Pepperl+Fuchs OMD10M-R2000-B23, OMD30M-R2000-B23, OMD12M-R2000-B23 User Manual

2-D Laser Scanner
OMD10M-R2000-B23, OMD30M-R2000-B23, OMD12M-R2000-B23
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following documen t is applicable: The
Central Asso ciation of the Electrical Indus try (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation
of proprietorship"
2-D Laser Scanner
2-D Laser Scanner
2016 -01
1 Introduction......................................................................... 5
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................5
1.2 Validity ..........................................................................................................5
2 Declaration of Conformity ................................................. 6
3 Safety................................................................................... 7
3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety ..........................................................................7
3.2 General Safety Information ............................................................................7
3.3 Laser Class 1 ................................................................................................8
3.4 Intended Use ................................................................................................8
4 Product Description ........................................................... 9
4.1 R2000 Laser Scanner ...................................................................................9
4.2 Functional Principle.....................................................................................10
4.3 Indicators and Controls ...............................................................................10
4.4 Interfaces and Connections ........................................................................11
4.5 Scope of Delivery........................................................................................12
4.6 Accessories ................................................................................................ 12
5 Installation......................................................................... 14
5.1 Storage and Transport................................................................................. 14
5.2 Unpacking...................................................................................................14
5.3 Mounting..................................................................................................... 14
5.4 Device Connection...................................................................................... 16
6 Commissioning................................................................. 17
6.1 Ethernet Configuration ................................................................................17
7 Operation........................................................................... 19
7.1 Menu Structure ........................................................................................... 19
7.2 Operation ....................................................................................................21
7.3 Description of Menu Items ..........................................................................24
7.3.1 Ethernet Info Menu Item .........................................................................24
7.3.2 Ethernet Setup Menu Item ......................................................................24
7.3.3 Sensor Setup Menu Item ........................................................................ 25
7.3.4 Demos Menu Item .................................................................................. 26
7.3.5 Tools Menu Item .....................................................................................26
7.3.6 End Menu Item .......................................................................................26
8 Maintenance and Repair.................................................. 27
8.1 Maintenance ...............................................................................................27
8.2 Repairs .......................................................................................................27
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2-D Laser Scanner
9 Troubleshooting ............................................................... 28
9.1 Troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 28
10 Appendix........................................................................... 29
10.1 Technical Data Daten "Ultra High Density" Models ..................................... 29
10.2 Technical Data "High Density" Variants ...................................................... 32
10.3 Amplitude Characteristics .......................................................................... 35
10.4 Pulse Ranging Technology (PRT) Glossary................................................ 37
10.5 Using Open Source Programs.................................................................... 37
2-D Laser Scanner
2016 -01
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs develops, produces and distribu tes e lectronic sensors and interface modules for the market of automation technology on a worldwide scale.
Read these instructions carefully before you install this device and put it into operation. Instructions and hints included in this manual lead you step by step through the installation and commissioning and provide a trouble-free use of this product. This is for your benefit, since this helps you to:
ensures the safe operation of the device
ex ploit the full functionality of the device
avoid operating errors and related disturbances
avoid costs due to disruptions and repair work
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your system.
Keep these instructions for reference for later work on the equipment.
Please check after opening the package, that the device isn 't damaged and the completeness of the delivered goods.
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this manual:
Handling instructions
You will find handling instructions beside this symbol
If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please contact us at:
Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH Lilienthalstraße 2 00 68307 Mannheim Telephone: +49 62 1 776-4411 Fax: +49 621 776-274411 E-Mail: fa-info@pe
1.2 Validity
This manual applies to devices from firmware 1.20 and hardware 1.00 o nward. The versions can be found in the device menu; see chapter 7.3.3.
For devices with older versions, documentation is available on request.
This symbol draws your attention to important information .
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2-D Laser Scanner
Declaration of Conformity
2 Declaration of Conformity
All products were developed and manufacture d under observance of the applicable European standards and guidelines.
The product manufacturer, Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH, 68307 Mannheim, has a certified quality assurance system that conforms to ISO 9001.
A Declaration of Conformity can b e requested from the manufacturer.
2-D Laser Scanner
2016 -01
3 Safety
3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety
3.2 General Safety Information
The following basic instructions must be o bserved at all times:
The device must not be commissioned until the manual has been read and
The power supply to produce the supply voltage must have a safe electrical
isolation by means of double insulation and a safety transforme r according to DIN VDE 05 51 (corresponds to IEC 742)
The device must not be used outside of its specification withou t suitable
protective measures
Modifying the device is not permitted
Do not point the devices in direct sunlight and do not take meas urements in
Do not remove the warnings or rating plates
Installation and commissioning of all devices mus t be performed only by personn el specially trained for that purpose.
Protection of operating personnel and the system is not ensured if the product is not used in accordance with its intended use.
The laws and guidelines applicable for the use or the intended purpose must be observe d. Devices are approved only for prope r usage in accordance with intended use. Ignoring these instructions will void any warranty and absolve the man ufacturer from any liability.
Use only recommended original accessories.
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
Caution !
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.
2016 -01
2-D Laser Scanner
If you are unable to resolve faults, switch the device off. Make sure that the device cannot be switched back on accidentally. If the device needs to be repaired, return it to Pepperl+Fuchs. If you o pen or modify the device yourself, not only are you endang ering yourself and others but you will void any warranty and absolve the manufacturer from any liability.
Dispos e of unusable devices in accordance with the a pplicable national statutory regulations.
For instan ce, you can take the sensor to a designated collection point for electronic waste.
3.3 Laser Class 1
Class 1 Laser Product
This sensor is certified according to laser protection class 1.
3.4 Intended Use
The R2000 laser scanners are measuring devices that are used on automated transport systems or other movable machinery in intralogistics. They a re also used on stationary equipment in the area of factory a nd building automation.
Make su re that the devices are used only for their intended purpose.
In applications involving stock feeders a nd moving carriages, care mu st be taken to ensu re that the applicable safety regulation s are obs erved at all times.
Failure to do so may result in serious or fatal injury!
Class 1 lase r light
The laser light can be an irritant, especially in a dark environment. Do not point lasers at people!
Maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by authorized service person nel!
Install the device so that the warning is clearly visible and readable.
Caution : Use of controls, adjustments, or performance of procedures other than those s pecified herein may result in harmful laser beam exposure.
2-D Laser Scanner
Product Description
2016 -01
4 Product Description
4.1 R2000 Laser Scanner
The two-dimensional R2000 laser scan ner is made up of a static body, on which a continuously turning me asurement module with an emitter laser and receiver element is located. The laser scanner uses Pulse Ranging Technology (PRT). The implementation of this innovative operating principle permits unbroken scan ning of the surroundings through a full 360°.
As a compact 360° scanner with high measuring frequen cy, small angular reso lution, precise light spot, visible measurement beam (OMD10M-R20 00-B23), and an integrated all-round display, the system can be used in numerous applications in factory au tomation. In addition to completing familiar tasks from industrial areas such as logistics, transportation, and material handling, the system can be used for innovative ap plications in buildings automation, automatic navigation of autonomous vehicles, or for monitoring rooms.
One particular highlight of the laser scanner is the row of LEDs arranged on the back of the measurement module. Rotating the scanner produces a cylinder­shaped projection surface, wh ich is su itable for displaying text-based as well as graphical information. In this way, commissioning and operations can be carried out without aids such as a PC or Notebook . Operating and diagnostic information can be seen directly during ongoing o peration.
The laser scanner from the R2000 se ries fulfills the safety requirements of laser class 1 in measurement mode. The low amount of laser light emitted guarantees that operating personnel are neithe r injured nor harmed.
2016 -01
2-D Laser Scanner
Product Description
4.2 Functional Principle
The laser scanner works according to the principle of Pulse Ranging Technology (PRT). As part of this principle, the time between sending a light pulse and receiving the reflected pulse from an object is measured in the device. Due to the constan cy of the speed of light, this time is a measurement of distance.
In comparison with other distance measurement processes, run time measurement is affected very little by any disturbances in the measu ring environment. As a result, this measurement process can be used with a high level of accuracy even under tough everyday industrial conditions. The light source and light receiver are located in the rotating sensor head.
4.3 Indicators and Controls
Figure 4.1 Indicators and Controls
Influence of ambient conditions
The speed of light depends on the air temperature and barometric pressure.
The influence of the air temperature amounts to 1 pp m/K.
The influence of the barometric pressure amo unts to -0.3 ppm/hPa.
These faults must be taken into consideration b y the use r in the case of longer distances.
In the operating range (-10 °C ... +50 °C) this fault amo unts to 0.6 mm at a distance of 10 m.
No. Designation Color
1 Operating status indicator Green
2 Error indicator Red
3 "Next" menu button
4 "Return" menu button
5 Q2 - no function
6 Q1 - no function
7 Laser face
8 Ethernet link ind icator Green
9 Ethernet activity indicator Yellow
Table 4.1 Indicators and Controls
2-D Laser Scanner
Product Description
2016 -01
4.4 Interfaces and Connections
The following connections are found on all devices:
Power supply
There is a 4-pin M12 connector on the rear of the housing to connect the power supply. The following diagram shows the p inning:
Figure 4.2 Power supply connectio n layout
The 8-pin M12 connector on the rear of the housing is for service purposes.
There is a 4-pin M12 socket on the back of the housing to connect the Ethernet interface. The following diagram shows the pinning:
Figure 4.3 Ethernet conne ction layout
The connector h ousing is located on the shield.
1 24 V pow er supply
2 Not used
3 Ground (GND)
4 Not used
1 TD+
2 RD+
3 TD-
4 RD-
2016 -01
2-D Laser Scanner
Product Description
4.5 Scope of Delivery
The scope of delivery includes:
Quick start guide
Protective cover
3 x socket cap screws, M5 x 10
3 x washers, size 5
4.6 Accessories
The following products are availab le as accessories.
Installation Instructions for North America
If a connection is made to the M12 multi-pin connector, the product shall be use d with a UL-listed cable/connector (CYJV) assembly rated minimum 30 VDC, minimum 1.0 A, in the final installation for power supply.
Designation Description
V1SD-G-2M -PUR -ABG-V45-G Patch cable M12 to RJ45, len gth 2 m
V1SD-G-5M -PUR -ABG-V45-G Patch cable M12 to RJ45, len gth 5 m
V1SD-G-ABG-PG9 Single-ended male co rdset, M12 D-coded, 4-pin for
bus cable
V1-G-2M-PUR Single-ended female cordset, straight, M12 , 4-pi n,
PUR cable
V1-W-2M-P UR Single-ended female cordset, angled, M12, 4-pin,
PUR cable
MH-R2000 Mounting bracket, quick-lock and adjustment aid
Installation Information for North America
If a connection is made with the M1 2 multi-pin connector, then in the final installation of the power supply, the product must be used with a UL-listed cable/conn ector assembly (CYJV) that is designed for at least 30 VDC and at least
1.0 A.
Designation D escription
V1-G-BK-2M-PUR -U Single-ended female cordset, straight, M12, 4-pin,
PUR cable, leng th 2 m, "UL recognized"
V1-G-BK-5M-PUR -U Single-ended female cordset, straight, M12, 4-pin,
PUR cable, leng th 5 m, "UL recognized"
V1-G-BK-10M -PUR -U Single-end ed female cordset, straight, M12, 4-pin,
PUR cable, leng th 10 m, "UL recognized"
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