Radio Systems Corporation declares under its own responsibility, that the following product is in compliance
with t he essenti al requiremen ts under art icle 3 of the RE D (2014/53/EU) and the RoHS Direc tive
(2011/65/EU). Unauthorise d changes or modifications to th e equipment t hat are not app roved by Radio
Systems Corporation may violate EU RED regulations, c ould void the u ser’s authori ty to operat e the
equip ment, and wil l void the warra nty.
Hereby, Ra dio Systems Co rporation , declares th at this PPA19-16145 prod uct is in compl iance with the
esse ntial require ments and other releva nt provision s. The Decla ration of Conformit y can be found at :
IC: Canada
This de vice compli es with Industry Canada lice nse-exem pt RSS standard(s). Operat ion is subjec t to the
following two c onditions : (1) this devic e may not cause i nterferen ce, and (2) this device must a ccept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This de vice compli es with par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Ope ration is subject to the following two con ditions: (1)
This de vice may not ca use harmfu l interference, and (2) th is device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE: This e quipment ha s been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Cl ass B digital d evice,
pursu ant to part 15 of the F CC Rules. The se limits are designed t o provide reas onable prote ction agai nst
harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
inter ference to rad io communic ations. However, there i s no guarantee t hat interf erence will not occur in a
specific insta llation. I f interfere nce does occu r to radio or tele vision reception, wh ich can be dete rmined by
turni ng the equipment off a nd on, the user i s encouraged to try to co rrect the int erference b y one or more of
the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connec t the equipment to an out let on a circuit different from that to which the receive r is
• Consul t customer care, the deal er, or an experienced radio/TV tec hnician for help.
CAUTI ON: Modific ation or changes to thi s equipment n ot expressl y approved by Rad io Systems
Corpo ration may vo id the user’s aut hority to o perate the equipment .
This de vice compli es with the ap plicable EMC requireme nts specifi ed by the ACMA
(Australian Communications and Media Authority).
Three Year Non-Transferable Limited Warranty
This Product has the benefi t of a limited manufacturer’s warran ty. Complete details o f the warrant y
appli cable to this Product and its terms can be found a t and/or are available by
contacting your local Customer Care Centre.
Europe – Radio Systems PetSa fe Europe Ltd., 2nd Floor, Elg ee Building, Market Square, Dundalk,
Co. Louth, A91 YR9X Ireland
USA/Canada – Radio Systems Corpo ration, 10427 PetS afe Way, Knoxvi lle, TN 37932 USA
Australia/New Zealand – In compliance with the Australian Consumer Law, Warranties Against
Defec ts, effec tive January 1, 2012, warranty d etails of this Product are as follows : Radio System s Australia
Pty L td. (hereina fter referred to as “Radio Systems”) warrants t o the original retail pu rchaser, and no t any
other p urchaser or s ubsequent owner, that i ts Product, when subje ct to normal and proper residential use,
will be free from de fects in mat erial or work manship for a p eriod of three (3) years from t he purchase d ate.
An “original retai l consumer pu rchaser” is a pe rson or entity who or iginally pu rchases the Product, or a
gift recipien t of a new Product t hat is unopened and in it s original packaging . When serv iced by Radio
Systems Customer Serv ice, Radio Syst ems covers lab our and part s for the first three years of ownersh ip;
afte r the first thre e years, a ser vice or upgra de charge will apply rel ative to replacement o f the Product
with new or refurbished it ems at Radio Sys tems’ sole dis cretion.
The limited warranty is non-transferable and shall automatically terminate if the original retail consumer
purcha ser resells the Radio Systems Produ ct or transfers the property on w hich the Radio Systems
Produc t is installed. This Limited Warranty excl udes accidental damage due to dog chews; lightning
damag e; or neglect, alteration, and misuse. Consumers wh o purchase products outside of Australia,
New Zealand, or fro m an unauthor ised dealer w ill need to return the Prod uct to the original pla ce of
purchase for any warranty issues.
Pleas e note that Radio Systems does not provide refu nds, replacements, o r upgrades for c hange of
mind, or for any other reason outside of these Warranty ter ms.
Claims Procedure: Any claim made unde r this Warrant y should be mad e directly to Ra dio Systems
Australia Pty Ltd. Cust omer Care Cent re at:
Radio Systems Aus tralia Pty L td.
PO Box 34 42, Australia Fair, QLD 4215, Australia
Australia Residents: 1800 786 608
New Zealand Resid ents: 0800 543 054
To file a claim, a proof of p urchase must b e provided. Without a pro of of purchase, Radio Syst ems will
not repair or repla ce faulty co mponents. Radio Systems requests the Consumer to contact the Radio
Systems Customer Care Cent re to obtain a Warra nty Return number, prior to sendi ng the Product .
Failure to do so may delay in the repair or replacement of the Pro duct.
If the Product is de emed to be faulty within 30 days f rom date of original purc hase, Radio Systems will
organi se for a replace ment to be sent in advance of returni ng the fault y Product. A Post B ag will be
inclu ded with the replacement Produc t for the return of the faulty Product. The Product must be returned