MODELS S4T(X*), S8L(X*), S8LA(X*) and S12L(X*)
Used in Hazardous Locations Class I, Division 1
For use with product built with USEM motor.
NOTE! To the installer: Please make sure you provide this manual to the owner of the equip ment or to the responsible party who maintains the system.
Item # E-03-503 | 320 Frame | Part # 5625-503-1 | © 2014 Pentair Ltd. | 06/20/14
(*Hazardous Location
Motor End)
General Information
This manual contains important information for the safe use of this product. Read this manual completely before using this product and refer to it often for con tin ued safe product use. DO NOT THROW AWAY OR LOSE THIS MAN U AL. Keep it in a safe place so that you may refer to it often.
Reasonable care and safe meth ods should be practiced. Check local codes and requirements before installation.
Unpacking Pump:
Remove pump from carton. When un pack ing unit, check for con cealed damage. Claims for damage must be made at the receiving end through the delivery carrier. Dam age cannot be processed from the factory.
WARNING: Before handling these pumps and controls, always disconnect the power first. Do not smoke or use sparkable electrical devices or flames in a septic (gaseous) or possible septic sump.
The Pump
IMPORTANT—Read all the directions before replacing any parts.
This product and related accessories contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Pumps Not Operating or in Storage:
Pumps with carbon ceramic seals must have impellers manually rotated (6 revolutions) after setting non-op er a tion al for 3
months or longer and prior to electrical start-up.
Pumps with tungsten carbide seals must have impellers manually rotated (6 revolutions) after setting non-op er a tion al for 3 weeks or longer and prior to electrical start-up.
The submersible pumps are supplied for three phase only and for 460 and 575 volts. Power cable is supplied with ground. Be sure ground wire is con nect ed to a water pipe or ground stake.
Power Cords:
The power cord and heat sensor seal failure cord are potted into the con nec tion box cap. The cords must not be spliced.
NOTE: Each cable has a green lead. This is the ground wire and must be grounded properly per NEC and/or local codes. Cords should be in spect ed for abnormal wear and replaced ac cord ing ly.
Overload Heaters:
If the Hydromatic electrical panel is not used, start ers with 3 leg overload relay must be supplied on 3 phase pumps. Each leg is to have an iden ti cal heater sized in accordance with the nameplate amps on the motor hous ing. The amp draw on these sub mers ible motors is slightly higher than a cor re sponding horsepower sur face motor, so heat ers must be sized by the nameplate rating. To adequately protect these windings with the appropriate heaters, consult the factory.
Seal Failure Probes:
All hazardous location submersible pumps have two factory installed mois ture detectors (seal failure probes). They are in a normally open series cir cuit, in the seal chamber. Un der normal operating conditions, the
circuit remains open. If the lower seal leaks and moisture enters this cham ber, the moisture would settle to the bottom of the chamber and will com plete the circuit between the mois ture detectors.
This circuit must be connected to a sensing unit and signaling device. This is supplied in a Hydromatic built control panel.
NOTE: Failure to install such a device negates all war ran ties by Hydromatic.
Seal Failure:
An electrode probe is installed in the seal chamber so if any water enters the chamber through the first seal the electrode will be energized and a sig nal will be transmitted to the sens ing unit at ground surface causing a red light to turn on. The electrode probe is installed in all units but the sensing unit is supplied at extra cost and must be ordered.
In operation the seal failure unit in di cates only that there is some water in the seal chamber. The pump will con tin ue to operate without damage but the seal should be checked im me di ate ly after failure is indicated.
The sensing unit is recommended on all installations as good insurance against motor failure.
Heat Sensors —
Standard Equipment:
All motors have heat sensor units em bed ded in the motor winding to detect excessive heat. The sensors automatically reset when mo tor cools to safe tem per a ture.
The sensors are connected in series with the motor starter coil so that the starter is tripped if the heat sensor opens. The motor starter is equipped with overload heaters so all normal over loads are protected by the starter.
Sump Level Control:
Sump level is controlled by Hydromatic float switch con trols.
The float is held in position in the sump by a weight at tached to the power cord above the float. The cord supports the float and is adjusted for height from the sur face.
Duplex systems use three controls: one set at turn-off, one set at turn-on for one pump, and one set for turn-on for two pumps. Pumps alternate op er a tion on each successive cycle.
Two pumps operate together only if sump level rises to the third or over ride control. The override control also brings on the second pump in case of failure of the first pump. The extra float is for alarm.
Triplex systems use four controls: one set at turn-off, one set at turn-on for one pump, one set at turn-on for two pumps, and one set at turn-on for three pumps. Pumps alternate each successive cycle.
Three pumps operate together only if sump level rises to the fourth control (second override). This control also brings on the third pump in case of failure of either or both of the first two pumps.
Alarm Controls:
The alarm level is usually set above the override level so the alarm will signal only if the override level is ex ceed ed. However, some engineers prefer to have the alarm level set be low the override level as it is pos si ble for one pump to fail and the other pump to operate on the override level with the sump level never reach ing the alarm level. This is par tic u lar ly true in cases of low inflow ca pac i ty.
Electrical Control Panel:
Hydromatic electrical equip ment is installed in a weatherproof NEMA 3R enclosure. The electrical equip ment includes a main circuit breaker for each pump, a magnetic starter with overload protection for each
pump, an H-O-A switch and run light for each pump, an electric alternator and a transformer to provide appropriate control for control and circuit and alarms.
Installation Instructions
Installing Pump in Sump:
Before installing pump in sump, lay it on side and turn impeller manually. Impeller may be slightly stuck due to factory test water, so it must be broken loose with small bar or screwdriver in edge of vanes. After breaking loose, the impeller should turn freely.
Clean all trash and sticks from sump and connect pump to piping.
A check valve must be installed on each pump. A gate or plug valve in each pump discharge line is also recommended. This valve should be installed on the discharge side of the check valve so if it is necessary to service the check valve, the line pressure can be shut off.
NEMA IV Junction Box: (Optional)
This must be used with 60 and above horsepower pumps and with all systems if the electrical control panel is to be set remote from the pumps. The Hydromatic NEMA 4 junction box is provided with com pres sion connectors for sealing all wires. No sealing compound is needed to make connections wa ter proof.
Wiring diagrams are provided with the panel for making connections. The size wire to use from panel to sump depends on motor size and distance in feet.
Be sure each wire is checked so that a wrong connection will not be made. An ohmmeter or Megger can be used to check wire continuity.
Installing Float Switch Controls:
The controls are supported by a mounting bracket that is attached to sump wall, cover, or to the NEMA 4 junction box. Cord snubbers are used to hold the cord in place. Control level can be changed at any time by loosening the snubber and readjusting cord height.
In either duplex or triplex systems, the bottom of the lower or turn-off control is set just above the top of volute, so that the volute will always be submerged during the pumping cycle. The second, or turn-on control, is set about 24 inches above the lower turn-off control.
More distance between turn-on and turn-off controls can be used, but sewage may become septic, and excessive solids may collect for the pump to handle. A frequent pumping cycle is recommended for best operation.
In a duplex system the third or override control is usually set about 6 inches above the one pump turn-on control.
In a triplex system the third or override control is usually set 24 inches above the one pump turn-on control, and the fourth or second override control is 24 inches higher.
If an alarm system is used, this control is usually set about 6 inches above the override control.
Making Electrical Connections:
All electrical wiring must be in ac cor dance with local codes, and only competent electricians should make the in stal la tions. Complete wiring diagrams are glued to the inside cover of the panel. All wires should be checked for grounds with an ohmmeter or Megger after the con nections are made. This is
important, as one grounded wire can cause considerable trouble.
Heat Sensors and Seal Failure Connections:
Be sure heat sensor wires are con nect ed in series with the starter coil. Con nec tions are provided on the terminal strip.
will exist. One leg can be somewhat higher (5 to 10%) without causing trouble. For excessive amp draw on one leg, the power company should be consulted.
is required.
Generally, these pumps give very reliable service, and can be expected to operate for many years on normal sewage pumping without failure.
Pump Operations
Starting System:
1. Turn H-O-A switch to Off position and then turn on main circuit breakers.
2. Open all discharge valves and allow water to rise in sump.
3. Turn H-O-A switch to Hand posi tion on one pump and notice oper ation. If pump is noisy and vibrates, rotation is wrong. To change rotation, interchange any two line leads to motor 3ø only. Do not
interchange main incoming lines. If duplex system, check
second pump in same manner.
4. Now set both H-O-A switches to Auto position and allow water to rise in sump until one pump starts. Allow pump to operate until level drops to turn-off point.
5. Allow sump level to rise to start other pump. Notice run lights on panel. Pumps should alternate on each successive cycle of op er a tion.
6. Turn both H-O-A switches to Off position and allow sump to fill to the override control level.
7. Turn both switches to Auto position and both pumps should start and operate together until level drops to turn-off point.
8. Repeat this operation cycle several times before leaving job.
9. Check voltage when pumps are operating and check the amp draw of each pump. Check amps on each wire, as sometimes a high leg
Pump Maintenance
Field Service on Hydromatic Hazardous Location Pumps:
If a Hydromatic hazardous location pump is used in a hazardous location, or if the pump is still in war ran ty, the pump must be returned to the factory for service or repaired at an authorized Factory Mutual Hydromatic service center. Charges will not be allowed if in war ran ty pump is not taken to an authorized Factory Mutual Hydromatic service center. This will ensure the integrity of the hazardous location rating of the pump and com ply with our warranty re quire ments.
Disconnecting Pump Cords:
If a Hydromatic hazardous location pump is to be removed from its loca tion, the pump cords may be disconnected at control panel (on sump mounted con trol panels) and cord as sem bly taken with pump.
CAUTION: If cord openings from sump to con trol panel are open, gas es from sump could enter panel and an explosive condition could ex ist.
Replacing Cords:
The power cord and heat sensor ­seal failure cord is potted into the con nec tion box cap, forming the cord and cap assembly.
If cords require replacement due to damage or cords being too short, cord and cap assembly must be replaced as a complete assembly avail able from factory.
Check pump for proper rotation before re turn ing to normal service.
As the motors are oil filled, no lubrication or other maintenance
Field Service on Motor:
All submersible motors out of warranty can be serviced in the field by any reliable motor service shop. Any pump in warranty must be returned to the factory for service or repaired at an authorized Hydromatic service center. Charges will not be allowed if in warranty pump is not taken to an authorized Hydromatic
When field service is performed on a pump, these instructions should be carefully followed.
Replacing Stator:
1. If stator only is damaged, it may not be necessary to completely dismantle pump as stator and housing can be lifted from pump without disturbing seals or bearings.
2. Drain all oil from upper housing, remove drain plug in bottom of stator housing and remove plug in top of housing to allow air to enter.
3. After chamber is drained, remove hold-down bolts and lift off. Use care in lifting as the seal failure connecting wire must be dis con nect ed before housing is com plete ly removed.
4. Set assembly on bench and remove connection box. When box is lifted off, connection wires to motor will be exposed. These wires will probably be burned, but each wire is tagged with a metal marker giving wire number. Cut the wires.
If the leads to the connection
box are burned, a complete new con nec tion box with new wire must be used. The wires
service center.
are potted in with sealing compound and a new unit must be obtained from the factory.
5. The stator is held in the housing with a bolted-in retaining ring and prevented from rotating by a key.
6. Remove the retaining ring and socket head cap screw.
7. After ring is removed, turn housing upright and bump on hard wood blocks. This should jar the stator loose and allow it to drop out.
8. Thoroughly clean housing before replacing new stator. Replace stator and make all wire con nec tions to the connection box before replacing housing on pump. This is important as leads must be tucked behind the windings by using hands up through rotor core.
Do not tape leads as oil will de te ri o rate the tape and cause damage to stator and bearings.
9. Check top bearing. If clean and does not turn rough, bearings can be reused and it is not necessary to completely dismantle pump to change bearings. If bearings are damaged with dirt or heat, they must be re placed.
10. Replace stator housing onto seal chamber and bolt in place.
Be sure seal failure wire is connected before housing is assembled. Be sure back-off
screws have been loosened so that parts can come metal to metal. Be sure O-ring seal has been replaced. If O-ring is nicked or cut, replace with new ones. This applies to all O-rings used in assembly.
11. After all leads are reconnected in the connection box, make a high voltage ground test on each wire. The only wire that should show ground is the green power lead and the
ground lead in the auxiliary control cable.
12. For safety, complete pump should be air checked under water for leaks. Lay pump on side for this oil filling with oil fill hole upright. Do not completely fill; leave oil about 1 inch below plug hole. Use only Hydromatic submersible oil in this chamber. Replace plug; use Permatex on threads. Install air valve in top plug opening of motor housing and charge housing with about 10 psi of air. Be sure air is dry. Do not use air line where water may be trapped in the line. Submerge complete unit under water and check for leaks.
13. Refill motor chamber with oil. Use Hydromatic special submers ible oil. Fill chamber until oil covers top of the windings. Leave air space in the top for expansion. Use Permatex on plug threads.
Replacing Seals and Bearings:
1. Drain all oil from motor chamber and seal chamber as described.
2. Remove motor housing as described.
3. Remove bolts that hold seal chamber to pump housing. Use back-off screws to break loose. With hardwood block, tape end of impeller to loosen from shaft. When free, remove impeller from shaft.
4. Lift rotating assembly from pump case and place on bench.
5. Impeller Removal: Hold rotor
and remove bolt and washer from impeller end of shaft, then thread bolt back into shaft. The impeller is keyed to the shaft, so by using a screw driv er on opposite sides behind the im pel ler, apply force then tap on the end of the bolt to break impeller loose from taper shaft. Remove impeller.
6. Remove key and pry on each side of shoulder of shaft sleeve to remove. Seal should come off with sleeve. If sleeve is not free, leave in place and push off when seal plate is removed.
7. To remove seal plate take out socket head flat screws and using screws in back-off holes, pry plate loose. This will also force seal off if not already re moved.
8. Remove snap ring that holds upper seal. Pull seal if it is free. If not free, it can be forced off when shaft is removed.
9. Set seal housing assembly in upright position and bump end of shaft on hardwood block. This will push the bearing from the housing and will force upper seal from shaft.
10. Use bearing puller to remove bearings. Replace with new bearings. Press only on inner face of bearing when replacing. Pressing on outer face can damage the bearing.
use any of the old seal parts. Replace with all new seals.
11. Thoroughly clean all castings before replacing seals. One grain of dirt between the seal faces can cause failure.
12. Examine all O-Rings for nicks before reusing.
13. Be sure key is in place in notch of shaft sleeve to prevent sleeve from turning.
14. Use Locktite
on socket head
locking screw in end of shaft.
15. Before refilling chamber with oil, air test as described above and refill both chambers with oil.
16. Always check all leads with high voltage or with Megger for grounds before operating the pump.
Pump Troubleshooting
The following is a list of common problems and their probable causes.
Pump will not start.
1. No power to the motor. Check for blown fuse or open circuit breaker.
2. Selector switch may be in the Off position.
3. Control circuit transformer fuse may be blown.
4. Overload heater on starter may be tripped. Push to reset.
Pump will not start and overload heaters trip.
1. Turn off power and check motor leads with Megger or ohmmeter for possible ground.
2. Check resistance of motor windings. All 3 phases should show the same reading.
3. If no grounds exist and the motor windings check OK, remove pump from sump and check for clogged or blocked impeller.
Pump operates with selector switch in Hand position but will not operate in Auto position.
1. This indicates trouble in the level control or the alternator relay.
2. Check control panel for trouble.
Pump runs but will not shut off.
Pump does not deliver proper capacity.
1. Discharge gate valve may be partially closed or partially clogged.
2. Check valve may be partially clogged. Raise the level up and down to clear.
3. Pump may be running in wrong direction. Low speed pumps can operate in reverse direction without much noise or vibration.
4. Discharge head may be too high. Check total head with gauge when pump is operating. Total head is discharge gauge pressure converted to feet plus vertical height from water level in sump to center line of pressure gauge in discharge line. Gauge should be installed on pump side of all valves. Multiply gauge pressure in pounds by 2.31 to get head in feet.
230V 3ø 460V 3ø
45 6
78 9
12 3
5. If pump has been in service for some time and capacity falls off, remove pump and check for wear or clogged impeller.
Motor stops and then restarts after short period but overload heaters in starter do not trip.
1. This indicates heat sensors in the motor are tripping due to ex ces sive heat. Impeller may be partially clogged, giving a sus tained overload but not high enough to trip overload heater switch.
2. Motor may be operating out of liquid due to a failed level control.
3. Pump may be operating on a short cycle due to sump being too small or from water returning to sump due to a leaking check valve.
45 6
78 9
12 3
1. Pump may be air locked. Turn pump off and let set for several minutes, then restart.
2. Lower float control may be hung-up in the closed position. Check in sump to be sure control is free.
3. Selector switch may be in the Hand position.
Standard Location S4T, S8L, S8LA, S12L Motor End Components
19 20
Standard Location S4T, S8L, S8LA, S12L Motor End Parts List
For use with product built with USEM motor.
Description Qty.
1 08565A026 BEARING – BALL (UPPER) 1
2 000650231 BEARING – BALL (LOWER) 1
3 001500191 O-RING 1
4 001500321 O-RING SC 1
5 001500381 O-RING 2
6 001500571 O-RING 1
7 001501081 O-RING (VITON
8 002390351 SCREW – HHC 1/2-13 x 5-1/4 4
9 002390381 SCREW – HHC 1/2-13 x 7-1/4 12
10 005560071 SCREW – CAP (HEX SOC.) 6
11 009750141 RING – RETAINING 1
12 009750101 RING – RETAINING 1
13 037180051 SEAL Carbon Ceramic / Viton
) SC 1
S 1
Notes: S — Parts in Seal Kit C — Parts in Carbide Seal Kit Amount of oil required will vary between 8 and 10.5 gal. depending on stator size, fill to above motor windings.
14 037180051 SEAL Carbon Ceramic / Viton
037180021 SEAL Tungsten Carbide / Viton
15 023100093 SLEEVE – SHAFT SC 1
16 028550011 KEY – SQUARE 3/8 1
17 029210011 SCREW – CAP (FL. HD SOC) 4
18 19103A052 SCREW – CAP HEX SST 1/2 6
19 060000111 WIRE W/TERMINAL 14 GA. RED 1
20 065790021 KEY – SQUARE 1/4 1
21 073980002 HOUSING – SEAL 1
22 074000042 HOUSING – MOTOR 1
23 074011002 HOUSING – BEARING 1
24 083540003 RING – RETAINING STATOR 1
25 084720025 SEAL FAILURE ASS’Y 1
Description Qty.
S 1
C Optional
26 110650023 SCREEN 3.81 DIA. 1
27 12672A002 CONNECTOR – BUTT 3
28 19101A017 SCREW – CAP HEX SST 3/8 6
29 19109A080 NUT – HEX SST 3/4 4
30 05454A030 WASHER – LOCK 3/4 4
31 151753001 BAIL – LIFTING 1
32 05454A027 WASHER – LOCK 5/8 2
33 151740001 BRACKET – MOUNTING 2
34 19105A033 SCREW – CAP HEX SST 5/8 2
35 000640051
517000687 Seal Kit S
517003687 Carbide Seal Kit C
Description Qty.
15–20 200/3/870 141632031 086620121 137690035 141630125 15–20 230/3/870 141630031 086620121 137690065 141630125 15–20 460/3/870 141630031 086620121 137690075 141630125 15–20 575/3/870 141636031 086620121 137690045 141630125
25 200/3/870 141622031 086620091 137690025 141620125 25 230/3/870 141620031 086620091 137690055 141620125 25 460/3/870 141620031 086620091 137690075 141620125 25 575/3/870 141626031 086620091 137690045 141620125 30 200/3/870 141622031 086620091 137690015 141620125 30 230/3/870 141620031 086620091 137690055 141620125 30 460/3/870 141620031 086620091 137690075 141620125 30 575/3/870 141626031 086620091 137690045 141620125 30 200/3/1150 141612031 086620111 137690015 141610125 30 230/3/1150 141610031 086620111 137690055 141610125 30 460/3/1150 141610031 086620111 137690065 141610125 30 575/3/1150 141616031 086620111 137690035 141610125 40 200/3/1150 141612031 086620111 137690015 141610125 40 230/3/1150 141610031 086620111 137690015 141610125 40 460/3/1150 141610031 086620111 137690065 141610125 40 575/3/1150 141616031 086620111 137690035 141610125 50 230/3/1150 141600031 086620041 137690015 141600125 50 460/3/1150 141600031 086620041 137690055 141600125 50 575/3/1150 141606031 086620041 137690035 141600125 60 460/3/1150 141590031 086620031 137690025 141590125 60 575/3/1150 141596031 086620031 137690025 141590125 75 460/3/1150 141590031 086620031 137690015 141590125 75 575/3/1150 141596031 086620031 137690025 141590125 50 460/3/1750 141580031 086620031 137690025 141570125 50 575/3/1750 141586031 086620031 137690035 141570125 60 460/3/1750 141580031 086620031 137690025 141570125 60 575/3/1750 141586031 086620031 137690025 141570125 75 460/3/1750 141580031 086620031 137690015 141570125 75 575/3/1750 141586031 086620031 137690025 141570125
100 460/3/1750 141570031 086620031 137690015 141570125 100 575/3/1750 141576031 086620031 137690015 141570125 125 460/3/1750 141560031 137690015 141560125 125 575/3/1750 141566031 137690015 141560125 150 460/3/1750 141560031 137690085 141560125 150 575/3/1750 141566031 137690015 141560125
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