PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg::
300 Watts continuous
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Four 12" Blue Marvel
model 144 speakers
IImmppeeddaannccee,, ZZ::
16 Ohms
IInnppuutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonn::
1/4" phone jack
EEnncclloossuurree ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn::
Mono-plane baffle,
closed-back construction
Grille can be unsnapped
to access speakers
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
(32" x 30 1/8" x 14 3/8")
NNeett wweeiigghhtt::
97 lbs.
The XXL 412 slant and
straight cabinets are the ideal
companions to the XXL and
guitar amplifier heads,
but are equally suited for any guitar
amplifier. These full-sized
enclosures are 16 Ohms, so they’ll
work with most amplifiers. Peavey’s
144 Blue Marvel speakers make
these the perfect companions to the
100 EFX amplifier head,
yielding a tone similar to that of the
TransTube 212 EFX combo, but in a
much bigger-sounding rig.
One interesting departure from the
traditional slant-top cabinet is the
use of a single-plane baffle, instead
of the more common bi-plane
approach. This results in less
cancellations between the top and
bottom pairs of speakers and allows
the slant cabinet to sound much
more like the straight cabinet. The
added low end and less in-your-face
tone produces much better halfstack tone than normal. The grille
cloth is then braced off of the baffle
to give the traditional look of a biplane baffle design.
For details, refer to the
warranty statement. Copies of this
statement may be obtained by
contacting Peavey Electronics
Corporation, P.O. Box 2898,
Meridian, Mississippi 39301-
Features and specifications subject to change without notice.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301 (601) 483-5365 • FAX (601) 486-1278 • www.peavey.com
©2003 Printed in the U.S.A. 1/03