Pepperl+Fuchs WirelessHART Adapter, WHA-ADP Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide WHA-ADP* WirelessHART-Adapter
Firmware Update Instructions
 Table of Content
2018 -0 5
Table of Content
1. Getting Started ....................................................................................6
1.1. Requirements ............................................................................................ 6
1.2. Preparation ................................................................................................ 6
1.3. Establishing a Connection ......................................................................... 6
1.4. Firmware Update ......................................................................................12
1.5. Example of a path: ....................................................................................14
Quick Start Guide WHa-adP*
 Table of Content
2018 -0 5
 Getting Started
2018 -0 5
1. Getting Started
1.1. Requirements
PC with PACTWare 4.1 or later
HART Communication DTM package from CodeWrights (accessible at the Pep­perl+Fuchs Homepage)
WirelessHART DTM Collection from Pepperl+Fuchs
HART Modem, e.g. Pepperl+Fuchs HM-MT-USB
Firmware Update Package (accessible via Pepperl+Fuchs sales contact)
1.2. Preparation
The WirelessHART Adapter should be powered by a battery of type W-BAT-B2-Li GG.
A connection to the adapter is necessary for the rmware update. Depending on the conditions at site, the connection can either be established with the help of a HART Modem or wirelessly via a WirelessHART Gateway. This manual will explain the rmware update via HART modem, but it is also possible to perform the same steps with a wirelessly connected adapter.
Connect the clamps of the HART Modem to terminals 5+6 or 7+8 of the Wireless­HART Adapter. On the other side the WirelessHART Modem should be connected to your computer, e.g. via an USB port. Make sure you have installed the necessary drivers for the HART Modem as well as the DTM packages and PACTWare.
1.3. Establishing a Connection
Open PACTWare. If you don’t have an existing project, create a new one.
2. At rst, the basic project structure must be created. In order to do so, right click on
Host PC and select Add device.
Quick Start Guide WHa-adP*
 Getting Started
2018 -0 5
Figure 1.
3. Now the device catalog will open. Search for the device called HART Communicati-
on from CodeWrights GmbH, select it and press OK.
Figure 2.
4. Now the HART interface has been added to your project. Right click on the HART
Com DTM in the project tree and select Add device again.
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