3. Appliances Located in Confined Spaces.
a. All air from inside the building: Provide two
permanent openings communicating directly with
an additional room. If all air for combustion and
ventilation is to come from within the building:
two openings, one near the ceiling and one near
the floor of the boiler room shall be provided
with the minimum free area of each opening
equal to 140 sq. in. per gallon of oil burned.
b. If all air for combustion and ventilation is to
come from outside the building: two openings,
one near the ceiling and one near the floor of the
boiler room shall be provided with the minimum
free area of each opening equal to 35 sq. in. per
gallon of oil burned.
If ducts are used to convey the air, areas of 35
sq. in. per gallon of oil burned for vertical ducts
or 70 sq. in. per gallon of oil burned for
horizontal ducts are to be provided. Ducts shall
have the same area as the free area of the
openings to which they are connected.
4. Special Conditions: If the boiler is located in areas
with exhaust fans, direct-fired water heaters or
fireplaces can create conditions for unsatisfactory
combustion or venting, special provisions must be
5. Specially Engineered Installations: The size of the
combustion air openings in this section may not
apply to specially engineered systems. These systems
are to be designed to ensure adequate supply of air
for combustion and ventilation.
1. Draft Requirement – Minimum draft required in the
vent system is -0.03" to -0.03" W.C. depending on
boiler model, see Table 7.1 (Section 7). This draft is
necessary to provide the necessary draft over fire of
-0.01" to -0.02" W.C. See discussion in paragraph 5
below regarding draft.
2. A barometric draft control is recommended for
regulation of overfire draft. Follow manufacturer's
instructions to locate and adjust the control.
3. Inspect the existing chimney or vent system. Make
sure it is in good condition. Inspect chimney liner
and repair or replace if necessary.
4. The vent system and installation must be in
accordance with the current edition of the American
National Standard ANSI/NFPA 211, "Chimneys,
Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning
Appliances," or applicable provisions of the local
building codes. Typical minimum chimney size is
8" x 8", 15 feet high, unless otherwise allowed by
code. If the vent system is not sized properly, the
burner may not operate properly. This can cause
poor combustion, sooting and odors to occur.
5. Background Information Regarding Draft:
Modern boilers operate with higher efficiencies than
older boilers. Smaller flueways, as well as bars, pins
and fins are designed into modern boilers to transfer
as much heat as possible from the hot gases to the
water or steam and prevent heat loss up the
chimney. However, these design features result in
higher pressure, or draft loss, in the boiler.
This draft loss must be taken into account when
installing an oil boiler into a new or old chimney.
New chimneys are less likely to have poor draft.
However, they must have sufficient draft to support
combustion. A -0.06" draft is desirable and preferred.
Older chimneys may require a replacement liner to
have them perform well enough to support
For Example:
The above readings are "cold" readings (before the
boiler and chimney are heated up).
Note also that the higher the firing rate on a unit
which has multiple firing rates, the higher the draft
required. For example, increasing the firing rate 1/4
gallon may increase the draft loss in a unit by
approximately +0.01".
-0.04" -0.04"
No change, but older
chimneys (especially unlined
ones) have leaks which
reduce draft.
+0.01" +0.01"
Required for mandated
efficiency increases.
Over Fire
-0.03" -0.00"
The old installation would
have had a higher
temperature in the chimney
[as high as 800 degrees vs.
400 degrees F], which would
increase the draft.
Do not install this appliance where corrosive
materials, such as ammonia, chlorine, water softener
salt, etc. are stored.
An oil-fired unit shall be connected to a flue having
sufficient draft at all times, to assure safe proper
operation of the unit.