Pepperl+Fuchs CC-LINK Series Compact Manual



With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is applicable: The
General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry, published by the
Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the supplementary clause: "Expanded reservation
of proprietorship".

Table of contents

Table of contents
CC-Link Gateways
1 Introduction...........................................................................................5
2 Declaration of conformity....................................................................6
2.1 Declaration of conformity ............................................................................... 6
3 Safety.....................................................................................................7
3.1 Symbols relevant to safety ............................................................................. 7
3.2 General notes on safety.................................................................................. 7
3.3 Disposal............................................................................................................ 7
4 Setting up the AS-i bus........................................................................8
5 Configuration and Start-up of the Safety Monitor.............................9
6 Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways.......................10
6.1 Standard mode............................................................................................... 11
6.1.1 Remote IO Points .......................................................................................................... 11
6.1.2 Buffer memory area ...................................................................................................... 13
6.1.3 Safety Status ............................ ... .. ................................ .. ... ............................... ... ......... 15
6.1.4 Fieldbus Bits.................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.5 Message Transmission.................................................................................................16
6.2 Compatibility mode for VBG-CCL-G4F........................................................17
6.2.1 Remote IO Points .......................................................................................................... 17
6.2.2 Buffer Memory Area...................................................................................................... 18
6.3 CC-Link V1 Mode ........................................................................................... 22
6.3.1 Remote IO Points .......................................................................................................... 22
6.3.2 Buffer Memory Area...................................................................................................... 23
6.4 Compatibility Mode for FX2N-32ASI-M ........................................................ 27
6.4.1 Remote IO Points .......................................................................................................... 27
6.4.2 Buffer Memory Area...................................................................................................... 27
6.5 Compatibility Mode for HK-ASICC ............................................................... 30
6.5.1 Remote IO Points .......................................................................................................... 30
6.5.2 Buffer Memory Area...................................................................................................... 30
7 Accessing command interface..........................................................31
7.1 Using BFM........... ........................................................................................... 31
7.2 Using "Message Transmission"................................................................... 34
Table of contents
8 Diagnostics.........................................................................................36
8.1 System diagnostics on the PC......................................................................36
8.1.1 Software for diagnostics, service and release measurements.................................36
8.1.2 AS-i Control Tools .........................................................................................................36
8.1.3 ASIMON ..........................................................................................................................36
8.1.4 Web server .....................................................................................................................36
8.2 Diagnostics on the host controller...............................................................37
8.2.1 Diagnostics through process data ......................................... ... ... .. ... ..........................37 Diagnosing the AS-i circuits..........................................................................................37 Diagnosing the Safety Monitor......................................................................................37
8.2.2 Diagnosing the safety unit using the command interface.........................................40
8.2.3 LEDs ...............................................................................................................................40
8.2.4 LC-Display......................................................................................................................40
8.2.5 AS-i Monitor ...................................................................................................................40 Duplicate address detection .........................................................................................40 Earth fault monitor ........................................................................................................41 Noise voltage detection ............................................................................................ ....41 Overvoltage detection...................................................................................................41
Flags + Fault Detector (see chap. 6.1.1). ............ .......................................................37
Safety diagnostics in the Input Data Image ................................ ................................37
Fieldbus Bits and Safety Status .................................................................................37
Safety diagnostics in the Input Data Image (IDI) 38
Safety diagnostics of safe AS-i inputs ........................................................................38
Safety diagnostics of safe AS-i outputs ......................................................................39
Changing the base setting ............................................................................ ..............40
9 Appendix.............................................................................................42

1. Introduction

You have chosen a device manufactured by Pepperl+Fuchs. Pepperl+Fuchs de­velops, produces and distributes electronic sensors and interface modules for the market of automation technology on a worldwide scale.
Before installing this equipment and put into operation, read this manual carefully. This manual containes instructions and notes to help you through the installation and commissioning step by step. This makes sure bring such a trouble-free use of this product. This is for your benefit, since this:
ensures the safe operation of the device
helps you to exploit the full functionality of the device
avoids errors and related malfunctions
avoids costs by disruptions and any repairs
increases the effectiveness and efficiency of your plant Keep this manual at hand for subsequent operations on the device. After opening the packaging please check the integrity of the device and the num-
ber of pieces of supplied.
Symbols used
The following symbols are used in this manual:
This symbol indicates important information.
This symbol warns of a potential failure. Non-compliance may lead to interruptions of the device, the connected peripheral systems, or plant, potentially leading to total mal­functioning.
This symbol warns of an imminent danger. Non-compliance may lead to personal inju­ries that could be fatal or result in material damage s and destruction.
If you have any questions about the device, its functions, or accessories, please contact us at:
Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH Lilienthalstraße 200 68307 Mannheim Telephone: +49 621 776-4411 Fax: +49 621 776-274411 E-Mail:
Declaration of conformity

2. Declaration of conformity

2.1 Declaration of conformity

This product was developed and manufactured under observance of the applica­ble European standards and guidelines.
A Declaration of Conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
The product manufacturer, Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH, D-68307 Mannheim, has a certified quality assurance system that conforms to ISO 9001.

3. Safety

3.1 Symbols relevant to safety

This symbol indicates important information.
This symbol warns of a potential failure. Non-compliance may lead to interruptions of the device, the connected peripheral systems, or plant, potentially leading to total mal­functioning.
This symbol warns of an imminent danger. Non-compliance may lead to personal inju­ries that could be fatal or result in material damage s and destruction.

3.2 General notes on safety

Only instructed specialist staff may operate the device in accordance with the op­erating manual.
User modification and or repair are dangerous and will void the warranty and ex­clude the manufacturer from any liability. If serious fault s occur, stop using the de­vice. Secure the device against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs, re­turn the device to your local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.
The connection of the device and maintenance work when live may only be car­ried out by a qualified electrical specialist.
The operating company bears responsibility for observing locally applicable safe­ty regulations.
Store the not used device in the original packaging. This offers the device optimal protection against impact and moisture.
Ensure that the ambient conditions comply with regulations.

3.3 Disposal

Electronic waste is hazardous waste. Please comply with all local ordinances when disposing this product!
The device does not contain batteries that need to be removed before disposing it.
Setting up the AS-i bus

4. Setting up the AS-i bus

1. Connect the unit to power.
2. Connect the AS-i cable to the unit.
3. One after the other connect the AS-i slaves to the AS-i cable and set the slave addresses. You may set the addresses directly on the slave using a portable addresser or by using the option [SLAVE ADR TOOL] in the display menu of your gateway.
4. In the display menu select [QUICK SETUP] to use the configuration of all AS-i circuits connected to the unit. Confirm with [STORE+RUN].
5. Set the CC-Link address and connect the gateway to the host fieldbus con­troller. You can set the addresses directly using the option [CC-LINK] in the dis­play menu of your gateway or through the PC using the ASIMON software with integrated AS-i Control Tools.
For more detailed information pleas e refer to the installation guide for your g ateway which is included with the unit.
Configuration and Start-up of the Safety Monitor

5. Configuration and Start-up of the Safety Monitor

Configuration and start-up of the AS-i Safety Monitor is accomplished using a PC/ notebook running the ASIMON configuration software.
For more detailed information please refer to the separate manual for the ASIMON configuration software.
Configuration should be performed only by a safety specialist. All safety-related commands are password protected.
The correct safety functioning of the unit must absolutely be verified in the system!
Quick Start Guides for commis sionin g and ser vice are p rovide d on the w ebsite av aila­ble for download.
Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways

6. Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways

There are several modes for the transmission of data in CC-Link:
1. Standard mode (see chap. 6.1)
2. Compatibility mode for VBG-CCL-G4F COMP (see chap. 6.2)
3. Compatibility mode for CC-Link V1 (see chap. 6.3)
4. Compatibility mode for FX2N-32ASI-M CP (see chap. 6.4)
5. Compatibility mode for HK-ASICC COMP (see chap. 6.5)
The selection of each data tr ansmi ss ion mod e take s plac e i n the me nu of t he g at ew ay using the buttons and the display. Addi tional information ca n be foand in the descrip­tion of the display menu of your gateway.
Summary of data transmission modes
occupied stations 3 3 4 4 2 cycle setting 2 1 1 1 1 required CC-Link master V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 support of 2 AS-i circuits no no no no no support of B-slaves yes (yes) yes no no support of analog slaves yes yes yes no no support of AS-i configurati o n
via CC-Link
yes yes yes no no
CC-Link V1FX2N-
Tab. 6-1.
Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways

6.1 Standard mode

The Standard Mode has the following features:
the gateway occupies 3 stations and has a double cycle setting.
The last 2 words are reserved for "Message Transmission".
The AS-i process data is mapped into the Buffer Memory Area (BFM).
All acyclic requests are handled by "Message Transmission" using cyclic data.

6.1.1 Remote IO Points

Remote to Host
Address 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RXm reserved RXm+1 AS-i circuit 1: EC-Flags and Fault Detector RXm+2
EC-Flags and Fault Detector
Bit Short Cut Name
0 Cfg. OK Configuration OK 1 S0 Slave Address 0 detected 2 Aaasn Auto Address Assign 3 Aaavail Auto Address Available 4 CM Configuration Mode active 5 NA Normal Operation active 6 APF AS-i Power Fail (AS-i voltage below 19 V) 7 Offl Off-line 8 NPF No Peripheral Fault
9 reserved reserved 10 PWRw Power Warning (AS-i voltage below 22.5 V) 11 reserved reserved 12 EF Earth Fault 13 OV Over-voltage on AS-i 14 Noise Noise 15 reserved reserved
Tab. 6-2.
Tab. 6-3.
Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways
Host to Remote
Address 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RYm+1 reserved
Tab. 6-4.
Flags in RYm
Bit Short Cut Name
0 OFL Offline 1 AAE Auto Address Enable 2 CM Enter Configuration Mode on rising edge 3 PM Enter Protected Mode on rising edge
4 … 15 reserved
Tab. 6-5.
Data transmission modes of the CC-Link Gateways

6.1.2 Buffer memory area

Buffer memory
for master without integr. safety monitor
Address 1 Master
0 … 7 AS-i 1, input A + single slaves AS-i 1, output A + single slaves
8 … 15 AS-i 1, input B slaves AS-i 1, output B slaves
16 … 23 reserved
Buffer memory (read)
for master with integr. safety monitor
Address Bit 15 … 12 Bit 11 … 8 Bit 7 … 4 Bit 3 … 0
RWrm0 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv3 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv2 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv1 flags AS-i 1 RWrm1 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv7 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv6 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv5 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv4 RWrm2 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv11 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv10 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv9 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv8 RWrm3 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv15 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv14 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv13 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv12 RWrm4 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv19 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv18 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv17 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv16 RWrm5 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv23 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv22 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv21 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv20 RWrm6 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv27 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv26 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv25 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv24 RWrm7 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv31 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv30 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv29 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv28 RWrm8 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv3B AS-i 1: Inp. Slv2B AS-i 1: Inp. Slv1B RWrm9 AS-i 1: Inp. Slv7B AS-i 1: Inp. Sl v6B AS-i 1: Inp. Slv5B AS-i 1: Inp. Slv4B
RWrm10 AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv11B
RWrm11 AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv15B
RWrm12 AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv19B
RWrm13 AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv23B
RWrm14 AS-i 1: Inp.
RWrm15 AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv31B RWrm16 fieldbus bits 15 … 8 fieldbus bits 7 … 0 RWrm17 Safety Status OSSD2 Safety Status OSSD1 RWrm18 Safety Status OSSD4 Safety Status OSSD3 RWrm19 Safety Status OSSD6 Safety Status OSSD5
read write
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv10B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv14B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv18B
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv22B AS-i 1: Inp.
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv30B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv9B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv13B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv17B
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv21B AS-i 1: Inp.
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv29B
Tab. 6-6.
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv8B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv12B
AS-i 1:
Inp. Slv16B
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv20B AS-i 1: Inp.
AS-i 1: Inp. Slv28B
Tab. 6-7.
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