2001 Ford F-150 Super Crew
4.6L, 5.4L 2/4 WD
9/16 deep socket
15mm deep socket
channel lock pliers
8mm wrench
rubber mallet
spray lubricant or penetrating oil
pry bar
reciprocating saw or hack saw
2001 Ford F-150 Super Crew
4.6L, 5.4L 2/4 WD
9/16 deep socket
15mm deep socket
channel lock pliers
8mm wrench
rubber mallet
spray lubricant or penetrating oil
pry bar
reciprocating saw or hack saw
2001 Ford F-150 Super Crew
4.6L, 5.4L 2/4 WD
9/16 deep socket
15mm deep socket
channel lock pliers
8mm wrench
rubber mallet
spray lubricant or penetrating oil
pry bar
reciprocating saw or hack saw
2001 Ford F-150 Super Crew
4.6L, 5.4L 2/4 WD
9/16 deep socket
15mm deep socket
channel lock pliers
8mm wrench
rubber mallet
spray lubricant or penetrating oil
pry bar
reciprocating saw or hack saw
A. Head pipe 1
B. Muffler 1
C. Tail pipe 1
D. Turn out 1
E. 2-1/2" clamp 1
F. 3" clamp 1
G. 3" clamp/hanger 1
H. 3" clamp 1
A. Head pipe 1
B. Muffler 1
C. Tail pipe 1
D. Turn out 1
E. 2-1/2" clamp 1
F. 3" clamp 1
G. 3" clamp/hanger 1
H. 3" clamp 1
A. Head pipe 1
B. Muffler 1
C. Tail pipe 1
D. Turn out 1
E. 2-1/2" clamp 1
F. 3" clamp 1
G. 3" clamp/hanger 1
H. 3" clamp 1
A. Head pipe 1
B. Muffler 1
C. Tail pipe 1
D. Turn out 1
E. 2-1/2" clamp 1
F. 3" clamp 1
G. 3" clamp/hanger 1
H. 3" clamp 1
Part s List
Part s List
Part s List
Part s List
2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and2. Disconnect negative battery cable and
allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.allow vehicle exhaust to cool.
1. Remove and inventory new Evol1. Remove and inventory new Evol1. Remove and inventory new Evol1. Remove and inventory new Evol
8. Using some form of heat and force,8. Using some form of heat and force,8. Using some form of heat and force,8. Using some form of heat and force,
remove mufremove mufremove mufremove muffler assembly tfler assembly tfler assembly tfler assembly taking care notaking care notaking care notaking care not
to damage front head pipe.to damage front head pipe.to damage front head pipe.to damage front head pipe.
12. Slip muf12. Slip muf12. Slip muf12. Slip muffler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end offler hanger (G) over end of
mufmufmufmuffler (B)) and hand tighten only atfler (B)) and hand tighten only atfler (B)) and hand tighten only atfler (B)) and hand tighten only at
this time.this time.this time.this time.
17. With t17. With t17. With t17. With tail pipe properly aligned, tightenail pipe properly aligned, tightenail pipe properly aligned, tightenail pipe properly aligned, tighten
rear mufrear mufrear mufrear muffler clamp/hanger (G) completelyfler clamp/hanger (G) completelyfler clamp/hanger (G) completelyfler clamp/hanger (G) completely
3. With vehicle raised and properly3. With vehicle raised and properly3. With vehicle raised and properly3. With vehicle raised and properly
supported, using a reciprocating sawsupported, using a reciprocating sawsupported, using a reciprocating sawsupported, using a reciprocating saw
or hack sawor hack sawor hack sawor hack saw, cut the t, cut the t, cut the t, cut the tail pipe approx.ail pipe approx.ail pipe approx.ail pipe approx.
3î behind muf3î behind muf3î behind muf3î behind mufflerflerflerfler. See notes #1. See notes #1. See notes #1. See notes #1
with 9/16" deep wall socket.with 9/16" deep wall socket.with 9/16" deep wall socket.with 9/16" deep wall socket. NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: UseUseUseUse
anti-seize on all threads of clamp. Seeanti-seize on all threads of clamp. Seeanti-seize on all threads of clamp. Seeanti-seize on all threads of clamp. See
note #2.note #2.note #2.note #2.
4. S4. S4. S4. Spray lube on rear tpray lube on rear tpray lube on rear tpray lube on rear tail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rodail pipe hanger rod
and remove from lower hole in rubberand remove from lower hole in rubberand remove from lower hole in rubberand remove from lower hole in rubber
grommet using channel lock pliers.grommet using channel lock pliers.grommet using channel lock pliers.grommet using channel lock pliers.
5. Remove t5. Remove t5. Remove t5. Remove tail pipe assembly fromail pipe assembly fromail pipe assembly fromail pipe assembly from
rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.
9. Inst9. Inst9. Inst9. Install head pipe (A), aligning notchall head pipe (A), aligning notchall head pipe (A), aligning notchall head pipe (A), aligning notch
with locating pin.with locating pin.with locating pin.with locating pin. YYYYou may have to tou may have to tou may have to tou may have to tap itap itap itap it
on using a rubber mallet.on using a rubber mallet.on using a rubber mallet.on using a rubber mallet.
13. Inst13. Inst13. Inst13. Install 2-1/2" clamp (E) over front slipall 2-1/2" clamp (E) over front slipall 2-1/2" clamp (E) over front slipall 2-1/2" clamp (E) over front slip
joint on head pipe (A). Position so clampjoint on head pipe (A). Position so clampjoint on head pipe (A). Position so clampjoint on head pipe (A). Position so clamp
is on rear side of locating pen as close asis on rear side of locating pen as close asis on rear side of locating pen as close asis on rear side of locating pen as close as
possible and tighten completely using apossible and tighten completely using apossible and tighten completely using apossible and tighten completely using a
9/16" deep wall socket.9/16" deep wall socket.9/16" deep wall socket.9/16" deep wall socket. NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: Use anti-Use anti-Use anti-Use anti-
seize on threads of clamp. See note #2seize on threads of clamp. See note #2seize on threads of clamp. See note #2seize on threads of clamp. See note #2
14. Inst14. Inst14. Inst14. Install 3" clamp (F) over front mufall 3" clamp (F) over front mufall 3" clamp (F) over front mufall 3" clamp (F) over front mufflerflerflerfler
slip joint and position 1/4" from lip.slip joint and position 1/4" from lip.slip joint and position 1/4" from lip.slip joint and position 1/4" from lip.
TTTTighten completely with 9/16" deepighten completely with 9/16" deepighten completely with 9/16" deepighten completely with 9/16" deep
socket.socket.socket.socket. NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: Use anti-seize onUse anti-seize onUse anti-seize onUse anti-seize on
threads of clamp. See note #2.threads of clamp. See note #2.threads of clamp. See note #2.threads of clamp. See note #2.
18. Inst18. Inst18. Inst18. Install turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tall turn out (D) over end of tail pipeail pipeail pipeail pipe
(C) and rot(C) and rot(C) and rot(C) and rotate to desired position leavingate to desired position leavingate to desired position leavingate to desired position leaving
clearance from bodyclearance from bodyclearance from bodyclearance from body....
6. With muf6. With muf6. With muf6. With muffler supported, spray lubricantfler supported, spray lubricantfler supported, spray lubricantfler supported, spray lubricant
on rear mufon rear mufon rear mufon rear muffler hanger rods and removefler hanger rods and removefler hanger rods and removefler hanger rods and remove
from lower holes in rubber grommetfrom lower holes in rubber grommetfrom lower holes in rubber grommetfrom lower holes in rubber grommetssss
using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers.using channel lock pliers. SSSSpray lubricant on front mufpray lubricant on front mufpray lubricant on front mufpray lubricant on front muffler clampfler clampfler clampfler clamp
and remove using a 15mm socketand remove using a 15mm socketand remove using a 15mm socketand remove using a 15mm socket
11111. Inst1. Inst1. Inst1. Install mufall mufall mufall muffler (B) with JBA logofler (B) with JBA logofler (B) with JBA logofler (B) with JBA logo
towards rear of vehicle.towards rear of vehicle.towards rear of vehicle.towards rear of vehicle.
10. Inst10. Inst10. Inst10. Install rear 3" mufall rear 3" mufall rear 3" mufall rear 3" muffler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hangerfler clamp/hanger
(G) through lower holes in rubber grom-(G) through lower holes in rubber grom-(G) through lower holes in rubber grom-(G) through lower holes in rubber grommetmetmetmets with longer rod towards drivers with longer rod towards drivers with longer rod towards drivers with longer rod towards driveríííís side.s side.s side.s side.
15. Inst15. Inst15. Inst15. Install tall tall tall tail pipe (C) from rear of vehi-ail pipe (C) from rear of vehi-ail pipe (C) from rear of vehi-ail pipe (C) from rear of vehicle and slip into rear of mufcle and slip into rear of mufcle and slip into rear of mufcle and slip into rear of muffler (B).fler (B).fler (B).fler (B).
NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: Make sure that the end of theMake sure that the end of theMake sure that the end of theMake sure that the end of the
ttttail pipe with the hanger rod is at theail pipe with the hanger rod is at theail pipe with the hanger rod is at theail pipe with the hanger rod is at the
rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.rear of vehicle.
16. Inst16. Inst16. Inst16. Install rear tall rear tall rear tall rear tail pipe hanger into lowerail pipe hanger into lowerail pipe hanger into lowerail pipe hanger into lower
hole of rubber grommet. Rothole of rubber grommet. Rothole of rubber grommet. Rothole of rubber grommet. Rotate tate tate tate tail pipeail pipeail pipeail pipe
(C) to align rear hanger rod.(C) to align rear hanger rod.(C) to align rear hanger rod.(C) to align rear hanger rod.
20. Retighten all clamp20. Retighten all clamp20. Retighten all clamp20. Retighten all clamps and ts and ts and ts and tack weld allack weld allack weld allack weld all
slip jointslip jointslip jointslip joints.s.s.s.
21. Lower vehicle and reatt21. Lower vehicle and reatt21. Lower vehicle and reatt21. Lower vehicle and reattach theach theach theach the
negative battery cable.negative battery cable.negative battery cable.negative battery cable.
NOTES:NOTES:NOTES:NOTES: If vehicle is raised with proper vehicleIf vehicle is raised with proper vehicleIf vehicle is raised with proper vehicleIf vehicle is raised with proper vehicle
liflifliflift, step #3 can be eliminated and stockt, step #3 can be eliminated and stockt, step #3 can be eliminated and stockt, step #3 can be eliminated and stock
exhaust can be removed in one pieceexhaust can be removed in one pieceexhaust can be removed in one pieceexhaust can be removed in one piece If anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads ofIf anti seize is not used on threads of
clampclampclampclamps before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's wills before tightening, the nut's will
gall,gall,gall,gall, and clamp rod will break.and clamp rod will break.and clamp rod will break.and clamp rod will break.
19. Inst19. Inst19. Inst19. Install 3" clamp (H) over turn out slipall 3" clamp (H) over turn out slipall 3" clamp (H) over turn out slipall 3" clamp (H) over turn out slip
joint and position 1/4î from lip.joint and position 1/4î from lip.joint and position 1/4î from lip.joint and position 1/4î from lip. TTTTightenightenightenighten
completely using 9/16" deep socket.completely using 9/16" deep socket.completely using 9/16" deep socket.completely using 9/16" deep socket.
NOTE:NOTE:NOTE:NOTE: Use anti-seize on all threads ofUse anti-seize on all threads ofUse anti-seize on all threads ofUse anti-seize on all threads of
clamp. See note #2clamp. See note #2clamp. See note #2clamp. See note #2
WWWWeeee recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.recommend taking the truck to a muffler shop and having all slip connections tack welded.