Pepperl+Fuchs IC-KP-R2-V1 User Manual

IDENTControl interface with serial interface
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is ap-
plicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Indus-
try, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband
supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation of proprietorship"
1 Introduction................................................................................. 5
2 Declaration of conformity .......................................................... 6
2.1 Declaration of conformity.................................................................... 6
3 Safety........................................................................................... 7
3.1 Symbols relevant to safety.................................................................. 7
3.2 Intended use......................................................................................... 7
3.3 General notes on safety ....................................................................... 7
3.4 Contact protection ............................................................................... 8
4 Product Description ................................................................... 9
4.1 Range of application............................................................................ 9
4.2 Device characteristics ......................................................................... 9
4.3 Product family ...................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 R/W heads......................................................................................... 9
4.3.2 Code / Data carrier............................................................................. 9
4.3.3 Handhelds....................................................................................... 10
4.4 Displays and controls........................................................................ 10
4.5 Interfaces and connections .............................................................. 11
4.6 Delivery package................................................................................ 11
4.7 Connection accessories.................................................................... 12
4.7.1 Connection cable for R/W heads and trigger sensors...................... 12
4.7.2 Cable connectors for the power supply............................................ 12
4.7.3 Connection cable to the serial interface ........................................... 13
5 Installation................................................................................. 14
5.1 Storage and transport........................................................................ 14
5.2 Unpacking........................................................................................... 14
5.3 EMC concept ...................................................................................... 14
5.4 Device connection..............................................................................15
5.4.1 Power supply....................................................................................15
5.4.2 Read/Write Head and Trigger Sensors.............................................15
5.4.3 Cable length between control interface and R/W heads...................16
5.4.4 Ground connection........................................................................... 16
5.4.5 Instructions for connecting the command interface .......................... 16
6 Commissioning......................................................................... 18
6.1 Commissioning...................................................................................18
6.1.1 Connection.......................................................................................18
6.1.2 Device settings .................................................................................18
6.1.3 Output of the contents of read data carriers on the display ...............19
6.1.4 Operating with the communication interface.....................................20
7 Commands ................................................................................ 22
7.1 General information on the serial interface......................................22
7.1.1 Command examples ........................................................................22
7.2 Command types .................................................................................24
7.3 Command overview............................................................................24
7.3.1 System commands...........................................................................26
7.3.2 Standard read/write commands........................................................31
7.3.3 Special command modes.................................................................33
7.4 Legend.................................................................................................42
7.5 Fault/status messages .......................................................................43
8 Technical Specifications .......................................................... 44
8.1 Dimensions .........................................................................................44
8.2 General data ........................................................................................44
9 Troubleshooting........................................................................ 46
9.1 Fault location ......................................................................................46
10 ASCII table................................................................................. 47


You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs develops, produces and distributes electronic sensors and interface modules for the market of automation technology on a worldwide scale.
Before installing this equipment and put into operation, read this manual carefully. This manual con tain es instructions and notes to help you through the installation and commiss ioning s tep by step. This makes sure bring such a trouble-free use of this product. This is for your benefit, since this:
ensures the safe ope rati o n of th e device
helps you to exploit the full functionality of the device
avoids errors and related malfunctions
avoids costs by disruptions and any repairs
increases the effectiveness and efficiency of your plant
Keep this manual at hand for subsequent operations on the device.
After opening the packaging please check the integrity of the device and the number of pieces of supplied.
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this manual:
This symbol draws your attention to important information.
Handling instructions
You will find handling instructions beside this symbol
If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please contact us at:
Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH Lilienthalstraße 200 68307 Mannheim Telephone: +49 621 776-4411 Fax: +49 621 776-274411 E-M a il: m
Declaration of conformity

2 Declaration of conformity

2.1 Declaration of conformity

This product was developed and manufactured under observance of the applicable European standards and guidelines.
A Declaration of Conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The product manufacturer, Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH, D-68307 Mannheim, has a certified quality assurance system that conforms to ISO 9001.


3.1 Symbols relevant to safety

This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt devices and any connected facilities or systems, or result in their c o mplete failure.

3.2 Intended use

The IDENTControl IC-KP-R2-V1 is a control interface including a serial interface for identification systems. The device can be used as a control cabinet module or for field applications. Besides the serial connection, suitable inductive R/W heads, microwave antennas or trigger sensors can be connected. Wiring suitable for the system design m ust be used.

3.3 General notes on safety

Only instructed specialist staff may operate the device in accordance with the operating manual.
User modification and or repair are dangerou s and will void the warranty and exclude the manufacturer from any liability. If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs, return the device to your local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.
The connection of the device and maintenance work when live may only be carried out by a qualified electrical specialist.
The operating company bears responsibility for observing locally applicable safety regulations.
Store the not used device in the original packaging. This offers the device optimal protection against impact and moisture.
Ensure that the ambient conditions comply with regulations.
Electronic waste is hazardous waste. When disposing of the equipment, observe the current statutory requirements in the respective country of use, as well as local regulations.
Read head IDENTControl

3.4 Contact protection

Ou r ho usings are man ufactured usi n g co mpon ents made partly or c o mpletely from me tal to improve noise immunity.
Electric shock
The metallic housing components are connected to ground to protect against dangerous voltages that may occur in the event of a fault in the SELV power supply!
Product Description

4Product Description

4.1 Range of application

The system is suited for the following applications:
Material flow control in production
Acquisition of o perating data
Access control
Identification of storage vessels, pallets, work piece carriers, refuse containers, tanks, containers, etc.

4.2 Device characteristics

Up to 4 R/W heads can be connected
Alternatively up to 2 R/W heads and 2 trigger sensors can be connected
LCD indic ator with backg roun d illumination
Direct operation using 4 function keys
LED s tatus indicator for bus commun ication and R/W heads

4.3 Product family

The IDENTControl brand name represents a complete identification system. The system consists of an IDENTControl interface including bus interface, inductive R/W heads (125 kHz and 13.56 MHz) and accompanying code and data carriers in many different designs. The IDENTControl can be connected to other identification systems.
The system is equally well suited for use in the switching cabinet and for field use in IP67. The interface to the controlling fieldbus is integrated into the enclosure and all connections are implemented as plugs. This enables simple installation and quick, correct replacement in case of device failure. The consistent EMC design (metal enclosure, grounding, shielded wires) offers a high degree of noise immunity. Function buttons are available for parameterization and entering commands directly into the IDENTControl.

4.3.1 R/W heads

There are different R/W heads available for the IDENTControl in different designs. You can connect inductive R/W heads (125 kHz and 13.56 MHz) depending on your particular application.

4.3.2 Code / Data carrier

Read only / read/write tag 125 kHz (inductive)
A wide range of read only and read/write tag designs are available for this frequency range, from a 3 mm thin glass tube to a transponder 50 mm in diameter. Read/write tags are available
for te mperatures up to 300 °C (max. 5 min) in che mical-resistant hous ings for installation in
metal and in degree of protection IP68/IP69K. IPC02-... read only tags offer 40-bit read only codes. IPC03-... read/write tags have a 928-bit freely programmable memory bank and an unmodifiable 32-bit read only code. You can define 40-bit read only codes with IPC11-... read only tags. You can use these as permanent read only codes or continually redefine them.
Read/write tag 13.56 MHz (inductive)
Read/write tag s in th is fre quency ran ge save larger qua nti ties o f data and offer a considera bly higher reading speed than read/write tags of the 125 kHz system. IQH-* and IQH1-* read/write heads from Pepperl+Fuchs are compatible with most ex is ti ng read/write tags th at comply with standard ISO 15693. With the IQH2-* read/write heads you can use read/write tags that comply with standard ISO 14443A.
Product Description
The 13.56 MHz technology even allows smart labels (read/write tags in the form of adhesive labels with printed barcode). Currently available read/write tags have a memory capacity of 64 bits of read only code and a maximum 2 KB of programmable memory.

4.3.3 Handhelds

There are various handheld read/write devices available for controlling proces ses (write/read functions, initialization of data carriers).
Figure 4.1
Handheld Frequency range
IPT-HH20 125 kHz
IST-HH 20 250 kHz
IQT1-HH20 13.56 MHz
IC-HH20-V1 depending on the read/write head

4.4 Displays and controls

The following displays and controls are located on the control interface.
Tx D
Part No.
LED indicators
PWR/ERR Power on
Ha rdware error
1, 2, 3, 4 Status display for R/W heads
Command on R/W head is active Command executed successfully (approx. 1 second)
UL Interface ready for operation green
TxD IDENTControl sends data green
RxD IDENTControl receives data green
green red
green yellow
Product Description
Two-line multifunction display with 12 characters per line for displaying different status and operating information and four pictograms for displaying connected reading heads.
Push buttons
Push buttons are used for controlling the display and selecting commands when programming the control interface.

4.5 Interfaces and connections

Return to higher level
Up menu item
Down menu item
RETURN (confirm input)
The following interfaces and connections are located on the control interface IC-KP-R2-V1.
3B A
1 M12 connector for R/W heads (sockets) - V1
2 M12 connector for power supply (plug) - V1
3 M12 socket for serial interface - V1
Other accessories
A Screw for ground
B Metal latches for mounting the DIN rail
Accessories see chapter 4.7.

4.6 Delivery package

The delivery package contains:
1 IDENTControl control interface
1 quick start guide
1 grounding screw (already fitted)
1 serrated lock washer (already fitted)
2 crimp connectors (already fitted)
Product Description

4.7 Connection accessories

4.7.1 Connection cable for R/W heads and trigger sensors

Compatible connection cables with shielding are available for connecting the R/W heads and trigger sensors.
Figure 4.2
Accessories Description
2 m long (straight female, angled male) V1-G-2M-PUR-ABG-V1-W
5 m long (straight female, angled male) V1-G-5M-PUR-ABG-V1-W
10 m long (straight female, angled male) V1-G-10M-PUR-ABG-V1-W
20 m long (straight female, angled male) V1-G-20M-PUR-ABG-V1-W
Field attachable fema le c on nector, straig ht, shielded V1-G-ABG-PG9
Field attachable male connector, straight, sh ielded V1S-G-ABG-PG9
Field attachable fema le c on nector, angled, shielded V1-W-ABG-PG9
Field attachable male connector, angled, shielded V1S-W-ABG-PG9
Dummy plug M12x1 VAZ-V1-B3

4.7.2 Cable connectors for the power supply

Compatible M12 sockets with an open cable end for connecting the IDENTControl to a power supply are availa ble in different lengths.
Figure 4.3
Accessories Designation
Length 2 m (straight socket) V1-G-2M-PUR
Length 5 m (straight socket) V1-G-5M-PUR
Length 10 m (straight socket) V1-G-10M-PUR
Product Description

4.7.3 Connection cable to the serial interface

The IDENT Control IC-KP-R2-V1 has an M12 connector and is connected to the host using a suitable c able .
Figure 4.4
Accessories Designation
M12 cable connector, shielded, field-attachable V1S-G-ABG-PG9
Adapter cable, M12 to Sub-D (for connection to a PC using a nu ll modem cable )
Null modem cable Sub-D IVZ-K-R2
Read head PLCIDENTControl
RS 232

5 Installation

5.1 Storage and transport

For storage and transport purposes, package the unit using s hockproof packaging material and protect it against moisture. The best method of protection is to package the unit using the original packaging. Furthermore, ensure that the ambient conditions are within allowable range.

5.2 Unpacking

Check the product for damage while unpacking. In the event of damage to the product, inform the post office or parcel service and notify the supplier.
Check the package contents with your purchase order and the shipping documents for:
Delivery quantity
Device type and version in accordance with the type plate
Quick start guide
Retain the original packaging in case you have to store or ship the device again at a later date.
Should you have any questions, please contact Pepperl+Fuchs.

5.3 EMC concept

The outstanding noise immunity of the IDENTControl against emission and immission is based on its consistent shielding design, which uses the principle of the Faraday cage. Interference is caught in th e sh ie ld and sa fely diverted via the ground c onn ections.
The cable shielding is used to discharge electromagnetic interference. Wh en shielding a cable, you must connect both sides of the shield to ground with low resistance and low inductance.
If cables with double shields are used, e.g. wire mesh and metalized foil, the both shields must be connected together, with low resistance, at the ends when making up the cable.
Power supply cables are the source of much interference, e.g. from the supply lines of 3-phase electric motors. For this reason, the parallel laying of power supply cables with data and signal cables should be avoided, particularly in the same cable duct.
The metal enclosure of the IDENTControl and the metal enclosure of the R/W heads complete the consistent shielding concept.
The most important issue here is that the shields are connected to ground with low resistance and low inductance. The metal enclosure ensures that the shielding is not interrupted, i.e. the complete electronics system and all routed cables are located within a Faraday cage.
trigger switch
trigger sensor
read/write head
socket at housing
1 2 3 4 5

5.4 Device connection

Electrical connection using plug connectors makes installation simple.

5.4.1 Power supply

Connect the power supply via an M12 connector with integrated voltage and reverse polarity protection indicator (green: correct polarity, red: reverse polarity). A plug with the following pin assignment is located on the housing:
1 + 24 V
2 NC
4 NC
Power supply AIDA
Connect the power supply for the IDENTControl using a connector that conforms with AIDA. A plug with the following pin assignment is located on the housing:
1 + 24 V
3 n.c.
4 n.c.
5 n.c.
Compatible connecting cable see chapter 4.7.2.

5.4.2 Read/Write Head and Trigger Sensors

A maximum of 4 read/write heads can be connected to the IDENTControl.
Instead of the read/write heads, a maximum of 2 trigger sensors can be connected to sockets 3 and 4. A trigger sensor can be assigned to only one read/write head. The trigger sensors must be PNP.
Connect the read/write heads and trigger sensors to the sockets on the top of the enclosure using M12 connectors.
For details of compatible read/write heads and of com patible connecting cables, see chapter
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