
1 .Gene ral D e scr ipt ion
The UPWL60 31 SP wireless module is a fu lly assem bled and t est ed general- pur pose
m odu le using t he BCM433 1 wireless Syst em - on- Chip( SoC) . Th e m odu le cont ain s
BCM433 1 chip and all ot her necessar y com ponents to operat e t he UPWL6031 SP.
For det ailed infor mat ion on t he UPWL603 1SP com ponent it self, refer t o the
UPWL6031SP dat asheet .
2 . Fe atur es
Features Description
Network Standard
Input Voltage
Data Rate
Operating Frequency
Operating Channel
IEEE 802.11 b/g/n (final n)
802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mbps
802.11n-20 MHz: MCS0~MCS23
802.11n-40 MHz: MCS0~MCS23(450Mbps)
802.11g: BPSK,QPSK.16QAM,64QAM
802.11n: BPSK(MCS0, MCS8, MCS16)
802.11b/g/n/ (2.412~2.462GHz)
CH1~CH11 for North America,
6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54Mbps
16QAM(MCS3, MCS4,MCS11, MCS19,MCS20)
MCS23, MCS22, MCS23)
3T3R Mode

Ant. Brand Part No. Antenna Type Connector Gain (dBi)
1 Hong Lin 290-30209 PCB I-PEX 2.87
2 Hong Lin 290-30250 PCB I-PEX 2.94
3 Hong Lin 290-30350 PCB I-PEX 2.75
4 INPAQ DAM-L8-B-M1-100-02-00 PCB I-PEX 2.94
3 . Be nef it s
Sm all, self- cont ained SMT m odule.
3X3 MI MO funct ion suppor t
Com ply w it h 8 02 .11n crit er ia
For product available in the USA/Canada market, only CH1~CH11 can be operated.
Selection of other channels is not possible.
Fede ral Com m unica t ion s Com m ission St a t em e nt
This dev ice com plies w it h Part 1 5 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subj ect t o t h e following t wo
condit ions: ( 1) This device m ay not cause harm fu l int erference, and ( 2) t h is device m ust accept an y
in t er f er ence r eceiv ed, inclu ding int erf er ence t hat m ay cau se undesired oper at ion.
This eq u ipm ent h as been t est ed an d f ound t o com ply w it h t he lim it s f or a class B dig it al dev ice,
pursu ant t o Part 15 of t he FCC Rules
against h ar mful int erference in a residen tial inst allat ion. Th is equip m en t generat es, uses, and can
radiat e radio f r equen cy ener gy and, if not inst alled and u sed in accor dance wit h t he inst ru ction s,
m ay cause harm ful int erf er ence t o radio com m un icat ion s. How ev er , t here is no guarant ee t hat
in t er feren ce w ill not occu r in a part icu lar inst allat ion. If t his equ ipm ent does cause harm ful
in t erfer ence t o radio or t elevision r ecept ion , w hich can be det erm ined b y t ur ning t he equipm ent off
an d on, t he user is encour aged t o t ry t o cor r ect t h e in t er f eren ce b y one or m or e of t he following
m easu res:
. These lim it s ar e designed t o provide r eason able prot ect ion
i. Reorien t or r elocat e t he receiving ant enna.
ii. I ncr ease t he separation bet w een t he equipm ent and r eceiv er.
iii. Connect t he eq u ipm ent in t o an out let on a circu it d ifferent fr om th at t o which t he r eceiv er is
connect ed.
Consu lt t he dealer or an experien ced r adio/ TV t echnician for h elp.

This module is intended for OEM integrator. The OEM integrator is responsible for the
compliance to all the rules that apply to the product into which this certified RF module is
Additional testing and certification may be necessary when multiple modules are used.
20cm minimum distance has to be able to be maintained between the antenna and the users for
the host this module is integrated into. Under such configuration, the FCC radiation exposure
limits set forth for an population/uncontrolled environment can be satisfied.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's
authority to operate this equipment.
In the users manual of the end product, the end user has to be informed to keep at least 20cm
separation with the antenna while this end product is installed and operated. The end user has to
be informed that the FCC radio-frequency exposure guidelines for an uncontrolled environment
can be satisfied. The end user has to also be informed that any changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
If the size of the end product is smaller than 8x10cm, then additional FCC part 15.19 statement is
required to be available in the users manual: This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful
interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
The final end product must be labeled in a visible area with the following " Contains TX FCC ID:
VUIUPWL6031SP ". If the size of the end product is larger than 8x10cm, then the following FCC
part 15.19 statement has to also be available on the label: This device complies with Part 15 of
FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.