As with any electrical equipment or wiring installation that operates at
line voltages, damage to heating cable and components, or incorrect
installation that allows the penetration of moisture or contamination
can lead to electrical tracking, arcing and potential fire hazard. In case
of damage and later repair on site any unconnected heating cable end,
exposed to the environment, must be sealed appropriately.
3.1 Pre-installation checks
Check design recommendations:
Verify that you have all required engineering documents
supporting the installation
Check for any special instructions in engineering documentation
(e.g. cover with aluminium foil, use of metal mesh, fixation etc...).
Verify that hazardous area information given in engineering
documentation is compatible with the area classification the
material will be installed in.
Check materials received:
Inspect heating cable and components for in-transit
Review the heating cable design and compare the list of designed
materials to the catalogue numbers of heating cables and
electrical components received to confirm that proper materials
have been received on site. The heating cable type and hazardous
area marking (if applicable) is printed on a tag label supplied with
each heating element.
Measure and note down the electrical resistance and the
insulation resistance of the cable. Compare these values to those
in the design documents (see section 8).
Check equipment to be traced:
Check identification, length and diameter of pipework/
vessel against the design documents. Also verify, that actual
temperatures and insulation properties are in alignment with the
design documentation.
Ensure all pressure testing of pipework/ vessel is complete and
final paint and pipe coatings are dry to touch.
Walk the system and plan the routing of the heating cable on
the pipe, including tracing of heat sinks. e.g. valves, flanges,
supports, drains etc.