1. Introduction
PN65OEV1 combines in a single package a Near Field Communication (NFC)
controller . It is optimized for low power consumption with fully host controllable
power states.
2. Features
Host Interface: UART
UART Baud Rates: 9600、28800、115200、230400、460800
Transmission modes: ISO/IEC 14443 A、ISO/IEC 14443 B、MIFARE、Sony
Operating ambient Temperature: -25。C ~+85。C
Input Voltage: +1.8V
RF Clock: 13.56M Hz
Oscillator: 27.12M Hz
PCB:4 Layer
Weight: Approx. 3g
3. NFC antenna outline
4. Installing the device drivers
To install the device driver in your computer:
Step1. Run NXP_NFC_Drover_Pakcage