Pepperl+Fuchs KFD2-HMM-16 User Manual

BA268F/00/en 02.03 Part No. 52017696
HART Multiplexer Master
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HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Table of contents
Table of contents
1INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................5
1.1 Explanation of the symbols used in the manual ...................................... ................................................5
1.2 Aim of the manual .............................................................. ..........................................................................5
1.3 Intended use .................................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Responsibilities of the user ........................................................................................................................6
1.5 Marking .........................................................................................................................................................6
2PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................7
2.1 HART multiplexer master .................. ................................................................ ..........................................7
2.1.1 Delivery package ....................................... ................................................................. ...................................7
2.1.2 Accessories/Product family ............................................................................................................................7
2.1.3 Description of the hardware ...........................................................................................................................7
2.1.4 Galvanic isolation ...........................................................................................................................................9
2.1.5 Cabling for the analogue signals ...................................................................................................................9
2.1.6 Device function ..............................................................................................................................................9
2.1.7 Start-up sequence ..... ...... ....... ................................................................ ....... ...... ........................................11
2.1.8 Operation .....................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.9 LED indicators .............................................................................................................................................12
2.1.10 Device parameter, parameterisation ....................................................... .................... ................... .............. 12
2.1.11 Connection to the service station (PC, DCS/Process control system) ........................................................13
2.1.12 DIP switch settings ......................................................................................................................................13
2.1.13 Co nne ction and Connection Assignment of RS 485 ................................................................ ...... ..... .........14
2.2 Description of the HART communication ........................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..............15
2.3 System construction ............................... ................................................................. .................................16
2.3.1 System description ......................................................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Service station .............................................................................................................................................16
2.3.3 Integration in the operating software (Asset Management Systems) ..........................................................16
2.3.4 System construction with and without mul ti ple xer slaves .............................................................. ..............17
2.3.5 System structure with Flex-interface solutions ............................................................................................18
2.3.6 Structure with motherboard solutions ..........................................................................................................19
2.4 HART Multiplexer Slave ....................................... .....................................................................................20
2.5 Slave connection .......................................................................................................................................20
3INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................21
3.1 Storage and transportation .................................................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...........................21
3.2 Unpacking ..................................................................................................................................................21
3.3 Installation ...................... .......................................................... ..................................................................21
3.4 Electrical connection .................................................................................................................................21
3.4.1 General notes for connect ion ..................................................... ..................................................................21
3.4.2 Location of electrical connections ................................................................................................................21
3.4.3 Note on electromagnetic compatability (EMC) .................... ...... ................................................................. .22
3.5 Dismantling, packaging and disposal .....................................................................................................22
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 • USA (330) 4 25 35 55 • Singapore 7 79 90 91 • Internet
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Table of contents
4COMMISSIONING ...............................................................................................................23
4.1 Commissioning check list ........................................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Data access to the connected transmitters ......................................................... ...... ............................. 23
5DIAGNOSIS AND FAULT ELIMINATION ................................................................................. 24
5.1 General ................................ ................... ............. .................... ................... ................................................ 24
5.2 LEDs ............................. .................................................... .......................................................................... 24
5.3 Status/Response code (Response code) ...............................................................................................24
5.3.1 General .......................................................................................................................................................24
5.3.2 Structure of the first byte ............................................................................................................................. 24
5.3.3 Device status (structure of the second byte) ............................................................................................... 26
5.4 Extended device status ............................................................................................................................ 27
6APPENDIX .........................................................................................................................28
6.1 Supported commands .............................................................................................................................. 28
6.2 Terminal assignment of the 26 pin connector with analogue HART signals ...................................... 31
6.3 Literature ...................................................................................................................................................32
6.4 Glossary ....................... ............. .................... ................... ................... .................... ................................... 32
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet

1 Introduction

1.1 Explanation of the symbols used in the manual

This symbol warns of danger. If the instruction given in this warning is not heeded the result could be the injury or death of personnel and/or the severe damage or destruction of equipment.
This symbol advises of a possible failure. If the instructio n gi ven in this warni ng is not heeded, the device and any plant or systems connected to it could develop a fault or even fail completely.
This symbol indicates important information.
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16

1.2 Aim of the manual

This manual should enable the user to install the HART multiplexer master, to commission it and to maintain it. It provides all the information required on status and fault messages and also provides a guide to fault diagnosis and rectifi ca tio n.
In addition, the manual provides an introduction to HART communication. For additional infor­mation, the attention of the user is directed to the bibliography in the appendix and to other lite­rature on the subject, including the pub li ca tions of the HART Communication Foundation (
Where reference to the bibliography is made in this manual it is indicated thus: /3/. The appendix also explains many terms and abbreviations used in this manual.

1.3 Intended use

The HART multiplexer master KFD2-HMM-16 provides full HART access to up to 256 field de vices and hence operation with the conventional 4m A.. .2 0mA current loops. It thus acts as a transparent gateway between the service station (PC, or proc es s co ntro l sy s tem ) and the trans mit ter s.
The multiplexer can be used within Zone 2 hazardous areas or in the safe area. Power is provided by a 24 V (nominal voltage) DC power su ppl y . Connec ti on to the pr oc es s co ntr ol sys tem or PC is via an R S485 interface.
It should be stressed that the HART multiplexer master KFD2-HMM-16 is approved for use in zone 2 and therefore may not be used in zone 0 or 1 hazardous areas. If the equipment is used in conjunction with intrinsically safe or associated apparatus, then this use must take place in front of the Ex-barrier (e. g. transmitter power supply device).
Reference should be made to the statement of conformity contained in TÜV 00 ATEX 1547 X.
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet

1.4 Responsibilities of the user

In order to avoid damage, incorrect operation and equipment failures, the user must make himself ac­quainted with the equipment and must have read and understood the manual before undertaking i t s inst a l­lation and commissioning.
Repairs to the device must only be undertaken by spec ialist personnel and in compliance with the relevant regulations. We strongly recommend that repairs are undertaken by the manufacturer. No guarantee claims will be accepted by Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH resulting from improper repair work.

1.5 Marking

The following identification is affixed to the KFD2-HMM-16 multiplexer: Pepperl+Fuchs G mbH D-68307 Mannheim
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
TÜV 00 ATEX 1547 X II 3G EEx n A II T4
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet

2 Product description

2.1 HART multiplexer master

2.1.1 Delivery package

Included in the delivery package of the devic e are:
One device KFD2-HMM-16
One product supplement (manual, data sheet, installation instruction)

2.1.2 Accessories/Product family

In addition to the HART multiplexer master, the following items from the HART multiplexer system family of products are availab le from Pepperl+Fuchs:
KFD0-HMS-16, HART multiplexer slave, for extending the HART channels
KSD2-HC, HART RPI control module, for connecting the HART multiplexer to the RPI product family
K-HM14, cable master slave, for connecting the master with the slaves
FI-***, HART flexible interface, handover interface of the analogue signals between transmitter, multiple-
xer and PLC/DCS (control sys tem spe ci fi c)
MB-***, motherboard, carrier board for Ex-isolator module
K-HM26, cable master/slave FI-***/MB-***, for connection of master/slave with flexible interface FI-***
or motherboard MB-***, res pectively
Interface converter RS 485 ↔ RS 232 (Telebyte Model No. 285), converter RS 485 RS 232, Pepperl+Fuchs o rd e r code: Telebyte Model 285M
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Product description
The complete product family is described in the Pepperl+Fuchs p ro duc t catalogues. Please refer to the ordering instructions detailed in the catalogues.

2.1.3 Description of the hardware

The HART multiplexer can operate up to 256 analogue transmitters. The built-in slave unit operates the first 16 loops, and a maximum of a further 15 KFD0-HMS-16 slaves can be connected.
The external connections are shown in Fi gu re 2.1 and Figure 2.2. The power supply (2 4 VDC nominal voltage) is provided via the power rail or terminals 17 and18. The op-
tional slave units or the RPI control module are connected with the master via a 14-core flat cable (K-HM14). Its connector is placed on the same housing side as the terminals for the R S485 interface and the voltage supply. The analogue signals for each unit are connected separately via a 26-core cable. 16 leads are pro­vided for the HART signals of the analogue instrument circuits, the other 10 are connected to ground. The minimum load resistance of the analogue instrument circuits is 2 30 (min. load resistance in accordance with the HART specification), the max. load resistance is 5 0 0Ω. Load resistances of up to 1000 Ω are pos- sible, however, resistance values greater than 500 can interfer e with the HA RT communi cation. The con­nector for these conn ectio ns i s locat ed on th e top of the housing. A proces s control sys tem or a PC ca n be connected via a RS485 interface (terminals 13, 14 and 15). Up to 31 KFD2-HMM-16 can be operated on one RS 485 interface. Terminals 19, 20 and 21 can be used to connect additional stations to the R S485 interface. The DIP-switch on the housing front is for the setting of the R S485 address and the baud rate.
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Product description
13 14 15 19 20 21
grd T- T+
Figure 2.1: Block diagramm KFD2-HMM-16
26 pin connector
for up to
16 analog signal sources
RS 485
Micro processor
14 pin connector
for up to
15 KFD0-HMS-16 devices
+ -
17+ 18-
Power supply
Power Rail
Front view
LED red: Fault signal
26 pin connector
LED green: Power supply
Power supply
LED orange: operational
Connectors RS 485
14 pin connector
Figure 2.2: Location of the plug connectors and controls and the indicators of the KFD2-HMM-16
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet

2.1.4 Galvanic isolation

The voltage supply, the analogue signals and the RS 485 interface are galvanically separated. This galvanic isolation is achieved through the use of transformers and opto couplers.
For the direct current components, the individual HART channels are isolated by means of capacitors. Thus the 4 mA ... 20 mA signal is not affected .
The connected current repeaters are galvanically interconnected unilaterally through the com­mon ground connection of the analogue signals. If the galvanic isolation is to be properly maintained, the individual ground cables must be isola­ted by capacitors. Suitable Fl and MB boards can be supplied by Pepperl+Fuchs for this pur­pose.
Notwithstanding the common ground connection of the analogue signals from the masters/slaves, the gal­vanic isolation of t he cur r ent repeaters is secured if
FI and MB boards are used, whic h a re fitted with capacitors.
KFD2-STC4-Ex1 or KFD2-STC4-Ex2 Ex isolation modules are used as current repeaters.

2.1.5 Cabling for the analogue signals

The individual I/O components of the HART product family are connected by a single 26-pin system plug connector for the connecti on of the individual current repeaters (for plug pin assignmentsee section 6.2). Pepperl+Fuchs provide specially developed connector units (HART interfaces type FI-***) for this purpose. As required, the connection to these units can be via a system cable or even by means of conventional screwconnections. If the current repeaters are mounted on a motherboard (MB-***), the connection is made directly from the board to the multiplexer via a flat cable type K-HM26.
The control system is conne cte d via a s yste m spe cif ic connecto r of the motherboard or the Flex-interface. Flex-interfaces with screw terminals are available for the purpose of individual wiring.
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Product description

2.1.6 Device function

The software functions described in this section are normally integrated into the operating soft­ware for the servicing station, i.e. the functions are not generally (de- ) ac ti vated via the des c ri­bed HART commands. In contrast the operating software uses func ti on s (menu command s) to control these procedures. However the basic HART commands are described as well, because the functions may be named different in the various operating softwares and the basic function may not be obvious. Information on the supported commands can be found in section 6.1.
Channel number
The HART multiplexer master KFD2-HMM-16 provides 16 channels for the connection of "smart transmit­ters or control devices, which support digital communication in accordance with the HART specification. A maximum of 15 additional KFD0-HMS-16 slaves can be connected, each of which in turn support 16 chan­nels. Thus in a full assembly, a loop of 256 channels can be achieved with just one master. When using the multiplexer master with the RPI product family, no slave units are necessary. On RPI, communication takes place via the power rail.
Multiplexer table (module table)
The multiplexer master and the connected multiplexer slaves must be designated as 'available' in a multi­plexer table (command 157). Only those modules defined as 'available' in this table are used in the commu­nication process. The multiplexer table consists of 16 bit, one for each possible multiplexer address (default: module 0 (master) and 1 activa ted).
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Product description
In this way, the multiplex er ma ste r act s as a transpa r ent gate way between the service station (typically a PC with suitable software, see section 2.3.2) and the field devices. The service station is able to communi­cate with up to 31 multiplexer master via up to 38400 baud R S485 connection. Because each master is able to communicate with 256 field devices, up to 7936 field devices are controlable over a singl e RS485 interface.
As a digital communication system for servicing and configuration purposes, the HART protocol is suppor­ted by many field devices with conventional analogu e 4m A. . .2 0mA current loops. The HART signal is thus modulated on the analogue current as an FSK signal (see se cti on 2.2). The modulator/demodulator circuitry (Modem) required for this is integrated in the multiplexer. Only one HART transmitter can be con­nected at each multiple xe r HART con necti on (n o "multidrop functionality).
Special procedures in respect to HART commun i cation:
On the host side (RS 485) always the long frame address is used (except for command 0).
On the field devices side, either the sho rt address or the long frame address is used, depending on
The operating modes "Primary Master and "Secondary Master" and the corresponding time responses are supported on the field device side.
On the host side, only the commands 0 ... 3 and 1 1. . .13 are accepted from the secondary h o st. Other commands are not accepted/are ignored.
Commands to connected field devices are only accepted by the primary host.
Extended messages and messages in the Burst Mode are recognised and used, but not generated by
the multiplexer itself.
An answer buffer is available for a delayed message response. This can be used to intermediately store a message, the command for whic h req uir es a long execution time.
Loop construction/REBUILD (Software function)
On power-up, the device searches the multiplexers in the multiplexer table for the connected HART field devices (commands 0 a nd 4
) and generates the internally required access tables. This function can also be carried out by the connected service station, as is necessary, for example, in communication with newly connected HART field devices. The duration of this function depends on the number of connected multiple­xer slaves and HART field devices and also on the type of loop search (see command 153) and the permis­sible number of message repeats. With 16 HART devices (e.g. by using only one master without slaves) the duration is between 1 5s and 3 0s. The number of permissible message repeats is set to "2" in the factory setting and the loop search type to "single analogue".
During the REBUILD phase, only certain read commands are accepted from the service station (commands 0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 48, and 129). All other commands are followed by the response "Busy" (Code 32, see section 5.3.2), until the REBUILD phase ends.
Cyclic data interrogation/SCAN (software function)
The multiplexer can read cyclic data from up to 31 transmitters. In this case th e SCAN option must be set for the transmitter (command 137) and the SCAN function activated in the multiplexer (command 149, function 1). Which data is transferred is determined by the "SCAN command" option (command 147).
If the SCAN function is activated, the transmitters, on which the SCAN option is activated are regularly chek­ked for data. In this case, the SCAN command is executed, with which one or more variables are read from the transmitter. If a fiel d device does not res pond, it is designate d as having "disappeared" (see command
129), but it remains in the search list (i. e., it is searched for again on the next run sequence). If a device has disappeared, but responds correctly on the next search command, it is then listed as "appeared". If, instead of this, another device has answered, then the status "mismatched" is assigned.
1. Command 4 is additionally used on transmitters which only support the old HART specifications up to 4.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
HART Multiplexer Master KFD2-HMM-16
Product description
Variation on the SCAN function (special SCAN function)
The multiplexer offers in addition a second SCAN function. With this special SCAN function (command 149, function 2) an additional parameter is used, which defines the minimum length of the expected number of data bytes. This can be different for each current loop, but must be set for each current loop that is to be scanned.
The SCAN function itself takes place as above, however, the response of the transmitter is compared with the expected data length. If the length of the response is less than the set minimum data length, the answer is rejected. If the minimum length is 0, the answer is always saved.
Delay on channel change/Loop switch delay (software function when used with RPI)
If the HART multiplexer is used with the RPI HART control module KSD2-HC, a pause time must be inserted when the multiplexer channel is changed. This pause time is necessary, since the RPI HART control module has to monitor the communication channel of the multiplexer and recognise the channel change. This pause time can be set by means of command 161.
All the functions at a glance
The following list gives all the functions once again at a glance:
16 channels, extendable to 256 channels by the connection of up to 15 KFD0- HMS- 16 slaves.
Up to 7936 loops per interface
Automatic search of all existing HART field devices (REBUILD)
Facility for self-standing cyclic interrogation of the HART variables (SCAN)
Acts as a primary or sec ondary master
Fast RS 485 interface (multidrop) with up to 38400 baud
Integrated Modem
Removable terminals
Supply via power rail
Approval for zone 2

2.1.7 Start-up sequence

Following connection of the power supply, the device executes an initialisation procedure with self test. The function is indicated by a flashing green LED, any errors detected are indicated by a red LED. Next a search is made of the multiplexers in the multiplexer table (command 157) for available HART compatible field devices (REBUILD). This function is indicated by a flashing orange LED. The REBUILD function can also be started via the service station, e. g. in order to include connected transmitters in the communication process during the operating phase. The duration of this function is dependent on the number of connected transmitters, multiplexer slav es and message repeats in the case of errors, or if an interroga tio n has not been answered. The factory setting for the number of repeats is "2". The search duration for this lies between approx. 30 s and several minutes (full structure).
In addition, transient data are set to their pre-setting. Non-volatile stored data are retained. see section

2.1.8 Operation

The multiplexer master KFD2 -HM M-16 al so func ti ons as a HART device (see also section 2.1.10). How­ever, due to the incorporation into the operating software of the service station (see section 2.3.3), this remains concealed from the user. The HART commands that are supported by the multiplexer can be found in section 6.1.
For HART communication with the transmitters, the commands of the service station are passed through without modifications.
Part No.: 109143, Date of issue 29.11.2000
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group Tel.: Germany (06 21) 7 76-0 USA (330) 4 25 35 55 Singapore 7 79 90 91 Internet
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