PerTronix 40-2542 User Manual

* Installation Recommendation: JBA recommends in most cases that the vehicle be taken to a reputable exhaust
1998-2004 Ford Ranger
2.5L / 3.0L / 4.0L 2/4wd Super cab / short bed
pry bar ratchet 15 m m deep socket pair of channel lock pliers anti-seize spra y lubricant or penetrating oil
A. Interm edia te pipe 1 B. Muffler 1 C. Tail pipe 1 D. Rear muffler clamp 1 E. Front muffler clamp 1
1. Remove and inventory JBA exhaust.
2. Dis connect negative batte ry ca ble a nd allow vehicle e xhaust to cool.
3. With the vehicle rais ed and properly supported, use a 15mm socket to remove the bolts tha t a ttach the exhaus t system to the Cata lytic converter.
7. Using origina l fas teners, connect intermediate pipe (A) to the factory catalytic converter pipe.
11 . Attach clamp (E) to the front of the muffler (B).
16 . Align tail pipe (C). tighten clam p (D).
17 . After insta lla tion, it is recommended that a ll clamps be re-tightened.
18. Tack weld all slip connections in three spots.
8. Tighten the fasteners.
4. Using a pry bar or a pair of channel lock pliers , remove hangers from rubber isola tors at the top of the muffle r.
9. Slip muffle r (B ) onto intermedia te pipe (A).
5. Using the channel lock pliers , remove the tail pipe hanger from the rubbe r isola tor.
12. Install tailpipe (C).
13 . Ins e rt ta ilpipe (C) into m uffle r ( B ).
19 . Lower the vehicle and reattach the negative battery ca ble.
1) It may be necessary to loosen a nd realign the sparetireforproperclearance.
2) All exhaust systems will expand about 1" rearward when exhaust temperatures s tart to rise
6. Remove the original exhaust system from the vehicle.
14 . Ins tall ta il pipe hanger into factory rubber isolator.
10 . Ins ert ha nger rods on the m uffler into the factory rubber isolators.
15. Install clamp (D) onto rear of muffler (#).