Philips 30DV693R37A, 30DV693R Directions For Use Manual

Directions for Use
3121 235 21132
Once your PHILIPS purchase is registered, you're eligible to receive all the privileges
of owning a PHILIPS product. So complete and return the Warranty Registration
Card enclosed with your purchase at once. And take advantage of these important benefits.
Congratulations on your purchase, and welcome to the "family!"
Dear PHILIPS product owner:
Thank you for your cm_dence in PHILIPS.You've selected one of the best-built, best-backed products available today. And we'll do everything in our power to keep you I_ppy with your purchase for many years to come.
As a member of the PHILIPS"family," you're entitled to protection by one of the most comprehensive war-
ranties and outstanding service networks in the industry.
What's more, your purchase guarantees you'll receive allthe information and special offers for which you quali= fy, plus easyaccessto accessories from our convenient home shopping network.
And most importantly you can count on our uncompromising commitment to your total satisfaction. All of this is our way of sayingwelcome-and thanks for investing in a PHILIPSproduct.
Lawrence J. Blanford President and Chief Executive Officer
P.S. Remember, to get the most from your
PHILIPS product, you must return your
Warranty Registration Card within I0
days.So please mail it to us right now!
Know these
_k ,This "bole of lightning" indicates uninsulated material within your uniCmay cause an elec-
Criealshock. For the safetY/of everyone in your household, please do noCremove product cov-
e"The "to_clarnadon point' calls attention co features for which you should read the enclosed I(teraturo closely co prevent operating and ma(ntenance problems.
CAU7ON: "Toprevent electric shock,match wide bladeof plug co w_deslot_andfully insert= A'--EN'-ION: Pour 6viter leachocs _lectriques, introduire la lame la plus largede lafiche dans
la borne correspondante de la prrsec_ pousser jusqu'aufond.
Read before operating equipment
1. Read these insmtctiuns.
2. Kanp these instructions.
3. Hc_xl all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use this apparatus near watur.
6. Clean only with a dry cleft1.
7. Do not block any of"the vantilation openings. Install in accordance with the ManUfanturc*s instructions.
8. Do not ingall near any heat souraas sunh as radiators, heat regis- tc_, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplificra) that produc_
9. IX_ not defeat the safety purpose, of the polarized or grounding- type plug. A pal arir_d plug has two blades with one wider than the othur. A grounding type plug has two blades and third ground- ing prong. The wide blade or third prong am grovided for your
s_fety. When the providexl plug deas not fit into your outlet, tun- suit an electrician for replaceMant of the obsolete outlet.
10, Protnct the power cord fraM being walkcxl on or pinchad particu-
larly at plugs, cunveniance rc_:_p_clas, and the point whom the)" exit froM tim apparatus.
11. arcachMantsiaccassuries specificxl by file manufacturer. 12, _ Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table
_ specified by the ManUfanturar, or sold with file app-
,_._ aratus. When uscxl, use caution when MOVing
the cartgapparatus combmatlon to avoid mjury froM tip-over.
13, Unplug*his apparatus during lightning storms or when unu_xl for
long pariods of"time,
14, Refer all servicingtoqualificxlscevicepe_unnel. Sca_,icingis
rcquirad when the apparatus has been damagcxl in any way, such
as pewar-supply cord or plug is damagcxl, liquid has been Sl_illcxl
or objects have fallen into apparatus, the apparatus has been expe_xl to rain or Moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
15, q-his groduct May contain lead and mercury. Disposal of"these
matarials May be ret,ntlatcxl due to anvironmental c*_nsideratiuns. For disposal or racycling informatiun, please contant your local
authuritias or the Elec_unic Industrias Alliance:
lg, IIlmmge Requlri_g Servlee - The applianc_ should be serviocxl
by qualificxl _r_fic_ parsotmc] when: A, "[he pewar supply cord or the pfag has be_ damagcxl; or
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has beta spilled into tim appli-
atlce; or
C, The appliance has be_n expo_xl to rain; or
II, The appliance deas not appear to operate normally or
c_libits a marked change in pcrforrnanc_; or
I_. The appliance has be,an dropped, or tim cnclosura damagcxl.
1% "Hit"Stability - All telcMsions must comply wifll rc_:xmunended
international global s_fety standards for the and stability propartias of its cabinet design.
Do not C*_MgrOMiSethese design standards by applying exces- sive pull forc_ to the front, or top, of"the cabinet which could ulti-
mately overturn the groduct.
Also, do not endanger yourselL or childran, by placing olc_:,t'ran- ic cquipMantiloys on the top of the cabinet. Such itnMs could unsuspectingly fall from the top of the set and cause groduct dam-
age and/or personal injury.
18, Wall or Ce'lling Motmling - The appliance shouid be mounted to
a wall or ceiling only as rc_:xmunended by the Manufacturcx.
19, Power Linas - An outdour antutma should be locatcxl away from
power lines.
20, Outtloor Amenna Groundlng - If an outside antenna is connect-
CAtO the reCC/lVar,be sure the antetma system is grounded so as to grovide some Irrotuction againg voltage surges and built up static charges.
Sc*:,tiun810 of the National Electric Code, ANSIiNFPA No. 70- 1984, grovides infunmatiun with respe_:,tto proper grounding of
the Mast and supporting stractam, grounding of the lead-in wira to
an antutma discharge lmit, sirz of grounding connc*:,tors, location of antenna-discharge unit, cx_nnection to grounding elec_odes, and raquirements for the grounding elec_ode. San Figttra below.
21, Ollject arid Liquid Enlry - Care shouid be taken so that objects
do not fall and liquids ara not S!glllcxlinto the enclosure through openings.
22, BatEery Usage CAU FtON - To prcxent battery leakage that may
result in bodily injury, property damage, or damage to the unit:
lilgall all batt_as correctly, with -_and - aligned as Marked on the lmit.
Do not mix battcNas (old and new or carbon and alkaline, etc.).
ReMove battarias when the unit is not or_d for a long time.
Note to the CATV system insr.aJle_ This reminder is provided to call the CATV s)_tem installer'sattention to Article 820-40 o_ the NEC that provides guidelines _or proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system oi the
bui ding, as c ose to the point o_ cabe entry as pracCica.
Example of Antenna Grounding as per NEC - National Electric Code
SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS- Readbeforeoperatingequipment
Safety Precautions
Warning: To preve_lt tim or shty& h_zmJ, do not ex'tx_ tilis e_leSp-
Tt_e__ rain or rnoistttTe. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Wat_'mg: Any
unauthc_lzed changes or modifications to ttfis equipment wild the user's autilority m operate it.
Laser Safety
T_fis urfit emp]oys a laser. Orfly a qu_flified service person should remove the cover or attempt k_ service, ti6s device, due tx_lx)sdlble eye htjary.
Special Information for Canadian Users This digital apparatus does not exceed fire Class B ]irtfits for radio noise errfissiona fram digital apparatus as set out in fire Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Dept_tment of
Cornmunicatkms. Radlo?l%' Interference
This eqaipnlent [_ been t_s_ed *rodfimnd _x_ccm_ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, per_aJant to P*_ 15 of tire FCC Rttle& These lit nits are designed m Irrovide reasonable im_tec'tion against htuanfttl intertimence in a m_idential installation. This ezluipment gezter- t_.s, u_s, attd can r*_vle radio fiXXleenW er_a'gy and. if m_t inst*dled and met in ,axx_rdance with the instructions, may c*_tse ht_nfal inter-
f_ rK_, _) r[atio O.glCt[nllili **_lI_iolls, However, tlr_ is no glJ/_',iitt_ that
tnteffexer_cewi]l not oc,cxtrin a particaflariltstal]tOon,ff tiffsexluipment
dees c*_se ht_nfal inteaff'exer_cem _tio or television reeeption, which can be deternlk_d by tLmTingthe e_gtipnle_tt offand on, the user is
erra_tteagedto try to cxmec¢tile in_ztce by one or mcrreof tile fol- lowing llleasureN:
1) RerMent or rek_te the receiving anteaanL
2) Increase the separation between the exluipment and the receiver.
3) C*mneet fire equitm_ent into tat outlet on a circuit different fi_ml that m wldch the r_deiv_r is Collnec_.!.
4) Ctmsult the dealer or *to experieeced radioilW teehnician for help.
To reduce the rink of tire or electric shock, de not exp<xse tifia appli- tlnce R) _di_tor _tK)ia_re.
CAUTION Use of conmfls or adjustments or peffonnanee of pmcedores other
titan berein may resttit ht ht_ardous radiation exposure. The set complies with tire FCC-Rules, Part 15 and with 21 CFR
Copyright Protection Urmuth(nized copying, br_.mdeasting,public tx_'(mltance and lending
of Di_ *u'eprahibited. T_fisproduct incorporates copyright wotection technology fltat is
protected by methc,d claims of cerm'm U.S. patents and otlrer httel- lec_N property fights owned by Maca_wision Corporation and
other rights owners. Use,of this _x_pyfightprotection technok_gy must be ,_tit(aizM by
Mac_wision Corpt_ion and is inteztded for home atd ofi_erlimited viewing _ orfly un]ess otlwerwiseauth(rrized by Mac_viakm
Coqxmation. Reverse. eitgilteering or di_bly ia prohibited. DecOration of Conformi;y
Trade, Name: Pldlips ReslX_'lble Party: Phflips CortautwerElectronics N(_h Arwerica
P.O. Box 14810 Knoxvtile, TN 37914-1810
(865) 521--4316
Tiffsrefit e_ploys a ]a_. Dae to pessible
eye kljtn3r, only a qtlalified sen'vice person
should re,trove rite cover or atte_r_pfto serv- ice this de:vice.
LASER Type InGalpiA]GaAs
Wave lezlg_l 650 r_l (DVD)
790 m_ (VCDfl2D)
Output Power 7 roW (DVD)
7 mW (VCD/CD)
Be_ar_divergenco 28-o(DVD)
__ The region code fur
this set is ALl, or 1, DVDs *trustbe labeled
for ALL regions or for Region 1 in order to plW on fltis TV/DVD PIwer. You call
not p]ay Discs flint are ]abe]ed for other regions. Look for file sNnbe]s abeve on your DVDs. It"fllese region sNnbe]s do
not appear on your DVDs, you ctm not p]ay the DVD in rids TViDVD Player.
This woduct incorlx_rates copyright Womc- tion technology that is Fmtected by me,thod chfims of oe:rtain U.S. patents _md oflte¢ intel]ectttal prape:rty fights owned by Macrovision C_r-lxmfflon and other fights owners. Use of this copyright protection teclmolog2# rottst be autherized by Macrovision C*wpomfion, _ald is intended for ho*rm altd other ]i,tilted viewing uses only tmless ofllerwise autheri_zd by Macmvision C_rporafion. Rmrerse engi- neering or dis_sserobly is p_lfibited.
. .., , - . r
Welcome!Registration of Yottr _ ...................... 2
S_ety 51structions ................................ 3-4
Table of Contents ................................... 5
Features .......................................... 6
Disc Types trod Disc Cletming ........................ 6
_ Install Menu
How to use the La_lg,_tageCk_ntrol............... 7
How to use the Tlmer Mode (kmm_l ................... 8
How to Automatically Program ('htuntels ................ 9
How to Add or Delete C_annels ...................... 10
_ Picture Menu
_icture Adjustn,ent O.,nm, ls ...... 11
_ Sound Menu
How to Use the Sound Adjustment Controls ...... 12
_Features Menu ,
How use s................. 13
How to Use the Rotafum Control ..................... ]4
Using file Format Ckmtrol ........................... ]5
Uederstanding file AumlmckT_Z Controls ............... 16
Setting up the AutoLock TM Access 12k_de................ 17
How to Block Chmnlels ............................. 18
How to Clear All Blocked Channels at file Sane Time .... 19
How to Block All Channels at file Same Time .........
Blocking Programming Based on Movie Ratings .......
Blocking Progralmning Based on TV Ratings .........
Oilier Autolmck TM Blocking Options ................
How to Use the Active (kmtrol .....................
.23 .24
_ Remote Control Use
Setting file Sleeptimer ConSul ................ 25
How to use the Closed Captioning Conrail .............. 26
Setting the Sma_Picture TM Conm_] .................... 27
Setting the SmartSound TM (kmm_] .................... 28
Using file QuadraSurf TM Butt_ns (Alternate Channel)...29-30
_ Ooerating the DVD Player
Operating fire DVD Player - Basic Operation ...... 31
DVD Remote Conrail Button Descriptions .............. 32
Menu Bar Operation ................................ 33
Setup Menu
La_lgttage (Default AtMio, Default Sub4itle) ............ 34
TV (TVSystem) .................................. 35
Audio Menu (Digital Output) ....................... 36
Features (PBC -Play Back Control) ................... 37
Access (Parental Level, Change PIN, Disc Lock) ........ 38
Preference Menu
Sound (Night Mode) .............................. 39
Features (Help Line, Stat_s Window) ................. 40
Play Option (Disc Navigation, Audio, Sub4itle) ......... 41
Slide Show (Pic Time, Tram" Time, Trans Effect) ........ 42
View (Angle, Zoom, Chapter Review, Rotate) ........... 43
Search (Time, Fast, Slow, Frame by Fr_e) ............ 44
Progn_n (Program, Tracks, Play List, Clear All) ........ 45
Remo_ (kmm_l Feattves
Audio Button .................................... 46
Sub-title Bu_m .................................. 47
Repeat Button .................................... 48
Repeat A-B Button ................................ 48
Bookmark DVD ................................... 49
Audio 12'2)Playbtv& ................................ 50
General Information
Troubleshooting Tips ......................... 5l
Cleaning and Care ................................. 51
Glossary of Terms ................................. 52
Index ............................................ 53
Factory Service Location ......................... 54-55
Wammty ......................................... 56
Adive ControV Mcontinuously measures arul corrects all
klconlklg signals to help provide the best picture quality, This t'eature menitors _id correets both the shiffpness control arul
noise rextuctien contrail, Audio/Vide*) Jack Pand aJlows direx'_ connex'_ons with acees-
so_' devices, providing quali D, TV picatre arid seulld playback. Audio Volume Leveler (AVL) Control keeps the TV setmd at
ari even level. Peaks arid valleys in volmne tbet occar during prograra chariges or connne_i_ breaks are reduced, making tbr
a more censistent, c(_lq_(_table seu_d,
AutoL_.rkTM allows you to bkxJk tim viewing of eertaki chari-
nels or programs with eertaki ratings ff you do not warityeur children to view inapIm_pdate matedMs.
Auto Pr_grarmning _aris (when *_vated) tbr all awfilable c_amels _ma regular argenna or cable si,g'atls aridst_*resonly active bmadeast stzaJonsin the TV's merrlo_',
AutoPieture TM allews you to charige the picatre _ttings (coloL tint, contrast, etc.) tbr vadeus types of lmWar*mahig, such as
sp_nts, movies, nmltkrledia (garrles),or weak sigglMswith tim push of one button.
AutoSotmd TM allows you to sel_t them three fhc_tny-_t con-
trols arid a personal control flra you _t according to your oval
preferences thmuNithe en-_rean Sound menu. The three thc-
to_,-set cenmfls 0ioiee, Music, arid Theatre) enable you to t_- lot the TV _und so as to enhara'e tim particular pmgnmamkig you are watching.
Channel Fxlit allews you to add or delete charmels _ma the fist st_*redk1the TV's memory. Oamnel Edit makes it easy to
limit or exparid the ntnnber of charmels flintare awdlable to you when you press the Charmel (+) or (-) burros on your remote
Closed Captioning allows the viewer to rea_! TV grograra dia- logce or voice cenversafiens as on-scxeen text,
Contrast + helps you sharpen the picatre quality by maldng derk porfiens of the picatre &trker arid light porfiens brighter.
Infrared Remote Control controls yeur TV mid the built in
DVD pktyer. On-screan Menu shows helpfal messages arid kistntctkms tbr
settthg TV fea_tre controls (cmi be viewed in English, French, or Sparfi_0.
Sleep Timer automatically turns tim TV OFF aRer a set amount of time ttwt you ciua)_,
Standard Broadcast (VIiD_HF) or Cable TV (CATV) enamel capabili_, allews Nr viewing _, aritemar or cable.
Stereo capability, including a built-k1 audie arnpfifier arid twin- speaker system, allews tbr tim receNkm of TV gmgrarns bmM-
east in stereo sotmd. Surf Button 'allows you to eesily switch arnong only the chan-
nels tha rye of interest to yeu (the enes _ag[ you have pro- grar*mred into the TV's Sun" ceatrol thmuNi the ea-_men
Timer tfllows you to set your TV to turn itself ON arid OFF
once or &tily like ari alarm clock,
r . n N "
IIVD Player pktys D di_s, ¥_deo CDs, Audio CDs, Photo CDs, etc. Creatte Favorite Track Prograras arid store them in file TViD_TI Players memory.
Playable Disc Types
This DVD Player will play Digital Video Discs (DVDs), Audio CDs, CD-Rs and CD-RW discs. In order to play a DVD or Audio CD on this DVD Player, make sam the Disc meets rite require- ments for fire Regkm Code its described on page 4.
Tbe Discs should contain the loges shown below and meet rite stmtdards listed for each.
DI*¢ DI*¢
T_e Logo Concent* Segment*
Digit_ I gaued
VTdeo and
CD n_r_m
[_is_ Size Playback TI me
12cm (_iv#e_id_:)
App"J_. _ _our_
(dr. bl_sid_d_
8 ¢1_
(do. blt_idefl_
74 miens
DVD_ are
divilt_d into Ttl_,
whirl" a"_ d vi_d
20 rain _'$
SO011d Viceo CDs
_jld di_'iced rL_ T_;I_
Pi_r_ 8 cm
(_ing[_ I 20 mil_
and 12cn_ 74 I_ie_tl_
_d into r. ml_
Some problems oocttr because the disc inside the player is dirty. To avoid fltese problems clean your discs regularly, in the following
When a disc becomes dirt),, clean it with a C2) cleaning cloth.
Wipe the disc from the center out.
Caution: Do not use solvents such as benzine, thinner, eommer-
claily available cleaners, or anti-statle spray intended for analog
Your new television and its packing con'rainmaterials that can be recycled arid reused. Specialized comparfies can recycle your pr_x!-
uct to increase fire amount of reusable matefitfls and minimize the amounts that *teed to be gmperly disposed.
Your product 'also uses batteries that should *totbe thrown away when depleted, but should be handed in and disposed of as smtdl chemical wttste.
Wben you replace your existing equipment, please find out abeut the local regulations regarding disposal of your old television, batteries, and packing materials.
Auto Loc_, Auto l_clm'_._,Auto Sound, Actlv¢ Conll'ot, QuadraSu_f
all registered l_ema_k_ of P_ps Consttmer F_ecttt_c_ CompaW.
Copyright © 9J&Y2 All fights _serv_d.
F_Ir our Spanish speaking TV owners an on-
creen LANGUAGE option ispresent,,, With the LANGUAGE control you can set the TI_s on-screen menu to be stu_wn in either English,
Spanish or French,
Press the MENU buttott on the
reirlo_ to show the on-screen ltleltu.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to scroll fltmugh the olt-screee
menu tutti] the word INSTALL is hJg[flighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display the INSTALL meeu features. LANGUAGE wi]l be, hig[flighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT butloit
repeatedly to select ENGLISH, ESPAli_OL (Spanish), or FRANCIAS
Wheit fiitished, press rite SYSTEMMENU (OSD) button to remove the
lilerlu from the 'I_r's scre,eit.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii@i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
The Lmtguage colttml oldy makes the TNr's
on-screen MENU items appear in Eltgfish
or SpaltJsh _xL
It does not change the other on-screen text features such as Closed Captiolt (CC) TV
%0 0 ®
0000 O@
o Siritor_ia o AJJtePrograma
o FJ:ilarC,aml
Tche TUNER MODE control allows you to
hange the 77,,s signal input to either
important fbr the 77I to know what type Of signal to look fbr. (From a Cable TV signal or a narmal Antenna signal,) In the AUTO nu_de, when the Affl'O PROGRAM feature is" activated, the TV will automatically choose
the correct mode.
3 4
Press the MENU buttott on the
remo_ to show the on-screen ltleltu.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to sc_)ll fltraugh the olt-screelt
menu until the word INSTALL is hJgtflighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to display the INSTALL melm t?a-
Press CURSOR UP or DO$_'q but- tons to sc_)ll file Install features tmdl
the words TUNER MODE is high- lighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT buttoit to select either ANTENNA, CABLE,
or AUTO mode.
Whett fittished, press fl)e SYSTEM MENU (OSD) button to remove the on-screeit menu froTtl file TV's screen.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii@i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
When CABLE is selec_d, channels 1-125 areavailable.
When ANTENNA is selected, channels 2- 69 are available.
When AUTO ls selected, the T%z will auto- maticaUy set itself to fire correct mode
based oil tile type of signal it detects when the AUTO PROGRAM feature is activated.
':8;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_g-_ _ _*m
oo°,o_ \
- ]
[ Ir_'Iall ]
o Lart_age English
o AI;!O Program
o Gl_anr_lErJt
o L,_l_lage Enqlish
o C_r_@l EeJl
o Lai_g_k_le Enqlish
[ ,7 I-unor"_':_e _ N
o ,_Io Pr_ram
o C_i_nel EeJl
Four TV can automaticall), set itself lbr
J[ local area (or Cable I-1,) channels. This makes it eas3' lbr you to select only the TV stations in your area when the CHANNEL (+), (-) buttons are pressed.
Note: Make sure the antenna or cable signal connection has been completed bejbre AUTO PROGRAM is activated.
3 4
Press the MENU button on the remote, to show the on-screen ltleltu.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to scax_]lfllmugh the orl-sc_eerl
menu until the word INSTALL is ldgtflighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to display the INSTALL menu t?a-
Press CURSOR UP or DOWN but- tons to scroll file Install features trod] the words AUTO PROGRAM are
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to start fire Aut_ Pragram scanning of
chamtels. Auto Progxammhtg will store
tdl available channels in fire T_;'s
lIlelnOl_i thell _lile to file lowest avail-
able chmnte] when done.
When finished, press rite SYSTEMMENU (OSD) button to remove the
lilenu from the T_;'S _creeit.
When CABLE is selected, channels l- 125 areavailable.
When ANTENNA is selected, channels 2- 69 are available.
When AUTO is selected, the T_; will auto- maticaUy set itself to file correct mode based on the type of signtd it detects when
fire AUTO PROGRAM t?ature is activated.
_ra _as_
o F_r&lre_ Plo_re o Irls_ll Shallsrtes_
Tin1: MOIS...
o ISr_l_ L_flt_ o _r_d il_r
o F_a_ara_ &_) Pregram
o La_kege
o _r_r Mode
o Cl_aaaelEdR
o Great.el 12
© 0000000000000@00000000
[A_to Program
o Ohanr_ 13
0 o000<,00000000000000000
o _an_el 14
0 0©000000©0000000000000
Channel Edit makes it easyfi_r you to ADD
or DELETE channels fiz_m the list of
channels stored in the TV's menu_ty.
Press the MENU button on the
relno_ to s_rlow the on-screen TtleltU.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons to sc_fll fltrough the on-screen
menu until the word INSTALI, is higtflighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display the INSTALL menu fea- t_wes.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWNbuttons to sca_fllfile Install features until ritewords CHANNEL EDIT are
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display the CHANNEL EDIT optkms.
With the CHANNEL EDIT options displayed, and CHANNEL NO. high- llgh_d; enter file channel number (wiflt
the NUMBERED or the CH + or -
buttons) you wish to add (Skipped OFF), or delete (Skipped ON) fram the
_V'_S li:leli:lory.
Using the CURSOR DOWN button,scroll rite menu to high]ight rite word
Now use the CURSOR RIGHT but- ton to toggle between ON or OFF,
If ON is selected rite chmnte] ls
skipped when scrolling channels with the CY-I+ or - buttons. If OFF is
selected the channel ls not skipped when scrolling channels with file CH +
or - buttons,
When finished, press file SYSTEM
MENU (OSD) button to _emove rite Ttlen_sfraln the T%r'S s*._reelt.
_nor _ S_
o AutoPregram
_ Chan_l N_. _2
ICl_an_l ErJ_
[_s_moa oe
To adjust your T_"p_ctum controls, select a
I channel and/bllow the steps shown below:
Press the MENU button on fire remote k_ display the on-scaeen menu.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN buttons tutfil rite word PICTURE is
highlighted. Press the CURSOR RIGHT button t_)
display the PICTURE menu fe,amres.
Press CURSOR UP or DOWN but-
tons _.__l] the Pic_tre features and high]ight fire conrail yott wish to ad'yast
(Bright_tess, O._]€._r,Pic_ttre, Sharpness, Tint, Color Temp., DNR, or Contrast +).
Press the CURSOR RIGHT or theCURSOR LEFT buttons m adjust fire
_lecte, d ¢xmtrol or to make _le_ions tbr the choselt conO'o].
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWNbuttons m select and adjust other Pic'tttm _,_ntt ¢xmtrols.
$_len finished, press file SYSTEMMENU (OSD) button m remove rite ltleltU frr.)ltl the TV's sc'reelt.
BRIGHTNESS: Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons tut_il darkest parts of fire pic'ttt_
are, as bright as you paperer.
_: Press the Cursor Right or Left
buttons _) add or eliminate e_flor, P_: Pr¢_ the Cursor Right or I,eR
buttons mtfil ]igh_st parts of file pickle show g_gx!detail.
SHARPNESS: Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons _) improve detail in fire pic_mre.
TINT: Press the Cursor Right or Lea _.t- tons R_obtain natttml skin tones.
COLOR TFA|P: Press the Cursor Right or Left buttons m sele_ NOR3,LA_L,COOL, or WARM pic_tre pre_erenoes. (NORMAL will keep the whites, white,; COOL will make firewhites, bluish; mtd WARM wi]l make the whites, reddish.)
DNR: Press the Cursor Right or Left but- tons m 0ant DNR ON or OFF. D3atamic
Noise Reduction helps k_eliminate '!noise"
ti_rn the picture,. CONTRAST +: Press the Cursor Right or
LeR bl_ttons m rant C_)nm_st+ ON or OFF.
When ON, fltisc_mtm] will optirniT_ the pic-
ture contrast for improved picture clarity.
o _Dr_ N¢TJre
Di iLnos
Pi lure
Di 9 iLncss
4 ,===,_e==== ,_0
Pic .u
Bli 9 ihlcss
Pic .u
Bli 9 ihlcss CI
Pic0 I
B igl Inss Coot
Pictu o
_1 tl pllpSs
Ti it
Pictu o
BrighLr css (_]Ol
Pic .u
%h_lp iss
i _DNR Or_
Pith c
Briqhb s (_lol
Pic die
Besides the noratal vohane level control,
your TV also has Treble, Bass, Balance,
AVL (automatic volume leveler), Incr.
Surround, Ultra Bass, SAP, and Sound (Stemo/Mono) controls.
Press the MENU button on file remote to display fl_e on-screen melm,
Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR DOWN button tmtil the word SOUND
is _figldighted. Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display the SOUND menu features. Press the CURSOR UP or CURSOR
DOWN butLon to sc_fl] the Somtd menu featares until fire control you ,Msh
k_chmtge is hJg_flighted (Treble_ Baas_ Balance_ AVL_Incr. SurT_und_ Ultra
Bass, SAP, or Sound ).
S Press the CURSOR RIGHT orLEFT button to tam the adjust or mm
the control On or Off'.
When finished, press rite SYSTEM
MENU (OSD) button to remove fire Ttlenu from the T_r's s_r_,elt.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
TRF_LE: Press the Cut,jr Right or l.dt buttons to az_justthe control. The control will
eI_umcethe hi#i t?equen%w_t_ds.
_: Press the Cursor Right or 1.eftbut-
tons to _ljust the control. The control will e_umce the low t_quenc3r _tmds,
_: Press the Cursor Right or Left
buttons to 'adjustthe level or"_tmd coming ti_nnthe left _d ri_It speakers.
AVL: (Auk_VoltmaeLeveler) Press the Cursor Right or l.dt buttons to tufa the con-
trol On t_rOff._rhen Ori, AWLwill level out the
seinedbe'rag hea_ when gaddea changes in vol-
_rle oc¢_trduring c_mmercdal bre_Nsor ch_mnel
ch_mges. INCR. SURROUND: Press the Cursor Right
or Left buttons to _lexrt between lncx, Sure,mid or Stereo ,settings{IfS_), or _l_t
SI_aialor Mone (It Meno), I;LTRA BASS: Press the Cursor Right or
1.eft buttons ta turn Ultra BassOn _*rOff. Ultra Bass will enhance the lew tiequent3r semid.
SAP: Pre_ the Cursor Right of 1.eft buttons to turnSAP (Secen&_y Audio Program)Oa or
Off_If the charmel ttmed is aot broedcasth_ga SAP si_ral, '5get Available" will appear as the option when OrI is _le4_cl.
_: Press the Cursor Right or 1.eftbut-
tons to sel_ between Stereo _r Mono _ttings.
Note: _" S_ is not [Jre_llt OIIa selecteAshow
and the TV is placed kIthe Stereo m_e, the seinedc_m_kIgthn_ _ie 'IW will remain in the
Meno mode,
o U'0a_
_TIe Timer controls allow you to use your
as an alarm clock if set to turn itself on and off at a specific time. It also can be set to tune to a specific channel at a specific
Press the MENU button on theremote to display file on-screen menu.
Press the CURSOR DOWN buttonuntil fireword FEATURES is high-
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button R_display fire FEAT(IRES menu options. TIMER will be highlighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to shift the menu to fire left and enter the TD,IER control options.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWNbutton to select *aidhighlight one of the TD,IER Controls. Choose from
Press the CURSOR LEFT or
RIGHT button to start the control
adjustnlents. Use the buttons described
in the defildtions below m finish the
"l?IMl{: Enter the c,urrcnt tirnc with the nlunbere_l buttons. Use the Cursor Right
blttton to move to the AMiPM area and ltsc Nc Cursor Le_ or Right buttons to toggle
__¢I ur PM,
StARt rIME: Use the nurnbc-rc_l buttons
to cater a start-ltp time for the TV to turn on or to ttmc a spcg-tfic channel.
StOP "I3MI{: Use the nmnbcrcd buttons to
cater a time for the TV to shut ik,_',_ off.
CHANNEL: Use the Cursor Lctl or Right
buttons to select a specific channel AV Input, or DVD for the TV to ttmc to at thc
spe£ific Start Time. If a DVD is playing,
the control can be, set to Bookmark DVD, If"Bookmark DVD is scaantcd the playback
of the DVD in the spot it was Ix_okmarkc_l will resume when the TV powers Jk,_,_on.
Please rofur to the Bookmark DVD section of this manual fur morc derailed kistrac-
tions (please refer to page 49). AC'I?IVA rE: Set thc Timc'r to groform i*'s
func_on ONCE or DAILY. I)[SPLAY: Set to ON or 01313,When ON,
the time will be, displaycxl ALL the time the TV i_ ON. When OFF, the fimc will only
appear whan the SYSTEM MENU (OSD)
button is grcsscd.
When finished, press the SYSTEM
MENU (OSD) button to remove fire Ttlenu from the T_r's screeli.
o S¢_nd Color
O F_Jd ri_ P_L¢0.1_
o IrkSl_cJl
[ - 1
o Agt-.,_l_
9 Channel
[ - 1
-- o $_riTin3e
[¢CYa_I NO , 10
o Oi_pia_
o $_riTin3e o $_ Tr_e
o Ch_nnenqo o _m_,_die
in rare cases the video supplied to the TV
screen might show slightly tilted one way or atu_thet; The Tilt Adjust control will allow you to correct the problem by adjusting the screen
in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction,
2 3
Press file MENU button olt the remote contm] to show fire on-screelt menu.
Press file CURSOR DOWN twice m
highlight FEATURES.
Press file CURSOR RIGHT and the menu wi]] shift to the ]eft.
Press file CURSOR DO$_rN repeated- ]y aodl fire ROTATION control is high-
]igh_d. Press the CURSOR RIGHT or LEFT
m rota_ the picture olt fire screelt clockwise or comt_r clockwise. Pletrve
note that file aItlollrlt of rotafiolt will be
very rrfildrnN.
Press file STATUS/EXIT buttott toVe,TtlOVefile TlleIlU tToIn the SCTeAgn.
o $¢_nd Co1¢€
o Fs_fJ.:r_ Fr_lm
o In._l 8lerOne_
M;nY times while watching movies from a
_'D player the intage is shown in
"letter box" ]brmat. This"is the ]brmat that is
shown in movie theaters', When shown on a TV screen, the image will have areas of black on
top and bottom of the screen. The FORMAT Cbntrol can help to display the image as close as possible to its"original aspect ratio,
Press the MENU button on rite remote to display the on-scween menu.
Press the CURSOR DOWN button until fire word FEATURES is high-
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button mdisp]ay rite FEATURES menu options
(Timer, Aut_Lc_ck, F(_naL or Active Ccmmfl).
Press the CURSOR DOWN button tutti]rite word FORMAT is tfigtflighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT or CUR-
SOR LEFT buttons m select one of
the fltree options 4:3, Zx_om 14:9,
Zoom 16:9, Subtitle Zoom, Super Zoom, or Wide,sc_re,en. (There is alsc_an
AUTO setting that wil] use the format the is encoded on DVD discs.)
When finished, press file SYSTEMMENU (OSD) button to remove rite
menu from the T_;'S S_._,elt.
The Expand 4:3 fcmnatcmt *dsc_be, *_c_l- vatex!using the FORMAT [t_ button
when the onsca_e,en menu ]s not beJng displayed. Pressing ttfis but_m wi]l rag. g]e the standard 4:3 fc_nat, file Expand 4:3 fc_nat, or Comwess 16:9 fc_nat.
0000 0
4:_, I I¢FORMAT zoomt4:9, I [_F0_MAT zoom i,:9,]
Tehe AutoLock _r_lleature is an integrat-
d circuit that receives and processes data sent by broadcasters, or other pro- gram providers, that contain program con- tent advisories. When programmed _v the viewer, a TV with AutoLock _r'lcan respond to the content aAvisories and block pro- gram content that may befimnd objection- able (such as"offensive language, violence, sexual situations, eto.), This is a great lea- ture to censor the type of viewing children may watch.
o Pa
o P_ 18 OFf
iTVR_Jng A
i,_wv On
oIvY'Z oIva oIvPG
Over the next few pages" you'll learn how to block channels and certain rated pro- drumming. Below is a brief explanation of some terms and ratings you will jitM in the
AuloLoek fealure,
AutoI,ock TM offers various BLOCKING controls from which to choose:
Access Code: Azl Access (k_de must be set
to g_event children fi_nn tmblocking ques- tionable pmgramrning.
Channel Block: Individual chmtne]s including the AA: inputs can be blocked.
Clear All: Allows you clear al] channels being blocked from your viewing set with
file Channel Block Control.
Block All: Allows you to block ALL chan- nels and A/Winputs at one time.
Movie Ratings: Block programming b_rsedon ratings patterned by the Motion
Picture,s Asscx:iation of America. TV Ratings: Block programming based
on standard TV ratings set by TV broad-
To learn more about the Motion Picture Ratings and fire TV Ratings, _efer to fire
definitions listed on the coltmms to fl_e right.
Press the SYSTEM MIEN[1 (OSD) but- ton twice to display the AotoLock
reGew screen. This scTeen shows what is actiwffed within the Autolmck settings.
NO Rang
G: General Audience - All ages admit- ted. Most parents would find this Wo- gram suitable for 'all ages. This type of programming con'tains little or no vio- lenoe, no strong ]ang_aage,and little or no sexual di',dogue or situations.
PG: Parental Guidance Suggested -
This progr_mmaingcontains muterkd th_a parents may find masuitablefor yomager children.) It may coot_finooe or more of the tbllowing: Moderate violence, s_mae sexual situations, hffrequent coarse l_m- garage,or scmle suggestive dialogue.
PG-13 : Pt_,nO_ Strongly Catai.oned-
This progrtmmfing contains muterkd thtff parents may find masuitable for diildren
reader the age of 13, It c_ontai!as one or more of the following: violence, sexu_ sit-
uatiens, coarse larigqtuge, or suggestive dialogue.
R: Resttleted -This is prograngning is
specifically desi_ied fbr adults, Anyone readerttie age of 17 should only view dais progr_,mmaingwith an ecc_ptmyk_g par- ent or _Iult guarditm. It contains one or more of the following: kitense violence, intense sexual situations, stroog coarse l_mguage,or intensely suggestive diNogue.
NC-17: No one, under the age of 17 will be admitted. - This type of progr_maing
should be viewed by adults only. It c_n- tains graphic violence, explicit sex, or crude indecent language.
X: Adults Only - This type of pmgnun- mhag contahas one or more of the follow- ing: ve_ gruphic violence, very gr_aphic arm explicit or indecent sexuN acts, very coarse _mdintensely suggestive l_mguage.
TV-Y - (All children -- This pro-
gram is designed to be appropriate
for all children.) Designed for a
very young audience, including children ages 2-6. This type of progr_,mmaingis not expected to frighten younger children.
TV-Y7 - (Directed to Older Children -- Thisprogram is
designed for children age 7 and
above,) It may be more appropriatefbr
children who have acquired the develop- merit skills needed to distingtti_ between make-believe _mdreality. This program-
ming may include mild tkntasy and c_maic violence (FV).
TV-G - (General Audience -- Most
parents would find this program
suitable for all ages,)'"This type of
progranmaing COll_drls lit[le Or no vie- lence, no stroog larigqtage,tad little or no
sexuM dialogue or sittuNens.
TV-PG - (Parental Guidance Suggested -- This ptvgram con-
tains material that parent_ _,
find unsuitable for younger children.) This
type of progrtmmaing contains one or more of the tbllowing: Moderate violence (V),
scmaesexual situatiens (S), kifYequent coarse hmguage (L), or s_e suggestive
diNogue (D).
TV-I4 - (Parents Strongly Cautioned -- This ptvgram con-
tains some material that many par-
ent_ would,find unsuitable for children
under t4 years _*fage,) This type of pro- gr*,mm_]ngcontains one or more of the fbl-
lowing: intense violence (V), intense sexu- al situufioos (S), strong coarse ltmguage
(L), or intensely suggestive di_flegue tD).
TV-MA - (mature Audience Only
-- This program i_specifically
designed to be viewed by adults
and therefore r,m'ybe unsuitable for chil- dren under 170 This type of pmgraumaing
contains one or more of the following: gr_aphicviolence (V), explicit sexual situa-
fioos (S), or crude indecent larigqtage(L),
Over the next lew pages you'll lea_ff how
to block channels and get a bet¢er under- standing O# the rating terms lbr certain pro- gra_ing,
First, le(s start by learning how to set a per- sonal access code:
Press the MENU bl_tton on die remote to display fire on-screen melm,
Press the CURSOR UPor DOWN button tutti] the word FEATURES is
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display the FEATURES menu optkms.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN
button ttufil fire words AUTOLOCK
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button.The screen will read, "ACCESS
CODE .... 2'
Using the NUMBERED buttons,
enter 0, 7, 1, 1. "XXXX" appears on
the Access Code screen as you press the numbered buttons.
"INCORRECT CODE': will appear
on rite screen, and you will need to enter 0, 7, 1, 1 again.
The screen will *_skyou to enter a "New Code." Enter a "new" 4 digit code using the NUMBERED buttons, The screen will then ask you m CON-
FIRM the ctxle you just entered. Enter yotlr new code again. "XXXX"
will appear when you enter yottr new c_tde and then display the AutoLock menu options.
Proceed to the next page to learn nu_re...
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii@i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Parents - it isn't txtsslble for your child to
ttublock a chmmel wiflmut klmwing yottr access code or changing it m a new one. If
your ctxle changes, and you didn't chmtge it, flten you kltow it's been altered by some-
one else and blocked chamtels have been
o _oun_
i - i
o 7ru6r
o P,z'b'_ _ nlr_l
o $1_r o7r1_1
e Rotat_n _'rs_e _'o_ro
0 _rr_
i v i
o_n t_ _'4zl_s
e g_rr_ o P,z'b_ _nlr_l
o 71_l_t
i " i
o _tarrl_
] '_"
i,_,t,x_ - i
o _._OJp OIxJo /INN, o _i AI tl it,
I/t, Me Fl_n_
AlLotthe i_i_kalAc_'_,s C¢_e has _ set, the c¢_e c_a be changed by u_mg _e Setup Cede Cmlrol
within A_loLock, "[beI_mCe_ v¢111follow _e
_ame steps a__scribed ca tl_s page.
i_ A [
After your personal access code has been
set (see previous page), you am now
ready to select the channels you want to block out or censor.
I Press the NUMBERED (or CH % -)
buttons m txmethe chamte] you wish to b]ock or censor.
Press the MENU button on the
l_eTllOt_ tO show _he Oll=S_'l*eell Tllenl_[.
Press flze CURSOR UP or DOWN
button until rite word FEATURES is
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to display fire FEATURES menu
Press flze CURSOR UP or DOWN
button tmdl rite words AutoLock are
Press flze CURSOR RIGHT button.
"ACCESS CODE'" wi]l appear on
fire screelt.
Enter the correct access code ttum-
bet. "XXXX" shows on the Access Ck_de display as you press the NUM-
BERED buttons. AutoLock menu
options wi]] be d_splayed.
Press flze CURSOR UP or DOWN
buttons tmfi] rite words BLOCK CHANNELS _re hig[flighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button
to mrn blocking ON or OFF for that
channel. When ON _sselected the channel will be blocked.
l0 ress flze CH + or - button to se]ect
otter channe]s you wish to b]ock. Repeat step 9 to b]ock the new chamte].
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
If you tmte m a Nocked channel and enter your Access Code m view file chamte], ALL b]ocked channels wil] be vJewable tmdl file
TV has been turned off. When rite T%r _s
powered back ON, the trmevk_usly blocked chamte]s will be blocked again.
i F_a_o_ A i
,w w
o C_r _] tl ,t ¸
I Enter your Access Code to
view a tuned channel that is
blocked with Block Chatmel.
After blocking speci/ic channels there may
come a time when you want to clear all
the channels so they can be viewed. The fi_l- lowing steps explain how to CLEAR ALL
blocked channels.
2 3 4 5
6 7
8 9
Press the MENU button on file relno_ to _how the on-screen TtleltU.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN button until the word FEATURES is
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to display the FEATURES menu
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN button until the words AutoImck are
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button,
Enter the correct access code nmn- |_r. "XXXX" shows on file Access
Ctnle display as you press the NUM-
BERED buttons. AutoLock menu options will be displayed.
Press the CURSOR UP or DOWN button until the words CLEAR ALL
are high]igh_d.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT button to clear MI blocked chmntels. The
Clear All option will read, "Cleared."
When finished, press file SYSTEM
MENU (OSD) button to remove file Ttlen_sfrom the T_r'S sG_,elt.
ff you tane m a blocked channel and enter your Access Ctxle to view the chamtel, ALL
blocked channels will be viewable until the TV is powered OFF and flten turned back
ON. "*_qtenthe TV is powered back ON, the previously blocked channels will be blocked again.
CLEAR ALL will not work wiflt the Movie and TV Rati_tgs. These options must be
reset individually.
o _d C_b_
o _IT_
o For_ o F.r.'N'_ _01
i - i
o FIt_'_n #_ _6
o A_vo Con_
[ v [
o_ p_rg
o _.F_I ill1
The Oear All option when activated
will unblock ALL Mocked channels. It
will not affect programming blocked
by the Movie or TV Rating options.
.... i
Or, enter your Access
Code to view a tuned
chaunel that is blocked
with Block Channel,
+ 43 hidden pages