Petsafe 300 Series Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
Manual-Locking Cat Flap
Kattlucka med manuell låsning
Manuaalisesti lukittava kissanluukku
Manuel kattelem med lås
Please read this entire guide before beginning. Lue tämä opas kokonaan ennen kuin aloitat. Läs hela handboken innan du använder apparaten. Les hele bruksanvisningen før du starter. Læs hele denne vejledning før brug.
Series Series Serien Series Serien
The PetSafe™ Manual-Locking Cat Flap is suitable to fit most doors or partitions although additional materials and competent DIY skills may be required. This cat flap is designed to adapt easily to cut-out sizes for Staywell™ 200, 300, 400, 500,
900 and Petporte smart flap™ series cat flaps. Some simple DIY skills are required and minor adjustments to the cut-out or additional accessories might be needed.
Installation – Measurement and Marking
Measure the belly height of your cat. This is usually 100 mm –150 mm (Fig. A).
Mark this measurement on the outside of your door and draw a straight horizontal line
168 mm long (Fig. B).
Please keep in mind that this horizontal line will eventually be the bottom of the hole you will cut in your door. The frame of the cat flap will be 25 mm lower. If necessar y, this line may have to be raised slightly to account for some door designs.
Fig. A
Fig. B
Installation – Doors
1. Attach the supplied Cutting Template to the outside of your door in the correct
position, ensuring that it is the right way up and level (Fig. C).
2. Drill four (4) corner holes with a 12 mm diameter drill bit as marked on the
Cutting Template through the door (Fig. D). Please ensure that the drill remains straight and level.
3. Using a jig or key-hole saw, cut along the dashed line as indicated on the Cutting Template. (Fig. E).
Fig. C
Fig. D
Fig. E
4. Temporarily place both frames into the cut-out (Fig. F).
5. Level the cat flap until it is in the proper position. On the outside, use a pencil to mark screw holes through the holes on the exterior frame (Fig. G).
6. Remove the cat flap and drill the screw holes with a 6 mm drill (Fig. H).
7. Clean the area from any dust, dirt or debris.
8. Place the interior frame (with attached tunnel) into the hole from the inside. Align the exterior frame to the outside of the door. Four (4) different lengths of screws have been provided with this cat flap. Select the appropriate length. Using a manual screw driver, screw the exterior frame through the holes in your door to the interior frame (Fig. I).
9. When the installation of the cat flap is completed, place the two (2) blanking plugs over the screws on the exterior frame (Fig. J).
10. The cat flap is ready to use (Fig. K).
Screw Selection Guide
Cut-Out Thickness Screw Length
12 mm – 21 mm 40 mm screw
22 mm – 31 mm 50 mm screw
32 mm – 41 mm 60 mm screw
42 mm – 51 mm 70 mm screw
Fig. F
Fig. G
Fig. H
Fig. I
Fig. J
Fig. K
Installation – Glass Doors or Windows
A mounting adaptor and wall extension tunnels are available to complete the installation of the cat flap into glass doors or windows. Please visit to learn more about glass installation and to purchase these accessories.
Working with glass is a skilled job and should be carried out by a professional glazier. It is not possible to cut holes in toughened glass or double glazed units except at the time of manufacture. Please consult a glazier.
Installation – Walls
Installation of the cat flap into a wall will require an Installation Adaptor (sold separately) to ensure performance. Extension Tunnels may also need to be purchased to ensure that the flap extends completely through the wall. Once this has been purchased, follow the instructions below.
1. Attach the supplied Cutting Template to the inside of your wall in the correct
position ensuring that it is the right way up and level (Fig. C).
2. Drill four (4) corner holes with a 12 mm diameter drill bit as marked on the
Cutting Template through the wall. Ensure that the drill remains straight and level.
3. Using the appropriate tool for your home construction, such as a jig saw, cut
along the appropriate line as indicated on the Cutting Template. (Fig. E).
4. From the exterior of the home, finish cutting the hole through the wall using the
four corner holes drilled through the wall as a guide.
5. Clean the area of any dust, dirt or debris.
6. Slide one installation adaptor plate over the tunnel on the interior frame
and attach it to the back of the frame using the two (2) pan headed screws (included).
7. From the interior of the home, position the interior assembly on the wall and
mark the four (4) screw holes on the installation adaptor plate attached to the cat flap. Remove the assembly.
8. Using the proper hardware for your wall construction (not included), drill the
appropriate size holes for your hardware and attach the interior frame with installation adaptor to the wall.
Optional: Add tunnel extensions (sold separately) to extend the tunnels through your wall.
9. Attach the two (2) included metal clips into the rectangular recesses on the remaining adaptor plate with the flat side of the clip flush with the outer face of the plate.
10. Set the exterior frame on top of the remaining adaptor plate and attach using the two (2) 16 mm flat head screws (included).
11. From the exterior of the home, place the exterior frame with installation adaptor attached onto the tunnel of the interior frame and mark the four (4) screw holes on the installation adaptor plate. Remove the exterior frame.
12. Using the proper hardware for your wall construction (not included), drill the appropriate size holes for your hardware, and attach the exterior frame assembly to the wall.
13. Insert the eight (8) blanking plugs into the exterior and interior installation adaptor plates and the two (2) blanking plugs into the exterior frame.
4-Way Manual Lock
The 4-Way Manual lock allows you to control your cat’s access in and out of your home in either direction. Until your pet is thoroughly familiar with using the cat flap, it is a good idea to only use the 4-Way Manual lock in the In or Out position only (Fig. L).
In or Out
Fig. L
Out onlyIn only
Fully locked
Additional Information
For extended information on your PetSafe® Manual-Locking Cat Flap including glass and wall installation, helpful training tips, and available accessories, please visit
3Accessories available online
Manuaalisesti lukittava PetSafe™-kissanluukku sopii useimpiin oviin ja tilanjakajiin, vaikkakin lisämateriaaleja ja riittäviä TEE SE ITSE -taitoja saatetaan tarvita. Tämä kissanluukku on suunniteltu siten, että se mukautuu helposti Staywell™ 200, 300,
400, 500 ja 900 -kissanluukkujen sekä Petporte smart flap™ -sarjan kissanluukkujen asennusaukkojen kokoihin. Leikkaaminen vaatii yksinkertaisia TEE SE ITSE -taitoja ja mahdollisesti pieniä säätöjä ja lisätarvikkeita.
Asennus – Mittaaminen ja merkitseminen
Mittaa kissasi vatsakorkeus. Se on yleensä 100–150 mm (Kuva A)
Merkitse tämä mittaus oven ulkopuolelle ja piirrä vaakasuora 168 mm pitkä viiva (Kuva B).
Muista, että oveen leikkaamasi aukon alareuna tulee lopulta tämän vaakasuoran viivan kohdalle. Kissanluukun kehys on sitä 25 mm matalammalla. Tarvittaessa tätä viivaa on nostettava hieman ylöspäin joidenkin ovimallien kohdalla.
Kuva A
Kuva B
Asennus – Ovet
1. Kiinnitä mukana tullut leikkausmalli oven ulkopuolelle oikeaan asentoon niin,
että oikea puoli osoittaa ylöspäin ja se on vaakasuorassa (Kuva C).
2. Poraa neljä kulmareikää oven läpi käyttämällä 12 mm:n poran terää
leikkausmallin merkintöjen mukaisesti (Kuva D). Varmista, että poran terä pysyy
suorana ja vaakasuorassa.
3. Sahaa kuviosahan tai pistosahan avulla leikkausmallissa näytettyä katkoviivaa pitkin. (Kuva E).
Kuva C
Kuva D
Kuva E
4. Aseta molemmat kehykset hetkeksi leikattuun aukkoon
(Kuva F).
5. Asettele kissanluukku sopivaan asentoon. Merkitse ulkopuolelle lyijykynällä ruuvinreiät ulkokehyksen reikien läpi (Kuva G).
6. Poista kissanluukku ja poraa ruuvinreiät 6 mm:n poran terällä (Kuva H).
7. Puhdista alue pölystä, liasta tai roskista.
8. Aseta sisäkehys (johon on kiinnitetty tunneli) aukkoon sisäpuolelta. Kohdista ulkokehys oven ulkopuolelle. Kissanluukun mukana on toimitettu neljä (4) pituisia ruuveja. Valitse pituudeltaan sopivat. Ruuvaa ulkokehys käsikäyttöisen ruuvimeisselin avulla ovessa olevien reikien läpi sisäkehykseen (Kuva I).
9. Kun kissanluukun asennus on valmis, aseta kaksi sulkutulppaa ulkokehyksen ruuvien päälle (Kuva J).
10. Kissanluukku on käyttövalmis (Kuva K).
Ruuvien valintaopas
Asennusaukon paksuus Ruuvin pituus
12 – 21 mm 40 mm:n ruuvi
22 – 31 mm 50 mm:n ruuvi
32 – 41 mm 60 mm:n ruuvi
42 – 51 mm 70 mm:n ruuvi
Kuva F
Kuva G
Kuva H
Kuva I
Kuva J
Kuva K
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