Rechargeable and Waterproof
Training Collar Operating
Please read this entire guide before beginning
Model N umber:
IS-PE T755 1 for 1
Model N umber:
IS-PE T755B 1 for 2
Important Safety Information
Table of Contents
Not fo r aggres si ve dogs . Do n ot use th is p roduc t if y our dog i s aggress ive,
or if your d og is p rone t o aggr es sive b ehavi or. A ggres si ve dog s can c ause
severe i njury a nd even d ea th to the ir owne r an d other s. If you a re unsure
whethe r this pr od uct is ap pr opria te f or your d og , pleas e co nsult y ou r
veteri narian or c ertif ie d train er.
Risk of skin damage. Please read and follow the instructions in this manual.
Proper fitness of the collar is important. A collar worn for too long or made too
tight on the pet's neck may cause skin damage. Ranging from redness to
pressu re ulce rs ; this co nd ition i s co mmonl y kn own as be d so res.
Avoi d le av in g th e co ll ar o n th e do g fo r mo re t ha n 12 h ou rs p er d ay.
If possible reposition the collar on the pet's neck every 1 to 2 hours.
Check the fitn ess to prevent excessive pres sur e; fo llo w the in struc tio n in thi s man ual .
Never connect a lead to the electronic collar, it will cause ex ce ss iv e pr es su re o n th e
When using a separate collar for a lead, don't put pressure on the electronic collar.
Wash t he d og 's n ec k ar ea a nd t he c on ta ct s of t he c ol la r we ek ly w it h a da mp c lo th .
Examine the contact area daily for signs of a rash or a sore.
If a rash or sore is found, discontinue use of the collar until the skin has healed.
If the condition persists beyond 48 hours , see your veterinarian.
These steps wil l hel p your pet safe and com fo rtabl e. Millio ns of pet s are
comfor table whi le they w ea r stain le ss stee l co ntact s. S ome pet s ar e sensi ti ve
to contact pre ss ure. You may find after some time that you r pe t is very
tolera nt of the coll ar. If so, you may relax some of these precautio ns. It is
import ant to cont inue da il y check s of t he cont ac t area. I f re dness o r so res are
found, d iscon ti nue use u nt il the sk in h as full y he aled.
Thank yo u for cho os ing Pet Ed R echargeab le and Waterp roof Train ing Colla r.
Our miss ion is to e ns ure you r pe t's saf et y by prov id ing you t he t ools an d
techni ques to s uc cessf ul ly trai n yo ur pet.
Key Definition
How the PetEd Rechargeable and Waterproof Training Collar Works
Operating Guide
Prepare the Remote Transmitter
Prepare the Receiver Collar
Encode between Remote Transmitter and Receiver Collar
To Test PetEd Rechargeable and Waterproof Training Collar
Fit the Receiver Collar
Re-Thread the Collar
Regular Maintenance
Frequently Asked Questions
Finde the Best Intensity Level for Your Pet
Common size of different dogs
Common weight of dogs
Please charge before using the product!
If the transmitter and receiver collar don t work for a long
time, you should charge it fully before keeping it idle, and
charging it every one month.
2 3
Components Key Definition
IS-PET755 1 for 1
USB Cable for
Remote Transmitter
Adjustable TP U Be lt
Remote Transmitter
IS-PET755B 1 for 2
Receiver Collar
Charg er
USB Cable for Receiver
New testing bulb
2 sets Contact Points
1. Antenn a: transm it the sign al to Recei ver Colla r
1. Antenna
2. Led light
3. LED Indic at or
4. LCD Scr ee n
1-100 leve l
Static sho ck m od e
Vibration mod e
Beep mode
Light mode
Channel 1
Channel 2
Low Ba ttery Indi cator
p/down b ut to n
5. U
6. Led light b ut to n
7. Chann el b ut to n
8. Launch bu tt on
9. Mode bu tt on
10. Charging hol e
11.Li th iu m battery
2. Led l ig ht: thi s li ght wil l be o n when pr es sing LE D li ght but to n
2 sets Contact Points
USB Cable for Receiver
3. L ED Indi c a t or: t h is l i g ht w i l l f la s h w he n t r a ns m i t t er w o r k s, o r
charging , th is ligh t will be on.
w h e n
4. LCD S cree n:
Static mode: under this mode, pr es s bu tto n, Re cei ve r wil l sho ck; p res s U p/ dow n
Charg er
Receiver Collar and
Adjustable TP U Be lt
4 5
New testing bulb
Remote Transmitter
USB Cable for
Remote Transmitter
Receiver Collar and
Adjustable TP U Be lt
button, can adjust Static level from 0 to 100
Vi bra tion m o d e : u nder t his m o d e, p res s b utt on, R ece iver w ill v i b rate ; pr ess
Up/down button, can adjust Vib ra ti on l ev el f ro m 0 to 1 00
Beep mode: und er this mode, pr ess butto n, the receiver collar can get a beep sound
Li gh t m ode : u nd er th i s mod e, pr ess b utt o n, t he g re en L ED l ig ht i n t h e r e cei v er
will flash every one second, it is convenient to let you know where your pet is.
Channel 1: select to encode between transmitter and one of receiver collar
Channel 2: select to encode between transmitter and 2nd of receiver collar
5. Up/down button: Intensity level button for Vibr at io n an d St at ic S ho ck .
6. Led light button:
will be on
when pressing the LED light button, the led light in the Transmitter
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