abruptly aborted (for example, by an On/Off/On power cycle), all studies are
properly transferred when the network connection is re-established.
10 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
When you indicate that a study is over by touching End Study, one of the following
actions occur:
•If Disk Manager Off is selected, studies remain on the hard disk even after they
are transferred to the network storage server. This configuration gives you the
ability to retrieve the studies at any time and edit and review them at the
ultrasound system. (See the System Basics guide for information on reviewing a
study.) However, you must manage the internal hard disk space by routinely
checking disk space and deleting studies.
•If Disk Manager Auto is selected, studies are automatically deleted once they are
transferred to the network storage server. This configuration enables IDI to
automatically manage the hard disk space. However, since the studies are deleted
from the hard disk after they have been successfully transferred they are not
available for retrieval and review at the ultrasound system. (The studies are
available for retrieval until they are deleted.)
•If Disk Manager Defer (default) is selected, studies remain on the hard disk even
after they are transferred to the network storage server. This configuration lets you
retrieve, edit, and review the studies at any time on the ultrasound system. (See the
System Basics guide for information on reviewing a study.) The system
automatically manages the internal hard disk space by routinely checking disk
space and deleting studies when the available disk space is too low.
Although a file has been automatically deleted from the hard disk, under certain
conditions an entry may remain in the database. If you attempt to retrieve a file that
has been deleted, the following message may appear:
“File does not exist. Press Disk. Select Rebuild Database. Choose the Reconcile
Reconciling the database gives you an accurate list of studies that are on the hard
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Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
When either Disk Manager Auto or Disk Manager Defer is enabled, the internal
hard disk does not fill up unless:
• A large number of “portables” are performed before the LAN cable can be
• A large number of studies are stored on the hard disk
• Studies with large amounts of data are stored on the hard disk
When Disk Manager Off is selected, you are responsible for ensuring that the hard
disk does not fill up. If the disk does reach capacity, the optical disk can be used for
Untransferred Studies: There are certain rare conditions under which a study can
become “stranded” on the hard disk. Stranded means that the study has been saved
to the hard disk, but the study has not been queued for transfer to the network
storage server. In this case it must be transferred to the network storage server using
the Rescue Study control.
After you touch End Study, the patient information is removed from the screen
while the study transfers to the network DICOM or EnConcert server. This is not an
indication the data transfer is complete. You must wait until End Study functionality
returns to the touch screen before powering off the SONOS system. The study is
then transferred to disk at the next power-up.
When the End Study touch control returns, the study has been sent to the hard disk
drive. This has no correlation with the network transfer status. To monitor network
transfers, open the Stat us box and wait for the Network Done message to indicate
that transfer is complete.
12 Revision D.0
Using Integrated Digital Interface (IDI)
IDI Overview
If the system was Reset/Power-On without ending a study that was in progress, the
SONOS system displays a warning dialog box. When storing to the hard disk, the
following warning message appears:
A study was in progress before the system was reset:
* To end that study, select “End Study.”
* To leave the study on the hard disk, select
“Save Locally.” To send this untransferred study
at a later time, use “Rescue Study.”
End Study
Save Locally
This message gives you the option to:
• End Study—This ends the study and queues it for transfer from the IDI hard disk
to the network storage server.
• Save Locally—This leaves the study on the hard disk. You can transfer the hard
disk study to the network storage server using the Rescue Study control at a later
It is best to choose End Study when possible.
If the Reset/Power-On situation storing to the optical disk, the following warning
dialog box message appears.
A study was in progress before the system was reset:
* To store the analysis data to the optical disk,
select “End Study.”
* To delete the analysis data, select “Discard.”
End Study
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