Estimate of Peak Domestic Hot Water Usage
Average Gallons of Times Used During Gallons Used in
Use Hot Water per Usage One Hour One Hour
Shower 20 x _____________ = _____________
Bath 20 x _____________ = _____________
Shaving 2 x _____________ = _____________
Hands and Face Washing 4 x_____________ = _____________
Hair Shampoo 4 x_____________ = _____________
Hand Dish Washing 4 x _____________ = _____________
Automatic Dish Washing 14 x _____________ = _____________
Food Preparation 5 x _____________ = _____________
Wringer Clothes Washer 26 x_____________ = _____________
Automatic Clothes Washer 32 x _____________ = _____________
Total Peak Hour Demand = __________
1. The following guidelines apply to residential systems only. For commercial or institutional installations contact
your local PB Heat, LLC representative.
2. Determine the quantity of domestic hot water required. Factors to consider:
a. Estimate typical peak hour demand. Determine the general time of day (morning, noon, evening) when the
most hot water is used. Use chart below to determine potential maximum usage.
b. Estimate unusual peak draw demand. Whirlpool baths, hot tubs, and multiple head showers require
large quantities of hot water in a short period of time. Contact fixture manufacturer for quantity of water
required. Generally speaking, these circumstances can only be met with larger storage volumes.
c. Domestic Water Temperature. Most residential usage will be satisfied with 119°F water, the temperature
setting recommended by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Some applications such as laundry
and dishwashers may require a higher temperature.
Ratings can be improved by increasing Peerless®Partner®thermostat setting and using a mixing valve to
temper the hot water to the proper temperature. When temperatures greater than 119°F are required, use
a mixing valve at the outlet of the water heater or anti-scald fittings at point of use.
Water temperatures over 125°F can cause severe burns instantly, or
death from scalds.
Children, disabled, and elderly are at the highest risk of being scalded.
See instruction manual before setting temperature at water heater.
Feel water before bathing or showering.
Temperature limiting valves are available, see manual.
The Peerless Partner indirect-fired water heater is deemed to be used in a "commercial setting" if at
any time the unit is operated at a temperature over 150°F. Refer to warranty for additional information.
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