Pegasus DC-7010 Operation Manual

7010 7010
7010 Job Generator Utility
Job Generator UtilityJob Generator Utility
Job Generator Utility
Operation Manual
Table of Contents
Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1. Introduction1. Introduction
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 1
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility ............................................................................................... 1
3. Main Setting Window
3. Main Setting Window3. Main Setting Window
3. Main Setting Window ............................................................................................................................. 2
3.1. New: To create a new application file.................................................................................................. 2
3.2. Open: To open an old application file. ................................................................................................. 2
3.3. Save: To save the current editing application file. ............................................................................... 2
3.4. Save As: To save the current editing application file to a new file. ...................................................... 2
3.5. Edit: To edit the current editing application file. ................................................................................... 2
3.6. Download: To receive files from PC. ................................................................................................... 2
3.7. Receive Data: To upload data to PC. .................................................................................................. 2
3.8. About: To display information pertaining to the Job Generator Utility. ................................................ 2
3.9. Exit: To close the Job Generator Utility. .............................................................................................. 2
4. Application Template
4. Application Template4. Application Template
4. Application Template ............................................................................................................................. 5
4.1. Form.................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2. Menu ................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.3. Lookup .............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.4. Barcode ............................................................................................................................................. 15
4.5. Startup .............................................................................................................................................. 22
5. Receiving Data
5. Receiving Data5. Receiving Data
5. Receiving Data ..................................................................................................................................... 23
6. Chan
6. Chan6. Chan
6. Change Password
ge Passwordge Password
ge Password ................................................................................................................................ 25
7. Setting
7. Setting7. Setting
7. Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 26
7.1. Buzzer Pitch ...................................................................................................................................... 26
7.2. LCD Backlight ................................................................................................................................... 26
7.3. Auto Power Off .................................................................................................................................. 27
7.4. Set R.T.C. ......................................................................................................................................... 27
7.5. Deletion ............................................................................................................................................. 28
7.6. Prompting .......................................................................................................................................... 28
7.7. Key PAD LED (Reserved) ................................................................................................................. 29
8. Update Ke
8. Update Ke8. Update Ke
8. Update Kernel Firmware
rnel Firmwarernel Firmware
rnel Firmware ...................................................................................................................... 29
9. Get Kernel Version
9. Get Kernel Version9. Get Kernel Version
9. Get Kernel Version ............................................................................................................................... 30
10. Example Job Application
10. Example Job Application10. Example Job Application
10. Example Job Application .................................................................................................................... 30
10.1. Run the Job Generator Utility .......................................................................................................... 30
10.2. Download the Program Template file to the terminal ...................................................................... 39
10.3. Download the Lookup file to the terminal ........................................................................................ 39
10.4. Collecting Data ................................................................................................................................ 40
10.5. Uploading Data ............................................................................................................................... 40
1. Introduction
1. Introduction1. Introduction
1. Introduction
The Job Generator Utility for Windows is a tool assistant for users to create their own data
collecting applications without developing program code. The utility can help user to simulate
the working sequences when developing applications on PC. The whole process of the
application development is just by keying parameters or required factors in the dialogue boxes
in the job generator utility and downloading it to the terminal. A new application can be
developed promptly and the job of collecting data can be started at once.
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility
2. How to execute the Job Generator Utility
Running the utility, the Main Menu, Figure 1 will be shown.
Main Menu, Figure 1
At this window, following two operational ways are available to lead the utility into Main Setting
Move the mouse cursor to any location on the picture of the terminal and click right button. or move the
cursor to the location of “PWR” key of the terminal and click left button.
The Main Setting Window (figure 2) will be shown as below:.
Main Setting Window, Figure 2
3. Main Setting Window
3. Main Setting Window3. Main Setting Window
3. Main Setting Window
Main Setting Window comprises of a set of commands which are aimed to manage application
files such as create, save,...functions and communicate application files between PC and
terminal. The commands are listed below:
3.1. New: To create a new application file.
3.2. Open: To open an old application file.
3.3. Save: To save the current editing application file.
3.4. Save As: To save the current editing application file to a new file.
3.5. Edit: To edit the current editing application file.
3.6. Download: To receive files from PC.
3.6.1. Program: To receive application file from PC.
3.6.2. Lookup File: To receive the lookup file(s) from PC.
3.6.3. Setting: To receive setting file from PC.
3.6.4. Change Password: To receive the password setting file from PC.
3.6.5. Update Kernel: To receive the kernel file from PC.
3.6.6. Kernel Version: To receive the kernel version file from PC.
3.6.7. User ID: Allow 5 levels login-account – one “Admin” level and 4 “User” level. There are
total 64 user ID can be set.
(please refer to the “Note: User ID:
Note: User ID: Note: User ID:
Note: User ID: Security
Security Security
Security Level
Levelssss of Authority
of Authorityof Authority
of Authority”””” next page for
further information)
3.7. Receive Data: To upload data to PC.
3.8. About: To display information pertaining to the Job Generator Utility.
3.9. Exit: To close the Job Generator Utility.
Note: User ID:
Note: User ID: Note: User ID:
Note: User ID: Security
Security Security
Security Level
Levelssss of Authority
of Authorityof Authority
of Authority
The DC-7010 can assign different levels of authority to the users (at least 1 Admin user ID
and up to 64 IDs).
The User ID levels are as follow:
Admin: Admin:
Admin: user ID of this level has full authority of the User IDs (create, edit and delete user
account, and change the levels of the entire users) and data management.
There should be at least 1 admin level user for the DC-7010 scanner.
User: there are 4 levels (level 1 to level 4) of user IDs for different users.
Level 1:
Level 1: Level 1:
Level 1: each user of this level has the authority to modify its own user name and
password. The users of this level can browse, delete, and edit the data as well.
Level 2:
Level 2:Level 2:
Level 2: each user of this level has the authority to modify its own user name and
password. Unlike Level 1 users, the users of this level can only browse, and
delete the data.
Level 3:
Level 3: Level 3:
Level 3: each user of this level has the authority to modify its own user name and
password. The users of this level can only browse the data and unable to
modify the scanned data.
Level 4:
Level 4: Level 4:
Level 4: the users of this level can operate the scan work only.
Step 1:
Right-click the mouse and activate the main menu.
Select Download>> and click on the “User ID” to access the function.
Step 2:
Select the proper COM Port, baud rate, password (if previously configured) to access the
function (make sure the DC-7010 unit is entering the USER ID menu as well.
Step 3
User can modify the user ID on this menu.
Admin Level Users can create, delete or modify the User ID and its Security Levels.
User ID: Numic Number recommended)
Level: Admin, and 1~4 (user)
4. Application Template
4. Application Template4. Application Template
4. Application Template
Move the mouse cursor to the “New” item of the Main Setting Window (figure 2) and click mouse
left button, the Application Template, will be shown (figure 3).
Application Template, Figure 3
The Application Template which includes Form, Menu, and Lookup, Barcode, and Startup settings
to formulate the application’s running sequence and data attributes.
The template can help user develop an application by clicking mouse button and entering
parameters or factors into the dialogue boxes.
4.1. Form
The Form is aimed to regulate the data attributes and make the path of the application's
routine. The user is requested to key in all the needed information in the dialogue boxes of the
template which may design the running sequence or may define data attributes.
There are up to 10 forms can be defined and every form can be defined up to 8 input fields
which contains maximum data length up to 50 characters.
4.1.1. Name:
Assign a name of the form (form ID). There are up to 10 name# can be assigned.
4.1.2. Esc:
Map out the running route of the form# to one of the next steps, “Main Menu” or “form#” or
4.1.3. Next:
Map out the running route of the form# to one of the next steps, “Main Menu” or “form#” or
4.1.4. Date Stamp:
None: No Date Stamp appends to the record.
+yyyy/mm/dd: Date Stamp to be appended to the rear of the record
in the format of yyyy/mm/dd.
yyyy/mm/dd+: Date Stamp to be appended to the front of the record
in the format of yyyy/mm/dd.
4.1.5. Time Stamp:
None: No Time Stamp appends to the record.
+hh:mm:ss: Time Stamp to be appended to the rear of the record in
the format of hh:mm:ss.
hh:mm:ss+: Time Stamp to be appended to the front of the record in
the format of hh:mm:ss.
4.1.6. Lookup
Assign the form# to refer to which lookup file or not to do lookup function. One form refer to
one lookup file only if lookup function is enabled..
None: Not to enable the lookup function.
Lookup1: Refer to Lookup1 file.
Lookup2: Refer to Lookup2 file.
Lookup3: Refer to Lookup3 file.
4.1.7. Record
Save: Save is the default value. The data which collected in the field by running
the designed sequence in this form will be saved to record immediately.
Update Lookup: To update the lookup file that the form is current referred to.
Save & Update: Save the record to the data file also update the current lookup file which
the form is referred to.
Passdown: The form will not be saved as a data file. It will link to the next assigned
menu(s) or form(s).
4.1.8. Data Type:
None: The field is blocked, which does not allow any data key in.
Text: Allow any characters (e.g. &*abe123…) key in to the field.
Integer: Allow any integer (e.g. 12345…) key in to the field.
Real: Allow any real number (e.g. 1.23) key in to this filed.
Letter: Allow any alphabet character (A to Z) key in to this filed.
Boolean: Allow only “0”,”1”,”y” or “N” key in to this field.
Lookup: This setting can call the Lookup at this manual designated as 4.1.6. to find a
referred file and to manage the key in data to check with referred lookup file.
Fixed Data: Prompts will be shown when the filed is presented at the terminal and the
prompts to be saved to record (data file).
Prompt: Prompts will be shown when the filed is presented at the terminal and the
prompts will not be saved to record (data file).
Counter: The record counts will be shown but not to save to record (data file).
Passdown: This field's data is from the preceding form or menu which Record
(please refer to 4.1.7 Record) type is defined as passdown.
Extension: Duplicate the preceding line's Data Type except the prompts in this filed.
This function is for data display purpose when preceding line doesn't have
enough space to display the content of data in the terminal. When data input is
over the space of the preceding line, the overflowed data would be shown at
this duplicate line. The maximum data length of proceeding filed minus
preceding field's prompt length is the maximum data length of this extension
4.1.9. Prompt
Specify the heading of the input field.
4.1.10. Input Source
Assign the data input by keypad, scanner, or by both of them.
4.1.11. Min Length
Min Length can define the minimum length of the data. If set to “0”, then, it doesn't limit any
data input. Press “enter” to jump to next data input field if it intends to leave empty. If the min.
length is set over “0” and the input data number is less than set value, then the system would
give a warning message.
To purge the setting and re-define the length, press “ESC” to restart the job and input data
4.1.12. Max Length
Max Length can define the maximum length of the data input (up to 50 digits).
If the data input is over the area that the field can display, then, the input data will be
left-scroll or the overflowed. The input data would be display to next the line if the line is set
to Extension.
If the input data is over the maximum length setting there would have a warning message
Press “ESC” and input data again.
4.1.13. Lookup
Here the lookup field to be set to update or refer to the lookup file (4.1.6.) whenever the
matched lookup setting call at Data Type (4.1.8.) is called. One more important notice that if
the numeric input data comes a “+” or “-” symbol in front of it; it means any updated data will
be added or subtracted from the original lookup file. Please notice that it is designed the
lookup file data won't be subtracted to below “0”.
4.1.14. Properties
Move mouse cursor to the “Properties” item and click left button, the Properties, figure 4 will
be shown.
Properties, Figure 4
Fix data length: 10
Barcode data Display Fixed data length
It limits the length of the inputted data. Tick the box of “Fix data length,” and there are 4
options of alignment will be shown as shown in Figure 5.
Alignment Setup, Figure 5 Left aligned (padded with space)
In Figure 6, select “Left aligned (padded with space)”, the input data which is less than the
setting of data length will be filled with space.
Figure 6
Fix data length: 10
Barcode data Display
Fix data length:10
Barcode data Display Right aligned (padded with space)
In Figure 7, select “Right aligned (padded with space)”, the input data which is less than the
setting of data length will be filled with space.
Figure 7 Left aligned (padded with 0)”
In Figure 8, select “Left aligned (padded with 0)”, the input data which is less than the setting
of data length will be filled with 0.
Figure 8
Fix data length: 10
Barcode data Display Right aligned (padded with 0)
In Figure 9, select “Right aligned (padded with 0)”, the scanned data which is less than the
setting of data length will be filled with space.
Figure 9 Initial value or text
Assign the initial value (default value) or text in the input field. Add prefix code
Prefix code can be appended to the data. The prefix code can be any string (e.g.
BFR:345*&) or any a 3-digits decimal ASCII codes which is led by “\” (e.g. “\065\097” equals
to “Aa”).
“\\” equals to “\”, “\n” or “\N” equals to “\010”, “r” or “R” equals to “\013”, or “\t” or “\T” equals to
“\009”, “\e” or “\T” equals to “\027”. Add suffix code
Suffix the code can be appended to the data. The suffix code can be any string (e.g.
BFR:345*&) or any a 3-digits decimal ASCII codes which is led by “\”
(e.g. “\065\097” equals to “Aa”).
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