Pepperl+Fuchs OBD10M-R2000-4EP, OBD30M-R2000-4EP-T, OBD30M-R2000-4EP User Manual

2-D Laser Scanner
OBD10M-R2000-4EP OBD30M-R2000-4EP OBD30M-R2000-4EP-T
OBD10M-R2000-4EP OBD30M-R2000-4EP OBD30M-R2000-4EP-T
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Elec­trical Industry, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zen-
tralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent
version as well as the supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation of proprietor-
Es gelten die Allgemeinen Lieferbedingungen für Erzeugnisse und Leistungen der Elektroindustrie, herausgegeben vom Zentralverband Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V. in ihrer neusten Fassung sowie die Ergänzungsklausel: "Erweiterter Eigentumsvor-
2-D Laser Scanner
2-D Laser Scanner
1 Introduction......................................................................... 2
1.1 Purpose of this quick start guide ...................................................................2
1.2 Product documentation on the internet..........................................................2
1.3 Intended Use ................................................................................................2
1.4 Validity ..........................................................................................................2
2 Safety................................................................................... 3
2.1 Laser Class 1 ................................................................................................3
3 Product Description ........................................................... 4
3.1 Indicators and Operating Controls ................................................................4
3.2 Interfaces and Connections ..........................................................................4
3.3 Included in Delivery.......................................................................................5
3.4 Accessories ..................................................................................................6
3.5 Further Information........................................................................................6
4 Installation........................................................................... 7
4.1 Mounting.......................................................................................................7
4.2 Device Connection........................................................................................8
5 Commissioning................................................................... 9
5.1 Ethernet Configuration..................................................................................9
2 - EN
2-D Laser Scanner
1.1 Purpose of this quick start guide
This quick start guide contains basic instructions for operating the device. However, the manual takes priority over the quick start guide.
1.2 Product documentation on the internet
You can view all the relevant documentation and additional information on your product at Simply enter the product name or model number in the Product/Key word search box and click Search.
Select your product from the list of search results. Click on the information you require in the product information list, e.g., Technical documents.
A list of all available documents is displayed.
1.3 Intended Use
The R2000 laser scanners are measuring devices that are used on automated transport systems or other movable machinery in intralogistics. They are also used on stationary equipment in the area of factory and building automation.
Make sure that the devices are used only for their intended purpose.
1.4 Validity
This manual applies to devices from firmware 1.20 and hardware 1.00 onward. The versions can be found in the device menu; .
For devices with older versions, documentation is available on request.
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