Pepperl+Fuchs FieldConnex User manual

CFC Driver Library for Siemens PCS 7
This CFC driver library enables simple connection of the FieldConnex PROFINET Power Hub to the control system PCS7 via PROFINET. This function for the gateway module HD2-GTR-4PA.PN automatically maps process, status and diagnostic data of all PROFIBUS PA instruments into PCS 7.
Engineering is transparent utilizing standard function blocks from the Advanced Process Library (APL) while at the same time implementing the popular behavior of PROFIBUS PA diagnostic data in PCS 7. This custom library supports driver wizard functionality and properly maps diagnostic data into SIMATIC WinCC. The documentation included is in English language.
The PCS 7 driver blocks ensure consistency of engineering and thus eliminate manual configuration, saving valuable time and engineering resources. License cost is fixed per plant reducing financial risk. The library is supported by Siemens via the multi-vendor device integration program, which includes driver maintenance and support including hotline with a five-year support contract.
Supported Functions and Features
Implementation of HD2-GTR-4PA.PN gateway in a non-redundant S7-400 CPU or redundant S7-400-H CPU system
Driver wizard functionality
Engineering with standard APL function blocks, e. g. FbAnIn, FbAnOu, FbDiOu …
SIMATIC WinCC diagnostic integration for gateway and PROFIBUS PA devices
English documentation
User Benefits
Simple and consistent engineering
Integration of process data, configuration and diagnostics of any PA instrument in PROFINET
Same application behavior for PA devices mapped via PROFINET
Simple configuration and diagnostic of the gateway itself
Tested and approved by Siemens development team
Hotline and support from professional support team
PCS7 S7-400 -H System CFC Blocks
PROFINET Power Hub with
Order Information
For ordering, please connect with the Siemens hotline:
FieldConnex® PROFINET to PROFIBUS PA Driver Library
For product information for the FieldConnex PROFINET Power Hub go to
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