Pepperl+Fuchs SK-PC-KM-10, EXTA-K1, EXTA-K3, EXTA-K4 Technical Manual

Technical Manual
Exi Keyboard / Mouse Interface SK-PC-KM-10
SK-PC-KM-10, Version: 201, 03.07.06 EXTA-Kx
Table of Contents
1 Important Information....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General instructions..................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Symbols used in this manual.................................................................................................................... 3
2 SK-PC-KM-10 ..................................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Diagram of the system in the hazardous area.......................................................................................... 4
2.2 Technical data SK-PC-KM-10 .................................................................................................................. 5
3 Startup SK-PC-KM-10...................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Hardware connections .............................................................................................................................. 6
4 Terminal assignment........................................................................................................................................ 7
5 Cable................................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.1 S-PS2-PS2................................................................................................................................................ 9
5.2 S-KM-KX-10..............................................................................................................................................9
6 EXTA-Kx Exi PC-keyboards ........................................................................................................................ 10
6.1 EXTA-K1 Exi PC-keyboard without mouse system.............................................................................. 10
6.2 EXTA-K3 Exi PC-keyboard with trackball mouse................................................................................. 11
6.3 EXTA-K4 Exi PC-keyboard with touchpad mouse ............................................................................... 12
6.4 EXTA-K keyboard case ........................................................................................................................13
6.5 EXTA-K desktop case, stainless steel ABG-EXTA-K134..................................................................... 13
6.6 EXTA-K chemical resistance of the front foil ........................................................................................ 14
7 Rating plates .................................................................................................................................................. 15
7.1 SK-PC-KM-10 rating plate ...................................................................................................................... 15
7.2 EXTA-Kx-x-x-x rating plate ..................................................................................................................... 15
8 Order designations......................................................................................................................................... 16
9 Appendix EEx Certification ............................................................................................................................ 17
1 Important Information
1.1 General instructions
Copyright 2005 by Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH
All rights reserved
The publisher reserves the right to alter the information and data contained in this manual without prior notice. Unless otherwise indicated, the company names as well as other names and data used in the examples are purely fictitious.
The publisher may have registered patents or pending patent applications for subject matter covered in the manual. This manual does not give you license to these patents.
Limited warranty:
No warranty is provided for the accuracy of the information contained in this manual. As mistakes cannot be entirely avoided despite taking the greatest of care, we would be grateful to receive information about any errors you may discover. The publisher disclaims all legal responsibility or liability for errors as well as for subsequent damages and claims.
How to contact Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH:
Should you encounter any problems with the Exi Keyboard / Mouse Interface SK-PC-KM-10 or the EXTA-Kx please consult the Technical Manual first of all. If you are still unable to solve the problems
after studying the above information carefully, you can contact Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH directly as follows:
1) Internet:
2) E-mail:
3) Support hotline: Tel. +49 (0)711/31 54 55 12
4) Write to the address below
If you need to contact the EXTEC support hotline, please make sure you have the Technical Manual handy!
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Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH Schorndorfer Straße 55 D-73730 Esslingen
Important Information 1 SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06
1.2 Safety instructions
These devices are only allowed to be installed and operated by trained and qualified
personnel who have received suitable instruction in their use.
These devices represent state-of-art technology. They are only allowed to be connected
to systems that have been approved by Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH.
Never open the devices yourself. They are only allowed to be opened by authorized
Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH personnel. Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH is not liable for any resulting damages.
The devices are not allowed to be modified or otherwise altered in any way.
Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH is not liable for any resulting damages.
Please study the “Technical Manual ” carefully prior to starting up the devices.
The most recent version of the “Technical Manual” is always valid. It is available on the
Support page of our web site (Internet address:
The operating voltage of the devices must not exceed the limits indicated in the
"Technical Manual" under Technical data. In the event of failure to comply, Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH is not liable for any
resulting damages.
The relevant specifications for hazardous areas (e.g. EN60079, EN50178
EN 50014 - 50039) and accident prevention regulations (e.g. UVV) must be observed.
The technical data specified for the hazardous area corresponds to the certified values for the European EEx approval. The user is responsible for ensuring that the devices are suitable for their intended application and for the prevailing ambient conditions. No warranty can be given by Pepperl+Fuchs - EXTEC GmbH in this connection.
Data subject to change without notice
SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06 Important Information 2
1.3 Symbols used in this manual
Non-hazardous area:
Hazardous area ( Zone 1+2 )
Additional Info:
Pressure load:
The indicated specifications may not be modified. Non-compliance may result in dangerous situations and damages.
Careful installation: do not replace electrical fuses with fuses from different manufacturers. Non­compliance may result in dangerous situations and damages.
The product may possibly be negatively impacted or damaged by foreign influences.
Assembly and installation only in non-hazardous areas. Power supply cables for the hazardous areas zone 1 and zone 2 only with cable type DATL-A.
All safety regulations as well as compliance certificates for hazardous areas must be observed. In addition, all regulations (VDE) published by the respective authorities for the application of the devices in hazardous areas (zone 1 and 2) must be complied with at all times.
Information and notices that must be observed additionally.
Significant mechanical pressure or impact loads may result in damages.
Important Information 3 SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06
2 SK-PC-KM-10
The type SK-PC-KM-10 is an Exi keyboard / mouse interface which connects intrinsically safe keyboards and keyboards with mouse of type EXTA-K in the hazardous area (zones 1 and 2, II (2) G) with a standard PC in the non-intrinsically area. The SK-PC-KM-10 is to be installed in the safe area (e.g. in a cabinet or inside a purged Exp case or in a flameproof Exd housing of an industrial PC). The maximum length of the cable from SK-PC-KM-10 to the Exi keyboard and keyboard with mouse is limited to 10 m.
The SK-PC-KM-10 is certified for intrinsically safe keyboards and keyboards with mouse of type EXTA-K.
2.1 Diagram of the system in the hazardous area
Keyboard with touchpad
Keyboard without mouse
Keyboard + mouse
Hazardous area
Safe area
X3 X4
PS/2 port Keyb oard
PS/2 port
Mous e
SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06 SK-PC-KM-10 4
2.2 Technical data SK-PC-KM-10
Type of protection II (2) G, [EEx ib] IIC Degree of protection IP 20
Ambient conditions (operation): Temperature range 0 °C – +60 °C Relative humidity Max. 85% without condensation (48 h endurance test)
Ambient conditions (storage): Temperature range -10 °C – +70 °C
Mechanical data: Weight Approx. 0.5 kg
Electrical data: Output voltage +5V Maximum output current 250mA Maximum connectable capacity 38µF
SK-PC-KM-10 5 SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06
3 Startup SK-PC-KM-10
3.1 Hardware connections
This description of the startup procedure only contains information that is relevant to the SK-PC-KM-10. Please refer to the PC manual for details of how to start up the PC. For descriptions of the EXTA-K Exi keyboards please refer to section 6.
Proceed as follows to start up:
Switch off the system or machine.
Make sure that the installation area is safe for the duration of the startup procedure if any non-intrinsically
safe voltages need to be wired and/or non-intrinsically safe devices opened.
Connect the SK-PC-KM-10 to the PC.
Connect the Exi keyboard (or Exi keyboard + mouse) to the SK-PC-KM-10.
Connect the protective earth conductor to the SK-PC-KM-10.
The protective earth conductor (PE) is connected to the case. The case must be earthed (PA). The earth wire must have a cross-section of at least 4 mm² and be as short as possible.
Switch on the power supply.
Check all the functions.
Switch on the system or machine.
Check the functions of the complete system or machine.
The equipment or machine may malfunction if the Ex PC operator terminal is not correctly connected and configured.
These devices are intended solely for installation in another machine. They are not allowed to be started up until the conformity of the final product with the 89/336/EEC and 89/392/EEC Directives has been established and this product inspected by an authorized expert in accordance with EN 60079 and EN 50014 ff.
SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06 Startup SK-PC-KM-10 6
4 Terminal assignment
Detail of X3 and X4
1 2
3 4
5 6
Terminal X1 Exi-Keyboard
Colour coding for EXTA-K1
Length of cable
1.8 m 10 m
Colour coding for EXTA-K3 / -K4
Length of cable
1.8 m 10 m
X1.1 Keyboard +5V Green Green Green Green X1.2 Keyboard GND Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow X1.3 Keyboard DATA1 Grey Black or grey Grey Black or grey X1.4 Keyboard CLK1 Brown Brown Brown Brown X1.5 GND / Shield Shield Shield Shield Shield
Terminal X2 Exi-Mouse (EXTA-K3 / -K4 only)
Colour coding for EXTA-K3 / -K4
Length of cable
1.8 m 10 m
X2.1 Mouse +5V Red Red X2.2 Mouse GND Blue Blue X2.3 Mouse DATA1 Pink Purple or pink X2.4 Mouse CLK1 White Orange or white X2.5 GND / Shield Shield Shield
Terminal assignment 7 SKPCKM10_V201_TH_E.doc / 03.07.06
Terminal X3 Keyboard to PC Terminal X4 Mouse to PC
Pin Assignment
X3.1 X3.2 X3.3 X3.4 X3.5 X3.6
Data N.C. GND +5V CLK N.C.
LED Colour Meaning
Us1 Green Power supply for PC keyboard port Us2 Green Power supply for interface K Yellow Data from keyboard M Yellow Data to mouse
Pin Assignment
X4.1 X4.2 X4.3 X4.4 X4.5 X4.6
Data N.C. GND +5V CLK N.C.
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