Pepperl+Fuchs R8D0-MIO-Ex12.PA, F2D0-MIO-Ex12.PA Series Series Manual

Multi-Input/Output Device
F2D0-MIO-Ex12.PA.* R8D0-MIO-Ex12.PA.*
Multi-Input/Output Device
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is ap-
plicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Indus-
try, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband
Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the
supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation of proprietorship"
Multi-Input/Output Device
1 Introduction................................................................................. 7
1.1 Content of this Document ................................................................... 7
1.2 Target Group, Personnel...................................................................... 7
1.3 Symbols Used ...................................................................................... 7
2 Product Specifications............................................................... 9
2.1 Overview and Application ................................................................... 9
2.2 Modes of Operation ............................................................................. 9
2.3 Hazardous Area Installation and Use............................................... 12
3 Installation and Commissioning ............................................. 14
3.1 Mounting and Dismounting............................................................... 14
3.2 Hardware Installation......................................................................... 15
3.2.1 R8D0-MIO* Cable and Connection Information ............................... 15
3.2.2 F2 Housing Degree of Protection ..................................................... 19
3.2.3 Grounding and Shielding ................................................................. 21
3.2.4 DIP Switch Settings ......................................................................... 23
3.3 PROFIBUS Ident Number Setting ..................................................... 25
3.4 Requirements for Commissioning.................................................... 26
3.5 Parameterization and Configuration Procedure ............................. 26
4 Configuration ............................................................................ 27
4.1 Host System Integration .................................................................... 27
4.2 Configuration of Cyclic Communication ......................................... 27
4.3 Cyclic Communication Data Description......................................... 29
4.3.1 Valve Coupler Mode and FD0-VC Compatibility Mode Variables ..... 29
4.3.2 Sensor Input Mode and FD0-BI Compatibility Mode Variables ........ 34
4.4 Cyclic Communication Data Structure............................................. 36
4.4.1 Valve Coupler Mode and FD0-VC-Ex4.PA Compatibility Mode ........ 36
4.4.2 Example of a Typical Configuration in Valve Coupler Mode ............. 37
4.4.3 Sensor Input Mode and FD0-BI-Ex12.PA Compatibility Mode ......... 37
4.4.4 Example of a Typical Configuration in Sensor Input Mode ............... 38
Multi-Input/Output Device
5 Parameterization in Cyclic Communication (Set_Prm)......... 39
5.1 Condensed Status and Diagnosis.....................................................39
5.2 FD0-BI-Ex12 Compatibility Mode ...................................................... 39
6 Troubleshooting and Diagnosis.............................................. 41
6.1 LED Status and Error Indication........................................................ 41
6.2 Device Internal Errors ........................................................................42
6.3 Diagnosis ............................................................................................ 42
6.4 Initialization Run (Valve Coupler Mode)........................................... 46
7 Device-Related Parameters ..................................................... 49
7.1 Device Identification........................................................................... 49
7.2 Device Documentation .......................................................................49
8 Channel-Related Parameters for the Valve Coupler Modes . 50
8.1 Use of Setpoint Variables SP_D and RIN_D..................................... 50
8.2 Modes of Operation............................................................................ 51
8.2.1 Device Maintenance Modes............................................................. 51
8.2.2 Operating Modes.............................................................................. 51
8.2.3 Operating Mode "Auto" in Case of Fault ........................................... 51
8.2.4 Operating Mode "Remote-Cascade (RCas)".................................... 52
8.3 Functional Parameters .......................................................................52
8.3.1 Actuator Fail Action .......................................................................... 52
8.3.2 Sensor Usage .................................................................................. 53
8.4 Diagnostic Parameters.......................................................................54
8.4.1 Wire Check ...................................................................................... 54
8.4.2 Stroke Counter ................................................................................. 54
8.4.3 Time Monitoring ............................................................................... 54
8.4.4 Cyclic Function Test (Partial Stroke Test) .......................................... 56
Multi-Input/Output Device
9 Channel-Related Parameters for the Sensor Input Modes ... 57
9.1 Modes of Operation ........................................................................... 51
9.1.1 Device Maintenance Modes ............................................................ 57
9.1.2 Operating Modes ............................................................................. 57
9.1.3 Operating Mode "Auto" in Case of Fault ........................................... 57
9.2 Functional Parameters....................................................................... 52
9.2.1 Sensor Mode ................................................................................... 57
9.2.2 Sensor-On Time .............................................................................. 58
9.3 Diagnostic Parameters ...................................................................... 54
9.3.1 Sensor Wire Check.......................................................................... 58
10 PACTware Multi-Input/Output Device Type Manager ............ 59
10.1 DTM Software Installation and Commissioning .............................. 59
10.2 Device Type Manager (DTM) Dialogs ............................................... 60
10.2.1 Online Dialogs ................................................................................. 61
10.2.2 Offline Dialogs ................................................................................. 62
10.2.3 Multi-Input/Output Device Type Manager User Interface.................. 63
10.2.4 MIO DTM for Sensor Input Mode - Structural Diagram..................... 64
10.2.5 MIO DTM for Valve Coupler Mode - Structural Diagram................... 67
10.3 Basic Device Setup in Sensor Input Mode ...................................... 69
10.3.1 Tab "Device Information".................................................................. 74
10.3.2 Device Tab "Diagnostics" ................................................................. 75
10.3.3 Sensor Input Channels 1 ... 12......................................................... 77
10.3.4 Tab "General" ................................................................................... 78
10.3.5 Tab "Process Data" for a Binary Input............................................... 79
10.3.6 Tab "Process Data" for a Frequency Input ........................................ 81
10.3.7 Tab "Process Data" for a Counter..................................................... 83
10.3.8 Tab "Configuration" .......................................................................... 84
10.3.9 Channel Tab "Diagnostics"............................................................... 86
Multi-Input/Output Device
10.4 Basic Device Setup in Valve Coupler Mode ..................................... 88
10.4.1 Tab "Device Information" .................................................................. 89
10.4.2 Device Tab "Diagnostics" ................................................................. 91
10.4.3 Valve Coupler Connections 1 ... 4 .................................................... 93
10.4.4 Tab "General".................................................................................... 93
10.4.5 Tab "Process Data"........................................................................... 95
10.4.6 Tab "Configuration"........................................................................... 98
10.4.7 Tab "Monitoring" ............................................................................. 100
10.4.8 Channel Tab "Diagnostics" ............................................................. 102
Multi-Input/Output Device

1 Introduction

1.1 Content of this Document

This document contains information that you need in order to use your product throughout the applicable stages of the product life cycle. These can include the following:
Product identification
Delivery, transport, and storage
Mounting and installation
Commissioning and operation
Maintenance and repair
This document does not substitute the instruction manual.
For full information on the product, refer to the instruction manual and further documentation on the Internet at
The documentation consists of the following parts:
Present document
Instruction manual
Additionally, the following parts may belong to the documentation, if applicable:
EU-type examination certificate
EU declaration of conformity
Attestation of conformity
Control drawings
Additional documents

1.2 Target Group, Personnel

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting lies with the plant operator.
Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel may carry out mounting, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting of the product. The personnel must have read and understood the instruction manual and the further documentation.
Prior to using the product make yourself familiar with it. Read the document carefully.

1.3 Symbols Used

This document contains symbols for the identification of warning messages and of informative messages.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Warning Messages
You will find warning messages, whenever dangers may arise from your actions. It is mandatory that you observe these warning messages for your personal safety and in order to avoid property damage.
Depending on the risk level, the warning messages are displayed in descending order as follows:
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.
Informative Symbols
This symbol brings important information to your attention.
This symbol indicates a paragraph with instructions. You are prompted to perform an action or a sequence of actions.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Product Specifications

2 Product Specifications

2.1 Overview and Application

The FieldConnex® Multi-Input/Output device (MIO) for PROFIBUS PA provides discrete inputs, discrete outputs, 1 frequency input, or 1 counter to process control systems. The device is suitable for DIN rail mounting and field installation with different housing options. The F2 type housing is made of sturdy cast aluminum for installation in rough environments. Fieldbus and sensor-actuator cable entries can be selected individually from a range of cable glands. Optionally, either screw terminals or spring terminals can be chosen. Contact your Pepperl+Fuchs representative for further information on housing options.
The device can be installed in hazardous areas Zones 1, 21, 2, 22, and Division 1, 2. PROFIBUS PA and input/output sensor and actuator connections are rated intrinsically safe for installation in Zone 0 and Division 1.
The device provides different configurable modes of operation.
The valve coupler mode allows connecting 4 low-power valves with 2 end position inputs per valve.
The sensor input mode allows connecting up to 12 binary sensors. 4 sensor inputs are designed to support vibrating forks for level control. One of these inputs is designed to support a frequency or counter input.
The MIO is intended to be used as a replacement for Pepperl+Fuchs process interfaces FD0­VC-Ex4.PA and FD0-BI-Ex12.PA.
For device configuration, a device type manager (DTM) for FDT-based frame applications is available. Also, a device description (DD) for the Siemens Process Device Manager (PDM) is available.

2.2 Modes of Operation

The device supports 12 hardware channels which can be configured as inputs and outputs. The functional configuration of the channels is determined by selecting a dedicated mode of operation.
Valve Coupler Mode
In the valve coupler mode, the channels 1, 4, 7, and 10 are used to control 4 low-power valves. The channels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 are used as valve position feedback inputs for NAMUR proximity switches or mechanical switches. Condition monitoring functions like stroke counter, partial stroke test, and travel time survey enable you to detect evolving faults, before they become critical for the process control.
Refer to the technical data of the MIO for specification of compatible valves and sensors. A list of compatible low-power valves and NAMUR sensors are available on the Pepper+Fuchs website.
FD0-VC-Ex4.PA Compatibility Mode
This mode allows the use of *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA* in an existing installation as a replacement for FD0-VC-Ex4.PA. In order to activate this mode, use the GSD file of FD0-VC-Ex4.PA. The mode is activated during the start-up of cyclic data exchange. Use the device type manager or device description of the *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA* to adjust the device parameters according to the replaced FD0-VC-Ex4.PA.
PROFIBUS Profile 3.02 Valve Coupler Compatibility Mode
PROFIBUS PA profile 3.02 defines an interoperability mode for a 4-channel valve coupler. The corresponding GSD file is available on the PROFIBUS International website. Use the device type manager or device description of the *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA* in order to adjust the device parameters.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Zone 1
- +S
+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + -
CH4 CH7 CH10
- + - + -
Product Specifications
Modes: Valve Coupler, FD0-VC-Ex4.PA Compatibility, PA Profile 3.02 Valve Coupler Compatibility
Channel Description Valve Coupler Mode
1 VC Channel 1,2,3 Output 1, low-power valve
2 Position feedback sensor/switch A for output 1
3 Position feedback sensor/switch B for output 1
4 VC Channel 4,5,6 Output 2, low-power valve
5 Position feedback sensor/switch A for output 2
6 Position feedback sensor/switch B for output 2
7 VC Channel 7,8,9 Output 3, low-power valve
8 Position feedback sensor/switch A for output 3
9 Position feedback sensor/switch B for output 3
10 VC Channel 10,11,12 Output 4, low-power valve
11 Position feedback sensor/switch A for output 4
12 Position feedback sensor/switch B for output 4
Sensor Input Mode
The device samples the inputs in 2 independent cycles. Channels 1, 4, 7, and 10 are intended to be used for sensing multiplexed binary inputs as vibrating forks, NAMUR sensors, or mechanical switches. Channel 1 can also be configured to be used as a frequency or counter input. If the channel 1 frequency or counter input is activated, channels 4, 7, and 10 are deactivated. In the device type manager, the ON-time of channel 1, 4, 7, and 10 can be adjusted individually between 10 ms ... 10 000 ms.
As a parameter, the ON-time of channel 1, 4, 7, and 10 can be adjusted individually between 10 ms ... 11 000 ms.The total cycle time is the sum of the 4 individual ON-times. Channels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12 are intended to be used for sensing multiplexed binary inputs as NAMUR sensors and mechanical switches. The sampling time of 10 ms is not adjustable. The total cycle time is calculated as follows: number of used channels * 10 ms (minimum 50 ms). If all 8 sensors are used, the total cycle time is 80 ms.
Refer to the technical data of the MIO for the specification of compatible sensors. A list of compatible NAMUR sensors is available on the Pepperl+Fuchs website.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Zone 1
+ -
+ - + - + - + -
+ -
+ - + - + - + -
+ - + -
CH4 CH7 CH10
CH2 CH3 CH5 CH6 CH8 CH9 CH11 CH12
Product Specifications
FD0-BI-Ex12 Compatibility Mode
This mode allows the use of *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA* in an existing installation as a replacement for FD0-BI-Ex12.PA. In order to activate this mode, use the GSD file of FD0-BI-Ex12.PA. The configuration of the FD0.BI-Ex12.PA takes place during the start-up of the cyclic data exchange. The device type manager allows read-only access to the configuration data. No further adjustments are required to update an existing installation with *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA*.
PROFIBUS Profile 3.02 Sensor Input Compatibility Mode
PROFIBUS PA profile 3.02 defines an interoperability mode for a 12-channel sensor input. Use the device type manager or device description of the *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA* in order to adjust the device parameters.
Modes: Sensor Input, FD0-BI-Ex12.PA Compatibility, PA Profile 3.02 Sensor Input Compatibility
Chann el Sensor Input Modes Frequency Input Mode Counter Input Mode
1 Vibration fork or
Frequency input Counter input
2 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
3 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
4 Vibration fork or
Disabled Disabled
5 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
6 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
7 Vibration fork or
Disabled Disabled
8 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
9 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
10 Vibration fork or
11 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
Disabled Disabled
12 Sensor/switch Sensor/switch Sensor/switch
Multi-Input/Output Device
Product Specifications

2.3 Hazardous Area Installation and Use

The device may be operated in Zone 1.
For applications in Zone 1, the type of protection must be Ex i according to Entity or FISCO.
The device may be installed in Zone 2.
The type of protection for the trunk interface is Ex ec or Ex ic according to Entity or FISCO.
Independent of the type of protection of the fieldbus interface, the inputs/outputs remain intrinsically safe and may be installed in Zone 1.
Zone 2
Explosion hazard from live wiring of non-intrinsically safe circuits
If you connect or disconnect energized non-intrinsically safe circuits in a potentially explosive atmosphere, sparks can ignite the surrounding atmosphere.
Only connect or disconnect energized non-intrinsically safe circuits in the absence of a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Type of Protection "Ex i"
Explosion hazard from wrong separation distances
Non-observance of the separation distances between circuits can result in added currents or voltages. This can result in a current/voltage flashover generating sparks. The sparks can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Ensure you observe the compliance of the separation distances according to IEC/EN 60079–14.
Explosion hazard from wrong calculation of verification of intrinsic safety
If you do not consider the maximum permissible peak values of all components when connecting intrinsically safe devices with intrinsically safe circuits of associated apparatus, this can lead to added currents or voltages. This, in return, can result in a current/voltage flashover generating sparks. The sparks can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Ensure you observe IEC/EN 60079-14 and IEC/EN 60079-25 for the verification of intrinsic safety.
Type of Protection "Ex ec"
Explosion hazard from pollution
An excessively polluted surface of the device can become conductive and consequently ignite a surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Ensure that you install the device only in environments with a pollution degree 2 or better according to IEC/EN 60664–1.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Zones 2, 22
Zone 0
Zones 1, 21
Non-Explosion Hazardous Area
Ex ic FISCO/ Ex ec
Ex i
Product Specifications
Explosion hazard from exposure to potentially explosive gas atmosphere
If the device is installed in Zone 2 without mounting it in a sufficiently suitable enclosure, gas, dust, water or other external interferences can cause the live device to spark. The sparks can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Only mount the device in an enclosure with degree of protection IP54 according to IEC/EN 60529. The enclosure must have an EU declaration of conformity according to the ATEX Directive for at least equipment category 3G.
Hazardous Area Installation Options
Figure 2.1 Installation options for the multi-input/output device in the hazardous area
Observe the EC-type-examination certificate or the statement of conformity. Pay particular attention to any "special conditions" that may be indicated.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning

3 Installation and Commissioning

In the following section you find information on how to install and commission the multi­input/output (MIO) device in your fieldbus topology.
Danger to life from using damaged or repaired devices.
Using a defective or repaired device can compromise its function and its electrical safety.
Do not use a damaged or polluted device.
The device must not be repaired, changed or manipulated.
If there is a defect, always replace the device with an original device from Pepperl+Fuchs.
Explosion hazard from damaged electronic components
Premature wear of electronic components in a device that was previously used in a general electrical installation can cause sparks that can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Never install devices that have already been operated in general electrical installations in electrical installations used in combination with hazardous areas!

3.1 Mounting and Dismounting

Mounting/Dismounting F2D0-MIO*
F2D0-MIO* is designed for panel (wall) mounting.
Select mounting material that is suitable for the sub-surface (the wall).
Ensure that the mounting material guarantees secure fastening.
To attach the device: use 2 fixing screws with a diameter of 6 mm.
To dismount the device: Undo the fixing screws and take the device off the wall.
Mounting/Dismounting R8D0-MIO*
R8D0-MIO* is designed for mounting on a 35 mm DIN mounting rail in accordance with EN 50022.
Mounting the R8D0-MIO* Electronics onto the DIN Mounting Rail
1 Place the R8D0-MIO* on the DIN mounting rail.
2 Use the top hook in order to hook the electronics onto the DIN mounting rail.
3 Move the bottom hook over the lower end of the DIN mounting rail.
4 Tighten the 2 fastening screws to attach the electronics on the DIN mounting rail.
Tightening torque: 0.4 Nm
To dismount the device: Take off the device in reverse order.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
R8D0-MIO* Installation
Depending on the application, the R8D0-MIO* must be mounted in a suitable environment.
If mounted in Zone 2 for an Ex ec application, the environment (housing or enclosure) must ensure the following:
IP54 in accordance with IEC 60529 for hazardous area Zone 2
Pollution degree 2 or better according to IEC/EN 60664-1

3.2 Hardware Installation

3.2.1 R8D0-MIO* Cable and Connection Information

Explosion hazard from insufficient insulation
Insufficient dielectric strength of insulators between intrinsically safe circuits may lead to interferences and to charge transfers that cause sparks. These sparks can ignite a potentially explosive atmosphere.
Ensure that the dielectric strength of the insulation between intrinsically safe circuits is at least 500 V according to IEC/EN 60079–14.
Explosion hazard or danger to life from inadequate installation of cables and connection lines
If you do not install cables and connection lines according to the instructions given in the instruction manual, this can generate sparks that can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere. Furthermore, insufficient installation practice can result in electric shock.
Ensure you carry out any cable gland installations in accordance with the instructions given in the instruction manual.
Explosion hazard from connection damage
Manipulating connections outside of the specified ambient temperature range can lead to material damage, resulting in an unwanted failure of the connection. This could result in an increased explosion hazard in potentially explosive atmospheres.
Only manipulate connections in the specified ambient temperature range. Temperature range: -5 C° ... +70 C°
Danger to life from incorrect installation
Incorrect installation of cables and connection lines can compromise the function and the electrical safety of the device.
Observe the permissible core cross section of the conductor.
When using stranded conductors, crimp wire end ferrules on the conductor ends.
Use only one conductor per terminal.
When installing the conductors the insulation must reach up to the terminal.
Observe the tightening torque of the terminal screws.
The following section describes the different connection details of the multi-input/output with particular reference to the torques required for a safe installation.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
For any terminal connections, observe the following cable and connection information.
Screw Terminals: Cable and Connection Information
Permissible core cross section:
Screw terminals with flexible or rigid wires: 0.2 mm2... 2.5 mm
Insulation stripping length: 7 mm
If you use stranded connectors: Crimp on wire end ferrules
Ensure that connectors are mechanically locked
Torque required for tightening terminal screws: 0.5 Nm ... 0.6 Nm
Spring Terminals: Cable and Connection Information
Permissible core cross section:
Spring terminals with flexible or rigid wires: 0.5 mm2... 2.5 mm
Insulation stripping length: 10 mm
Ensure that connectors are mechanically locked
Torque required for tightening terminal screws: 0.5 Nm ... 0.6 Nm
Double-check that the correct torques are used when un- and reinstalling the terminal during wiring activities!
Connecting the Trunk
The multi-input/output is connected to the trunk line via designated screw or spring terminals.
Explosion hazard from open or missing trunk terminal cover
If the device is installed Zone 2 and powered by a non-intrinsically safe power source, carrying out hot work on the input/output terminals with an uncovered trunk terminal can lead to contact with solid particles or tools. This can cause the live device to spark. The sparks can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere.
Ensure that the trunk terminal cover is present and correctly snapped onto the connector housing to guarantee IP30 rating.
Multi-Input/Output Device
+ S
+ S
Installation and Commissioning
Trunk Connection with Covered Screw Terminal
+ Segment +
- Segment -
S Shield connection
Trunk Connection with Spring Terminal
+ Segment +
- Segment -
S Shield connection
Multi-Input/Output Screw Terminal
6-pin screw terminal for multi-inputs/outputs
+ Input/output +
- Input/output -
Multi-Input/Output Device
8 91011 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
T G R Extension
+ -1+ -2+ -3+ -
+ -
+ -6+ -7+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ - S
Installation and Commissioning
Multi-Input/Output Spring Terminal
6-pin spring terminal for multi-inputs/outputs
+ Input/output +
- Input/output -
R8D0-MIO* Sample Connection Diagram
The connection diagram shows the sample connection of the multi-input/output as a valve coupler
Cable Position Fixture
The R8D0-MIO* electronics provides special fixtures for cable ties. To keep the cabling in a safe position, use the fixtures with cable ties.
Cable tie width: up to 4 mm
Using Mechanical Switches
If mechanical contacts are used as valve final position feedbacks, observe the following. The lead breakage and short circuit monitoring can be used after adding series and parallel resistors in the lead. In this case the prerequisites are:
1 x 1-kOhm series resistance for monitoring short circuit
1 x 10-kOhm parallel resistance for lead breakage detection
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning

3.2.2 F2 Housing Degree of Protection

The following section contains information concerning the installation and sealing of the cable glands and the housing cover.
Explosion hazard or danger to life from inadequate installation of cable glands
If you do not install cable glands according to the instructions given in the instruction manual, this can generate sparks that can ignite the surrounding potentially explosive atmosphere. Furthermore, insufficient installation practice can result in electric shock.
Ensure you carry out any cable gland installations in accordance with the instructions given in the instruction manual.
Fixing the Housing Cover
Before closing the housing cover: Visually inspect the housing for any visible signs of damage on the cover seal. If damaged, replace the seal with an original seal wear part.
Tightening torque for the screws of the housing cover: 2.5 Nm
General Information on the Installation of Cable Glands
When installing cable glands, observe the following:
Only insert permanently laid cables and wires into the cable glands.
Ensure that the cables laid do not execute any strain on the cable glands.
For permissible cable diameters, refer to the respective datasheet.
Use an appropriate strain relief clamp, e.g., a suitable cable clamp.
Seal unused cable glands with a suitable plug or replace them with appropriate screw plugs. Observe the required degree of protection IP66.
For a choice of stop plugs and screw plugs, refer to the respective datasheets.
Note that the ambient temperature range can be restricted by the stopping plug.
Protect plastic cable glands against mechanical hazard.
Ensure you use the correct tightening torques when installing cable glands or plugs. For detail see tables with torque information below.
The specific technical data may vary depending on the type of cable gland or plug you use for your installation. The following cable glands or plug types are documented and information is available at
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
Cable Entry Option Cable Gland or Plug Type
00 Sealing plug plastic:
1 x M20, 8 x M16
01 Sealing plug stainless steel:
1 x M20, 8 x M16
02 Cable glands plastic:
1 x M20, 8 x M16
03 Cable glands nickel plated brass:
1 x M20, 8 x M16
04 Cable glands stainless steel:
1 x M20, 8 x M16
05 Cable glands plastic
5 x M20 CG.PEDS.M20.PA.C.10
F2D0-MIO* Input/Output Cable Glands
Sensor Entries Clamping Ranges: Torques
Cable Entry Option CG or Plug
00 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 sealing plug plastic
01 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 sealing plug stainless steel
02 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands plastic
03 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands nickel plated brass
04 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands stainless steel
05 5 x M20 cable
glands plastic
Table 3.1 The torques that are actually required depend on the clamping range. This range is
determined by the diameter of the cable and the resulting seal combinations (S1+S2+S3, S1+S2, S1) used with the cable gland or plug. For details see the documentation on the cable gland or plug type available at
SP.PE.M16.PA.C- - - 1.5
CG.PIDS.M20 .PA.C.10
S1+S2+S3 S1+S2 S1 Body
- - - 4 Nm
- 4 5 mm:
4 6 mm: 20 Nm
4 6 mm: 20 Nm
- 6 8.5 mm:
3.5 Nm
6 9 mm: 18 Nm
6 9 mm: 18 Nm
5 Nm
5 8 mm: 4 Nm
9 12 mm: 15 Nm
9 12 mm: 15 Nm
7 12 mm: 5 Nm
1.5 Nm
4 Nm
4 Nm
2 Nm
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
F2D0-MIO* Fieldbus Cable Gland
Cable Entry Option CG or Plug
00 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 blind plug plastic
01 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 blind plug stainless steel
02 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands plastic
03 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands nickel plated brass
04 1 x M20, 8 x
M16 cable glands stainless steel
05 5 x M20 cable
glands plastic
05 5 x M20 cable
glands plastic
Table 3.2 The torques that are actually required depend on the clamping range. This range is
determined by the diameter of the cable and the resulting seal combinations (S1+S2+S3, S1+S2, S1) used with the cable gland or plug. For details see the documentation on the cable gland or plug type available at
Fieldbus Entries Clamping Ranges: Torques
S1+S2+S3 S1+S2 S1 Body
SP.PE.M20.PA.C- - - 2 Nm
- - - 5.5 Nm
- 6 8.5 mm:
5 Nm
4 6 mm: 20 Nm
4 6 mm: 20 Nm
6 9 mm: 18 Nm
6 9 mm: 18 Nm
- 6 8.5 mm:
5 Nm
7 12 mm: 5 Nm
9 12 mm: 15 Nm
9 12 mm: 15 Nm
7 12 mm: 5 Nm
2 Nm
5.5 Nm
5.5 Nm
2 Nm
SP.PE.M20.PA.CUnused thread 2 Nm
Careful when tightening cap nuts!
The cap nuts must be securely tightened. Tightening the cap nuts too much or not enough both can affect the degree of protection.
The tightening torques of cap nuts vary, depending on the cable type used. For exact details refer to the documentation of your cable manufacturer.

3.2.3 Grounding and Shielding

Equipotential Bonding of Devices in F2* Metal Housings
For electronic components in F2* metal housings in hazardous areas, suitable equipotential bonding in accordance with IEC/EN 60079 is required. Therefore, the device is designed as follows:
The shield (terminal S) of the intrinsically safe fieldbus trunk is internally connected to the F2* metal housing.
The housing has a grounding point with a grounding screw. The grounding connection must be secured against loosening and corrosion, e. g., by using tinned cable plates.
Ensure potential equalization of F2 Metal Housings
Ensure that the housing is connected properly to the potential equalization.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
Shielding of the Fieldbus Trunk Using the R* Electronic Component in Intrinsically Safe Segments
The shield (terminal S) of the fieldbus trunk is internally connected to the grounding point.
Grounding and Shielding *D0-MIO-Ex12*
Shielded cables for the valve or sensor are not required.
The device provides a grounding terminal for connecting to an equipotential bonding.
F2D0-MIO-Ex12* Grounding Points
R8D0-MIO-Ex12* Grounding Point
Connection to Equipotential Bonding System
Risk of electric shock or property damage from inadequate grounding
If you fail to connect all metal parts of the device to protective local earth correctly, this could result in potential equalization currents. These currents could hurt operating personnel or cause property damage.
The grounding terminal is not a safety earth: Do not use the grounding terminal to ground exposed metal parts. Ground exposed metal parts of the device separately. Ensure that a correct grounding is guaranteed at all times.
All shield connections are internally connected to the "Shield/Screen GND" grounding terminal.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
Connecting the Ground Connection Cable
Use a cable with a minimum cross section of 4 mm².
1. Connect the ground cable to a cable lug.
2. Position the cable lug over the grounding terminal with the cable pointing downwards.
3. Screw the cable lug to the grounding terminal with 2 toothed lock washers inserted between screw, lug, and terminal as illustrated:
Figure 3.1 Connecting the ground connection cable
1 Screw
2 Toothed lock washer
3 Cable lug
4 Grounding terminal on motherboard
4. Tighten the screw with a torque of 1.5 Nm.
The cable lug is properly attached and cannot come loose.
Connect the "Shield/Screen GND" grounding terminal to an equipotential bonding system.

3.2.4 DIP Switch Settings

The device has 8 DIP switches:
DIP switches S1 ... S7: Address setting and binary coding
DIP switch 8: Write protection settings
Address Settings
You can assign the PROFIBUS address 0 125 in 2 ways. Use the hardware DIP switches of the device or the device type manager (DTM) software.
In order to assign an address to the mulit-input/output (MIO) device in the range of 0 ... 125 as PROFIBUS address, use the DIP switches S1 ... S7.
Multi-Input/Output Device
PROFIBUS address setting
Position ON = logical 1 Position OFF = logical 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Installation and Commissioning
Any subsequent attempt to change this address via the DTM software is rejected. In this case, the hardware DIP switch settings have priority. To change a hardware address setting again, use the DIP switches.
After modifying the address DIP switches, the device must be rebooted in order to use the new setting. Either disconnect the device from the fieldbus and then reconnect it, or restart the device via the DTM.
Figure 3.2 DIP switches to set the PROFIBUS address on the device
Address S1 (20) S2 (21) S3 (22) S4 (23) S5 (24) S6 (25) S7 (26)
By default, the MIO device is delivered with the address set to 126, with the DIP switches S1 ... S7 set to ON. This enables the modification of the address via the bus.
An address set via the bus remains active, even if the device has been temporarily disconnected from the bus.
If an address in the range of 1 ... 125 is set via the DIP switches, this address overrules an address previously set via the bus.
Assigning a PROFIBUS Address via the Device Type Manager
In order to enable software address setting of the MIO device, set the DIP switches either to 126 or 127. For details on how to change the address via the fieldbus, refer to the documentation of your configuration tool. When the address is changed, the device automatically reboots, using the new address afterwards.
Write Protection Settings
To protect the parameters from modification you can use write protection.
Write protection has the following effects:
Acyclic write access is blocked
Multi-Input/Output Device
Position ON = Active Position OFF = Not active (default setting)
PROFIBUS address setting
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Installation and Commissioning
Activate write protection in either of the following ways:
Hardware write protection: Use DIP switch 8 on the device (see below).
Software write protection: Activate the respective parameter in the DTM software. For more information see description of user interface no. 8, see chapter 10.2.3.
Activating Write Protection via the DIP Switch
Figure 3.3 DIP switch 8 to activate the hardware write protection
Both write protection methods work the same way, regardless of which one is activated.

3.3 PROFIBUS Ident Number Setting

For each PROFIBUS field device type of each manufacturer at least 1 unique PROFIBUS ident number is assigned for device identification. *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA support different ident numbers and thus, different GSD files, to configure the required mode of operation.
Depending on the required mode of operation of the device, select the ident number in the device type manager (DTM) software. Use the PROFIBUS Ident Number parameter.
For setting the PROFIBUS ident number, see chapter 10.4 and see chapter 10.3.
Manufacturer-Specific MIO Mode Ident Number
Manufacturer-specific MIO mode ident number: 0x0F8B
For selecting the corresponding device mode in the DTM, see chapter 10.4 and see chapter
FD0-VC-Ex4.PA Compatible Mode Ident Number
FD0-VC-Ex4.PA compatible mode ident number: 0x0841
FD0-BI-Ex12.PA Compatible Mode Ident Number
FD0-BI-Ex12.PA compatible mode ident number: 0x0461
PROFIBUS Profile 3.02 Valve Coupler Mode Ident Number
PROFIBUS profile 3.02 valve coupler mode ident number: 0x9733
PROFIBUS Profile 3.02 Sensor Input Mode Ident Number
PROFIBUS profile 3.02 sensor input mode ident number: 0x972B
Multi-Input/Output Device
Installation and Commissioning
Automatic Mode
By default, the device is set to "Automatic" mode: In the process of establishing cyclic communication, the device checks if one of the supported ident numbers is set. If so, the device automatically uses that number.

3.4 Requirements for Commissioning

Before commissioning the multi-input/output device (MIO), ensure that the following requirements are met:
For acyclic communication/parameterization: A suitable FDT frame application is in place in order to parameterize the MIO via a PROFIBUS DP master. The device type manager (DTM) needed to run in the FDT frame application can be downloaded from Internet under Refer to the release notes of the DTM for information on the
frameworks that are supported. The release notes are included in the FieldConnex® DTM package.
For cyclic communication/configuration: A process control system (PCS) is prepared to configure cyclic user data exchange via a PROFIBUS DP Master Class I.
The PROFIBUS master is connected to a PROFIBUS DP segment. No DP slaves need to be available at the DP segment.
A PROFIBUS PA segment is connected via a Segment Coupler.
The bus terminations at both ends of the PROFIBUS PA segment are mounted or switched ON.
A MIO device is installed at the PROFIBUS PA segment.

3.5 Parameterization and Configuration Procedure

Use the FDT frame application with the device type manager (DTM) to parameterize the device. Parameterization is an "acyclic" communication, i. e., read/write data is read from or stored on the device as needed. This also means that once set in the DTM, the parameters are kept even if the device is put into operation at a later point.
Use the following checklist when commissioning the device. Skip those steps you have already completed. For detailed information on how to proceed, refer to the chapters mentioned.
Parameterization (hardware and software):
1. Set a fixed valid PROFIBUS address 0 ... 125 via the DIP switch of the device or set the address 126 (default setting) for assignment of the address via the configuration or param­eterization tool. For more information, see chapter 3.2.4 or see chapter 10.3, and see chapter 10.4.
2. Set the parameters for the devices in your project, e. g., PROFIBUS ident number, de­scription parameters. For more information see chapter 3.3 and see chapter 10.3/see chapter 10.4.
3. Set channel-related parameters. For more information, see chapter 8.
4. If needed, activate the hardware or software write protection to protect the parameters from overwriting. For more information, see chapter 3.2.4 or description of user interface no. 8, see chapter 10.2.3.
1. Log on to the DP master.
2. Select the GSD file to be used (manufacturer-specific, profile-specific). For more informa­tion, see chapter 3.2. If necessary, install the respective GSD file.
Multi-Input/Output Device

4 Configuration

4.1 Host System Integration

The configuration of the device in a PROFIBUS network requires a GSD file. The file describes the details of communication capabilities and structures of cyclic data. For the *D0-MIO­Ex12.PA, different GSD files are available to support different modes of operation.
Mode of operation Ident number GSD file
MIO 0x0F8B PF00F8B.gsd
FD0-VC-Ex4.PA compatibility 0x0841 PF00841.gsd
FD0-BI-Ex12.PA compatibility 0x0461 PF00461.gsd
PROFIBUS profile 3.02 valve coupler 0x9733 PA09733.gsd
The manufacturer-specific GSD files for MIO mode of operation offer the full functionality of the devices. The GSD file is available on the Internet under
The profile-specific GSD files are defined by the PROFIBUS PA profile 3.02. The GSD files offer a limited, standardized functionality that guarantees interoperability between devices of different manufacturers. Profile-specific GSD files are available on the Internet under
The FD0-VC-Ex4.PA and FD0-BI-Ex12.PA GSD files are used if in an existing installation of a device has to be replaced. The GSD files of preceeding Pepperl+Fuchs process interfaces are available on the Internet under

4.2 Configuration of Cyclic Communication

Prerequisite: The GSD file is installed in your process system. For more information, see chapter 4.1.
During cyclic data exchange, "user data" is exchanged in regular intervals between the master and the slave or bus, e. g., between a process control system and a field device. User data includes, e. g., measurement values, limit position feedback, and output data, etc. The bus cycle time depends on the number of nodes and the amount of data that is transmitted.
The cyclic data is represented in so called modules which are mapped to slots. For each hardware channel a module can be selected. The module data consists of a combination of input and output data of different variables. Modules of the different operation modes are not allowed to be mixed other than stated below. The supported types of modules are described in the specific GSD files.
Module types for the valve coupler mode and the FD0-VC-Ex4.PA compatibility mode In the valve coupler mode the following variables for cyclic communication are available:
Empty module: Used if a channel is not used for cyclic communication.
OUT_D: Input value and status of position feedback monitor.
SP_D: Specified setpoint value of valve position in the "Auto" mode.
RB_D: Feedback of valve position and the states of the position feedback inputs and their line fault condition.
CB_D: Detailed status, alarm, and fault condition of the valve.
RIN_D: Specified setpoint value of host in the "RCas" mode of operation.
ROUT_D: Setpoint value feedback to host in the "RCas"mode of operation.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Modules (combination of variables) Description Byte length
EMPTY_MODULE Empty module. Used if a channel
OUT_D Input value and status of sensor
SP_D Setpoint value of the valve 2 0
SP_D+RB_D Setpoint value + position feedback 2 2
SP_D+CB_D Setpoint value + diagnostics 2 3
SP_D+RB_D+CB_D Setpoint value + position feedback
RIN_D+ROUT_D Setpoint value host 2 2
RIN_D+ROUT_D+CB_D Setpoint value host + diagnostics 2 5
is not used.
+ diagnostics
Setpoint value host + final position feedback (PFC) + diagnostics
Input Output
0 0
2 0
2 5
4 7
In the valve coupler mode, up to 12 modules per *D0-MIO-Ex12.PA are supported.
Module types for the sensor input mode and FD0-BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode In the sensor input mode, the following variables for cyclic communication are available:
Empty module: Used if a channel is not used for cyclic communication.
OUT_D: Value of the sensor input and the corresponding status information.
OUT: Value for frequency input with the corresponding status. Not applicable to the FD0­BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
OUT long: Value for frequency input with the corresponding status. Module description in long format. Not applicable to the FD0-BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
OUT short: Value for frequency input with the corresponding status. Module description in short format. Not applicable to the FD0-BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
OUT_C: Value for counter input with corresponding status. Not applicable to the FD0-BI­Ex2.PA compatibility mode.
OUT_C_RESET: 1 output byte used to reset the sensor input and the corresponding status information.
Multi-Input/Output Device
Modules (combination of variables) Description Byte length
EMPTY_MODULE Empty module. Used if a channel
OUT_D Input value and status of the input
OUT Input value and status of the input
OUT long OUT long: Value for frequency
OUT short OUT short: Value for frequency
OUT_C Input value and status of the input
OUT_C + OUT_C_RESET Counter input value and
Input Output
0 0
is not used.
2 0
if binary sensors are used.
5 0 if configured in frequency mode. Not applicable to the FD0–BI–Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
5 0 input with the corresponding status. Module description in long format. Not applicable to the FD0­BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
5 0 input with the corresponding status. Module description in short format. Not applicable to the FD0­BI-Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
5 0 if configured in counter mode. Not applicable to the FD0–BI–Ex12.PA compatibility mode.
5 1 corresponding status in combination with counter reset value.

4.3 Cyclic Communication Data Description

The following sections describe the device variables involved in cyclic communication. Most of these variables contain a data part and a status byte. The status supports 2 different sets of coding: the classic status and the condensed status. The condensed status offers gradual prioritized information which is the most suitable to support you with process control and maintenance tasks. Whereas the classic status follows a fixed mapping between failure cause and status message, the condensed status can be configured depending on available failure causes. For more information, refer to the device type manager description on diagnostic and status mapping.

4.3.1 Valve Coupler Mode and FD0-VC Compatibility Mode Variables

The following section offers information on the following valve coupler mode variables:
Multi-Input/Output Device
The status of SP_D influences the control of the valve. The SP_D variable consists of 2 bytes:
1. The first byte represents the setpoint value of the valve for the auto mode of operation of
the function block.
2. The second byte represents the status.
Value Description
0 Set position closed
1 ... 255 Set position open
Classic Status Value Mnemonic Description
0xA0 GOOD (NC)-IFS (Initiate fail-safe.)
0x80 GOOD (NC)-OK Valid setpoint value.
<= 0x3F BAD All values 00 h ... 3 Fh.
Command for control to change to the fail–safe state.
Recommended to be used as the default value for "GOOD".
Valid setpoint valueAll values 40h ... BFh except A0h. Value 80h recommended to be used preferably.
The setpoint value is only valid if the value of the status byte (second byte) is "GOOD" (NC)­OK" (80h).
Controlling the Valve
The setpoint value is not the control value of the valve. Which value opens or closes a valve, depends on the setting of the "invert setpoint" parameter. For more information, see chapter
Setting the Invert Setpoint Parameter
If the Invert Setpoint parameter is set to "OFF", the setpoint value is not inverted. The setpoint value "0" controls the valve in the "closed" position. Any other setpoint value from 1 ... 255 controls the valve in the "open" position.
If the Invert Setpoint parameter is set to "ON", the coding of the setpoint value is inverted. That means, the setpoint value "0" controls the valve in the "open" position. Any other setpoint value from 1 ... 255 controls the valve in the "closed" position.
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