Perfect Flame Slg2007bn Owner's Manual

IT E M # 64876
W AR N IN G Im p r o p er in s ta llatio n ,
a d ju stm e n t, alte ratio n , se r vic e o r m a in te n a n c e c a n c a u s e in ju r y o r p ro p e rt y d a m a g e . R e a d th e in s ta llatio n , o p e r atio n a n d m a in te n a n c e in str u ctio n s th o ro u g h ly b e fo r e in stallin g o r s e r vic in g th is e q u ip m e n t.
D AN G E R F a ilu re to fo llow th e s e in s tr u c t io n s c o u ld re s u lt in a fir e o r e x p lo s io n th a t c o u ld c a u s e p r o p e rty d a m a g e , p e r s o n a l in ju r y o r d e ath .
D AN G E R D O N O T u s e g a s g rill f o r in d o o r c o o k in g o r h e a tin g . T O X I C fu m e s c a n a c c u m u l ate a n d c a u s e a s p h yx ia tio n . D O N O T u s e in o r o n b o a ts o r r ec re a tio n a l ve h ic le s.
P R O P 6 5 W A R N IN G C h e m ic a ls k n o w n to th e state o f C a lifo r n ia to c a u s e c a n c e r, b irth d e f e c ts o r o t h e r r e p ro d u c ti ve h a rm ar e c re ate d b y th e c o m b u s tio n o f p ro p a n
For Outdoor Use Only
(outside any enclosure)
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
4 -B u rn e r N a tu ra l G a s G rill
CALL 1-888- 571- 6888 (TOLL-FREE),
Grill Operation 1-2-3
Before Grilling,
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
During Grilling,
(To avoid tripping safety valves, please follow these instructions careflly!)
Keep your grill a safe distance away from your property.* Always Perform a Leak Test. * Keep children away from the grill.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
After Grilling,
First open lid and turn gas tank on slowly. Turn only one knob on at a time when lighting up the grill. Use protective gloves when grill gets hot.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Burn grill for 10-15 minutes to burn off food residues. Wait until the grill is completely cooled before closing lid. Clean up grease build-up and cover your grill.
* Please refer to the owner’s manual for details.
D O n ot
flam m a b le liquids or vapor in the vicinity within 25 feet of this or any other appliance.
2. W hen cooking with oil/grease, do not allow the oil/grease to exceed 350F.
3. Do not store or use extra cooking oil in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
store o r use g a solin e or o th e r
If you smell gas:
1. S h ut off gas to th e a pplianc e.
2. E xtin g uish an y op e n flam e.
3. O p e n lid.
If o
dor c o ntinu es, ke ep a w a y from the a pplianc e a nd im m e diately c all yo ur g as su pplier or yo ur fire d e p artm ent.
A lw a ys re a d a n d u n dersta nd the W A R N IN G S a n d IN S T R U C T IO N S th at are c on ta in e d in th is m a nu a l b e fore attem p tin g to u se th is g a s b arb e cu e grill, to pre ve nt p o ssib le b o dily in jur y o r prop erty d am a g e.
A lw a ys k e e p th i s m a n u a l fo r c o n ve n ie n t fu tu re re fe re n c e .
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
T a b le o f C o n te n ts
For Your Safety.................................................................................................3
Illustrated Parts List .........................................................................................5
Hardware List.....................................................................................................6
Assembly Instructions.......................................................................................7
Operating Your Grill.........................................................................................14
Natural gas connection....................................14
Checking for Leaks...........................................15
Lighting Your Grill.............................................15
Care and Maintenance.....................................................................................18
Award-Winning Barbecue Recipes..................................................................19
Excess flow safety valve reset procedure..........17
Warranty Program..............................................................................................22
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
Dear Value d C u stom er, C ongratula tio ns on your new barbecue grill p urchase ! Y ou’ve m ade th e righ t choice . In this m a nual, you w ill find
assem bly in structio ns, sug g estion s for g rillin g a nd help ful hin ts, as w ell as guideline s for the safe o pera tion, proper care an d use o f your grill. O ur expert sta ff strives to pro vid e you w ith an ea sy to assem ble pro duct. Should you ha ve any question s or problem s w ith this product, plea se call our cu stom er service de pa rtm en t at 1 -888-571-688 8 6:00 am - 5 :00 pm (PS T), M onda y through Friday.
N O T E : The u se a nd installa tion o f this p roduct m u st co nform to lo cal co de s. In th e a b sen ce of lo cal co de s, u se the
N ation al F uel G a s C ode , AN S I Z 2 23 .1 / N F P A5 4. R e ference to N a tural G as a nd P ropane In stalla tio n cod e C S A B 149 .1 or P ropan e S torag e and H andling code B 1 49 .2
IM P O R T A N T N O T IC E : R E A D A L L IN S T R U C T IO N S P R IO R T O A S S E M B L Y A N D U S E S a fe ty F irs t !
1. T h is grill is for outsid e u se on ly. It sho u ld not be use d in a bu ildin g, g arage or an y oth er e nclose d area.
2. T h e u se o f a lco ho l, pre scriptio n or non-prescriptio n drug s m a y im pair an individua l’s a bility to properly assem b le or safely o perate th is applia nce.
3. A lw a ys open the g rill lid carefully an d slo wly a s h e a t a nd ste am tra p pe d with in the grill could cause severe burns .
4. A lw a ys p lace yo u r grill on a h ard and le ve l surface fa r a wa y from com b ustible m aterials and structures . An
asp halt or blacktop su rfa ce m a y n o t b e accepta ble fo r th is p urpose .
5. D o n o t le a ve a lit grill un atte n d ed .
6. K ee p ch ildren an d p e ts a wa y from th e grill at all tim e s.
7. T h is is n o t a ta b leto p grill. D o n o t p la ce this grill on an y type of tableto p surfa ce.
8. Do not us e th e grill in high winds.
9. T h is grill m u st b e u se d with n atura l g a s o n ly (n a tura l g a s h o se in clu d e d) .
Do no t
12. This o utd oor gas a p plia nce is n ot inte n de d to b e in sta lled in or on re cre atio n ve h icle s a nd/or b o ats.
13. D o not attem p t to m ove th e grill wh ile it is lit.
14. D o no t u se the grill u n less it is C O M P L E T E L Y a sse m b led a nd a ll p arts are secu rely fastened a nd tigh te ned.
Kee p com bustib le item s a n d surfa ce s at le a st 24 inch e s a wa y from th e grill at all tim es. D O NO T u se this ga s grill
or an y g as prod uct u nder a ny overhead enclo su re or n e ar an y u n protected co m b u stib le co nstru ctio ns.
1 6. D o n o t u se in a n e xp lo sive a tm o sp h ere . K e ep grill are a clear and free f rom com bustible m aterials,
ga solin e and other flam m a ble va pors an d liquid s.
17. Do not attem pt to use or ass em b le with m issing or dam aged parts. Contact custo m er service for a replacem ent.
C AU T IO N -P re ve n tio n o f B u rn s
or u nle ss yo u are w ea rin g prote ctive g e ar su ch a s po t h old ers, protective glo ve s or m ittens.
Do n o t a
Clea n an d in spe ct th e h ose b e fore e a ch use. If th ere is evid e nce o f a bra sion , wear, cuts o r le aks, the hose m ust
b e re pla ce d prior to o peratio n. T he re pla cem e nt h ose a ssem bly sh ou ld b e in acco rda nce w ith the m an ufactu rer’s specificatio n s .
M o ve g a s h o
N e
co u ld o p en th e re lief va lve a n d allo w g as to e sca pe.
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
R e a d a n d u n d e r sta n d a ll w a rn in g s a n d p re c a u tio n s p rio r to o p e r a tin g yo u r g rill.
attem pt to atta ch th is grill to the self-contained pro pa ne s ystem o f a cam p er , tra iler, m o tor h o m e or h ou se .
not use charco a l or lighte r flu id.
avoid burns, do not touch m eta l parts of the g rill until the y have com pletely cooled fo r at least 45 m inutes
lter the g rill in a n y m ann er.
ses a s far awa y a s p o ssible from h ot surfaces a n d dripp ing hot grea se .
ver kee p a fille d gas co n tain er in a hot car or car trunk . Hea t w ill ca use the g a s pre s sure to in cre a se , wh ich
For Your Safety
S a fe L o c a tio n s F o r U s e O f T h is O u td o o r G rill
Ne ver use this outdoor grill inside an y building, garage, sh ed or breeze w a y, or inside an y boat, trailer or recreational vehicle, to prevent a possible fire and to prevent the possibility of carbon m onoxide poisoning or asph yxiation.
Do not use this appliance under overhead combustible surface or covered area (e.g., awnings, umbrellas, porches or gazeboes).
Always confirm that this grill is not positioned under the overhang of a house, a garage or other structure before lighting it. An overhang will serve to deflect flare-ups and radiated heat into the structure itself, which could result in a fire. Always confirm that this grill is positioned more than 24 inches (61 cm) away from any combustible materials or surface before lighting it, and that no gasoline or other volatile substances are stored in the vicinity of this grill. (See diagram to right). The temperature of a grease fire or of the radiated heat might otherwise be sufficient to ignite nearby combustible or volatile substances.
Always locate this grill where there will be ample combustion and ventilation air, but
24 Inches
24 Inches
never position it in the direct path of a strong wind.
Never allow the grill to operate while unattended, to prevent uncontrolled
grease fires from erupting.
Never attempt to move this grill while it is in operation or while it is still hot, to prevent possible personal injury. Never store or use gasoline or other flammable or volatile substances in the vicinity of this grill or in the vicinity of any other
heating-generating appliance, because of the danger of starting a fire. Always confirm that the installation of this grill conforms with the requirements of all local codes or, in the absence of
applicable local codes, with either the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223. NFPA 54 or CAN/CGA-B149.2.
D AN G E R – G a s S a fe ty
Natural gas is flammable and hazardous if handled improperly. Become aware of its characteristics before using any natural gas
• Natural gas characteristics: Flammable, explosive under pressure, lighter than air and settles in pools in high areas.
• In its natural state, natural gas has no odor. For your safety, an odorant has been added.
• This grill is shipped from the factory for natural gas use only.
It is e sse ntia l to k eep th e grill’s va lve com p artm ent, b urne rs an d circu latin g a ir pa ssa g es c lea n.
Inspe ct th e grill be fore ea ch use Step 1. Inspect all hoses and connections and make certain they are secure. Step 2. Check and clean the burner venturi tubes for insects and insect nests by removing the burner and inserting a
Step 3. Ensure that the valve nozzle is pointing straight and completely inserted into the ventur i tube.
bottle brush cleaner into each tube to make sure the passage is clear. *** A clogged tube can lead to a fire beneath the grill. ***
natural gas hose is required for op era tion.
This ga s grill is NO T inte nd ed for com m ercial u
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
Illustrated Parts List
1. Left side panel………….…1pc 2. Right side panel ………….1pc 3. Bottom panel assembly …1pc 4. Back panel………….….. 1pc
5. Front top beam………….. 1pc 6. Main doors………..…….2pcs 7. Heat insulation plate…….1pc 8. Grill body assembly……...1pc
9. Left side shelf..……...…..1pc ..
Cooking grate.…..…....2pcs
10. Right side shelf ………….1pc 11. Side burner assembly….1pc
14. Warming grate-body…..1pc
15. Warming grate-lid
12. Heat plate.………….……4pc
16. Cup support……….…..1pc
17. Grease cup………..…1pc 18. Storage basket…......... 1pc 19. Side burner knob……..1pc 20. Knob seat………..…..3pcs
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
Hardware List
M6x15mm Bolt
M6x20mm Bolt
M6x45mm Bolt
Spring Washer
Hardware listed above is not scaled to exact size. (A screwdriver is required on assembly and is included for your convenience).
S L G 2 0 07 B N O w ner’s M anu a l
Large Washer
M4x12 mm Bolt
M4 Nut
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