Pepperl Fuchs UC-18GS User Manual

UC***-18GS series
Configuring Ultrasonic Sensors with IO-Link Interface
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementar y clause: "Expanded reservation of proprietor­ship"
Pepperl+Fuchs Group
Lilienthalstr. 200
68307 Mannheim
Phone: +49 621 776 - 0
North American Headquarters
Pepperl+Fuchs Inc.
1600 Enterprise Parkway
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087
Phone: +1 330 425-3555
Asia Headquarters
Pepperl+Fuchs Pte. Ltd.
P+F Building
18 Ayer Rajah Crescent
Singapore 139942
Phone: +65 6779-9091
UC***-18GS series
1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Content of this Document ............................................................................. 6
1.2 Target Group, Personnel ............................................................................... 6
1.3 Symbols Used ................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Intended Use .................................................................................................. 7
1.5 General Safety Notes..................................................................................... 7
1.6 Declaration of Conformity............................................................................. 8
2 Product Description .................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Use and Application ...................................................................................... 9
2.2 Indicators and Operating Elements ........................................................... 11
2.3 Accessories.................................................................................................. 12
2.3.1 Accessories for Mounting and Connection ...................................... 12
2.3.2 Parameterization Aids...................................................................... 12
3 Installation................................................................................................................ 14
3.1 Safety Information ....................................................................................... 14
3.2 Preparation ................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Mounting....................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Connection ................................................................................................... 15
4 Commissioning without IO-Link............................................................................. 16
5 Sensor Programming via the Programming Button.............................................17
5.1 Programming Switch Points / Limits.......................................................... 17
5.2 Programming Sensor Operating Modes for Switching Output ............... 19
5.3 Programming the Sensor Operating Modes for Analog Output.............. 20
6 Commissioning Using PACTware and DTM........................................................... 22
6.1 Commissioning via IO-Link......................................................................... 22
6.2 Commissioning Using IrDa Infrared Interface .......................................... 24
7 Configuration and Analysis with DTM via IO-Link................................................ 27
7.1 Overview ....................................................................................................... 27
7.2 Sensor Information Menu Option...............................................................27
7.3 Output Configuration Menu Option ........................................................... 28
7.4 Sensor Configuration Menu Option ........................................................... 29
UC***-18GS series
7.5 Analysis & Echo Suppression Menu Option .............................................31
7.6 Observation Menu Option........................................................................... 38
7.7 Service Menu Option ................................................................................... 42
7.8 Information Menu Option ............................................................................43
8 Description of Sensor Parameters.........................................................................44
8.1 Sensor Information ...................................................................................... 44
8.2 Output – Switching Output..........................................................................44
8.2.1 Output Mode .................................................................................... 44
8.2.2 Output Logic.....................................................................................47
8.2.3 Switch Point 1...................................................................................47
8.2.4 Switch Point 2...................................................................................47
8.2.5 Retroreflective Mode Offset..............................................................48
8.2.6 Switching Hysteresis........................................................................48
8.2.7 Switch-On Delay ..............................................................................49
8.2.8 Switch-Off Delay ..............................................................................49
8.3 Output Configuration – Analog Output......................................................50
8.3.1 Output Mode .................................................................................... 50
8.3.2 Output Type...................................................................................... 50
8.3.3 Near Limit.........................................................................................50
8.3.4 Far Limit ........................................................................................... 51
8.3.5 Lower Output Value ..........................................................................51
8.3.6 Upper Output Value.......................................................................... 51
8.4 Sensor Configuration – Evaluation ............................................................52
8.4.1 Sound Beam Width .......................................................................... 52
8.4.2 Echo Evaluation ...............................................................................53
8.4.3 Evaluation Method............................................................................ 53
8.4.4 Averages & Skip Count..................................................................... 54
8.4.5 Weighting of Former Measurement .................................................. 54
8.4.6 Allowed Deviation to the Former Measurement ................................55
8.4.7 Skip Time ......................................................................................... 55
8.4.8 Temperature Compensation ............................................................. 55
8.4.9 Operating Temperature.....................................................................56
8.4.10 Foreground Suppression.................................................................. 57
8.4.11 Background Suppression................................................................. 57
8.4.12 Sensor Cycle Time ........................................................................... 57
8.4.13 Ultrasonic Pulse Length ................................................................... 58
UC***-18GS series
8.5 Sensor Configuration – Synchronization .................................................. 58
8.6 Sensor Configuration – Echo Loss and Error Handling ..........................59
8.6.1 No Echo........................................................................................... 59
8.6.2 Output Behavior if an Error Occurs .................................................. 60
8.6.3 Error Replacement Value – Current/Voltage..................................... 60
8.7 Sensor Configuration – Local Controls ..................................................... 61
8.7.1 Local Controls.................................................................................. 61
8.7.2 Local Controls Status....................................................................... 61
8.8 Service .......................................................................................................... 61
8.8.1 Locator Indication ............................................................................ 61
8.8.2 "Reset to Factory Defaults" Button................................................... 62
9 Synchronizing Multiple Sensors ............................................................................ 63
10 Maintenance and Repair ......................................................................................... 64
10.1 Maintenance Work ....................................................................................... 64
10.2 Cleaning........................................................................................................ 64
10.3 Resetting to the Factory Default................................................................. 64
11 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................... 65
11.1 What to Do in Case of an Error................................................................... 65
UC***-18GS series

1 Introduction

1.1 Content of this Document

This document contains information required to use the product in the relevant phases of the product life cycle. This may include information on the following:
Product identification
Delivery, transport, and storage
Mounting and installation
Commissioning and operation
Maintenance and repair
Dism ounting
For full information on the product, refer to the further documentation on the Internet at
The documentation comprises the following parts:
This document
In addition, the documentation may comprise the following parts, if applicable:
EU-type examination certificate
EU declaration of conformity
Attestation of conformity
Control drawings
Instruction manual
Other documents

1.2 Target Group, Personnel

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismount­ing lies with the plant operator.
Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel may carry out mounting, installation, com­missioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting of the product. The personnel must have read and understood the instruction manual and the further documentation.
Prior to using the product make yourself familiar with it. Read the document carefully.
UC***-18GS series

1.3 Symbols Used

This document contains symbols for the identification of warning messages and of informative messages.
Warning Messages
You will find warning messages, whenever dangers may arise from your actions. It is mandatory that you observe these warning messages for your personal safety and in order to avoid prop­erty damage.
Depending on the risk level, the warning messages are displayed in descending order as fol­lows:
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.
Informative Symbols
This symbol brings important information to your attention.
This symbol indicates a paragraph with instructions. You are prompted to perform an action or a sequence of actions.

1.4 Intended Use

The UC***-18GS series ultrasonic sensors use ultrasonic pulses to detect objects. The sensor emits ultrasound, which is reflected by the object and received again by the sensor. The mea­sured sound propagation time is used to determine the distance to the object (pulse-echo prin­ciple). Objects in the following forms can be detected: solid, granular, powder, or liquid. The color and surface structure of the objects are irrelevant. Gases cannot be detected.
UC***-18GS series ultrasonic sensors are not safety components within the meaning of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. They must not be used for the purposes of avoiding risk to individuals or parts of the body.
Always operate the device as described in these instructions to ensure that the device and con­nected systems function correctly. The protection of operating personnel and the plant is guar­anteed only if the device is operated in accordance with its intended use.
The operator is responsible for complying with all local safety regulations.
Only use recommended original accessories.
UC***-18GS series

1.5 General Safety Notes

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismount­ing lies with the plant operator.
Installation and commissioning of all devices may be performed only by trained and qualified personnel.
The device is only approved for appropriate and intended use. Ignoring these instructions will void any warranty and absolve the manufacturer from any liability.
If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs, return the device to your local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.
Electronic waste is hazardous. When disposing of the equipment, observe the current statutory requirements in the respective country of use, as well as local regulations.

1.6 Declaration of Conformity

This product was developed and manufactured in line with the applicable European sta ndards and directives.
A declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The product manufacturer, Pepperl+Fuchs Group, 68307 Mannheim, Germany, has a certified quality assurance system that conforms to ISO 9001.
UC***-18GS series
Product Description

2 Product Description

2.1 Use and Application

The UC***-18GS series ultrasonic sensors use ultrasonic pulses to detect objects. The sensor emits ultrasound, which is reflected by the object and received again by the sensor. The mea­sured sound propagation time is used to determine the distance to the object (pulse-echo prin­ciple). Objects in the following forms can be detected: solid, granular, powder, or liquid. The color and surface structure of the objects are irrelevant. Gases cannot be detected.
Typically, ultrasonic sensors are used in a wide range of applications including:
Sag control on packaging and metal processing machines
To measure diameter of roll material (e.g., film, paper, metal sheet)
To detect fill levels in tanks and silos
To avoid collisions with self-propelled or controlled machines
Height control of booms for sprayers
To detect containers on refuse collection vehicles
To detect objects or to measure fill levels on conveyor belts
To detect pallets on forklifts
To monitor range on barrier systems
To detect PCBs when feeding them to SMD placement machines
The standard cylindrical 18GS housing design can be program med and adapted to various applications. You can program boundaries, output modes, output types, and sound beam width via the programming buttons on the sensor or via the convenient IO-Link or IrDa interfaces. Convenient programming via the IO-Link or IrDa interfaces makes setting many other parame­ters such as filter options, echo suppression, synchronization settings, etc. possible. You there­fore have various channels and adjustment options available for programming that can be used individually depending on your application.
Programming of the ultrasonic sensors via IO-Link is possible offline using IODD or DTM and an FTD frame program. You can program it online via a PLC via IO-Link master and IODD. Pro­gramming via the IrDA interface is possible using a DTM and an FTD frame program.
The IO-Link versions with switching output enable IO-Link communication in accordance with the IO-Link standard. The 18GS versions with analog output can be parameterized via their IO­Link interface.
The advantages of the UC***-18GS ultrasonic sensors are:
Proven cylindrical housing design
Advanced setting options via programming button on the device
IO-Link 1.1 interface for service and process data, and for parameterization
Excellent immunity to background noise such as compressed air
Can be self-synchronized to avoid mutual interference of several adjacently mounted
ultrasonic sensors
Programmable echo suppression
What Is IO-Link?
IO-Link enables seamless communication and digital data transfer from the control panel level down to the sensor level. The intelligent sensors can be used to their full potential with IO-Link, paving the way for Industry 4.0 in automation technology. The internationally standardized interface provides value at all stages, from plant design and installation through to operation and servicing. This value is achieved by sustained cost reductions and efficiency improve­ments.
UC***-18GS series
Product Description
Standardized device description files ("IODDs") and parameterization via software tools ensure convenient configuration and integration of IO-Link sensors. Intelligent and transparent param­eter management increases application flexibility and keeps downtimes to a minimum.
Parameters can be customized quickly and easily, even for complex production and batch changes. Transparency right through to the sensor gives users access to a comprehensive range of parameterization options and device diagnostics functions, allowing them to perform predictive serv icing.
The technology offers particular benefits
In service (troubleshooting, ser vicing, and device exchange)
During commissioning (cloning, identification, configuration, and localization)
And during operation (job changeover, continuous parameter monitoring, and online diag-
Device Description File (IODD)
The sensor parameters are different for each device. A standardized description of these param eters can be found in the IO Device Description (IODD). The IODD can be imported into various engineering tools from different system providers, providing they suppor t IODD. The sensor can be configured or diagnosed using the appropriate tool.
IODDs can be integrated in a control environment to allow IO-Link devices to be used for IO­Link operation. Both programming and exchanging process data can be performed with a PLC. The IODD can be imported into a range of engineering tools from various system providers for programming and diagnostics, provided these tools support IODD
DTM (Device Type Manager)
If a sensor is not used long-term in an IO-Link environment, but nevertheless needs to be con­figured, this can be done easily via a PC with installed FDT frame application (e.g., PACTware) and with the DTM (Device Type Manager, a kind of "device driver") available for the sensor. Unlike configuration via the IODD, this method provides extended functions and ensures improved graphic visualization and convenient operation. Functions such as UC*** -18GS series "echo suppression" can only be configured via the relevant DTM.
Offline Parameterization
For offline parameterization, IO-Link devices are already configured before mounting. To do this, use the Pepperl+Fuchs IO-Link USB master.
We recommend using the "PACTware" software as an FDT frame application and user inter­face. So that it can be used in PACTware, the IODD mu st first be translated via the "IODD inter­preter DTM" software. "IODD Interpreter DTM" is used to transform the IODD into a tabular user inter face for parameterization.
The software components required in each case are summarized in the most current version of the "IO-Link Offline Parameterization Tool" software package. The software package and the documentation on its installation and use can be found online at
If you use the "IO-Link Offline Parameterization Tool" software package, have active internet access, and have connected your device via the Pepperl+Fuchs IO-Link USB master, the PACTware will automatically find the right IODD online.
The device description file (IODD) required for integration in an IO-Link system and for parame­terization and diagnosis is available online. Visit and navigate to the relevant product page for the UC***-18GS sensor.
Online Parameterization
When commissioning machines and plants, you must integrate master and IO-Link devices into the appropriate control environment. Depending on the components used, different software is required.
You can configure and parameterize the devices using an IO-Link configuration tool. During operation, you can check the parameters for the IO-Link devices, read, and monitor the status and diagnostic data. IO-Link data is integrated into an application program using function blocks.
UC***-18GS series
Product Description

2.2 Indicators and Operating Elements

Figure 2.1
1. Yellow/green/red LED
2. Programming button T1
3. Programming button T2
4. Sonically-active area
LED display for sensors with switching output
Green LED Yellow LED Red LED
In normal operation
Error-free operation On Switch state Off
Fault (e.g., compressed air) Off Retains previous state (factory
default setting, can be changed via IO-Link)
Standby (high level for > 1 s at
Flashing Retains previous state Off
synchronization input)
When programming the switch points
Object detected Off Flashing slowly Off
No object detected Off Flashing quickly Off
Unreliable object detection Off Off Flashing
Confirmation of successful pro-
Flashes 3x Off Off
Warning in the event of invalid
Off Off Flashes 3x
program ming
When programming operating modes
Programming the Output Mode Flashing Off Off
Programming the Output Logic Off Flashing Off
Programming the Sound Beam
Off Off Flashing
Table 2.1
UC***-18GS series
Product Description
LED display for sensors with analog output
In normal operation
Error-free operation On Output state Off
Fault (e.g., compressed air) Off Retains previous state (factory
Standby (high level for > 1 s at synchronization input)
When program ming the limits
Object detected Off Flashing slowly Off
No object detected Off Flashing quickly Off
Unreliable object detection Off Off Flashing
Confirmation of successful pro­gramming
Warning in the event of invalid programming
When program ming operating modes
Programming the ou tput mode Flashing Off Off
Programming the ou tput type Off Flashing Off
Programming the sound beam width
Table 2.2
Green LED Yellow LED Red LED
On default setting, can be changed via IO-Link)
Flashing Retains previous state Off
Flashes 3x Off Off
Off Off Flashes 3x
Off Off Flashing
UC***-18GS series
Product Description

2.3 Accessories

Various accessories are available.

2.3.1 Accessories for Mounting and Connection

Several components are available for mounting and connecting UC***-18GS series sensors. You will find details online at on the product page for the relevant sensor or on the relevant datasheet.
The following types of accessories are available for order:
Mounting aid AB-18
Connection cable and cordset
For mounting, connection, and commissioning, the following product information is available online at on the product page for the relevant sensor: datasheet, commissioning instructions, m anual. The relevant DTM also contains comprehensive context­related help texts.

2.3.2 Parameterization Aids

The following parameterization aids are available:
Designation Description
PACTware FDT frame application for operating IODDs and DTMs
Pepperl + Fuchs PACTware Connection Wizard
IODD for UC***-18GS* IODD (IO Device Description) – device description for operating
DTM for UC***-18GS* DTM (Device Type Manager) – device description and graphic
IO-Link Offline Parameter­ization Tool
UC-PROG-IR-USB Interface cable to parameterize sensors with IrDA interface
V1-G-2M-PVC-V1-G 4-pin cordset, M12 to M12, to connect a UC***-18GS series sen-
IO-Link-Master-USB DTM Device type manager – software for operating the IO-Link-Mas-
Table 2.3
Wizard for simple project and connection set-up of the ultrasonic sensor in PACTware. Visit and access the product page for the relevant UC***-18GS series sensor.
the sensor, integration in the system environment Visit and access the product page for the relevant UC***-18GS series sensor
user interface for operating the sensor, integration into the system environment Visit and access the product page for the relevant UC***-18GS series sensor
FDT frame application for operating IODDs and DTMs. This tool contains PACTware, IODD Interpreter DTM, and IO-Link USB Master DTM. Visit and access the product page for the relevant UC***-18GS series sensor.
IO-Link USB adapter box to communicate with the IO-Link device via a PC, M12 connection for sensor
sor to the IO-Link-Master02 USB
ter02 USB via FDT.
UC***-18GS series
M12 x 1
18 x 1

3 Installation

3.1 Safety Information

Risk of short circuit
Carrying out work while the system is energized m ay result in damage to the device.
Always disconnect the supply voltage before carrying out work on the device.
Only connect the device to the su pply voltage once all work has been completed.

3.2 Preparation

Unpacking the Device
Check the packaging and contents for damage.
In the event of damage, inform the shipping company and notify the supplier.
Check the package contents against your order and the shipping documents to ensure that all items are present and correct.
Should you have any questions, direct them to Pepperl+Fuchs.
Retain the original packaging in case the device is to be stored or shipped again at a later date.

3.3 Mounting

Mounting UC***-18GS Sensors
Use M18 nuts (included as standard) to secure the sensor and tighten to a maximum torque of 30 Nm.
Figure 3.1
UC***-18GS series

3.4 Connection

A three-pin adapter or triple-strand connection cable must be used when connecting the sensor to an IO-Link Class B master port.
If the synchronization option is unused, connect the synchronization input to ground (0 V) during operation without IO-Link.
Connection Images
Figure 3.2 UC****-18GS-2EP-IO-V15
Figure 3.3 UC****-18GS-IUEP-IO-V15
Applying Supply Voltage for a Sensor with Connector Plug
To supply voltage to the sensor, proceed as follows:
Insert the prepared connection cable into the connector plug provided for this purpose on the underside of the housing.
Screw the u nion nut onto the connector plug as far as it will go. This ensures that the power cable cannot be pulled out inadvertently.
Connect the supply voltage to the cables provided for this purpose and switch it on.
The sensor is ready for operation.
Control via IO-Link
To prepare the sensor for control via IO-Link, proceed as follows:
Connect the sensor to an IO-Link master. For a sensor with connector plug, screw the union nut onto the connector plug as far as it will go. Use a four-strand sensor cable for the connection.
The sensor is now prepared for IO-Link communication.
UC***-18GS series
Commissioning without IO-Link

4 Commissioning without IO-Link

Switch on the supply voltage. The operating indicator on the sensor lights up green.
The sensor will now function using the preset parameters.
It is only possible to change configuration by programming with the programming button or by configuring via IO-Link!
UC***-18GS series
Sensor Programming via the Programming Button

5 Sensor Programming via the Programming Button

Basic information about programming
In terms of factor y settings, the sensor can only be programmed during the first 5 minutes after switching on. This time is extended during the actual programming process. The option of pro­gramming the sensor is revoked if no programming activities take place for 5 minutes. After this, programming is no longer possible until the sensor is switched off and on again.
When configuring sensors via the IO-Link, you can use the DTM to adjust the programming buttons locking logic. This is done in the "Sensor configuration" menu option, "Local controls" tab.
When actively communicating via the IO-Link interface of the sensor, it is not possible to use the program ming button to program.
The programming activities can be canceled at any time without changing the sensor settings. To do so, press and hold the programming button for 10 seconds.
Programming via the programming button can take place in the stand-alone mode of a sensor or also in the synchronized sensor group of several sensors (only for automatic common mode and multiplex mode). When program ming in the synchronized sensor group, there may be a delay to starting the programming routine, depending on when the sensor in question is next in line. For the duration of the programming process, the other sensors in the sensor group go into standby mode (green LED is flashing). Then synchronization mode continues to operate as normal.

5.1 Programming Switch Points / Limits

Depending on the sensor type, you can program the switch points (SP1, SP2) for sensors with switching output and program the limits (SP1, SP2) for sensors with analog output using programming buttons T1 and T2.
Depending on the output, the following programming buttons are used for programming:
Switching output 1 via programming button T1
Switching output 2 via programming button T2 (only with UC*-18GS-2EP* sensors)
Analog output via programming button T2 (only with UC*-18GS-IUEP* sensors)
The programming sequence for SP1 and SP2 are identical in both cases and are therefore described consecutively below. You must carry out the two programming steps separately for each switching output / analog output. To ease understanding, the programming button is only called T below.
UC***-18GS series
Sensor Programming via the Programming Button
Figure 5.1
Programming Switch Point 1 / Near Limit (SP1)
If the object is detected correctly during the programming process, the yellow LED flashes slowly. If no object is detected, the yellow LED flashes at a higher frequency. A flashing red LED during or when com pleting the programming process indicates unreliable object detection. In this case, correct the alignment of the object during the program ming process until the yellow LED flashes. Only then will the settings be transferred to the sensor memory.
Position the object at the site of the required switch point / the required near limit.
Press and hold the T programming button for two seconds (yellow LED flashes)
Briefly press the T programming button (green LED flashes 3 times as confirmation). The sensor returns to normal operation.
Programming Switch Point 2 / Far Limit (SP2)
Position the object at the site of the required switch point / required far limit.
Press and hold the T programming button for two seconds (yellow LED flashes)
Press and hold the T programming button for two seconds (green LED flashes 3 times as confirmation). The sensor returns to normal operation.
UC***-18GS series
LED grün
LED gelb
LED rot
kurz kurz kurz
Sensor Programming via the Programming Button

5.2 Programming Sensor Operating Modes for Switching Output

The sensor features a 3-stage process for programming the sensor operating modes. In this programming routine you can program as follows:
A) Output mode
B) Output logic
C) Sound beam width
The programming sequence for switching output 1 and switching output 2 are identical and are therefore described consecutively below. You must perform the programming steps separately for each switching output. However, the width of the sound beam is generally set only once for the sensor. You can set the sound beam width while programming switching output 1. To ease understanding, the programming button is only called T below.
These stages of the process are programmed in succession. To switch from one programming step to the next, press and hold the programm ing button for two seconds.
The following graphic illustrates the programming routine:
Figure 5.2
Activating the Programming Routine
To activate the program ming routine, press the programming button for five seconds until the green LED begins to flash.
Programming the Output Mode
The green LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed output mode: 1x: switch point mode 2x: window mode 3x: hysteresis mode 4x: retroreflective mode
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the output modes in succession. Select the required output mode.
Press the programming button for two seconds to switch to the next output logic programming step.
Programming the Output Logic
The yellow LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed output logic: 1x: normally-open 2x: normally-closed
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the output logic in succession. Use this m ethod to choose the output logic.
Press the programming button for two seconds to switch to the next programming step, the programming of the sound beam width.
Programming the Sound Beam Width
UC***-18GS series
Output mode
LED green
Output type
LED yellow
Beam width
LED red
Normal operation
short short short
Sensor Programming via the Programming Button
The red LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed sound beam width: 1x: narrow 2x: medium 3x: wide The sound beam width is generally set only once for the sensor.
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the sound beam widths in succession. Use this method to choose the required sound beam width.
Press and hold the programming button for two seconds to save all per formed settings and to return to normal operation.

5.3 Programming the Sensor Operating Modes for Analog Output

The sensor features a 3-stage process for programming the sensor operating modes. In this programming routine you can program as follows:
A) Output mode
B) O utput type
C) Sound beam width
These stages of the process are programmed in succession. To switch from one programm ing step to the next, press and hold the T2 programming button for two seconds.
To ease understanding, the programming button is only called T below.
The following graphic illustrates the programming routine:
Figure 5.3
To exit the IO-Link parameter mode in normal operation (analog signal at the output), briefly disconnect the sensor from the voltage supply.
Activating the Programming Routine
To activate the programming routine, press the programming button for five seconds until the green LED begins to flash.
Programming the Output Mode
The green LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed output mode: 1x: rising ramp 2x: falling ramp
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the output modes in succession. Select the required output mode.
Press the programming button for two seconds to change to the next programming step, the selection of the output type.
Programming the Output Logic
UC***-18GS series
Sensor Programming via the Programming Button
The yellow LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed output type: 1x: current output 2x: voltage output
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the output types in succession. Select the required output type.
Press the programming button for two seconds to switch to the next programming step, the programming of the sound beam width.
Programming the Sound Beam Width
The red LED is now flashing. The number of flashing pulses indicates the currently pro­grammed sound beam width: 1x: small 2x: medium 3x: wide
Briefly press the programming button to navigate through the sound beam widths in succession. Use this method to choose the required sound beam width.
Press and hold the programming button for two seconds to save all performed settings and to return to normal operation.
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