Pepperl+Fuchs VAG-PB-KF-R4 User Manual

AS-Interface/PROFIBUS Gateway AS-Interface/PROFIBUS Gateway IP20IP20
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Declaration of Conformity .......................................................................5
2 The Used Symbols ...................................................................................7
3 Safety ........................................................................................................9
3.1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................... 9
3.2 General Safety Information .................................................................................... 9
4 General Information ...............................................................................11
5 Connections, Displays and Controls ...................................................13
5.1 Device Schematics .............................................................................................. 13
5.2 Displays and Controls .......................................................................................... 14
5.3 Mounting and Connections ................................................................................. 15
5.3.1 Mounting ................................................................................................................. 15
5.3.2 Connection via the Power Rail ................................................................................ 15
5.3.3 Device Terminal Connections ................................................................................. 16
5.3.4 Gateway Power Supply .......................................................................................... 16
5.4 The PROFIBUS Interface ...................................................................................... 16
6 Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway ..............................................19
6.1 Master Start-Up ..................................................................................................... 19
6.2 Configuration Mode .............................................................................................. 19
6.3 Protected Operating Mode ................................................................................... 20
6.3.1 Switching to Protected Operating Mode ................................................................. 20
6.3.2 Configuration Errors in Protected Operating Mode ................................................. 20
6.4 Assigning an AS-i Address in Configuration Mode .......................................... 21
6.4.1 Assigning a Slave Address ..................................................................................... 21
6.4.2 Erasing the Slave Address ..................................................................................... 21
6.5 Programming the Address in Case of Configuration Errors ............................ 22
6.5.1 Automatic Address Assignment .............................................................................. 22
6.5.2 Manual Address Assignment .................................................................................. 22
6.6 Setting of the Profibus Station Address and the Protocol Type ...................... 23
6.6.1 Profibus Station Address ........................................................................................ 23
6.7 Error Messages ..................................................................................................... 23
7 Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters ..............................................25
7.1 List of Corrupted AS-i Slaves (LCS) ................................................................... 25
7.2 Error Counter: Counter of corrupted data telegrams ........................................ 25
7.3 Off-line Phase on Configuration Errors .............................................................. 25
8 Profibus-DP ............................................................................................27
8.1 Easy Mode ............................................................................................................. 28
8.1.1 Mapping of the AS-i data in the Profibus-DP-Telegram ..........................................28
8.1.2 Configuration of the AS-i Network .......................................................................... 28
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Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group · Tel.: Germany (621) 776-0 · USA (330) 4253555 · Singapore 7799091 · Internet
Table of Contents
8.1.3 Projecting of the Profibus-DP Master ......................................................................28
8.1.4 Parameterization of the Profibus-DP Slave ............................................................28
8.1.5 Configuration of the Profibus-DP Slave ..................................................................29
8.2 Advanced Mode ....................................................................................................29
8.2.1 Mapping of the AS-i Data in the Profibus-DP Telegram .........................................30
8.2.2 Configuration of the AS-i Network ...........................................................................31
8.2.3 Configuration of the Profibus-DP Master ................................................................31
8.3 Professional Mode ................................................................................................34
8.3.1 Mapping of the AS-i Data in the Profibus-DP Telegram .........................................37
8.3.2 Configuration of the AS-i Network ...........................................................................38
8.3.3 Configuration of the Profibus-DP Master ................................................................38
8.4 Profibus Diagnosis telegram ...............................................................................41
8.4.1 Diagnosis telegram in easy mode and advanced mode .........................................41
8.4.2 Diagnosis telegram in professional mode ...............................................................43
9 Accessories for Putting AS-i into Operation and Test Tools ............ 45
9.1 Windows Software AS-i Control Tools ...............................................................45
9.2 Profibus-DP-Mastersimulator ..............................................................................48
10 Displays of the Figure Display ............................................................. 49
11 Appendix: AS-i Slave Lists and Data Telegrams ................................ 51
11.1 AS-i Slave Lists .....................................................................................................51
11.2 Execution Control Flags .......................................................................................51
11.3 Structure of the Profibus-DP Data Telegram ......................................................52
11.3.1 Structure of the AS-i data window ...........................................................................52
11.3.2 Data Window for Transmission of AS-i Parameters in Advanced Mode .................53
11.3.3 Transmission Window for AS-i Control Code in Advanced Mode ...........................53
12 Appendix: The First Commissioning of AS-i ...................................... 57
13 Appendix: Putting Profibus into Operation with a Siemens S5 ........ 59
13.1 Putting into Operation in Easy Mode ..................................................................59
13.2 Putting into Operation in Professional Mode .....................................................62
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Pepperl+Fuchs Group · Tel.: Germany (621) 776-0 · USA (330) 4253555 · Singapore 7799091 · Internet
issue date 12.10.199 9
Declaration of Conformity
1 Declaration of Conformity
The AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway VAG-PB-G4F-R4 have been developed and produced in accordance with the applicable European standards and directives.
The corresponding of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer of the product, Pepperl & Fuchs Group in D- 68307 Mannheim, possesses a certified quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001.
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Declaration of Conformity
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
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2 The Used Symbols
This symbol warns the user of possible danger. Failure to heed this warning can lead to personal injury or death and/or damage to equip­ment.
This symbol warns the user of a possible failure. Failure to heed this warning can lead to total failure of the equipment or any other con­nected equipment.
This symbol gives the user important hints.
The Used Symbols
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The Used Symbols
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3 Safety
3.1 Intended Use
The protection of operating personnel and the system against possible danger is not guaranteed if the control interface unit is not operated in accordance with its intended use. The device may only be operated by appropriately qualified personnel in accordance with this operating manual.
3.2 General Safety Information
Safety and correct functioning of the device cannot be guaranteed if any operation other than that described in this operation manual is per­formed. The connecting of the equipment and any maintenance work to be car­ried out with voltage applied to the equipment must only be performed by appropriately qualified electrotechnical personnel. In the case that a failure cannot be repaired, the device must be taken out of operation and kept from inadvertently put back into operation. Repair work is to be carried out by the manufacturer only. Additions or modifications to the equipment are not allowed and void the warranty.
The operator is responsible for the observance of local safety stan­dards.
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Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group · Tel.: Germany (621) 776-0 · USA (330) 4253555 · Singapore 7799091 · Internet
issue date 12.10.199 9
General Information
4 General Information
This operating instruction is for use with the following devices of the Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH:
• VAG-PB-KF-R4 The AS-i/PROFIBUS-Gateways serve to connect the Actuator-Sensor-Interface to
the PROFIBUS-DP. A gateway represents the master for the AS-Interface and the slave for the PROFIBUS.
The AS-i/PROFIBUS-Gateway is constructed as a PROFIBUS DP slave only. It sup­ports all PROFIBUS transmission rates up to 12 MBaud.
All AS-Interface functions can be called via the Profibus. There are three operation modes for the data exchange with Profibus-DP: the easy mode, the advanced mode and the professional mode. In the easy mode, the gateway uses a fixed I/O-configu­ration for the Profibus and the gateway can be put into operation very easily without further parameterization on the Profibus master. In the advanced mode, the size of the I/O window can be matched to the actual structure of the AS-i network. The AS-i master is configured by the Profibus master. During operation, AS-i parameters can be transmitted to the AS-i slaves. Also the mini-PLC AS-i Control is accessible. All AS-i Control functions are available (program download, upload, start, stop, read and write user memory). The professional mode is the advancement of the advanced mode. With its management channel it is additionally possible to execute further AS-i commands via Profibus. Furthermore you can operate the advanced AS-i diagnosis via Profibus.
The scope of delivery includes several GSD-files to ensure the easy putting into op­eration in each operating mode. In contains also the Siemens type files version 4.0 (German) and 5.x.
All devices contain the integrated mini-PLC AS-i Control for the fast distributed pre­processing of AS-i data. Furthermore advanced AS-i diagnosis functions are imple­mented to locate sporadically occurring configuration errors and to judge the quality of the AS-i communication.
All devices are delivered together with the AS-i Control Tools, a Windows software for the easy putting into operation of the AS-Interface and the programming of AS-i Con­trol. The software communicates via the serial interface of the PC without additional expensive hardware. Merely a Profibus converter is needed to connect the RS232 in­terface of the PC with the Profibus interface of the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway.
If no PC is available the putting into operation, troubleshooting and setting up of the AS-i parameters can be accomplished with the use of two push-buttons, the display and the LEDs directly on the device.
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General Information
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group · Tel.: Germany (621) 776-0 · USA (330) 4253555 · Singapore 7799091 · Internet
issue date 12.10.199 9
Connections, Displays and Controls
5 Connections, Displays and Controls
5.1 Device Schematics
The following are found on the front of the AS-i/Profibus gateway (see diagram be­low):
1. Connection terminals for the AS-i circuit, also used for the power supply
2. A nine pin SUB-D connector as a Profibus-interface (see chapter 4.5),
3. 7 LEDs
4. A four position, seven section display for indicating the gateway's operating status
5. 2 buttons for projecting the gateway.
1 2 3
PB active
ASI active
21 30 31 32
22 23 24 25
33 34 35 36
The following diagram provides the dimensions of the AS-i/PROFIBUS-gateway.
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Connections, Displays and Controls
5.2 Displays and Controls
The seven LEDs on the front of the gateway signal the following: power The gateway is sufficiently supplied with power.
PB active LED on: The PROFIBUS communications are active.
LED off:PROFIBUS communications are inactive.
config err A configuration error is imminent or no PROFIBUS communications
are taking place (when the "PB active" LED is not illuminated). This means that with configuration errors, at least one projected slave is missing or the actual configuration data does not correspond with the reference configuration data for a projected and recognized slave.
U AS-i The AS-i line is sufficiently supplied with power.
(AS-i Flag "APO"). AS-i active Standard operation is active (AS-i Flag "Normalbetrieb"). prg enable Automatic address programming is possible
(AS-i Flag "Auto_prog_available").
Precisely one slave is missing in the protected operating mode. This
slave can be replaced with a slave of similar design and an address
of 0. The gateway automatically programs the new slave to the faulty
address and thereby resolves the configuration error. prj mode The gateway is in the projection mode
(AS-i Flag "projecting_active").
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Connections, Displays and Controls
The two buttons have the following functions: mode Used to switch between the projection mode and the protected oper-
ating mode and to store the actual AS-i configuration as the reference configuration.
set Selection and storage of an AS-i slave address.
5.3 Mounting and Connections
5.3.1 Mounting
The KF… design of the gateway can be mounted on a 35 mm DIN rail in accordance with EN 50022 and facilitates electrical connection through the "Power Rail". It is also possible to use the more conventional and expensive method of cable connections to terminals with this design.
The gateway is snapped directly onto the DIN rail. When using the power rail, an elec­trical connection is automatically made (to the AS-i Bus) by snapping the gateway onto the rail leads..
5.3.2 Connection via the Power Rail
The PR05 power rail is an insert for the DIN rail in accordance with EN 50 022. The UPR 05 is delivered with the appropriate DIN rail.
The 5 pin version of the power rail must be used during the establishment of AS-in­terface circuits. Two of the five power rails make up the AS-i bus.
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Connections, Displays and Controls
Lead breakage as well as a short circuit caused by the power rail is prevented due to the power rail's solid construction..
UPR 05
PR 05
5.3.3 Device Terminal Connections
In addition to or in combination with power rail connections, the KF… designs can be conventionally connected by means of removable device terminals. The terminal ar­rangement is shown below.
The device terminals consist of screw type cable piercing terminals which allow for the connection of 14 AWG cables (2.5 mm²). The connectors are 3 pin connectors; they can be keyed to prevent connection errors.
Removable terminals simplify the assembly of the switch encloser and allow for the replacement of components without taking the system off line.
5.3.4 Gateway Power Supply
The gateway is supplied through the AS-i circuit. A connection to the AS-i cable is es­tablished by means of the power rail and/or with the device terminals. The terminal layout is displayed in the diagram above.
It is important to note when using the power unit that these AS-Interfaces are compat­ible and have the necessary decoupling coils.
5.4 The PROFIBUS Interface
The serial interface is a 9 pin SUB-D connector. It is located on the right side of the device front. The other possibility is to use the device terminals. The wiring is shown in the picture below:
The AS-i/Profibus-Gateway with an RS485 interface transmitts and receives through pins 3 and 8 of the SUB-D connector or terminals 25 and 26 of the device terminals. The RxD-TxD-P signal (B cable per PROFIBUS specifications) is assigned to pin 3
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Connections, Displays and Controls
and to terminal 25. The RxD/TxD-N signal (A cable per PROFIBUS specifications) is assigned to pin 8 and to terminal 26.
In order to prevent equalizing currents, the interface cable's shielding is connected with the gateways grounding clamp through a capacitor. Otherwise, it should be gal­vanically grounded.
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Connections, Displays and Controls
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issue date 12.10.199 9
Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway
6 Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway
6.1 Master Start-Up
After powering on, all segments of the figure display and all LEDs light up for approx­imately one second (self-test). Afterwards, the LEDs display the condition of their re­spective flags. The LCD displays the condition of the master:
40 Off-line Phase
The AS-i Master initializes—there is no data communication on the AS-i.
If the AS-i circuit is insufficiently powered (“U ASI” does not light up) or there is no communication relationship between the Profibus master and the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway, the master remains in the off-line phase.
In configuration mode or when an AS-i Control program is started auto­matically the device can leave the Off-line phase. In protected mode, if the Profibus communication is interrupted, the AS-i Master switches to the off-line phase after the watchdog time of the Profi­bus has expired unless an AS-i Control program is running and was started automatically.
41 Detection Phase
Start of the start-up phase, where the system looks for slaves located on the AS-i. The master remains in the detection phase until it finds at least one slave.
42 Activation Phase
Condition at the end of the start-up operation where the parameters are transmitted to all connected and recognized slaves. This enables access to the AS-i slaves’ data connections.
431Start of Normal Operation
In normal operation the AS-i master can exchange data with all active slaves. It transmits management messages and looks for and activates newly connected slaves. During normal operation, the system keeps the maximum cycle time of 5 milliseconds.
6.2 Configuration Mode
The configuration mode serves to configure the AS-i circuit.
In the configuration mode, all recognized slaves are activated even when the desired and actual configurations do not match.
1. Activation phase and the start of normal operation maybe so short that the numbers can not be seen in the display.
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Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway
Pressing the “mode” button for at least five seconds switches the master to configu­ration mode. While in configuration mode, the yellow “prj mode” LED lights up.
The system then displays one after the other all detected slaves at a speed of two per second. If the display is empty, no slaves were detached on the AS-i circuit.
In configuration mode, all recognized slaves are activated except of slave zero. The AS-i Master is in normal operation. There is data exchange between the AS-i Master and all AS-i slaves detected by the master regardless of whether the detected AS-i slaves were projected before.
When delivered the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway is in configuration mode.
6.3 Protected Operating Mode
In contrast with the configuration mode in the protected mode there is only data exchange between the AS-i Master and the projected AS-i slaves.
6.3.1 Switching to Protected Operating Mode
You leave the configuration mode by pressing the “mode” button.
Pressing the button shortly:
Exits the configuration mode without projecting the current AS-i configuration.
Pressing the button for more than five seconds:
Exits the configuration mode and projects the actual AS-i configuration. Si­multaneously the actual AS-i configuration is stored as nominal configuration in the EEPROM.
If the system detects an AS-i slave with address zero on the AS-i, it can not leave the configuration mode.
In the protected operating mode, only AS-i slaves that are projected and whose actual configurations match the nominal configurations will be activated.
6.3.2 Configuration Errors in Protected Operating Mode
As long as there is no configuration error, the numeric display is turned off while in protected operating mode. Otherwise, the that address a faulty assignment is dis­played. A faulty assignment occurs when a slave has been recognized or projected but cannot be activated.
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Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway
If there are more than one faulty assignments the one that was first detected is dis­played. Pressing the “set” button shortly displays the next higher faulty address.
Shortly appearing configuration errors are stored in the device (advanced AS-i diag­nosis). The last error that occurred can be displayed by pressing the set button. If a short AS-i power failure is responsible for the configuration error the display shows a “39“.
6.4 Assigning an AS-i Address in Configuration Mode
AS-i can be put into operation in a very comfortable manner by using the Windows software AS-i Control Tools (see chapter 9.1)(addressing directly or with the AS-i ad­dress assistant).
Furthermore you can use a hand held addressing device. If you don’t have neither a PC nor a hand held addressing device, address assigning
of the AS-i slaves is also possible with the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway using the push buttons. How it works is described as follows.
6.4.1 Assigning a Slave Address
(assigning an available address to a slave with address zero) In configuration mode, the addresses of all detected slaves are displayed one after
the other. To display the next higher available operating address, press the “set” but­ton shortly. Each time you press the “set” button, the next available address is dis­played.
Chose the displayed address as your target address by pressing the button for more than five seconds. The address display blinks. The master is ready for programming; pressing the “set” button again addresses the connected slave with address zero to the target (blinking address.
Any errors will be displayed by their error codes according to chapter 10. Otherwise, the detected slaves are displayed again as described in chapter 6.2.
6.4.2 Erasing the Slave Address
AS-iIn configuration mode, the addresses of all recognized slaves are displayed one after the other. By pressing and releasing the “set” button, the master displays the next available address. If you press the button for more than five seconds while the address of a detected slave is displayed, this slave is will get the address zero and the display shows “00”.
When you release the button, the display continues to display the detected slaves.
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Operating the AS-i/PROFIBUS Gateway
6.5 Programming the Address in Case of Configuration Errors
6.5.1 Automatic Address Assignment
One of AS-i’s great advantages is the automatic address assignment. If a slave fails, it can be replaced by one of the same type with address zero. The master will detect the replacement and automatically addresses the new slave with the address of the faulty one.
For automatic programming to work, some requirements must be met:
1.The AS-i master must be in the protected operating mode.
2.The “Auto_Address_Assign” release flag must be set.
3.Only one of the projected slaves may not be detected.
If these requirements are met, the AS-i master’s “prg enable” LED lights up and a slave with address zero will be automatically assigned to the operating address of the missing slave.
If the two slaves have different configuration data, i.e. are not of the same type as far as AS-i is concerned, the automatic address assign­ment will not be carried out.
6.5.2 Manual Address Assignment
If several slaves fail, they cannot be replaced automatically by the AS-i master. You must set their addresses manually. If this should not be done via the Profibus interface (using the AS-i Control Tools) or with a hand held addressing device, you can set them with the push buttons and the figure display of the device.
In protected operating mode, wrong assignments are displayed as errors (see chapter
6.3). By pressing the “set” button, you can display all faulty assignments one after the other. By pressing the “set” button for more than five seconds, you can select the cur­rently displayed address as a potential target address, and the display starts to blink.
If the faulty slave was previously replaced by a slave with address zero, the new slave can now be programmed for the blinking address by pressing the “set” key again. As a requirement, the new slave’s configuration data must match the configuration data for the blinking address.
After the address has been successfully set, the next faulty assignment is displayed and the address assignment can begin from the start. Otherwise, the system displays an error code (chapter 10). When all faulty assignment are eliminated the display is empty.
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