Philips 255 User Manual [es]

Games - Jeux - Spiele
Giochi - Juegos -
The memory capacity of your mobile phone is shared among
several applications (organiser, games, directory, pictures,
this will impact the memory capacity of your mobile phone.
As such, you will not be able to create (names, events), or
download (images) as much data as specified in the user
Your m obile phone features a game engin e that allows
you to download games from the network and play
them directly on your phone. You may have the
opportunity to send your score to the network via a
SMS and participate to interactive contests.
This feature and all related issues (list of available
games, price, downloading conditions, rules, etc.)
depend on your subscription: please check with your
operator for all detailed information. You might be
asked to send an SMS for authentication the first time
you enter the Games menu.
Pressing and holding the
key will give you direct
access to the Games menu.
Warning! Network and subscription dependent!
A message will inform you if your network doesn’t
support the games engine and doesn’t allow you to
download other games in your phone. Nevertheless,
you will still fully benefit from the games that are
embedded in your phone.
Many games are available and can be downloaded
from the network.
The language used in each game depends on the server
from which the download is performed.
To download a game:
and select Games and
Applications or Extras > Games. The
welcome screen appears.
From the main menu, select Catalogue and
Follow the instructions appearing on the screen
and press
to confirm your choice. A
downloading screen will appear, asking you to
wait for the game to be retrieved.
To cancel the download, press and hold the
key (this will also hang up).
Warning! If you cancel the download of a game while
the transfer already took place, the previously
downloaded game will be erased.
Back to the main menu, select Settings to
configure the game settings (sound, vibrations,
backlight) and change your nickname if needed.
The usual phone settings will be restored when
quitting the Games menu.
When playing a game, its settings have priority over
your phone’s: i.e., the sounds of the game will be
played even if you activated the Silent option on your
mobile phone. To deactivate the game’s sounds, first
configure its settings before playing it.
Select the game of your choice, then select Play
and press
to play.
Hotkeys and Voice commands can be set to quickly
access the Games menu.
As soon as you play the game, menus and keys
change to fit each game: check the
Instructions when available to learn how to
A game is saved in your mobile phone until you
download another one that will replace it. When
willing to play a game previously downloaded,
simply select it in the Catalogue. When
downloading it for the second time, you will
only be charged for the communication, not for
the game itself, which you already paid for. You
can retrieve the previously downloaded
extensions by sending a SMS. To do so, select
Option, then Recover.
Incoming calls have priority over the game: when
receiving a call you can accept it or reject it. You go
back to the game when rejecting it. When accepting it,
your mobile phone automatically quits the game and
switches to call context.
Depending on the type of game you downloaded, you
might be prompted to send to the network some SMS
including your score, the level reached, etc. SMS are
charged at your operator’s charge rate.
Set and play
SMS interaction
Select Games and Applications or Extras >
Games > Instructions for detailed description of
this option.
You must have set your nickname in order to
participate to interactive contests.
La capacité mémoire de votre mobile est partagée entre
plusieurs applications (organiseur, jeux, répertoire,
images, etc). Lorsque votre mobile inclut une version
Jeux , cela impacte la mémoire de votre mobile. En
conséquence, vous ne pourrez pas créer (noms,
événements) ou télécharger (images) autant de
données que spécifié dans le manuel.
Votre téléphone mobile dispose d’un moteur de jeux
qui vous permet de télécharger des jeux à partir d’un
serveur, et d’y jouer directement sur votre téléphone
mobile. Dans certains cas, vous pourrez même
envoyer vos scores au serveur via un SMS et participer
à des concours interactifs.
Cette fonction et les sujets s’y rapportant (liste des jeux
disponibles, conditions de téléchargement, règle du
jeu, etc.) dépendent de votre abonnement : contactez
votre opérateur pour toute information à ce sujet.
Il se peut que vous deviez envoyer un SMS
d’identification la première fois que vous sélectionnez
le menu Jeux.
Maintenez la touche
appuyée pour accéder
directement au menu Jeux.
De nombreux jeux sont disponibles sur le réseau.
La langue utilisée dans chaque jeu dépend du réseau à
partir duquel vous avez effectué votre téléchargement.
Pour télécharger un jeu :
Appuyez sur
et sélectionnez Jeux et
Applications ou Extra > Jeux. L’écran
d’accueil apparaît.
À partir du menu principal, sélectionnez
Catalogue et appuyez sur
Suivez les instructions qui apparaissent à l’écran
et appuyez sur
pour confirmer votre choix.
Un écran de téléchargement apparaît, vous
demandant de patienter.
Pour annuler le téléchargement, appuyez sur
(ceci raccrochera).
Attention ! Si vous annulez le téléchargement d’un jeu
alors que celui-ci a déjà commencé, le jeu précédent
sera effacé.
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