CommerCial Gas Grills & outdoor patio heatiNG from aei
Commercial… an over-hyped and often over used buzz word that far too often is simply not accurate!
Our definition of “Commercial” is; - engineer a product that will withstand the rigors of multiple families
sharing the same grill, build it using strong an durable materials, keep it simple so that it works day in
and day out, build in features that provide value and safety, such as a one- hour gas flow timer, and
finally, back it up with a warranty and replacement parts availability that leads the industry.
PGS grills are available in either all stainless steel or rugged cast aluminum, are available in four different
sizes and have many different mounting options. PGS commercial grills all feature a one hour gas flow
timer and permanent operating instructions that are there to stay!
T Series 304 Stainless Steel Commercial Outdoor Grills
S36T Our Legacy Model S36T commercial grill features durable 304
stainless steel construction, 720 square inches of commercial-grade stainless
steel cooking area, continuous spark electronic ignition, three burners with
a total rating of 75,000 BTUs, laser-etched markings on the control panel,
and anti-theft control knobs and a one hour gas flow timer built right into
the control panel. The S36T can be built directly into a masonry enclosure
or used on our portable cart or pedestal base. Models are available in either
natural gas or propane. The entire grill and its components are covered by
our exclusive 1-year full parts replacement warranty when used in a
commercial application.
Built-in mechanical one hour self-contained gas flow timer
featuring laser-etched operating instructions
Head - Model #S36T
Doors - Model #MDS-L36
Shown is the Pacifica Gourmet grill with our masonry side burner kit,
a set of our professional doors, 27” beverage center and two drawer set
for masonry enclosures
Side Burner - Model #DSBKLMS
Drawers - Model #M2DS
Large Beverage Center Model #LBC
All models available in natural gas or propane
We were there in the spring of 1958 when the gas grill was invented…
and have been a part of this industry ever since! Today we bring to market
the finest collection of gas grills specifically designed for commercial use.
Let’s talk
commitment to producing highly efficient burner systems, our use of materials that get the heat to the cooking grids quickly, and the result is the
ULTIMATE “green” Performance Grilling System! PGS grill materials are chosen to last, which keeps our grills on the patio and not in a landfill.
Over the years, we’ve often been told by unhappy property managers that their community grills have been used in
the evening and left on all night. Our solution? S27T, S36T, T30, T40 and A40T. They all have a built-in one hour gas
flow timer so the gas supply shuts OFF after no more than one hour. Combine this great energy saving feature with our
S27T Our Legacy Model S27T commercial grill features durable all stainless steel
construction, 540 square inches of 304 stainless steel cooking area, continuous spark
electronic ignition, two burners with a total rating of 50,000 BTUs, laser-etched markings
on the control panel, and anti-theft knobs and a one hour gas flow timer built right into
the control panel. The S27T can be built directly into a masonry enclosure, used on our
portable cart or on our pedestal base. Models available in either natural gas or propane.
The entire grill and its components are covered by our exclusive 1-year full parts
replacement warranty when used in a commercial application.
Anti-Theft control knobs are standard
on all Legacy T-Series models
S27T shown on a cart
(S27T + S27CART)
Commercial grade 304
“Vari Grids” cooking surface
All models available in natural gas or propane
S27T in masonry island with doors (S27T + MDS L30)
Masonry islands not available from AEI.