190P6&170P6 LCD
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Electrical instructions(170P6)
1. General points
1.1 During thetestandmeasuring, supply a distortion free AC mains
voltagetothe apparatus via an isolated transformer with low
internal resistance.
1.2 All measurements mentionedhereafter are carried out at a normal
mains voltage (90 - 132 VAC for USA version, 195 -264VACfor
EUROPEAN version, or 90 -264 VAC for the model withfull range
power supply, unless otherwise stated.
1.3 All voltages are to be measured or appliedwith respect to ground,
unless otherwise stated.
Note:do not use heat-sink as ground.
1.4 Thetesthas to be done on a complete set including LCD panel
after 30 minutes warm-up at least in a roomwith temperature of
25 +/- 5 degree C.
1.5 All values mentioned in these test instruction are only applicable of
a well aligned apparatus,with correct signal.
1.6 Theletterssymbols (B)an
d (S)placedbehind the test instruction
(B): carried out 100% inspection at assembly line
(S): carried out test by sampling
1.7 The white balance (color temperature) has to betested in subdued
lighted room.
1.8 Repetitive power on / off cycle are allowed except it shouldbe
2. Input signal
2.1 Signal type
2.1.1 Video signal input
Signal source: pattern generator format (refer to spec)
Reference generator:QuantumData 802G
The input signals can be applied in two different modes:
1).VESA Analog
Thevideo input consists of red, green, andblue signals.Thevideo
signals are analog levels,where 0V correspondstoblack and 700mV
is the maximum signal amplitude.Input impe
dance of video pins is
75 ohm +/- 1%.
2).Intel DVI Digital
Input signal:Four channel TMDS signals
2.1.2 Sync signal input
Thecapability of sync signal inputs shall include separate sync,
composite sync and sync on green. input impedance:2k2ohms
The signals are defined as follow:
Separate sync TTL level, Positive/Negative
Composite sync TTL level, Positive/Negative
Sync on green
H-sync TTL level, Positive/Negative
Signal source: pattern generator format (refer to spec)
Reference generator:QuantumData 802G
2.2 Input signal mode
Pre-set 34 modes
#Resolution H-
1640X350 31.5K 25.175 70Hz IBM VGA 10h
2 720X400 31.5K 28.322 70Hz IBM VGA3h
3 640X480 31.5K 25.175 60Hz
4 640X480 35.0K30.24 67Hz
5 640X480 37.9K 31.5 72Hz
6640X480 37.5K 31.501 75Hz
7640X480 43.3K 36 85Hz
8800X600 35.2K 36 56Hz
9800X600 37.9K 4060Hz
10 800X600 48.1K5072Hz
11 800X600 46.9K 49.498 75Hz
12800X600 53.7K56.251 85Hz
13 832X624 49.7K57.28 75Hz MAC
14 1024X768 48.4K 65 60Hz
15 1024X76856.5K 75 70Hz
16 1024X768 60.0K 78.75 75Hz
17 1024X768 61.1K 83.09676Hz IBM XGA-2
18 1024X768 68.7K 94.5 85Hz
19 1152X864 54.0K 79.9 60Hz non-VESA
201152X864 67.5K 108 75Hz
211152X864 63.9K 94.5 70Hz non-VESA
22 1152X870 68.7K 100 75Hz MAC
23 1152X900 61.8K 92.94 66Hz SUN Mode IV
24 1152X900 71.8K 108 76Hz SUN Mode II
25 1280X960 60.0K 108 60Hz
261280X960 75.0K 129.89575Hz non-VESA
271280X1024 64.0K 108 60Hz
28 1280X1024 71.7K 117 67Hz SUN Mode V
29 1280X1024 76.0K 130.22372Hz DOS/V
301280X1024 80.0K 135 75Hz
311280X1024 81.1K 135.00876Hz SUN Mode I
32 688X556 31.3K 27 50Hz TV-PAL
33 960X720 44.76K57.58 60Hz
34 960X720 56.4K 72.42 75Hz
2.3 Allowed85Hzoverscan signal mode specified
Once the signal input of PC is 85Hz, this monitor is able to display at
least for10 minutes.An attention signal appears and shows THIS
1280X1024 @ 60 HZ
Dot rate (MHz) H.
Freq (KHz)
Mode Resolution V.
Freq (Hz)
36.000 43.269VESA 640 *480 85.008
556.250 53.674VESA 800 * 600 85.061
94.500 68.677 VESA 1024 * 768 84.997
3. Power Supply (S)
3.1 Setup the AC I/Pat90VAC, andOutput DC loading at 12V 3.7 Amp,
5V 2.1 Amp,The DC output voltages are 5V +/- 0.25V and 12V+/- 1.2V.