Pepperl+Fuchs Absolute Rotary Encoder User Manual

Absolute Rotary Encoder
with CANopen Interface
Absolute Rotary Encoder
With regard to the supply of products, the current issue of the following document is ap-
plicable: The General Terms of Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Indus-
try, published by the Central Association of the Electrical Industry (Zentralverband
Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.) in its most recent version as well as the
Absolute Rotary Encoder
1 Introduction................................................................................. 8
1.1 Content of this Document ................................................................... 8
1.2 Target Group, Personnel...................................................................... 8
1.3 Symbols Used ...................................................................................... 8
2 Declaration of conformity ........................................................ 10
2.1 CE conformity..................................................................................... 10
3 Safety ......................................................................................... 11
3.1 Symbols relevant to safety................................................................ 11
3.2 Intended Use ...................................................................................... 11
3.3 General safety instructions ............................................................... 11
4 General Information on System Integration ........................... 12
4.1 Using this Manual .............................................................................. 12
4.2 General CANopen Information .......................................................... 12
5 Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder ........ 14
5.1 Signal Assignment of Terminal Block .............................................. 14
5.2 Signal Assignment of Connector and Cable Variants .................... 16
5.3 Activation of the Terminator.............................................................. 17
5.4 Installation Hints for Cabling ............................................................ 17
5.5 Setting of Node Number and Baud Rate in the Bus Cover ............ 17
5.6 Status of the Bus Cover LEDs........................................................... 19
6 Installation of Magnetic Absolute Rotary Encoder ............... 21
6.1 Signal Assignment of Connector and Cable Variants .................... 21
6.2 Activation of Terminator .................................................................... 21
6.3 Setting of Node Number and Baud Rate.......................................... 21
6.4 Status of the LEDs.............................................................................. 22
Absolute Rotary Encoder
7 Quick Start Guide ..................................................................... 23
7.1 Configure the Absolute Rotary Encoder for Integration
into a CAN Network ............................................................................ 23
7.2 Configure application-specific encoder Parameters ...................... 25
8 Configuration ............................................................................ 29
8.1 Operating Modes ................................................................................ 29
8.1.1 General............................................................................................. 29
8.1.2 Mode: Pre-operational...................................................................... 29
8.1.3 Mode: Start - Operational ................................................................. 29
8.1.4 Mode: Stopped................................................................................. 29
8.1.5 Reinitialization of the Rotary Encoder............................................... 29
8.2 Normal Operating ............................................................................... 30
8.3 Storing Parameter............................................................................... 31
8.3.1 List of storable Parameters............................................................... 31
8.3.2 Storing Procedure ............................................................................ 31
8.4 Restoring Parameters ........................................................................ 32
8.5 Usage of Layer Setting Services (LSS) ............................................32
9 Programmable Parameters...................................................... 34
9.1 Programming example: Preset Value ...............................................35
9.1.1 Set Encoder Preset Value................................................................. 35
9.2 Communication Profile DS301 specific objects
from 1000h – 1FFFh ........................................................................... 36
9.3 Manufacturer specific objects from 2000h – 5FFFh........................ 37
9.4 Application specific objects from 6000h – 67FEh........................... 38
Absolute Rotary Encoder
9.5 Object Descriptions ........................................................................... 39
9.5.1 Object 1000h: Device Type .............................................................. 39
9.5.2 Object 1001h: Error Register ........................................................... 39
9.5.3 Object 1003h: Pre-Defined Error Field ............................................. 39
9.5.4 Object 1005h: COB-ID Sync............................................................ 40
9.5.5 Object 1008h: Manufacturer Device Name ...................................... 40
9.5.6 Object 1009h: Manufacturer Hardware Version ............................... 40
9.5.7 Object 100Ah: Manufacturer Software Version ................................ 40
9.5.8 Object 100Ch: Guard Time .............................................................. 41
9.5.9 Object 100Dh: Life Time Factor ....................................................... 41
9.5.10 Object 1010h: Store Parameters ...................................................... 41
9.5.11 Object 1011h: Restore Parameters.................................................. 41
9.5.12 Object 1012h: COB-ID Time Stamp Object...................................... 42
9.5.13 Object 1013h: High Resolution Time Stamp .................................... 42
9.5.14 Object 1014h: COB-ID Emergency Object....................................... 42
9.5.15 Object 1016h: Consumer Heartbeat Time ....................................... 42
9.5.16 Object 1017h: Producer Heartbeat Time ......................................... 43
9.5.17 Object 1018h: Identity Object .......................................................... 43
9.5.18 Object 1020h: Verify Configuration .................................................. 43
9.5.19 Object 1029h: Error Behavior........................................................... 43
9.5.20 Object 1800h: 1st Transmit PDO Communication Parameter........... 44
9.5.21 Object 1801h: 2nd Transmit PDO Communication Parameter ......... 44
9.5.22 Object 1A00h: 1st Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter ..................... 45
9.5.23 Object 1A01h: 2nd Transmit PDO Mapping Parameter .................... 45
9.5.24 Object 1F50h: Download Program Area .......................................... 46
9.5.25 Object 2000h: Position Value ........................................................... 46
9.5.26 Object 2100h: Operating Parameters............................................... 46
9.5.27 Object 2101h: Resolution per Revolution......................................... 47
9.5.28 Object 2102h: Total Resolution ........................................................ 47
9.5.29 Object 2
103h: Preset Value ............................................................. 48
9.5.30 Object 2104h: Limit Switch, min....................................................... 48
9.5.31 Object 2105h: Limit Switch, max...................................................... 48
9.5.32 Object 2160h: Customer Storage..................................................... 49
9.5.33 Object 2200h: Cyclic Timer PDO ..................................................... 49
9.5.34 Object 2300h: Save Parameter with Reset....................................... 49
9.5.35 Object 2600h: High-Resolution Postion Value ................................. 50
9.5.36 Object 3000h: Node Number ........................................................... 50
9.5.37 Object 3001h: Baud Rate................................................................. 51
Absolute Rotary Encoder
9.5.38 Object 3002h: Terminator ................................................................. 51
9.5.39 Object 3003h: Auto Baud Detection ................................................. 51
9.5.40 Object 3005h: Auto Boot up ............................................................. 52
9.5.41 Object 3010h: Speed Control ........................................................... 53
9.5.42 Object 3011h: Speed Value.............................................................. 53
9.5.43 Object 3020h: Acceleration Control.................................................. 53
9.5.44 Object 3021h: Acceleration Control.................................................. 53
9.5.45 Object 3030h: Backward Compatible Mode ..................................... 54
9.5.46 Object 3040h: Life Cycle Counter..................................................... 55
9.5.47 Object 3050h: Time Stamp Position Value........................................ 55
9.5.48 Object 4000h: Bootloader Control .................................................... 55
9.5.49 Object 4010h: PPR Incremental Encoder......................................... 56
9.5.50 Object 4020h: A/B Phase Shift ......................................................... 56
9.5.51 Object 6000h: Operating Parameters ............................................... 56
9.5.52 Object 6001h: Measuring Units per Revolution ................................ 57
9.5.53 Object 6002h: Total Measuring Range in Measuring Units ............... 57
9.5.54 Object 6003h: Preset Value.............................................................. 57
9.5.55 Object 6004h: Position Value ........................................................... 57
9.5.56 Object 6008h: High Resolution Position Value ................................. 58
9.5.57 Object 6030h: Speed Value.............................................................. 58
9.5.58 Object 6040h: Acceleration Value .................................................... 59
9.5.59 Object 6200h: Cyclic Timer .............................................................. 59
9.5.60 Object 6300h: Cam State Register ................................................... 60
9.5.61 Object 6301h: Cam Enable Register ................................................ 60
9.5.62 Object 6302h: Cam Polarity Register................................................ 60
9.5.63 Object 6400h: Area State Register ................................................... 63
9.5.64 Object 6401h: Work Area Low Limit ................................................. 63
9.5.65 Object 6402h: Work Area High Limit ................................................ 64
9.5.66 Object 6500h: Operating Status ....................................................... 64
9.5.67 Object 6501h: Singleturn Resolution ................................................ 64
9.5.68 Object 6502h: Number of Distinguishable Revolutions..................... 64
9.5.69 Object 6503h: Alarms....................................................................... 65
9.5.70 Object 6504h: Supported Alarms ..................................................... 65
9.5.71 Object 6505h: Warnings................................................................... 65
9.5.72 Object 6506h: Supported warnings .................................................. 66
9.5.73 Object 6507h: Profile and Software Version ..................................... 66
9.5.74 Object 6508h: Operating Time ......................................................... 67
9.5.75 Object 6509h: Offset Value............................................................... 67
Absolute Rotary Encoder
9.5.76 Object 6509h: Module identification................................................. 67
9.5.77 Object 650Bh: Serial Number .......................................................... 67
10 Troubleshooting........................................................................ 68
10.1 What to Do in Case of a Fault............................................................ 68
Absolute Rotary Encoder


1.1 Content of this Document

This document contains information that you need in order to use your product throughout the applicable stages of the product life cycle. These can include the following:
Product identification
Delivery, transport, and storage
Mounting and installation
Commissioning and operation
Maintenance and repair
For full information on the product, refer to the further documentation on the Internet at
The documentation consists of the following parts:
Present document
Additionally, the following parts may belong to the documentation, if applicable:
EU-type examination certificate
EU declaration of conformity
Attestation of conformity
Control drawings
Additional documents

1.2 Target Group, Personnel

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting lies with the plant operator.
Only appropriately trained and qualified personnel may carry out mounting, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting of the product. The personnel must have read and understood the instruction manual and the further documentation.
Prior to using the product make yourself familiar with it. Read the document carefully.

1.3 Symbols Used

This document contains symbols for the identification of warning messages and of informative messages.
Warning Messages
You will find warning messages, whenever dangers may arise from your actions. It is mandatory that you observe these warning messages for your personal safety and in order to avoid property damage.
Depending on the risk level, the warning messages are displayed in descending order as follows:
Absolute Rotary Encoder
This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.
Informative Symbols
This symbol brings important information to your attention.
This symbol indicates a paragraph with instructions. You are prompted to perform an action or a sequence of actions.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Declaration of conformity

2 Declaration of conformity

2.1 CE conformity

This product was developed and manufactured under observance of the applicable European standards and guidelines.
A declaration of conformity can be requested from the manufacturer.
Absolute Rotary Encoder


3.1 Symbols relevant to safety

This symbol indicates an imminent danger.
Non-observance will result in personal injury or death.
This symbol indicates a possible fault or danger.
Non-observance may cause personal injury or serious property damage.
This symbol indicates a possible fault.
Non-observance could interrupt the device and any connected systems and plants, or result in their complete failure.

3.2 Intended Use

Absolute rotary encoders detect the rotation angle -and, in the case of a multiturn absolute rotary encoder, the revolutions of the rotary encoder shaft- with high precision and resolution. The absolute position value derived from this is provided by the rotary encoder via the CANopen interface in accordance with the standard DS406. The rotary encoder is to be integrated into a CANopen network and should be used only in this way. Typical applications include positioning tasks and length measurement, for example for cranes, construction machinery, elevators, and packaging machines.
Read through these instructions thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the device before installing, mounting, or operating.
Always operate the device as described in these instructions to ensure that the device and connected systems function correctly. The protection of operating personnel and plant is only guaranteed if the device is operated in accordance with its intended use.

3.3 General safety instructions

Responsibility for planning, assembly, commissioning, operation, maintenance, and dismounting lies with the plant operator.
Installation and commissioning of all devices may only be performed by trained and qualified personnel.
User modification and or repair are dangerous and will void the warranty and exclude the manufacturer from any liability. If serious faults occur, stop using the device. Secure the device against inadvertent operation. In the event of repairs, return the device to your local Pepperl+Fuchs representative or sales office.
Electronic waste is hazardous waste. When disposing of the equipment, observe the current statutory requirements in the respective country of use, as well as local regulations.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
General Information on System Integration

4 General Information on System Integration

4.1 Using this Manual

This manual explains how to install and configure the photoelectric and magnetic absolute rotary encoders with CANopen interface applicable for industrial applications with CANopen interface.
Magnetic absolute rotary encoders are fully compliant with standard DS406.
Photoelectric absolute rotary encoders are fully compliant with following CiA standards:
DS301V402 CANopen Application Layer
DR303-1 Cabeling and connector pin assignment
DR303-3 CANopen indicator specification
DS305V200 CANopen Layer Setting Service
DS306V1R3 Electronic datasheet specification
DS406V32 Device Profile for Encoders
Measuring System for Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoders
The measuring system consists of a light source, a code disc pivoted in a precision ball bearing and an opto-electronic scanning device. A LED is used as a light source which shines through the code disc and onto the screen behind. The tracks on the code disk are evaluated by an optoarray behind the reticle.
With every position another combination of slashes in the reticle is covered by the dark spots on the code disk and the light beam on the photo transistor is interrupted. That way the code on the disc is transformed into electronic signals. Fluctuations in the intensity of the light source are measured by an additional photo transistor and another electronic circuit compensates for these. After amplification and conversion the electronic signals are available for evaluation.
Measuring System for Magnetic Absolute Rotary Encoders
Magnetic rotary encoder determine positions using the Hall effect sensor technology developed for the automotive mass market. A permanent magnet fixed to the shaft generates a magnetic field that is sampled by the Hall sensor, which translates the measured value into a unique absolute position value.
To register revolutions even when no voltage is applied, energy from the turning of the shaft must suffice for proper operation. An innovative, patented technology makes this feasible even
at low rotational speeds and through long standstill periods – a Wiegand wire ensures that the
magnetic field can only follow the turning of the shaft in discrete steps. A coil wound on the Wiegand wire receives only brief, strong voltage spikes, which prompt the reliable recognition of each revolution.
Further information on technical data, mechanical data, connection layouts, and available connection lines for the relevant absolute rotary encoder types can be found in the corresponding datasheet.

4.2 General CANopen Information

CANopen system is used in industrial applications. It is a multiple access system (maximum: 127 participants), which means that all devices can access the bus. In simple terms, each device checks whether the bus is free, and if it is the device is able to send messages. If two devices try to access the bus at the same time, the device with the higher priority level (lowest ID number) has permission to send its message.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
General Information on System Integration
Devices with the lowest priority level must delay their data transfer and wait before retrying to send their message. Data communication is carried out via messages. These messages consist of 1 COB-ID followed by a maximum of 8 bytes of data. The COB-ID, which determines the priority of the message, consists of a function code and a node number. The node number corresponds to the network address of the device. It is unique on a bus. The function code varies according to the type of message being sent:
Management messages (LMT, NMT)
Messaging and service (SDOs)
Data exchange (PDOs)
Layer Setting Services (LSS)
Predefined messages (synchronization, emergency messages)
The absolute rotary encoder supports the following operating modes:
Polled mode: The position value is only sent on request.
Cyclic mode: The position value is sent cyclically (regular, adjustable interval) on the bus.
SYNC mode: The position value is sent after a synchronization message (SYNC) is received. The position value is sent every n SYNCs (n . 1).
Other functions (offset values, resolution, etc) can be configured. The absolute rotary encoder corresponds to the class 2 encoder profile (DS 406 in which the characteristics of encoder with CANopen interface are defined). The node number and speed in bauds are determined by their corresponding object dictionary entries.
The transmission speed can range from 20 kBaud up to 1Mbaud (30 m cable for a maximum speed of 1Mbaud, 1000 m cable for a maximum speed of 20 kbaud). Various software tools for configuration and parameter-setting are available from different suppliers. It is easy to align and program the rotary encoders using the EDS (electronic data sheet) configuration file provided on the Pepperp+Fuchs internet page
Further Information is available at:
CAN in Automation (CiA) International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V.
Kontumazgarten 3
DE-90429 Nurenberg
(*) Reference: CAN Application Layer for Industrial Applications
CAL-based Communication Profile for Industrial Systems
CiA Draft Standard 301
CiA Draft Standard 305 Layer Setting Services
CiA Draft Standard 406 Device Profile for Encoders
All datasheets and manuals can be downloaded for free from our website www.pepperl­
We do not assume responsibility for technical inaccuracies or omissions. Specifications are subject Note to change without notice.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
Te r m i n a t o r
Bus In
Bus Out
RS 485 Interface
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder

5 Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder

The following chapter describes all aspects helpful for installation of photoelectric absolute rotary encoders with bus cover. Depending on the rotary encoder model there are the following connection variants:
Rotary encoder with bus cover equipped with cable glands
Rotary encoder with bus cover equipped with a cable exit
Rotary encoder with bus cover equipped with one or two M12x1 connectors, 5-pin
Bus cover features like node number adressing, baud rate setting and activation of termination resistor are identical for all these variants.

5.1 Signal Assignment of Terminal Block

The rotary encoder is connected with two or three cables depending on whether the power supply is integrated into the bus cable or connected separately. If the power supply is integrated into the bus cable, one of the cable glands can be fitted with a plug. The cable glands are suitable for cable diameters from 6.5 up to 9 mm.
Figure 5.1
Te r m i na l Description
+ 24 V Supply Voltage
- 0 V Supply Voltage
G CAN Ground
L CAN Low (Bus In)
H CAN High (Bus In)
G* CAN Ground
L* CAN Low (Bus Out)
H* CAN High (Bus Out)
Table 5.1 * are not connected, if terminator is ON
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder
Bus Connection
The bus cover fulfills the function of a T-coupler. From there the wiring must be done according to figure you find before. Please note the assignment of incoming and outgoing bus signals.
Activated bus termination separates "Bus in" and "Bus out"
Non-observance of separation of "Bus in" and "Bus out" causes interferences on the CANopen bus.
If you activate the bus termination on the rotary encoder ensure that the rotary encoder is the last CANopen bus participant in the bus line.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
Te r m i n a t o r
Bus In
Bus Out
RS 485 Interface
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder

5.2 Signal Assignment of Connector and Cable Variants

The rotary encoders with cable- and connector-exit were designed in accordance to CiA normative DR303-1 cabeling and connector pin assignment. They also have a removable bus cover with all possibilities to set node number, baud rate and acitvate terminator.
Figure 5.2
The following table shows an assignment of the different connecting types (cable, connectors) to the terminals of the bus cover.
Te r m i na l Description Cable M12 plug, 5-pin M12 socket, 5-pin
(-) - Power supply 1 3 3
(+) + Power supply 2 2 2
L CAN Low (Bus In) 3 5
H CAN High (Bus In) 4 4
G CAN Ground 5 1
L* CAN Low (Bus Out) 6 5
H* CAN High (Bus Out) 7 4
G* CAN Ground 8 1
Ground connection of encoder housing
Table 5.2 * are not connected, if terminator is ON
green/ yellow
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder
Activated bus termination separates "Bus in" and "Bus out".
Non-observance of separation of "Bus in" and "Bus out" causes interferences on the CANopen bus.
If you activate the bus termination on the rotary encoder ensure that the rotary encoder is the last CANopen bus participant in the bus line.

5.3 Activation of the Terminator

There is a terminator provided in the bus cover, which must be used as a line termination on the last device. The terminator is switched on when the switch is in the "ON position" (see figure before).

5.4 Installation Hints for Cabling

Cable Connection with Cable Gland
1. Remove screw, sealing and cone from the cable gland.
Figure 5.3
2. Remove 55 mm of the sheath and 50 mm of the shielding. About 5 mm of the wires should be de-isolated.
3. Put screw and sealing on the cable.
4. The cone should be mounted under the shielding according to the figure before. Put the whole cable into the cable gland and tighten the screw.
Minimization of Signal Interferences
Both the cable shielding and the metal housings of rotary encoders and subsequent electronics have a shielding function. The housing must have the same potential and be connected to the main signal ground over the machine chassis or by means of a separate potential compensating line. Potential compensating lines should have a minimum cross
section of 6 mm
Do not lay signal cable in the direct vicinity of interference sources (air clearance > 100 mm (4 in.))
A minimum spacing of 200 mm (8 in.) to inductors is usually required, for example in switch­mode power supplies.
Configure the signal lines for minimum length and avoid the use of intermediate terminals. Shielded fieldbus cables shall be used! The shield must be grounded according to EMI rules! In metal cable ducts, sufficient decoupling of signal lines from interference signal transmitting cable can usually be achieved with a grounded partition.

5.5 Setting of Node Number and Baud Rate in the Bus Cover

Setting of node number and baud rate has to be done via software if Bd rotary switch is set to 9. SDO objects and Layer Setting Services (LSS) are provided for this purpose.
Absolute Rotary Encoder
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
8 7
9 1
Te r m i n a t o r
Bus In
Bus Out
RS 485 Interface
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder
Setting Node Number
The setting of the node number is done by turning the BCD coded rotary switches x10 and x1 in the bus cover. Possible (valid) addresses lie between 0 and 89 whereby every address can only be used once.
Figure 5.4
Possible device address 0 ... 89.
Addresses 90 ... 99 are reserved.
BCD coded rotary switch Description
x1 single digits of address
X10 tens of address
Internally the CANopen rotary encoder adds 1 to the adjusted device address.
Setting Baud Rate
The setting of the baud rate is done by turning the Bd rotary switch in the bus cover. The following baud rates are possible:
BCD coded rotary switch Baudrate in kBit/s
0 20
1 50
2 100
3 125
4 250
5 500
6 800
7 1000
8 reserved
9 Sets SDO and LSS mode
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder

5.6 Status of the Bus Cover LEDs

The LED behaviour was designed in accordance to the CiA normative DR 303-3 CANopen indicator specification.
Figure 5.5
CAN Run LED State Description
Flickering AutoBitrate / LSS Auto-bitrate detection is in progress or LSS
Blinking PRE-OPERATIONAL The encoder is in state PRE-OPERATIONAL
Single flash STOPPED The encoder is in state STOPPED
Double flash reserved
Triple flash Program / Firmware
On OPERATIONAL The encoder is in state OPERATIONAL
Err LED State Description
Off No error The encoder is in working condition
Flickering AutoBitrate / LSS Auto-bitrate detection is in progress or LSS
Blinking Invalid configuration General configuration error
Single flash Warning limit reached At least one of the error counters of the CAN
Double flash Error control event A guard event (NMT-slave or NMT-master) or a
services are in progress
A software download is running on the encoder
services are in progress
controller has reached or exceeded the warning level (too many error frames)
heartbeat event (heartbeat consumer) has occured
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Installation of Photoelectric Absolute Rotary Encoder
Err LED State Description
Tri pl e fl as h Sync. error The sync. message has not been received within
Quadruple flash Error, event-timer An expected PDO has not been received before
On Bus off The CAN controller is bus off
the configured communication cycle period time out (see objekt 1006h)
the even-timer elapsed
Absolute Rotary Encoder
Installation of Magnetic Absolute Rotary Encoder

6 Installation of Magnetic Absolute Rotary Encoder

The following chapter describes all aspects helpful for installation of magnetic absolute rotary encoders. Depending on the rotary encoder model there are the following connection variants:
Rotary encoder with a cable exit
Rotary encoder with two M12x1 connectors, 5-pin

6.1 Signal Assignment of Connector and Cable Variants

Signal Wire end 5-pin, M12 x 1 connector
CAN GND green 1
GND yellow 3
CAN-High white 4
CAN-Low brown 5
Shielding Shielding Housing
red 2

6.2 Activation of Terminator

The magnetic absolute rotary encoder is equipped with an internal terminator, which can be used as a line termination. Be aware, that the terminator is only activated, when the encoder is powered, because the microcontroller is internally needed to switch on the terminator.
If the rotary encoder is connected at the end or beginning of the bus using of the internal terminator is possible by parameterization of SDO object "3002 h" The internal terminator is acitvated by writing "01 h" into this object.

6.3 Setting of Node Number and Baud Rate

Setting of the node number and baud rate has to be done by parameterization of the relevant SDO objects or via LSS. Some absolute rotary encoders are provided with auto baud detection (see relevant datasheet).
Default values are:
Baud rate 125 kBaud
Node number 32 decimal (20 h)
Setting Node Number via SDO Objects
The node number has to be adjusted via SDO objects. To set the node number, object 3000h has to be written. For further information regard chapter "Object Descriptions".
Setting Baud Rate via SDO Objects
The baud rate has to be adjusted via SDO objects, if auto baud feature is not activated or is not possible to use because of network start-up behavior. To set baud rate object 3001h has to be written. For further information regard chapter "Object Descriptions".
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