Pepperl+Fuchs LGS, LGS100, LGS8, LGS17, LGS25 Series Manual

LGS Series
Switching Automation Light Grid
LGS Series
With regar d to the supply of products, the curre nt issue of the following documen t is applicable: The
General Terms of Delivery for Products a nd Se rvic es of the Electrical Indust ry, p ublished by the
Central Association of the Ele ctrica l Industry (Zentralve rband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementary clause: "Expanded rese rvation
LGS Series
1 Introduction......................................................................... 5
2 Declaration of Conformity ................................................. 6
2.1 Declaration of Conformity ..................................... ............... .........................6
3 Safety................................................................................... 7
3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety ............... ................................................. .......... 7
3.2 Intended Use ............ ................................................. ............... ....................7
4 Product Description ........................................................... 9
4.1 Use and Applicat ion ..................................... .............. ...................................9
4.2 Indicato rs and Operating Elements ......................................................... ......9
4.3 Interfaces and Connections .......... .............................................................. 11
4.4 Accessories ................... ............... ................................................. ............. 12
4.5 Scope of Delivery ........... ................................................. ............... .............12
5 Installation ........................................................................ 13
5.1 Preparation . .............. ................................................. ............... ..................13
5.2 Mou ntin g ..... .............. ................................................. ............... ..................13
5.3 Multiple Positions ................................................................. ............... ........16
5.4 Connecting the Senso r Rails........................ .............. .................................17
5.5 Storage and Transportation .................................................. ............... ........20
6 Commissioning................................................................. 21
6.1 Final Ass embly ......... ............... ................................................. .............. ....21
6.2 Commis sioning the Light Grid......................................... ............... .............21
7 Operation........................................................................... 22
7.1 Operating the Light Gri d . ................................................. ............... .............2 2
7.1.1 Object Detection (Overhang Control) .......... ............... ............................27
7.1.2 Monitoring the Object Height with Height Controls .................... .............28
7.1.3 Object Identification ............. ................................................. .............. ....29
7.2 Commis sioning and Operating the Light Grid with IO-L ink ..........................30
8 Maintenance and Repair.................................................. 32
8.1 Mainten ance ........................................... .............. ......................................32
8.2 Repair ....................... ............... ................................................. .............. ....32
9 Troubleshooting................................................................33
9.1 Troubleshooting ............................ ............... ............................................... 33
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10 Appendix........................................................................... 35
10.1 Technical Data ............ ............... ............... ................................................ . 35
10.2 Type Code .......................................................... ............... ......................... 37
10.3 Response Times and Numb er of Beams .................................................... 38
10.4 Profile Length and Weight ..... ............... ................................................. ..... 41
10.5 Accessorie s ............................... ............... ................................................ . 4 2
10.5.1 Installation Accessories .................................................................... ..... 42
10.5.2 Co nnecting Cables ........... ............... ................................................. ..... 46
10.5.3 Accessories for IO -Link Operation ........................... ............... ............... 46
10.6 Parameterizing the Lig ht Grid ..... ............................................................... . 47
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1 Introduction

You have chosen a devic e manufactured by Pepp erl+Fuchs. Pepper l+Fuchs develops, produces and dist ribu tes electronic se nsors and interface modu les for the market of automation techn ology on a worldwide sca le.
Before you install this device and p ut it into operation, please read the operating instructions thoroug hly. The instructions and notes contained in this operat ing man ual will guide you step-by-st ep throug h the installation and commissioning procedures to ensure troub le-free use of this product. By doing so, you:
guarantee safe operation of the device
can utilize the entire ran ge of device functions
avoid faulty operation and associated errors
reduce costs from downtimes and incidental repairs
increase the e ffectiveness and ope rating efficiency of your plant.
Store this op erating manual somewhere safe in order to have it available for future work on the device.
Directly after opening the packaging, please ensure that the device is intact and that the p acka ge is c omplete.
If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or a ccess ories, pleas e contact u s at:
Pepperl+Fuchs Gm bH Lilienthalstraße 200 68307 Mannheim, Germany Telephone: +49 (0)621 7 76-1111 Fax: +49 ( 0)621 776-271 111 Email:
Sym bols use d
The following symbols are used in this manual:
This symbol draws your attention to important information.
Handling instructions
You will find hand ling instructions bes ide this symbol
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Declaration of Confo rmity

2 Declaration of Conformity

2.1 Declaration of Conformity

This product was d eveloped and ma nufactured unde r observan ce o f the applica ble E uropean standards and guidelines.
A Declaration of Conformity can be requested from the man ufacturer.
The product manufacturer, Pepper l+Fuchs GmbH, D-68 307 Mannheim, has a certified quality a ssur ance system that con forms to ISO 9001.
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3 Safety

3.1 Symbols Relevant to Safety

This symbol ind icates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in pers onal injury or death.
This symbol ind icates a possible fau lt or danger.
Non-observance m ay cau se p ersonal injury or serious prope rty damage.
This symbol ind icates a possible fau lt.
Non-observance co uld interrupt the dev ice and any conne cted systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.

3.2 Intended Use

The LGS autom ation light grid is a comp act optical light grid that consists of a emitter strip and a receiver strip. The detection field to be m onitored is located between the emitte r strip and the receiver strip. The electronics for level mea surement are located in the receiver strip.
Area s of Use
Object detection in the packaging and material hand ling secto rs
Detecting and counting irre gular objects
Measuring an d sorting objects of differen t heights (height co ntrol)
Presence and overhang cont rol in material handling systems
Overha ng control of load heights in tran spo rt systems a nd mater ial handling applica tions
Web sag m onitorin g
Position or shape m onitoring
Gap detection
Not a safety co mponent
The light grid is not a certified safety ligh t grid in accordance with EN 61496. It is also not a safety com ponent under the terms of the EU Machiner y Directive 2006 /42/EC. The ligh t grid must therefore not be used for the purpose o f preventing r isk to individuals or parts of the bo dy.
Always operat e the device as desc ribed in th ese instructions to ensure that the device and conn ected systems function correctly. The protection of operating personnel and plant is only guaranteed if the device is operated in acco rdance with its intended use.
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The device and its inp ut and output circuits must be operated from a power supp ly that fulfills the req uirem ents of PELV/SELV systems.
Only use recommende d original accessor ies.
The operating com pany bears resp ons ibility for observing locally app licable safety regulations.
Installation and commissioning of all devices may only be performed by trained and qualified per sonnel.
User modification and or repair are dangerous and will void the warranty and exclude the ma nufacturer from any liability. If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device against inadverten t operation. In the event of repairs, return the device to your local Pepper l+Fuchs representative o r sa les office.
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Product De scription

4 Product Description

4.1 Use and Application

LGS series: Tou ch it, save it—i ntelligent automation light grid with extras
Adjustable b eam crossover for refining the resolution. The beam crossover does no t alter the resp onse time
Optical synchronization o f both outer beams possible
Three separate o utputs for height control
Light-o n or dark- on op tions
Parameterizable object detection
Parameterizable bea m suppres sion (blanking )
Operation via touch field or extern al inp ut
IO-Link interface for ser vic e and process d ata, and for parameterization
Desc ript ion
In ad dition to the usual s tandard functions, LGS series light grids feature a range of u seful extra functions previously found only in much more expensive dev ice classes. These functions include ultra-quick ob ject detection even with beam crossover, the option of identifying objects, and remote c ommunication via an IO­Link interface. The blanking fun ction can be used to deactivate two connected beam areas if unfavorable installation c onditions result in plant c omponents exten ding into and interrupting the det ection field. The standby operating mode is another feature for applications where light grids are n ot in con tinuou s op eration.
The LGS is modular in d esign and available with five different beam gaps (8 mm, 17 mm, 25 m m, 5 0 mm, and 100 mm) and detection field heights ranging from 100 mm to 3200 mm to enable extensive monitoring of the evalua tion a rea. Integrated signa l evaluation means it is no t ne cessary to mo unt a sep arate add itional switching device. The slimline profiles c an ea sily be mounted us ing existing holes, the rear continuous groove, or the fixture s availab le as accessories, enabling light grids in the LGS series to be used to maximum effect and t ailored to the specific ap plication.
The switching light grid has one swit ching output, which displays an identified object, and three height control outputs.
The LGS receiver strip also has an IO-Lin k interface, enabling advanced parameter ization, extens ive configuration, identification, and diagnos is of the light grid. This requires operation on an IO-Link master.
The SC (stability control) diagnostic output indicates an insufficient functional reserve, e.g., due to misalignment or soiling. The receiver strip can be taught in for various objects via a teach-in input. The touch b utton can also be replicated externally via this input.
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H1H2H3 F
Product De scription

4.2 Indicators and Operating Elements

Emitter strip
Figure 4.1 Function indicator on the emitter strip
2 O perating indicator : Indicates power on or power save mode
3 S tatus indicator: Indicates transmi ssion power, fault state, or activ e test input
Receive r strip
Figure 4.2 Function indicator on the receiver strip
2 O perating indicator : Indicates power on, power save mode, active IO-Link, or fault state
3 S tatus indicator: Indicates detectio n field status, functional rese rve, or fault s tate
On the receiver strip be hind the plastic front panel the re are 12 illuminated pictograms. The pictogra ms indicate the functional state and allow you to parame terize the system. The two outer pictograms indicate the position of th e two oper ating buttons (capacitive touch buttons) for pa ramet erization.
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H3 F
Product De scription
Figure 4.3 Touch field: Functi on indicators on the receiver strip
Touch buttons
1 Menu button Function selecti on
12 OK butto n Function confirmation
Function status ind icators, level 1
4 Detection field status
and object teach-in switching output
5 Height output 1 Teach in height 1 o r display taug ht-in hei ght 1
6 Height output 2 Teach in height 2 o r display taug ht-in hei ght 2
7 Height output 3 Teach in height 3 o r display taug ht-in hei ght 3
8 Object p ositio n Object detec tion for moving objec ts
9 Crossover Beam crossover active
10 Object to lerance Tolerance beam for obj ects active
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11 F2 Activate s econd level
Function status ind icators, level 2
4 Q (F2) Beam suppre ssion (blank ing) for inter fering object s
5 H1 (F2) Inverse operation (gap detection)
6 H2 (F2) Light-on or d ark-o n switchi ng type
Teach in objec t or dis play object det ection
Object detec tion for static objects
Beam crossover deactivated
Tolerance for obj ects deactivated
LGS Series
Product De scription
7 H3 (F2) Reset factor y setting
8 Object positi on (F2) Signal tracking acti ve

4.3 Interfaces and connections

The electrical connections are established usin g two M12 connectors. The transmitter strip has a cable with a 4-pin conne ctor and the rec eiver strip a cable with an 8-pin connector.
Transmitter s trip
Figure 4.4 Emitter unit connection layout
1 24 V DC
2 R ange (In)
3 0 V DC
4 T est (In)
Signal tracking inac tive
Receive r strip
Figure 4.5 Receiver strip connection layout
1 + UB
2 S C (Stability Contr ol, Out)
3 0 V DC
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Product De scription
4 C/Q (IO-Link / Out)
5 H1 (O ut)
6 H2 (O ut)
7 H3 (O ut)
8 Teach-in (In)
IO-Link communication is established via the C/Q connector (pin 4).

4.4 Accessories

An extensive range of accessories w ith detailed descriptions can be foun d in t he appe ndix see chap ter 10.5 .

4.5 Scope of Delivery

The scop e of deliver y includes:
Emitter strip and receiver strip
Cable lug an d spare housing screw
Fixtures and cab les are not included in the scope of delive ry. S ee the appendix or visit http://www.pepper for a selection of c ompatible mounting aids and r ecommended cables.
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5 Installation

5.1 Preparation

Unpacking the Device
1. Check the p ackaging and con tents for d amage.
In the event of dam age, inform the shipping co mpany and notify the
2. Check the p ackage contents against your order and the shipping do cuments to ens ure that all items are presen t an d correct.
Should you have any q ues tions, direct them to Pepperl+Fuchs.
3. Retain the original pa ckaging in case the d evice is to b e stored o r shipped again at a later date.
Preven ting Extraneou s Light and Reflections
Situations in whic h the receiver is exposed to power ful extraneous light (e.g., from flashing lamps or direct sunlight) must b e avoided. The influenc e of other optical sens ors should also be prevent ed thro ugh s uitable positioning o r the use of par titions. There must be n o reflective surfaces in the detection field, sinc e reflections may prevent the detection of objects.

5.2 Mounting

Remember to kee p the detection field free of o bstac les wherever poss ible. The first or last bea m in par ticular is used for visual synchron ization between the emitter strip and the rece iver strip. If both synchronous beams are interrupted, the detection field is no longer measured.
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H3 Fn
Detection field + 159
n Beam
1. Beam
Detection field
21.2 137.8
LGS Series
Figure 5.1 Light Grid Dimensio n Drawing
To mount the slim panels, use customized bore holes (d = 4.5 mm for M4 screws) or a rear, continuous groove (for flat M6 nuts in accordance with ISO 4035).
Various fixtures are available for mounting the light grid see chapter 10.5.1.
Mounting Using the Rear Groove
There is a continuous g roove located on the r ear of the strip on the ligh t grid. Standard flat M6 nuts in accordan ce with DIN 4 035 fit into this gro ove. Once these nuts have been inse rted , they can b e use d to mou nt the light grid.
Mounting Using Holes D rilled by the Customer
The light grids can be mounted using user-defined holes. The ma ximu m screw size is M4. Make sure you follow the instru ctions whe n po sitioning the hole. Improper handling can damage the interna l electronics.
Drilling Holes
1. Mark the pos ition of the holes. Focus on the continuous line on the side of the light grid .
2. Mark the p osition of the holes.
3. Using a 4.5 mm diam eter drill, drill all the way through the hous ing.
4. Deburr the hole.
5. Repeat the first steps until all ho les have been drilled.
6. Make sure that the aluminum chips do not scratch the optical surface.
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Secure the light grid in its final position using the drilled holes.
Figure 5.2 Position of the central point for the mounting holes
Figure 5.3 Mounti ng ho les
1. Align the em itter strip and rece iver s trip so the y are parallel with one another and at the same height.
2. The strips must be aligned with one another with an accuracy of approximately ± 5°.
3. During mounting , ensure that the two strips have the same orientation. (Cable outlet facing eith er upward or downward on both strips.)
4. The maximum d etection range must not be exceeded.
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