PeerlessBoilers PP-30-LB, PP-40, PP-60, PP-80, PP-120 Installation Manual

Water Heater
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual
Estimate of Peak Domestic Hot Water Usage
Average Gallons of Times Used During Gallons Used in
Use Hot Water per Usage One Hour One Hour
Shower 20 x _____________ = _____________
Bath 20 x _____________ = _____________
Shaving 2 x _____________ = _____________
Hands and Face Washing 4 x_____________ = _____________
Hair Shampoo 4 x_____________ = _____________
Hand Dish Washing 4 x _____________ = _____________
Automatic Dish Washing 14 x _____________ = _____________
Food Preparation 5 x _____________ = _____________
Wringer Clothes Washer 26 x_____________ = _____________
Automatic Clothes Washer 32 x _____________ = _____________
Total Peak Hour Demand = __________
1. The following guidelines apply to residential systems only. For commercial or institutional installations contact your local PB Heat, LLC representative.
2. Determine the quantity of domestic hot water required. Factors to consider:
a. Estimate typical peak hour demand. Determine the general time of day (morning, noon, evening) when the
most hot water is used. Use chart below to determine potential maximum usage.
b. Estimate unusual peak draw demand. Whirlpool baths, hot tubs, and multiple head showers require
large quantities of hot water in a short period of time. Contact fixture manufacturer for quantity of water required. Generally speaking, these circumstances can only be met with larger storage volumes.
c. Domestic Water Temperature. Most residential usage will be satisfied with 119°F water, the temperature
setting recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Some applications such as laundry and dishwashers may require a higher temperature.
Ratings can be improved by increasing Peerless®Partner®thermostat setting and using a mixing valve to temper the hot water to the proper temperature. When temperatures greater than 119°F are required, use a mixing valve at the outlet of the water heater or anti-scald fittings at point of use.
Water temperatures over 125°F can cause severe burns instantly, or death from scalds.
Children, disabled, and elderly are at the highest risk of being scalded.
See instruction manual before setting temperature at water heater.
Feel water before bathing or showering.
Temperature limiting valves are available, see manual.
The Peerless Partner indirect-fired water heater is deemed to be used in a "commercial setting" if at any time the unit is operated at a temperature over 150°F. Refer to warranty for additional information.
Product Selection
1. First hour rating based on heating water from 50°F to 140°/115°F with 180°F boiler water temperature. Gas- and oil-fired and electric water heater first hour ratings based on DOE test procedure using 90°F temperature rise (55°F to 145°F).
2. Gross I=B=R Output, Water
3. Useable hot water based on recent completion of recovery period, but no additional boiler input after draw begins.
Table 1: Peerless Partner Ratings
d. Boiler. PP-80, PP-120, PP-80-DW, and PP-120-DW require full boiler output listed in Table 1. If boiler is a
condensing boiler, such as Peerless®Pinnacle®, the above Peerless®Partner®models can be used with reduced boiler output. If boiler output is less than shown in Table 1 reduce first hour rating as shown in Table 2. Increase boiler size only if first hour rating does not meet estimated peak hour usage.
If a boiler with listed output is not needed for space heating, an alternative to a PP-80/120 would be a PP-40 or PP-60 piped in series with an unfired storage tank (i.e. electric water heater without heating elements energized).
If Peerless Partner is to be used with Peerless Boilers Series 63 or Series 64 steam boiler, refer to Series 63/64 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for special installation and operation instructions. PB Heat, LLC cannot recommend the use of other steam boilers with Peerless Partner at this time. Other than Series 63 and Series 64 steam boilers, Peerless Partner should only be used with water boilers. Contact PB Heat, LLC for additional information.
e. Domestic water priority. First hour ratings may be less than published when boiler output is shared with
space heating. Generally a consumer will notice a drop in domestic water temperature before a drop in space heating temperature. Giving domestic water production priority by directing entire boiler output to Peerless Partner will maximize domestic water output. However, prioritization controls could result in an unacceptable drop in space heating temperature when large quantities of domestic hot water are used, and a prioritization control malfunction could result in loss of space heating.
3. Multiple Water Heaters. Peak domestic water usage (first hour rating) or unusual peak draw may not be met with a single water heater. Multiple units can be installed as either a bank of tanks acting as a single unit, or as multiple individual units sized and located for specific draw situations.
First Hour Rating1[gallons]
Minimum Boiler Output2to Achieve
First Hour Rating [Btu per hour]
Useable Hot Water
[U.S. Gallons]
Heat Exchanger
Surface Area [ft2]140°F 115°F
PP-30-LB 169 234 114,000 22 15
PP-40 212 292 141,000 28 20 PP-60 266 370 174,000 46 20 PP-80 330 440 212,000 64 34
PP-120 423 564 269,000 94 34 PP-40-DW 70 108 107,000 28 20 PP-60-DW 90 144 176,000 46 20 PP-80-DW 138 215 208,000 64 20
PP-120-DW 210 326 231,000 94 20
Pre-Installation Considerations
PP-40 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 5.5 5 4.2 3.7 PP-60 ** ** 30 24 20 17 10.3 9.5 8.2 7.8 7.1 6.1
PP-80 ** ** ** ** ** ** 14 13 12 11.1 10.5 8.5 PP-120 ** ** ** ** ** ** 20 18 16 15 14 12.5
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
Domestic Water Flow Rate [gpm]
Table 3: First Draw at 140°F
(in Minutes)
**Unlimited hot water available at specified flow rate.
1. Based on cold start boiler with output listed in Table 1.
2. For minutes of domestic water flow at 115°F, multiply by 1.56.
Table 2: First Hour Ratings for Reduced Boiler Output
1. 180°F Boiler Water
2. 200°F Boiler Water
3. Due to condensation in boiler, reduced output not recommended for PP-80, PP-120, PP-80-DW, and PP-120-DW. Condensing boilers, such as Peerless Pinnacle, can be used for reduced output.
1. Read these instructions completely before starting installation.
2. FOR YOUR SAFETY: Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. Controls on this appliance could ignite vapors causing an explosion.
3. Install in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. In the absence of such requirements, appliance must be wired in accordance with the
National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70
This product complies with 2006 N.S.P.C. provided: (1) the boiler water, including additives, is practically non­toxic, having a toxicity rating or class of 1, as listed in Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, 5thedition; and (2) the maximum boiler water pressure is maintained less than the normal minimum operating pressure of the partner potable water system.
Boiler Output
[Btu per hour}
PP-30-LB PP-40
140°F 115°F 140°F 115°F 140°F 115°F 140°F 115°F 140°F 115°F
40,000 60 84 68 94
60,000 92 128 99 138
80,000 115 160 130 180
100,000 153 211 152 210 160 221 216 297
182 251 176 244 223 305
181 251 230 314 216 333
206 309 269 367 251 384
311 424 290 444
359 489 335 457
345 470
399 543
460 627
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