Philips 32PFL4626D, 32PFL5606D, 32PFL4606D, 32PFL3xx6D User Manual

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40PFL5606D 40PFL4626D 40PFL4606D 40PFL3606D 32PFL5606D 32PFL4626D 32PFL4606D 32PFL3xx6D
User manual
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Nívelde Decibéis
Biblioteca silenciosa,sussurros leves.
Sala de estar, refrigerador,quartolonge de trânsito.
Transito leve,conversação normal, escritóriosilencioso.
Ar-condicionado a uma distância de 6m, máquina de costura.
Aspirador de pó, secador de cabelo, restaurante ruidoso.
Tráfegomédiodecidade, coletordelixo, alarme de despertador auma distânciade60cm.
Metrô, motocicleta, tráfego de caminhão, cortador de grama.
Caminhão de lixo, serra elétrica, furadeira pneumática.
Show de banda de rock em frente ás caixas acústicas, trovão.
Tiro de arma de fogo, avião a jato
Lançamento de foguete.
Informações Importantes
Leia antes de ligar o aparelho
1. Leia e guarde estas instruções, tome cuidado com todos os alertas.
2. Nãouse este aparelho próximoàágua, chuva ou umidade.
3. Limpe a tela e o gabinete com u mpano de algodão ou outro material que seja extremamaente macio, não utilize produtos quimicos.
4. Não toque, aperte ou esfregue a superfície da tela.
5. Limpe a tela imediatamente em caso de respingos ou condensação.
6. Não bloqueie qualquer uma das aberturas de ventilação. Instale de acor­ do com as instruções fornecidas, deixando pelo menos 15 cm de espaço livre na parte de cima, baixo e nos lados do TV.
7. Nãoinstale pertodequalquer fontedecalor,comoaquecedores, registros de calor,fogõesequaisquer outros aparelhos(inclusive amplificadores) que produzam calor.
8. Instaleocabodealimentaçãodeenergiadeforma queele nãosejapisado ou apertado,especialmentenos plugues, nastomadas enoponto ondeele saido aparelho.
9. Usesomente os acessórios/suplementosespecificados pelo fabricante.
Use somente com uma mesa, estante, rack ou carrinho que su­porte o peso do aparelho. Quando for transportar o TV com um carrinho, tome cuidado evitando que o mesmo tombe.
11. Inclinação/estabilidade -Todos os televisoresdevem obedecer aos padrões de segurançainternacionais recomendadosem termosde inclinação eestabilidadedoseu gabinete.
•Não comprometaesses padrõesdeprojeto puxandocom força
excessiva aparte frontal ou superiordogabinete, oque pode fazero produtotombar.
12.Desligue o aparelho da tomada quando: A. Estiver ocorrendo uma tempestade com raios. B. O aparelho não for usado por um período prolongado.
13.Danos que requerem conserto -Oaparelhodeveser reparado porpessoal de assistênciatécnica qualificadoquando:
A. Ocaboouoplugue de alimentaçãodeenergia tiver sido danificado. B. Algumobjeto tivercaído ou líquido tiver sido derramadodentrodo
C. O aparelhotiversidoexposto àchuva. D. O aparelhonão parecerestar operando normalmente ou exibir uma
perdade desempenho significativa.
E. O aparelhotiversido derrubado ou seugabinetetiver sido danificado.
F. Quando a luz azul, verde ou vermelha abaixo da tela estiver piscando.
14. Montagem em parede ou no teto -Oaparelho deve sermontado em umaparedeounotetosomentedeacordocom as recomendações do fabricante.
Nota para o instalador de sistema de TV a cabo: Tenha atenção para um aterramento adequado. O cabo terra deve ser conectado ao sistema de aterramento do edifício ou residência.
15. Linhas de energia -Uma antena externadeveficarafastadadelinhasde energia.
16. Aterramento de antena externa -Casouma antena externaseja conectadaaoreceptor, assegure-sedeque osistema de antena seja aterrado,paraproporcionar cargas acumuladasdeeletricidade estática.
17. Entrada de líquidos e objetos -Deve-se tomarcuidado para queobjetos nãocaiam elíquidosnão sejamderramadosdentrodogabinetedo aparelho atravésdesuasaberturas.
18. CUIDADO com o uso de pilhas/baterias -Paraprevenir vazamentos de pilhas/baterias, quepodem resultaremlesõescorporais, danosaobjetos ou danosàunidade:
•Instale todasaspilhas/baterias corretamente,com os sinais +e-,
conformeindicadonocontroleremot o.
•Não misture pilhas/baterias(novascom velhas,normais comalcalinas,etc.).
•Removaaspilhas/baterias quando ocontrole remoto nãofor utilizado
porumlongo períododetempo.
19. CUIDADO! Evite o uso prolongado do aparelho com volume superior a 85 decibéis, pois isto poderá prejudicar a sua audição.
•A tabela abaixo lista alguns exemplos de situações e respectivos níveis de pres­ são sonora em decibéis.
•Informação cedida pela Deafness Research Foundation, por cortesia..
proteçãocontra surtos elétricose
Exemplo de aterramento de antena, de acordo com as Normas para Instalações Elétricas.
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Lea antes de operar el equipo
1. Lea estas instrucciones.
2. Guarde estas instrucciones.
3. Preste atención a todas las advertencias.
4. Siga todas las instrucciones.
5. No use este aparato cerca del agua.
6. Límpielo solamente con un paño seco.
7. No bloquee ninguno de los orificios de ventilación. Instálelo de
acuerdo con las instrucciones de los fabricantes.
8. No lo instale cerca de fuentes de calor, tales como radiadores,
compuertas de tiro (registros) de calor, estufas u otros aparatos
(incluidos amplificadores) que generen calor.
9. No anule el objetivo de seguridad del enchufe polarizado o de
conexión a tierra. Un enchufe polarizado tiene dos paletas, una
más ancha que la otra. Un enchufe de conexión a tierra tiene dos
paletas y una tercera espiga de conexión a tierra. La paleta más ancha
o la tercera espiga es entregada para su seguridad. Si el enchufe
suministrado no se ajusta a su tomacorriente, consulte a un electricista
para que reemplace el tomacorriente obsoleto.
10. Evite pisar o apretar el cable de suministro eléctrico, especialmente en
los enchufes, tomacorrientes y el punto en que salen del aparato.
11. Sólo use aditamentos o accesorios especificados por el fabricante.
13. Desenchufe este aparato durante las tormentas eléctricas o cuando no
14. Deje que personal calificado realice todo el servicio. Es necesario
15. Es posible que este producto contenga plomo y mercurio. La
16. Daños que requieran servicio - El aparato debe recibir servicio de
A. Se ha dañado el cable de alimentación o el enchufe; o
Utilice sólo un carro, soporte, trípode, repisa o mesa
especificados por el fabricante o que se vendan junto
con el aparato. Si usa el carro, tenga precaución cuando
mueva la combinación carro/aparato para evitar lesiones
si éste se vuelca.
se use durante largos períodos.
que el aparato reciba servicio si se ha dañado en algún modo, como cuando se daña el cable o enchufe de suministro de corriente, se ha derramado líquido u objetos han caído dentro él, cuando el aparato ha estado expuesto a lluvia o humedad, no opera bien o se ha caído.
eliminación de estos materiales podría estar regulada debido a consideraciones medioambientales. Para obtener información acerca de la eliminación o del reciclaje, póngase en contacto con sus autoridades locales o con la Alianza de Industrias Electrónicas: en
personal de servicio calificado cuando:
Nota para el instalador del sistema CATV: Se hace este recordatorio para llamar la atención del instalador del sistema CATV sobre el
Artículo 820-40 de donde se proporcionan instrucciones para la apropiada conexión a tierra y, en particular, se especifica que la tierra de los
cables se conectará al sistema de conexión a tierra del edificio tan cerca del punto de entrada del cable como sea posible.
Ejemplo de conexión a tierra de la antena según NEC, Código Eléctrico Nacional
B. Han caído objetos o se ha derramado líquido dentro del aparato; o C. El aparato ha quedado expuesto a la lluvia; o D. El aparato parece no funcionar normalmente o su rendimiento ha
cambiado notoriamente; o
E. Se ha dejado caer el aparato o se ha dañado la caja.
17. Inclinación/estabilidad - Todos los televisores deben cumplir con
las normas de seguridad generales recomendadas internacionalmente en cuanto a las propiedades de inclinación y estabilidad del diseño de su gabinete.
No comprometa estas normas de diseño aplicando una fuerza de tracción excesiva a la parte delantera o superior del gabinete lo que finalmente puede hacer que el producto se vuelque.
Además, no se ponga en peligro usted mismo o a sus niños colocando equipos electrónicos o juguetes sobre el gabinete. Dichos artículos pueden caer inesperadamente desde la parte superior del producto y dañar el producto y/o causar lesiones personales.
18. Montaje en la pared o cielorraso - El aparato se debe montar en una pared o cielorraso únicamente como lo recomienda el fabricante.
19. Líneas de energía eléctrica - Una antena exterior se debe ubicar lejos de las líneas de energía.
20. Conexión a tierra de la antena exterior - Si se conecta una antena exterior o un sistema de cable al producto, asegúrese de que la antena o el sistema de cable estén conectados a tierra para proporcionar cierta protección contra sobrevoltajes y acumulación de cargas electrostáticas. En la Sección 810 del Código Eléctrico Nacional, ANSI/NFPA 70, se proporciona información sobre la adecuada conexión a tierra de las esteras y estructuras de apoyo, conexión a tierra del alambre de acometida a una unidad de descarga de antena, tamaño de los conectores de conexión a tierra, ubicación de la unidad de descarga de antena, conexión a los electrodos y requerimientos del electrodo de conexión a tierra. Vea la Figura que aparece más abajo.
21. Entrada de objetos y líquidos - Se debe tener cuidado de que no caigan objetos dentro de los orificios de la caja ni se derramen líquidos a través de ellos.
a) Advertencia: Para reducir el riesgo de incendios o de descarga
eléctrica, este aparato no se debe exponer a la lluvia ni a la humedad, y no se le deben colocar encima objetos llenos de líquido como jarrones.
22. Uso de las baterías PRECAUCIÓN - Para evitar escapes de las baterías que pueden resultar en lesiones corporales, daño a la propiedad o a la unidad:
Instale correctamente todas las baterías, con los polos + y - alineados como está marcado en la unidad.
No mezcle las baterías (nuevas con antiguas o de carbono con alcalinas, etc.).
Retire las baterías cuando no use la unidad por un largo tiempo.
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1 Notice 3
2 Important 5
3 Your TV 7
TV controls 7 Remote control 8 Remote control usage 9
4 Use your TV 10
Switch your TV on 10 Switch your TV to standby 10 Switch your TV off 11 Switch channels 11 Watch connected devices 12 Adjust TV volume 12
5 Use more of your TV 13
Access TV menus 13 Add device to the home menu 13 Rename devices from the home menu 13 Remove devices from the home menu 14 Change picture and sound settings 14 Use the universal access menu 17 Create and use list of favorite channels 17 Use the Electronic Program Guide 18 Display the TV clock 18 Use timers 19 Lock unsuitable content 19 View Scenea 20 Change language 21 Play photos, music, and videos on USB
storage devices 22 Update the TV software 23 Change TV preferences 24 Start a TV demo 24 Reset the TV to factory settings 24
6 Install channels 25
Automatically install channels 25 Select antenna or cable connection 25 Rename channels 25 Test digital reception 26
7 Connect devices 27
Back connectors 27 Underside connectors 28 Side connector 29 Connect a computer 29 Use Philips EasyLink 30
8 Product information 33
Supported display resolutions 33 Multimedia 33 Tuner/Reception/Transmission 33 Remote control 33 Power 33 Speakers 33 Suppor ted TV mounts 33
Product specication 34
9 Troubleshooting 35
General TV issues 35 TV channel issues 35 Picture issues 35 Sound issues 36 HDMI connection issues 36 Computer connection issues 36 Contact us 36
10 Index 37
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1 Notice

2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. All rights reserved.
Specications are subject to change without
notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. or their respective owners. Philips reserves the right to change products at any time without being obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly. The material in this manual is believed adequate for the intended use of the system. If the product, or its individual modules or procedures, are used for purposes other than
those specied herein, conrmation of their
validity and suitability must be obtained. Philips warrants that the material itself does not infringe any United States patents. No further warranty is expressed or implied. Philips cannot be held responsible neither for any errors in the content of this document nor for any problems as a result of the content in this document. Errors reported to Philips will be adapted and published on the Philips support website as soon as possible.
Pixel characteristics
This LCD product has a high number of color pixels. Although it has effective pixels of
99.999% or more, black dots or bright points of light (red, green or blue) may appear constantly on the screen. This is a structural proper ty of the display (within common industry standards) and is not a malfunction.
Terms of warranty
No components are user serviceable. Do not open or remove covers to the inside of the product. Repairs may only be done by Philips
Service Centres and ofcial repair shops. Failure
to do so shall void any warranty, stated or implied. Any operation expressly prohibited in this manual, any adjustments, or assembly procedures not recommended or authorised in this manual shall void the warranty.
Compliance with EMF
Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. manufactures and sells many products targeted at consumers, which, like any electronic apparatus, in general have the ability to emit and receive electromagnetic signals. One of Philips’ leading Business Principles is to take all necessary health and safety measures for our products, to comply with all applicable legal requirements and to stay well within
the Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) standards
applicable at the time of producing the products. Philips is committed to develop, produce and market products that cause no adverse health
effects. Philips conrms that if its products are
handled properly for their intended use, they
are safe to use according to scientic evidence
available today. Philips plays an active role in the development
of international EMF and safety standards,
enabling Philips to anticipate further developments in standardisation for early integration in its products.
Open source software
Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd hereby offers to deliver, upon request, a copy of the complete corresponding source code for the copyrighted open source software packages used in this product for which such offer is requested by the respective licenses. This offer is valid up to three years after product purchase to anyone in receipt of this information. To obtain source code, please contact open. If you prefer not to use
email or if you do not receive conrmation
receipt within a week after mailing to this email address, please write in English to “Open Source Team, Philips Intellectual Property & Standards, P.O. Box 220, 5600 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands”. If you do not receive timely
conrmation of your letter, please email to the
email address above. The texts of the licenses and acknowledgements for open source software used in this product are included on a
separate leaet.
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Disposal of your old product and batteries
Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components,
which can be recycled and reused.
When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means that the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC. Please inform yourself about the local separate collection system for electrical and electronic products. Please act according to your local rules and do not dispose of your old products with your normal household waste.
Correct disposal of your old product helps to prevent potential negative consequences for the
environment and human health.
Your product contains batteries covered by the European Directive 2006/66/EC, which cannot be disposed with normal household waste. Please inform yourself about the local rules on separate collection of batteries because correct disposal helps to prevent negative consequences for the environmental and human health.
Kensington and Micro Saver are registered US trademarks of ACCO World corporation with issued registrations and pending applications in other countries throughout the world.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
HDMI, and HDMI logo, and High-Denition
Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI licensing LLC in the United States and other countries. All other registered and unregistered trademarks are the proper ty of their respective owners.
Responsabilidade Social
A Philips do Brasil Ltda. é uma empresa socialmente responsável, preocupada com a valorização dos seus recursos humanos internos, com o relacionamento correto e justo com a comunidade, com o meio ambiente, com o ambiente de trabalho e com o compromisso de cumprimento das leis.
Em caso de dúvida ou consulta, favor ligar para a linha verde (0+xx+92) 3652-2525. A Philips do Brasil Ltda. e o Meio Ambiente agradecem
sua colaboração.
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2 Important

Read and understand all instructions before you use your TV. If damage is caused by failure to follow instructions, the warranty does not apply.


Risk of electric shock or re!
Never expose the TV to rain or water. Never place liquid containers, such as vases, near the TV. If liquids are spilt on or into the TV, disconnect the TV from the power outlet immediately. Contact Philips Consumer Care to have the TV checked before use.
Never place the TV, remote control or batteries near naked ames or other heat
sources, including direct sunlight.
To prevent the spread of re, keep candles or other ames away from the TV, remote control
and batteries at all times.
Never insert objects into the ventilation slots or other openings on the TV.
When the TV is swiveled ensure that no strain is exerted on the power cord. Strain on the power cord can loosen connections and cause arcing.
To disconnect the TV from the mains power, the power plug of the TV must be disconnected. When disconnecting the power, always pull the power plug, never the cord. Ensure that you have full access to the power plug, power cord and outlet socket at all times.
Risk of short circuit or re!
Never expose the remote control or batteries to rain, water or excessive heat.
Avoid force coming onto power plugs. Loose power plugs can cause arcing or re.
Risk of injury or damage to the TV!
Two people are required to lift and carry a TV that weighs more than 25 kg or 55 lbs.
When stand mounting the TV, use only the supplied stand. Secure the stand to the TV
tightly. Place the TV on a at, level surface
that can support the combined weight of the TV and the stand.
When wall mounting the TV, use only a wall mount that can support the weight of the TV. Secure the wall mount to a wall that can support the combined weight of the TV and wall mount. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. bears no responsibility for improper wall mounting that results in accident, injury or damage.
If you need to store the TV, disassemble the stand from the TV. Never lie the TV on its back with the stand installed.
Before you connect the TV to the power outlet, ensure that the power voltage matches the value printed on the back of the TV. Never connect the TV to the power outlet if the voltage is different.
Parts of this product can be made of glass. Handle with care to avoid injury and damage.
Risk of injury to children!
Follow these precautions to prevent the
TV from toppling over and causing injury to children:
Never place the TV on a surface covered by a cloth or other material that can be pulled away.
Ensure that no part of the TV hangs over the edge of the surface.
Never place the TV on tall furniture (such as a bookcase) without anchoring both the furniture and TV to the wall or a suitable support.
Educate children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the TV.
Risk of swallowing batteries!
The product/remote control may contain a coin type battery, which can be swallowed. Keep the battery out of reach of children at all times!
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Risk of overheating!
Never install the TV in a conned space.
Always leave a space of at least 4 inches or 10 cm around the TV for ventilation. Ensure curtains or other objects never cover the ventilation slots on the TV.
Risk of injury, re or power cord damage!
Never place the TV or any objects on the power cord.
Disconnect the TV from the power outlet and antenna before lightning storms. During lightning storms, never touch any part of the TV, power cord or antenna cable.
Risk of hearing damage!
Avoid using earphones or headphones at high volumes or for prolonged periods of time.
Low temperatures
If the TV is transported in temperatures below 5°C or 41°F, unpack the TV and
wait until the TV temperature matches room temperature before connecting the TV to the power outlet.
Apparater som är kopplade till skyddsjord via jordat vägguttag och/eller via annanutrustning och samtidigt är kopplad
till kabel-TV nät kan i vissa fall medfőra risk főr brand. Főr att undvika detta skall vid
anslutning av apparaten till kabel-TV nät
galvanisk isolator  nnas mellan apparaten
och kabel-TV nätet.

Screen care

Avoid stationary images as much as possible. Stationary images are images that remain on-screen for extended periods of time. Examples include: on-screen menus, black bars and time displays. If you must use stationary images, reduce screen contrast and brightness to avoid screen damage.
Unplug the TV before cleaning.
Clean the TV and frame with a soft, damp
cloth. Never use substances such as alcohol, chemicals or household cleaners on the TV.
Risk of damage to the TV screen! Never touch, push, rub or strike the screen with any object.
To avoid deformations and color fading, wipe off water drops as soon as possible.
Environmental efforts
Philips continuously focus on lowering the environmental impact of its innovative consumer products. We aim our efforts towards environmental improvements during manufacturing, reduction of harmful substances,
energy-efcient use, end-of-life instructions and
product recycling.
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3 Your TV
Congratulations on your purchase, and
welcome to Philips! To fully benet from the
support that Philips offers, register your TV at
TV controls
For xxPFL5xx6
For xxPFL4xx6
a +/-: Adjust volume. b c d CH +/-: Switch channels.
For xxPFL3xx6
1 2 3 4
(Power): Switch the TV on or off.
(Home): Access the home menu.
a +/-: Adjust volume. b
(Home): Access the home menu.
c CH +/-: Switch channels. d Power: Switch the TV on or off.
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a +/-: Adjust volume. b
(Home): Access the home menu.
c CH +/-: Switch channels. d
(Power): Switch the TV on or off.
Remote control
3 4
6 7
a (Standby-On)
Switch the TV on or to standby.
b Play buttons
Control video or music.
Access the menu to select a TV channel list.
Access the home menu.
CH - / CH + (Previous/Next)
Switch channels or navigate through menu pages, tracks, albums, or folders.
Select connected devices.
16 15
Mute or restore audio.
h +/-
Adjust volume.
i 0-9 (Numeric buttons)
Select channels.
Exits a menu.
k . (Dot)
Press the dot (.) for digital channels.
Access options for the current activity or selection.
Return to the previous menu or exit a function.
n OK
• Conrm an entry or selection.
(Navigation buttons)
Navigate through menus and select items.
Access the menu to adjust settings.
q Color buttons
Select tasks or options.
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Remote control usage

When you use the remote control, hold it close to the TV and point it at the remote control sensor. Make sure that the line-of-sight between the remote control and TV is not blocked by furniture, walls or other objects.
For xxPFL5xx6 and xxPFL4xx6
For xxPFL3xx6
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4 Use your TV
This section helps you perform basic TV operations.
Switch your TV on
Press the power switch on the TV.
» There is a short delay before the TV
For xxPFL5xx6

For xxPFL3xx6

If the TV is in standby
Press (Standby-On) on the remote control.
Switch your TV to standby
Press (Standby-On) on the remote control again.
» The remote control sensor on the TV
switches to red.
For xxPFL4xx6
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Switch your TV off

Press the power switch on the TV again.
» The remote control sensor on the TV
switches off.
» For xxPFL5xx6, the TV no longer
consumes energy.
» For xxPFL4xx6, xxPFL3xx6, and
DesignLine Tilt, though the TV consumes very little power when in standby, energy continues to be consumed. When not in use for an extended period of time, disconnect the TV power cable from the power outlet or turn off the power switch.
If you cannot locate your remote control and want to
switch on the TV from standby, press CH+/- on the TV.
For xxPFL5xx6 and xxPFL4xx6

For xxPFL3xx6

Switch channels
Press CH+ or CH- on the remote control.
Press CH +/- on the TV.
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Other ways to switch channels
Enter a channel number using the Numeric buttons.
Press to return to the previous channel.
When you use a favorite list, you can only select those
channels in the list (see 'Create and use list of favorite channels' on page 17).
View channel grid
You can view an overview of all available channels with the channel grid.
1 Press FIND.
2 To watch a channel, select it, then press
(BACK) on the remote control
» The channel grid appears.

Watch connected devices

Adjust TV volume
Before you select a device as a source, switch the
device on.

Select a device from the source list

1 Press SOURCE.
» The source list appears.
2 Press to select a device. 3 Press OK to conrm your choice.
» The TV switches to the selected
Press +/- on the remote control.
Press +/- on the TV.
For xxPFL5xx6 and xxPFL4xx6
For xxPFL3xx6
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To mute or unmute sound
Press to mute the sound.
again to restore the sound.
5 Use more of
your TV
Access TV menus
Menus help you to install channels, change picture and sound settings and access other features.
1 Press .
The menu screen appears.
3 Follow the onscreen instructions to add
the device to the home menu.
» The device is displayed in the home
4 To watch the device, switch it on, then
select it in the home menu.
5 You can also select the device with the
source button (see 'Select a device from the source list' on page 12).
Rename devices from the home menu
After you add a new device to the home menu, you can rename it to your preference.
The device name can be up to 16 characters long.
2 Select one of the following, then press OK.
[Watch TV]: If a source other than antenna is selected, switch back to the antenna source
[Programme guide]: Access the electronic program guide.
[Browse USB]: If a USB device is connected, access the content browser.
[Scenea]: Switch on Scenea wallpaper.
[Add new device]: Add new devices to
the home menu.
[Setup]: Access menus to change picture, sound and other settings.
[Help]: Access the TV tour.
3 Press to exit.
Add device to the home menu
After you connect a device, add it to the home menu.
1 Press . 2 Select [Add new device].
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1 Press . 2 Select a device to rename. 3 Press OPTIONS.
» The options menu appears.
4 Select [Rename device], then press OK. 5 To display the text input box, press OK. 6 For each character, select a character, then
press OK.
To select uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or symbols: In the row below the space key, select the respective key, then press OK.
7 When complete, select [Done], then press
» The text input box closes.
8 In the rename device menu, select [Done],
then press OK.
+ 32 hidden pages