PET853 Anti Bark Collar
User s Manual
The Anti-Bark Collar PET8 53 stops barking with progres sively i ncreasin g sound and shock
which is controlled by a microprocessor distinguishing your dog's bark from other
Principles of operation:
At the first bark, PET853 Anti-bark Collar applies a short warning tone. If a second bark occ urs
within thirty seconds, a more intense tone is sounded. From the third bark, a more intense tone
This pattern is repeated through 7 correction levels. The first two levels are only with progressively
warning tone. If your dog continues to bark through the rest five levels, the more intense sound
and shock are applies after each bark until your pet stops for thirty seconds, and then Anti-Bark
Collar will automatically resets to the first "tone only" level of correction. To protect the dog, if the
The use of the warning tone followed by increasingly intense tones and shocks sets up a
pattern that your dog will quickly learn is caused by its own barking. It takes time to break bad
When your dog forgets and barks again, the warning tone reminds your pet without
immediately applying painful stimulus. At each step, your dog gets to choose whether it's worth
the increasing pain to bark again. We have found this technique of progressively increasing
sound and shock is not only more humane, it is more EFFECTIVE in breaking the barking habit
PET853 can be adjusted to control the sensitivity of the voice, according to the size of dogs
Operating Instructions:
Our PET853 is almost completely automatic. Just install a 6 volt alkaline battery, adjust the
strap to the size of your dog's neck and the PET853 automatically begins doing its job.
There are two BUTTONS used to adjust the sensitivity to the bark, and every time there will be
"B" out of tone, sensitivity will gradually be enhanced or weakened. The more sensitive, the
easier to trigger the collar.
Shoc k El ec tr odes
Slid e Open
Indi ca ti on L ight
Sens it iv it y Level Dia l
Batt ery Cov er
Installing/Replacing the Battery:
Take off the battery cover and make sure you install the battery correctly.
Install the new battery between the "clip" and "spring" contacts. Note that "spring" contact is for
the negative end and "clip" contact is for the positive end shown below.
Putting Anti-bark Collar on Your Dog.
Place the unit around your dog's neck and adjust the collar length using the slide buckle
arrangement provides with the strap. The unit should fit snugly underneath your dog's neck.
Make sure that the electr odes are in the direct contact with y our dog' s skin. Hair between the
electrodes and skin will severely diminish the shock effect, If necessary, it is advisable to clip or
shave your don's fur under the neck to insure direct contact.
Caution Notes:
1. Do not allow your dog to chew this collar. You should also attempt to minimize scratching or
clawing at the casing.
2. This device is made up of plastic and electronic components that are not digestible. Consult
your local vet if your dog swallows any part of this product.
3. The collar is not intended for use as a restraining collar. If you are using a leash, use it with a
separate restraining type of collar.
4. Althou gh t he A nti- bark Collar 's m icro proc esso r is d esigne d to differ enti ate y our d og's
ind ividual bark from str ay envir onmental noises, the unit may occasio nally be activated by
other vibrations or sounds.
This is normal but, it should not happen so often as to be confusing to your pet. If the unit is falsely
triggered by excessive scratching, shaking of the head or rolling on the ground, your pet may be
suffering from fleas or ear mites. If these activities are evident, have you pet checked by a
veterinarian for parasites.