4. Alphabet Index ............................................................................................ a - 4
5. Menu ........................................................................................................... a - 4
There may be newer versions of the software that was released during or after this
product’s manufacturing date. If the content in the User Manual differs from the onscreen interface, please follow the instructions on the on-screen interface instead of
the User Manual.
Penpower Technology Ltd.
Software User License Agreement
You are licensed to legally use this software program (“the Software”) by Penpower
Technology Ltd (“Penpower”) under this license agreement (“The Agreement”). If you do
not agree with any of the provisions in this Agreement, please do not install, copy or use the
Software. By using the Software, you are deemed to fully understand and accept the provisions of this Agreement.
1. Intellectual Property
All intellectual property rights in the Software, together with all information and docu-
ments included in the packaging for the Software (including but not limited to copy-
rights), are property of Penpower or have been licensed to Penpower, and are protected
by relevant laws and regulations.
2. License to Use
You are authorized to use the Software on one (1) single computer only. You may not use
the Software on any other machines other than the said single computer.
3. Authority to Copy
The Software and all documents included with the Software, and copyright thereof, are
property of Penpower. You are licensed to make one (1) copy of the Software for your
personal backup purposes. All other acts of copying are strictly prohibited. The backup
copy shall not be installed nor used while the Software is being used.
You may not sell, lease, dissemble, reverse engineer, copy, translate, adapt or derive the
Software, or obtain the source code of the Software by any other means. You may not
use the Software for any purposes other than those permitted under this Agreement.
4. Business Users
If you need to install or use the Software on more than one (1) computer, please contact
Penpower or our local distributor to purchase a license for the additional use.
5. Liability
You agree to indemnify Penpower against all losses, costs, debts, settlement payments or
other expenses (including but not limited to attorneys fees) arising from your breach of
this Agreement, and you agree to compensate Penpower for all of the abovementioned
6. No Warranty
Effectiveness of a packaged software in handling information is closely related to its
software and hardware environment. The Software is published following careful de-
velopment and product testing by Penpower, but Penpower is not able to conduct tests
based on all possible combinations of software and hardware environment. Therefore,
Penpower is unable to promise nor warrant that there will be absolutely no risk of loss or
damage of information, or any other kind of loss, during installation and/or execution of
the Software. You must be fully aware of your risks in using the Software.
Penpower will provide you with the Software and support services in respect of the Soft-
ware to the maximum extent permitted by law. However, Penpower does not warrant that
the Software and information included in the package of the Software contain no defects
or errors. Penpower is not liable for any indirect, special or incidental loss arising from
the Software, including but not limited to loss of prots, damage to business reputation,
cessation of work, hardware malfunction or damage, or any other commercial damage or
loss arising from commercial use of the Software.
7. Limitation of Liability and Damages
Except as expressly specied and expressly agreed to in writing by Penpower, Penpower
shall not be responsible for any damage incurred by you for any reason under this Agree-
ment, The maximum amount of compensation payable by Penpower, in respect of any
damage incurred by you for any reason under this Agreement, is limited to the amount
you have already paid to Penpower in respect of the Software.
Under no circumstances will Penpower be held liable for the possibility of loss, notwith-
standing Penpower may be aware of the possibility of such loss.
8. Prohibition Against Sublicense
You are prohibited to assign the license in respect of the Software granted to you under
this Agreement, or to grant a sublicense to another person.
9. Jurisdiction
With regards to any disputes arising from this Agreement, Penpower and you agree that
the court having jurisdiction over the business location of Penpower will be the court in
the rst instance.
10. Miscellaneous
In the event that any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid at law, such in-
validity will not affect the validity of any other provisions, or the legal enforceability of
such other provisions.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 1 Getting Started
1.1 Installation
1.1.1 System Requirements
● Windows 8 Desktop/7/Vista/XP SP3
1.1.2 Software Installation
Insert the WorldCard CD-ROM into the disk drive, it will automatically execute the
[Setup.exe] program and start to install the software.
Note: If you don’t have CD-ROM drive, or you lost your CD-ROM disc, please go to PenPower’s website
(http://www.penpower.net) and choose your country/ region site to download the software.
1. Select the language on the installation wizard screen and click [Next].
2. Click [Next] to continue.
3. Please read the user license agreement carefully, click [I accept the terms of license
aggrement], then click [Next].
4. Select the default installation folder or click [Browse] to select other installation folder
and click [Next].
Chapter 1 Getting Started
5. Click [Install] to begin the installation. If you'd like to change the installation folder,
please click [Back] to modify it.
6. After the installation, we suggest you to select [Yes, I want to restart my computer
now] and click [Finish] to close the wizard.
7. After the computer restarts, it will continue to install [.NET Framework], the
WorldCard essential component.
1.2 Launch WorldCard
Execute [Start/All Programs/WorldCard/WorldCard v8] or just click [WorldCard v8]
shortcut to launch the program.
1.3 Software Activation
You can find an activation code in the package. Please activate the software with
this Windows version activation code to obtain a license. Enter the activation code and
required information, and then you can start to use WorldCard.
How to get the software activation code
Please click How to get the software activation code if you did not nd the activation
code in the package, or forgot your activation code, or want to buy more activation codes.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Activate without Internet
Internet connection is required for software activation. If you do not have Internet ,
please click [Regiser Ofine] and follow the instructions to activate the software.
1.4 Online Help
WorldCard provides excellent online help info:
1. Click [Help/User Manual] to nd the user manual.
2. If you have some problem in using WorldCard, you can refer to [Help/FAQ] to eliminate
your problems or click [Help/About/customer mail box] to email problem descriptions
or your opinions to Penpwoer Customer Service. It will launch your email software and
ll in relatend environment information in the email to help us to x your problems.
3. Click [Help/Register] to register for receiving the warranty service.
Chapter 2 Add Contacts
Chapter 2 Add Contacts
2.1 Using Scanner
2.1.1 Scan the Card to Add Contacts
WorldCard works with WorldCard Pro scanner, it also supports WorldocScan Pro
scanner. About how to operate WorldCard Pro scanner, please refer to the following explanations.
Please plug the USB connector of the scanner into the USB jack on the computer.
Put the card into the scanner with the text facing up, the light will continually blink during scanning. When the light stops blinking, you can proceed to scan the back of the card.
Or just click [Skip Back] and continue to scan the next card.
Tip: Click [Settings]/[Scanning Option] to set the recognition language or other settings. For
more information, please refer to 7.1.2, [Scanning Option].
2.1.2 Add Contacts via the Scan Wizard
You can scan the card via the Scan Wizard. WorldCard will recognize the text on the
card to transform your cards into digital data.
Click on the regular bar and select the front side recognition language of the
card, if you’d like to scan the back of the card, please check [Rear Side] and select the
back side recognition language of the card. Start to scan the front side and then the back
side of the card. Click [Finish] and you will see the contacts you just scanned showing in
the contact list.
1. Auto Scan: When you open the scan wizard you can begin to scan the card immediately. If [Auto Scan] is unchecked, you need to trigger the scanner by clicking the [Scan] button.
2. Auto recognition after scanning: It will automatically recognize the card after
scanning. When [Auto recognition after scanning] is unchecked, you can review
the image to see if it’s clear or not. If it’s unclear, you can scan again and then
click [Finish], the application will recognize your card.
3. If you don’t like the card image, you can click to delete it.
4. You can click in the middle to exchange the front side and the back side of
the card.
5. WorldocScan operations: Push the power button to turn on the scanner. When
the scanner is ready, the status light will stop blinks. Insert your documents in
face up, straight, aligned to the left into the Paper Feed Slot. When scanning is
completed, the scanned image will be saved to JPG format in either a USB ash
drive, memory card, or the scanner’s internal memory. Click , it will tell you
how many images in the scanner, you need to click [Recognize] button and de-
cide if you’d like to delete images in the scanner, and then it will transmit images
to WorldCard.
2.2 Shift from WorldCard v6.6 to WorldCard v8
Through the WorldCard File (*.wcf) or WorldCard Data Exchange File (*.wcxf), you
can move contacts from WorldCard v6.6 to WorldCard v8 and manage contacts in WorldCard v8.
Export Contacts as a wcxf le from WorldCard v6.6
1. Execute [File]/[Export] in WorldCard v6.6, select [WorldCard Data Exchange File
(*.wcxf)] from the [Export Wizard] and click [Next].
2. Select which cards you’d like to export.
3. Click [Browse] to select where you’d like to save the .wcxf le and input the le name,
then click [OK] to export.
4. After exporting is completed, click [Finish] to close Export Wizard.
How to import the wcxf file into WorldCard v8, please refer to 5.1, Import the
WorldCard Data Exchange File (*.wcxf).
Chapter 3 Edit Contact
Chapter 3 Edit Contacts
If you’d like to ll in more information or modify the recognition result, You can
choose a contact on the main screen and right-click to open the edit window.
Tip: Click [Management]/[Contact] in the drop-down menu, there are two options to merge two
contacts into one, or divide one contact into two contacts.
3.1 Editing Page
Click on the contact you’d like to edit in the main screen and go to the editing page.
There are three areas in the editing page: [Contact list], [Information] and [Card Image].
Click after modication to exist the editing page, it will automatically save what you
edited. If you’d like to undo what you edited, please click or click [Edit]/[Undo].
Click [Contact]/[Add a Contact - Manually] to add a contact by yourself in the group.
To add a contact who is in the same company, please click or [Contact]/[Add a
Contact - from the same company], the application will add a new contact with the com-
pany name, address, phone number automatically lled in.
Contact Information
Contact List
Card Image
3.1.1 Contact List
The contact list shows you contacts in the same group to let you quickly switch between contacts. Click [More] to expand the contact list. When you click another contact,
it will automatically save the modied contact. If you’d like to modify again, please click
before switch to another contact.
3.1.2 Edit the Contact
In the contact information area, you can modify any columns you want. If you’d
like to modify another contact, just directly click the contact in the contact list. There are
some more functions, please see below:
Add a Photo: Click the photo icon next to the name column. To change or delete the
photo, click the photo again.
Arrange the column order: If there are more than one name or company information,
click to arrange the order.
Change how the address displays: Click the drop-down menu of the address column to
choose different format for address display.
Using the contact information: If there’s an icon showing next to the column, you can
click the icon to call or send the email to the contact. You can also link to the contact’s
3.1.3 Edit the Card Image
If the contact has a card image, you can see it in the right down corner of the edit
page. You can execute functions below:
Click and to view the front and back side of the card.
Click to expand the card image, click to zoom in and click to zoom out
the card image.
Click to rotate the card image to 90 degrees.
Click to add image or scan business card.
Click to save the card image.
For more functions, please refer the explanations below:
Chapter 3 Edit Contact
Recognizing Partial Content of a Card Entry
In some cases, the information of a business card may not be completely recognized.
You may use the Partially Select and Recognize command of the Edit window. To select
partially select and recognize, click this icon . After clicking the partially select and
recognize, you can use the mouse to select the specic area that contains the correct data.
After selecting the area, select the appropriate eld for the information which has been
Reframing Command
The reframing manually command allows you to select a specific area of a
business card to save. After the appropriate area is selected, a box will be drawn around
the selected data. If the data selected to be modied is correct, click Yes in the dialog box.
The data outside of the selection box will be cut off.
Recognizing Again
Select the appropriate language(s) for the front and/or back side of the card. Then,
select the recognition language. You may then proceed with the recognize again command
by clicking or [Edit]/[Recognize]. If the card is double-sided, check [Both Sides] to
recognize each side and click [OK]. Note that the card information will be cleared when
you recognize the card again.
Tip: If the business card is double sided, you can click button to switch the front side and
back side.
3.2 Deleting/Restoring Contacts
Right click on a contact and then select [Delete] from the pop-up menu if you want
to delete the selected contact. The contact will be moved to [Recycle Bin] in the left down
corner of the screen. The deleted contacts will also be moved to [Recycle Bin] during the
sync process.
Click [Recycle Bin] button to view the contacts which have been deleted. You can
delete the contacts permanently by right-clicking on the contacts and select [Delete] or
restore the contacts by select [Undo].
Tip: The shortcut to restore the deleted contacts is [Ctrl]+[z].
Chapter 4 Manage Contacts
Chapter 4 Manage Contacts
4.1 Add New Contacts
4.1.1 Add a Contact Manually
Click [Management/Contact/Add a Concact - Manually] from the menu on
the main screen. This will open the Editing window. Then, type your new contacts
information into the elds. How to edit the contact, please refer to 3.1, Editing Page.
4.1.2 Add a Contact from the Same Company
Select a contact in the list and execute [Management/Contact/Add a Concact from the same company], then it will open a new contact in the editing window. The
application will automatically ll in the same company name, address, phone number, fax
number and website link with the contact you selected. You need to ll in the contact’s
name, position, department, etc.
4.1.3 Add a Contact from an eSignature
WorldCard can recogn ize your eSignature in the email, click [Management]/
[Contact]/[Add a Contact - eSignature] to open the [E-Signature] dialogue window. Then
copy the signature in the email and paste in the text area of the E-Signature dialogue
window (shown as below). Click [Recognize] button and you can see the recognized
contact information in the editing page.
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