You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs
develops, produce s and distributes electronic sensors and interface modules for
the market of automation tec hnology on a worldw ide sc al e.
Before you install this device and put it into operation, please read the operating
instructions thoroughly. The instructions and notes contained in this operating
manual wi ll gui de you s tep-by-step t hrough the ins tallati on and c omm iss ionin g
procedures to ensure trouble-free use of this product. By doing so, you:
■ guarantee safe operation of the device
■ can utilize the entire range of device functions
■ avoid faulty operation and the associated errors
■ reduce costs from downtim es and incid ental re pairs
■ increase the effectiveness and operating efficiency of your plant.
Store this operating manual somewhere safe in order to have it available for future
work on the d evice.
After opening the packaging, please ensure that the device is intact and that the
pac kage is co mp le te.
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this manual:
This symbol draws your attention to important information.
Handling instructions
You will find handling instructions beside this symbol
If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please
contact us at:
This product was developed and manufactured under obser vanc e of the
applicable European standards and guidelines.
A dec larati on of con for mity can be requested fro m the manufac turer.
2.2Declaration of Conformity
The device has been tested for compliance with FCC regulations Tests confirmed
that al l vali d FCC ru les and reg ulatio ns have been co mp lied with.
The device may not be used in the vicinity or in combination with another antenna
or a transmitter in order to meet the requirements stipulated in FCC RF exposure
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IC-H H20-V1
3.1Symbols relevant to safety
This symbol indicates a warning about an immediate possible danger.
In case of ignoring the consequences may range from personal injury to death.
Warnin g!
This symbol indicates a warning about a possible fault or danger.
In case of ignoring the consequences may cause personal injury or heaviest
property damage.
This symbol indicates a warning about a possible fault.
In case o f ignoring the devices and any connected facilities or systems may be
interrupted or fail completely.
3.2Intended use
Always operate the device as described in these instructions to ensure that the
device and connected systems function correctly. The protection of operating
personnel and plant is only g uaranteed if the d evice is operated in accordance
with its intended use.
The handheld device was designed to identify RFID code and data carriers within
a defined frequency range and should be used for this purpose only. The devices
are used, for instance, to manually control quality or verify maintenance.
Modified or independent JavaScript programs
The processes involved in the reading a nd writing of data are sus ceptible to
external influenc es and interfere nce.
■ Do not mo dify JavaScr ip t prog rams fro m t he ma nufacturer.
■ If you write your own JavaScript programs, check that the identification
function is no t a ffe cted.
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3.3General safety instructions
Installation and commissioning of all devices must be performed by a trained
professional only.
When packing the device for storage or transport, use materials that will protect
the device from bumps and impacts and protect against moisture. The original
packaging provides the best protection. Also take into account the permitted
ambient conditions.
Do not open, burn or short-circuit the battery. The battery may ignite, explode,
leak or heat up and become irreparably damag ed.
Always charge the battery using approved cables.
On ly use re co mmen ded orig inal a ccesso ri es.
The operating company bears responsibility for observing locally applicable
safety regulations.
User modification and or repair are dangerous and will void the warranty and
exclude the manufacturer from any liability. If serious faults oc cur, stop using the
device. Secure the device against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs,
return the device to yo ur local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.
Do not dispose of storage batteries with the household refuse.
Consumers are obliged by law to dispo se of used storage batteries in accordan ce
with regulations. You can hand in your used batteries at public collection points in
your area or sales points where batteries of that particular kind are sold. Yo u can
also send your used batteries directly to us for disposal. Please remember that
this service is only available within the scope of normal use. If you wish to send
back your used batteries, please a ffix sufficient postage stamps and send to our
address. There are no extra charges for disposal.
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Product Description
4Product Description
4.1Use and Application
The IDENTControl system from Pepperl+Fuchs is an established, proven solution
for stationary RFID applications. A mobile device for process control (read/write
fun ct io ns, in itializing read/w rite tag s) is prov ided with this han dheld a s an ideal
enhancemen t to this system.
The cell-phone-style design with keyboard and display screen offers an intuitive
operating concept. The device features two unassigned keys that can be
programmed with frequently repeated actions. These a ctions can be executed at
the touch of a button. To further enhance user functionality, a familiar, crossplatform programming language is provided in JavaScript.
A lithium-ion battery, large nonvolatile memory and the option to communicate
wirelessly within the 2.45 GHz frequency band, based on the Bluetooth standard,
mean that the device is fully portable.
The M12 socket gives you the option of connecting IDENTControl read/write
heads of all frequency ranges to the handheld, thus making the system more
Read only / read/write tag 125 kHz (inductive)
A wide range of read only and read/write tag designs are available for this
freque ncy ran ge, from a 3 mm th in glass tu be to a tr anspond er 50 mm in diameter.
Read/write tags are available for temperatures up to 300 °C (max. 5 min) in
chemical-resistant housings for installation in metal and in degree of protection
IP68/IP69K . IPC02-... read only tags offer 40-bit read only codes. IPC03-...
read/write tags have a 928-bit freely programma ble memory bank and a n
unmodif iabl e 32-bit rea d only cod e. You can defi ne 40 -b it rea d only cod es with
IPC11-... read only tags. You can use these as permanent read only codes or
continually redefine them.
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IC-H H20-V1
Product Description
Re ad/ write tag 250 kHz (induct ive )
Data carriers from this frequency range achieve a higher reading speed than 125
kHz data carriers. ICC ... code carriers with a 28 bit fix code a nd I DC ... data
carriers with a memory capacity of 1 kBit are available in various designs.
Re ad/ write tag 13 .56 M Hz (ind uctive )
Read/write tags in this frequency ra nge save larger quantities of data and offer a
considerably highe r reading speed than read/write tags of the 125 kHz system.
IQH-* a nd IQH1-* read/write heads from Pepperl+Fuchs are compatible with most
existing read/write tags that comply with standa rd ISO 15693. With the IQH2-*
read/write heads you can use read/write tags that comply with standard ISO
14443 A.
The 13 .56 MHz technology even allows smart labels (read/write tags in the form
of adhesive labels with printed barcode). Currently available read /write tags h ave
a memory capacity o f 64 bits of read only code and a maximum 2 KB of
programmable memory.
4.2Displays and Controls
The device is equipped with the following displays and controls:
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Product Description
1Status LED
2LC display
4Navigation keys
5Trigger keys
8Battery compartment
9M12 connection for read/write head
4.2.1Status LED
The status LED indicates the following states:
Meaning of status LED
St at u sDescriptio n
Green■ The handheld device is switched on.
Ye l lo w f la sh i n gThe handheld device has executed a read or w rite command
Red flashingThe handheld device has executed a read or w rite command
OffRead/write head is inactive
■ The interface has been changed.
■ Data has been read or written.
unsuc cessfull y and in dicates an e rror.
The display on the device consists of different areas:
3Softkey b ar
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IC-H H20-V1
Product Description
The following table lists all the symbols in the status bar and explains what they
Symbols in the status bar
SymbolDescr iption
Char ge state
Connection status
The battery capacity is between 50 % and 100 % .
The battery capacity is between 20 % and 50 % .
The battery capacity is between 0 % and 20 %. Charge the battery.
Battery is charging.
The handheld device is c onnected to an interface.
RS 232 is the preset interface.
PS/2 is the preset interface.
USB is the preset interface.
Bluetooth is the preset interface.
Data transfer
Data transfer in one direction: Data is sent from the handheld device to
the computer. A response from t he computer is not required.
Data transfer in two directions: Data is sent from the handheld device to
the computer. The handheld device then waits for a response from the
Keyboard mode: The handheld device is connected to the computer
via a USB or PS/2 interface.
Virtual COM port mode: The handheld device emulates an RS 232
interface via th e USB inter face to allow communication from the
computer to the handheld device as well. A response from the
computer is not required.
Secure mode
Memory status
0 % to 25 % of the internal memory is occupied.
25 % to 50 % of the internal memory is occupied.
50 % to 75 % of the internal memory is occupied.
75 % to 100 % of the internal memory is occupied.
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IC-H H20-V1
Product Description
Symb olDescriptio n
Input mode
4.2.3Button overview
The following table lists all the b uttons on the device and their names:
Selection buttons
The internal memory is full. There internal memory has no more space
to store data.
Batch mo de inactive. Data is not cached in the internal memor y.
Nume rical input mode - data entered usin g the input keys appears in
the num erical form.
Alphabetical input mode - data entered using the inp ut keys appears in
alphabetical form.
Alphabetical input mode - data entered using the inp ut keys appears in
the form of lowercase letters.
Symbol input mode - data entered using the input keys appears in the
form of symbols.
Left selection button
Right se lection button
Navigation keys
KeysDes ignation
Up navigation key
Down na vig ation key
Left navigation key
Right navigation key
Enter navigation key
259778 2013-02
IC-H H20-V1
Product Description
Function buttons
Input keys
Keys"Numerical" m ode
Left function button
(= left trigger button)
Right function button
(= right trigger button)
upper case" mode
Switc hes between "N umerical", "Alphanumerical upper case",
"Alphanumerical lower case" and "Symbols" mode.
1Space, 1Space, 1Space
2A, B, C, 2a, b, c, 2! * = `
3D, E , F, 3d, e, f, 3" + > {
4G, H, I, 4g, h, i, 4# , ? |
lower case"
"Symbols "
) < _
5J, K, L, 5j, k, l, 5$ - @ }
6M, N, O, 6m, n , o, 6% . [ ~
7P, Q , R, S, 7p, q, r, s, 7& / \
8T, U, V, 8t, u, v, 8' : ]
9W, X , Y, Zw, x, y, z( ; ^
For data input fields : delete the last character. Otherwise: ESC function (exits
the menu without adopting the current settings.)
259778 2013-02
Spa ce
Spa ce
Spa ce
through the
symbol pages
IC-H H20-V1
Product Description
The handheld features the following connections:
18-pin connecting socket
14-pin M12 s ocket
4.4Scope of Delivery
The following elements are included in the scope of delivery:
■ Handheld device without battery or battery compartment cover
■ CD with documentation (manual)
To com plete the devic e, s om e other compone nts are re quired in additi on to t he
handheld included in the scope of delivery. The basic equipment includes:
handheld, battery, double-ended cordset for handheld/read/write head, and
charger. All components can be obtained from Pepperl+Fuch s.
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IC-H H20-V1
Unpacking the unit
1. Check that all package contents are present and undamaged.
If anything is damaged, inform the shipper and contact the supplier.
2. Check that all items are present and correct based on your order and the
shipping documents.
If you have any questions, please contact Pepperl+Fuchs.
3. Keep the original packing material in case you need to store or ship the unit at
a later time.
Fitting the battery
Fit the battery as follows:
1. Turn the battery so that you can remove it as s hown in the illustration.
2. Slide the p lastic tab on the battery into the corresponding recess on the
3. Push the locking device upwards and pu sh in the battery.
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IC-H H20-V1
4. Push the battery in the Handheld, hold in position and release the locking
device so that the battery engages.
Chargin g the battery
Charge the battery as follows:
1. Connect the handheld device with battery to an interface cable.
2. Make sure the computer is switched on and then connect the interface cable
to computer.
When the handheld device is switched on, the symbols displayed in the
status bar on the handheld device indicate the charge state. See table
"Symbols in the status bar" on page 13
If you are operating the handheld via an RS 232 interface, connect the RS 232
interface power supply unit to the socket to charge the battery.
Completely discharged storage batteries
If the storage battery is completely discharged , you will have to wait at least 10
minutes before the Han dheld is ready for operation again.
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IC-H H20-V1
5.2Handle attachment
Attaching the standard handle
Proceed as foll ows to at tac h th e grip to th e hand held device :
1. Insert the handheld device with battery into the bracket on the handle.
2. Slide back the handheld device until the conne ctor on the ha ndle engages in
the cable connector socket on the handheld device.
3. P ush the handheld d evice firmly onto the con necto r unti l it is flush wi th t he
The handh eld device is attached to the handle.
Fitting a han dle with cable connection
Fit the handle to the Handheld as follows:
1. Remove the battery from the battery compartment of the Handhe ld if necessary.
2. Carefully pull the rear, flexible part of the handle attached to the plug
3. Attach the cable connection socket on the Handheld to the plug on the
4. Slide the p lastic tab on the battery into the corresponding recess on the
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IC-H H20-V1
5. Push down the Handheld carefully until the locking device on the Handheld
6. Connect the interface cable to the cable connection socket underneath the
Fitting a handle with integrated storage battery
A handle with integrated battery is also available for this Handheld as an optional
accessory. Fit the handle to the Handheld as follows:
1. Remove the battery from the battery compartment of the Handhe ld if neces-
2. Slide the p lastic tab on the battery into the corresponding recess on the
3. Push down the Handheld carefully until the locking device on the Handheld
Securing the interfa ce cable to prevent inadvertent removal
Yo u have the op tion of attaching a cord grip to prevent the interface cable from
being pulled out inadvertently. Proceed as follows:
1. Sec ur e th e inte rf ace cable to th e ca ble connecti on socket on the handle.
2. Guide the cable through the slot on the cord grip and slide the cord grip
3. Make sure that you s lid e the co rd grip over the interface cable and in to the
4. Screw the cord grip to the handle using the screw s pr ovided.
The Handheld is now fi tted to the handle.
engage s in the handle.
The Handh eld is now ready for operation.
engage s in the handle.
The Handheld is now fi tted to the handle.
towards the cable connection socket.
correct position.
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We recommend mounting the handheld device using the screws provided for
extra security. There are two screw holes in the lower sec tion of the handle (see
The interface cable is secured against inadvertent removal.
Removing the handle
Remove the handle as follows:
1. If you have secured the handheld with screws on the handle, remove the
2. Push the locking device in the direction of the arrow and press the handheld
ou t of the r etainer.
The handle is removed.
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Commission ing
6.1Switching on/off
Switching on the handheld device
Switch on the ha ndheld device as follows:
Press and hold either the left function button () or the right function button
() for approx.1 second.
The handheld device switches on.
The Handheld switches into standby automatically 2 minutes after the last
If you connect the device to the USB or PS/2 interface of your PC, the device
switches on automatically.
Switching off the Handheld
The Handheld switches off automatically if it remains idle for more than 2 hours.
6.2Basic operation
6.2.1Navigating through menus
ButtonFunc tion
Up navigation button ()
Down navigatio n button ()
Enter navigation button ()
Left selection button ()
Right selection button ()
Scroll up through different menus and
subm enus
Scroll down through different menus and
subm enus
Select menus, submenus and individual
menu entries
Function depends on the menu.
This button is usuall y used to confir m a
command (e.g., OK) or execute a
command (e.g., read).
Function depends on the menu.
This button is usuall y used to stop or
cancel a command (e.g., ESC).
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Activating/Deactivating a menu entry
Activate/deactivate a menu entry as follows:
1. Scroll to th e m enu e ntr y o f your choice using the up navigat io n button
() or the down navigation button ().
The menu entry currently selected is highlighted black.
2. P res s the E nte r navigat ion bu tton t o act ivate the menu entry ().
A star appears in front of the activated menu entry.
3. Press the Enter navigation button again to deactivate the menu entry ().
The star no l onger a ppe ars in fro nt of the deactivate d menu entry.
4. Press the left selection button to confirm your selection ().
6.2.2Data input
Input keys 0...9
SHIFT input button
CLEAR i nput button
Enter numerical or alphanumerical values (depending on the
mode selected).
Switch between the different input modes.
(The selected mode is indicated in t he sym bol bar o f the
handheld device on the right.)
For data input fields: delete the character last entered.
Within menus: Exit the menu.
6.3Connecting a Read/Write Head
Yo u can connect various read /write heads for IDENTControl to the handheld.
Connect the read/write heads to the 4-pin M12 socket on the front of the handheld
usi ng the V1 -G-0.5/2.5M -PUR -V1- G doubl e- ende d cord set.
The double-ended cordset can b e obtained from Pepperl+Fuchs.
Connect the read/write head before switching on the handheld. When switched
on, the handheld automatically detects the read/write head.
If you connect a new read/write head while the handheld is switched on, you must
Teach-in the new read/write head. See chapter 7.1.
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Commission ing
6.4Operating modes
Data loss
An i ncorrectly preset interface may lead to data l oss.
Make sure that the Handheld is connected to the interface (USB, RS 232,
Bluetooth) preset in the Ha ndheld. If necessary, use another interface cable or
modify the settings in the Handheld.
6.4.1Wireless operation ( batch mode)
Wireless operation of the handheld device is recommended for certain
applications. As soon as you remove the interface cable (USB, RS 232 cable) or
move outside the range of a Bluetooth connection, the handheld device switches
automatically to "Batch mode": In this mode, the read data is stored in the internal
memory of the handheld device. You then have the option of transferring the data
stored in the handheld device to the computer at a later tim e.
Using batteries
Yo u will require a battery or a handle with integral battery to operate the handheld
device using a wireless connection or a cable via an RS 232 interface.
A battery is n ot normally required for cable operation via USB. However, this
depends on the current strength that the computer supplies via the USB
con necti on. If th e comp uter does no t supply suffi cient pow er to the USB por t, you
will require a USB hub with a separate power supply or will have to fit a battery to
the handheld device.
If you wish to operate the handheld device without a handle using a cable via the
USB port, you must fit a battery compartment cover ODZ-MAH-BLANK to the
This optional accessory is available from Pepperl+Fuchs.
6.4.2Cable operation: RS 232
Configuring the RS 232 interface on the handheld device
Configure the RS 232 command interface on the handheld device as follows:
1. Select Settings > Interface
2. Activate the RS 232 interface.
The RS 232 submenu opens.
3. Edit the relevant parameters.
4. Press the left selection button to confirm your entries ().
The interface is now active.
5. Press the right selection button to exit the menu ().
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Further information on interface settings see chapter 9.3.7
Connecting the interface cable to the Handheld
To connect the interface cable to the H andheld, proceed as follows:
1. Turn t he 8 -pi n D IN p lu g so t hat th e ar rows on th e plu g a re p oi nt ing d ow nwa rd s.
2. Hold the Handheld in your hand w ith the controls facing upwards.
3. Insert the plug into the corresponding ca ble connection socket on the
4. Press the plug firmly into the cable connection socket until the locking device
audibly engages.
The interface cable is now connected to the Handheld.
Connecting the Handhe ld to the computer via the RS 232 interface cable
Conne ct the Hand held to the comp uter as follows :
1. Switch off the computer.
2. Connect the RS 232 plug on the interface cable to the RS 232 interface on the
3. Connect the low-voltage plug on the power supply unit to the low-voltage
socket on the RS 232 interface cable.
4. Connect the power supply unit to the mains power supply.
5. Switch on the computer.
The Handheld switches on automatically once you have connected it to
the computer. The symbols and are displayed in the toolbar.
6.4.3Cable operation: PS/2
Configuring the PS/ 2 interface on the handheld device
Configure the PS/2 command interface on the handheld device as follows:
1. Select Settings > Interface
2. Activate the PS2 interface.
You are prompted to select whether you wish to operate the handheld
device in PS2 mode.
3. Press the left selection button to confirm your selection ().
The interface is now active.
4. Press the right selection button to exit the menu ().
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Required PS/2 interface cable
Yo u will require a PS/2 interface cable with the following connectors to connect
the Handheld to the computer:
Connecting the interface cable to the Handheld
To connect the interface cable to the H andheld, proceed as follows:
1. Turn t he 8 -pi n D IN p lu g so t hat th e ar rows on th e plu g a re p oi nt ing d ow nwa rd s.
2. Hold the Handheld in your hand w ith the controls facing upwards.
3. Insert the plug into the corresponding ca ble connection socket on the
4. Press the plug firmly into the cable connection socket until the locking device
Connection cable with fitted grip
If y ou have mo unte d the Han dhel d to th e op tion al grip, con nect the inter face cab le
to the cab le co nnec tion soc ket on the g rip.
■ 8-pin DIN connector for connection to the Handheld.
■ PS/2 socket for connecting an external keyboard.
■ PS/2 connector for connection to the computer.
audibly engages.
The interface cable is now connected to the Handheld.
Connecting the handhe ld device to the computer usi ng a PS/2 interface
Connect the handheld device to the computer as follows:
1. Switch off the computer.
2. If an external keyboard is connected to the computer, disconnect from the
3. If you are using a USB keyboard, connect the keyboard to the PS/2 socket on
the in terface cab le using a correspon ding adapter. If you are u sing a keyboard
with PS/2 plug, connect the p lug directly to the PS/2 socket on the interface
4. Connect the PS/2 plug on the interface cable to the keyboard port on the
5. Switch on the computer.
After you have connected the handheld device to the computer, it
switches on a utomatically. The symbols and appear in the status
Power is supplied to the hand held device via the PS/2 inter face. This is why you
do not require an additional power supply.
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6.4.4Cable operation: USB
Configuring the US B interface on the handheld device
Configure the USB comman d interface on the handheld device as follows:
1. Select Settings > Interface
2. Activate the US B interface.
The USB submenu opens.
3. Press the Enter navigation button to activate the required mode ().
4. Press the left selection button to confirm your entries ().
The interface is now active.
5. Press the right selection button to exit the menu ().
Further information on interface settings see chapter 9.3.7
Connecting the interface cable to the Handheld
To connect the interface cable to the H andheld, proceed as follows:
1. Turn t he 8 -pi n D IN p lu g so t hat th e ar rows on th e plu g a re p oi nt ing d ow nwa rd s.
2. Hold the Handheld in your hand w ith the controls facing upwards.
3. Insert the plug into the corresponding ca ble connection socket on the
4. Press the plug firmly into the cable connection socket until the locking device
audibly engages.
The interface cable is now connected to the Handheld.
Connection cable with fitted grip
If y ou have mo unte d the Han dhel d to th e op tion al grip, con nect the inter face cab le
to the cab le co nnec tion soc ket on the g rip.
Connecting the Handheld to the computer via the USB interface cable
Conne ct the Hand held to the comp uter as follows :
Insert the USB plug on the interface cable into a free USB port on the computer. It
does not matter whether the computer is switched on or off.
The Handheld switches on automatically once you have connected it to the
computer. The symbols and are displayed in the toolbar.
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Commission ing
6.4.5Operating with Bluetooth
This handheld device is equipped with a class 1 wireless Bluetooth interface
incorpo rating a radio system that enables wireless point-to-point communication
with other Bluetooth-compatible devices. If the other Bluetooth-compatible device
also has a class 1 radio system, a sensing range of ap prox. 100 m is achieved in a
free field. If the handheld device is connected to a class 2 or 3 Bluetoothcompatible device, the sensing range decrease s accordingly.
If the handheld device is located outside the sensing range, it stores the read data
in the internal me mo r y. The hand held device at tem p ts to se nd the read data un til
the connection with the B luetooth-compatible device is established again. As
soon as the handheld device sends data to the Bluetooth-compatible device, it is
deleted from the internal memory automatically.
Yo u will require a M AC address to connect the ha ndheld device to a Bluetoothcompatible device. The MAC address is usually printed on the Bluetooth device
next to the serial number or appears in the manual accompanying your Bluetooth
Connecting the handheld device via Bluetooth
Connect the handheld device to a Bluetooth-compatible device (e.g., laptop with
corresponding Bluetooth USB dongle) as follows:
1. Select Settings > Interface.
2. Activate the Bluetooth interface.
The Bluetooth submenu opens.
3. Press the Enter navigation button to activate the required mode ().
4. Enter the M AC address in the file input field of the BD_MAC menu en try. The
address consists of 12 digits, e.g., 00 0A3A72C2D0.
5. Press the left selection button to confirm your entries ().
A connection is established between the two devices. The connection
may take a few moments to establish under certain circumstan ces. The
symbols and appear in the status bar.
Further information on interface settings see chapter 9.3.7
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0 (C) P+F
Versi on
Te a ch i n
Data read
Data write
Data copy
Read fixcode
Format tag
Address: 0000
No. bocks: 01
Te a ch i n
7.1Teaching In
Once you have connected a read/wr ite he ad to the h andheld, th e type of data fo r
the read/write head mus t be taught in on the h andheld. To do so, select the
Te a ch - i n menu item in the main menu. To start the Teach-in process, press the
"Enter" navigation button ().
Once the Teach-in proc ess has c omp let ed s uccessfully, the data for the
connected read/write head appears on the display. If the Teach-in process fails,
an error messag e is displayed. See see chapter 8
7.2Read Data
259778 2013-02
Before the handheld can read the d ata stored on a tag, you must configure the
correct Ta g t yp e . Overview of available settin gs .
The data that is read is saved on the handheld and/or sent to the PC, depending
on the setting configured under Settings > Send/save (see chapter 6.4).
If you w ant to add a time stamp to the data r ead, go to the Settin gs > Ti me
stamp menu and check the ON option.
In th e data i nput field of the Address menu entry, you have the option of changing
the start address.
IC-H H20-V1
Data read
Data write
Data copy
Read fixcode
Format tag
Address: 0000
No. bocks: 01
Te a ch i n
Start addresse s specify the location of the individual data blocks on data carriers.
You can read out specific data blocks and transfer data by changing the start
Defining the start address
Define the start address as follows:
1. Select Addre ss .
2. Enter the start address using the input buttons.
3. Press the left selection button to confirm your entry ().
If the read op eration is su ccessful, t he status LED in it ia lly flashes yel low befo re
lighting up green. If you selected the buzzer and the vibration alarm in the
"Settings" menu, you will hear an audible signal and the handheld will vibrate. The
read-in data will then be displayed in the selected data format. If the transmission
fails, the status LED flashes briefly red and an er ror message is output. See see
chapter 8
Additional options see chapter 9.1.1
All data is displayed in the format chosen in the "Data format" submenu (ASCII,
7.3Write Data
The table below shows you how to input data into the handheld.
Data formats
fo rma t
ASCI IIn ASCII format,
numbers 0 to 9, letters
A to Z and special
characters stored in
the Handheld are
Block quantity
(maximum 32)
Form atExample
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