Q. What type of batteries is the camera powered by A: The camera is powered with the help of 2 batteries 3V lithium type CR-2.
Q. Considering the above parameters what are the temperatures of usage A: The camera best functions when the supported temperature ranges from 50 degrees C to -10 degrees C.
Q: Can I use non-DX code films with the camera even though it is not equipped with it?
A: No, you shouldn’t have any issue using such types of films but make sure to change the films manually.
Q: Is there a built-in flash on the camera just like many other models are equipped with?
A: Indeed there is a flash that is built within the system and that pops up when with back-light or dim lighting.
Q: Is it possible to take multiple exposures within a single frame?
A: Yes indeed, it has that built-in multiple exposure all in one mode where you can expose a single frame for many counts.
Q: What is the process to imbed the time and date into the photographs captured during the process?
A: In case you got the camera which supports embedding pictures of the date and time, photos taken can have that embedded into them.
Q: What are some safety measures that I need to consider while taking pictures using the camera?
A: One would be to avoid getting your camera exposed to rain and water, refrain from opening the internal parts of the camera and try to keep the camera in a cold and dry place.