Pepperl+Fuchs iDent Control IC-KP-B6-2V15B, iDent Control IC-KP-B6-V15B, iDent Control IC-KP-B6-SUBD User Manual

Communication in "IRI-B6" and "IVI-B6 mode
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The
Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation
of proprietorship"
1 Introduction......................................................................... 4
2 Communication in "IRI-B6" mode and "IVI-B6" mode.... 5
3 Communication in "IRI-B6" mode..................................... 7
3.1 PROFIBUS DP communication parameters (GSD file) for IRI-B6..................7
3.2 Device identification/software version message for PROFIBUS DP ..............7
3.3 Communication direction: from PROFIBUS-DP to control interface ..............7
3.4 Communication direction: from the control interface to the PROFIBUS-DP ..9
3.5 PROFIBUS-DP command sequence ..........................................................11
4 Communication in "IVI-B6" mode................................... 14
4.1 PROFIBUS DP communication parameters (GSD file) for IVI-B6 ................14
4.2 Device identification/software version message for PROFIBUS DP ............15
4.3 Communication direction: from PROFIBUS-DP to control interface ............15
4.4 Communication direction: from the control interface to the PROFIBUS-DP 19
4.5 PROFIBUS-DP command sequence ..........................................................22
5 ASCII table......................................................................... 25


You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs develops, produces and distributes electronic sensors and interface modules for the market of automation technology on a worldwide scale.
Before installing this equipment and put into operation, read this manual carefully. This manual containes instructions and notes to help you through the installation and commissioning step by step. This makes sure bring such a trouble-free use of this product. This is for your benefit, since this:
ensures the safe operation of the device
helps you to exploit the full functionality of the device
avoids errors and related malfunctions
avoids costs by disruptions and any repairs
increases the effectiveness and efficiency of your plant
Keep this manual at hand for subsequent operations on the device.
After opening the packaging please check the integrity of the device and the number of pieces of supplied.
Symbols used
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Handling instructions
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If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please contact us at:
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Communication in "IRI-B6" mode and "IVI-B6" mode

2 Communication in "IRI-B6" mode and "IVI-B6" mode

You can replace the control interface IRI KHD2-4HB6 and IVI-KHD2 4HB6 with the control interface IC-KP-B6-SUBD, IC-KP-B6-2V15B or IC-KP-B6-V15B. Operate one of these control interfaces in the operation mode IRI-B6 or IVI-B6. The commands can be found on the following pages. Details on the individual commands and the structure of the codes you find in the manuals for the control interface units IRI KHD2-4HB6 and IVI-KHD2 4HB6.
The modes IRI-B6 and IVI-B6 can be selected via the multifunctional display and push buttons on the control interface unit (see manual for the control interface IDENTControl).
As GSD files you can use the original GSD files of the evaluating IRI KHD2-4HB6 and IVI-KHD2 4HB6.
In order to be able to read transponders of type ICC ... or read and write
transponders of type IDC ..., you need to use read / write heads of type ISH ....
The transponder of type IMC ... are not supported.
Note that the timing of the control interface units IC-KP-B6 * can be different compared to the timing of the control interface units IRI-KHD2-4HB6 and IVI­KHD2-4HB6.
System P
You can also operate the System P (LF with 125 kHz) in the IRI / IVI mode. Connect the corresponding read / write heads. If you connect other read / write heads, commands are answered with an error message. The state 4 is then inserted into the response.
If you use the System P, the only data carrier supported is the type 03 (transponder IPC03-...). Each first data word (4 bytes) is read as a fixed code. This data word must be written onto the transponder first, using normal write commands.
In System P (transponder type 03) you must also adjust the mode Default Read so that the first data word is read (see "Special commands for the transponder IPC03" in the manual of the control interface unit IC-KP-B6 *). The addresses for the beginning and end of the reading area are based on the absolute word address of the transponder, not on the <WordAddr>. With the setting “beginning of reading area = 03h and end of reading area = 03h the read / write head accurately reads the first data word on the transponder.
Since the IRI / IVI-mode only defines a 28 bit long fixed code, only the 28 least significant bits of the first data word of the System P are masked and outputted as a fixed code. The number format is not converted. A check for invalid values will not occur.
Communication in "IRI-B6" mode and "IVI-B6" mode
Control Word
Bit Meaning Byte
0 ... 7 Beginning of reading area 0
8 ... 15 End of read area 1
16 Password mode on / off 2
17 Mode "Read-after-Write" on / off
18 ... 23 freely usable
24 ... 31 freely usable 3
Configure read range
1. Enable the password mode (command set password mode)
2. Write into the Control Word the beginning of the reading area = 03h and end of the reading area = 03h with the commands single write configuration or enhanced buffered write configuration
3. Disable the password mode (command set password mode)
You can check the data area with address information reading 0000h and
word count reading 00h.
Communication in "IRI-B6" mode

3 Communication in "IRI-B6" mode

Only use "IRI-B6" and "IVI-B6" modes if you intend to operate the control interface as a replacement for a control interface with the designation "IRI-KH*-4HB6" or "IVI-KH*-4HB6".

3.1 PROFIBUS DP communication parameters (GSD file) for IRI-B6

The GSD file name for "IRI-B6" mode is: P&F_00d2.gsd.
Two modules are defined, one for input data (reading) and the other for output data (command, transfer). The identification bytes of the modules are defined as follows:
Data consistency along the entire length
Word structure
Input data ("10 Words Input" module) and output data ("1 Word Output"
One word has 16 bits in "IRI-B6" mode.
The following two chapters describe the structure of the data words for communication from the DP master to the control interface and from the control interface to the DP master.

3.2 Device identification/software version message for PROFIBUS DP

The device identification and the software version are transferred via the DP function Device-Related Diagnostics”.
Header byte <IDENTIFIER><SW BUS>
Header byte, length of diagnostic data in bytes incl. header byte, here "13"
<IDENTIFIER> 6 characters, "IRI-B6"
<SW BUS> 6 characters, software creation date of the bus system (DDMMYY)

3.3 Communication direction: from PROFIBUS-DP to control interface

In a direction from the PROFIBUS-DP master to the control interface, the words are structured as follows:
Word 0 Commands and parameters
Bit no. 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Description B4 B3 B2 B1 DS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K3 K2 K1 T
The commands and command parameters are transferred in word 0.
Communication in "IRI-B6" mode
Toggle flag (T)
The toggle flag is used to uniquely identify a new valid command. The control interface only accepts and executes a new command if this flag has a different status to the previous command, i.e. when it is toggled.
When the control interface on the DP master is acknowledged, the toggle flag is not changed and indicates to the user that the control interface has received and processed the command.
The command is only executed if the execution counter 0.
Command identifier (B4 ... B1)
Command parameters B4 ... B1 are used to define the relevant command.
Command identifier B4 ... B1
15 14 13 12 Bit no.
B4 B3 B2 B1 Meaning
0 0 0 0 No command
0 0 0 1 SF
0 0 1 0 AF
0 0 1 1 BF
0 1 0 0 Not def.
0 1 0 1 Not def.
0 1 1 0 Not def.
0 1 1 1 Not def.
1 0 0 0 Not def.
1 0 0 1 Not def.
1 0 1 0 Not def.
1 0 1 1 Not def.
1 1 0 0 Not def.
1 1 0 1 EF
1 1 1 0 Not def.
1 1 1 1 Not def.
Double side mode (DS)
This function enables double-sided reading. If this bit is set (DS = 1), type ICC-50, IDC-50 and IDC-CARD read only tags can be read from both sides. Otherwise read only tags can only be read from the labeled side.
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