PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg::
200 Watts continuous
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Two 12" Triple XXX Sheffield
IImmppeeddaannccee,, ZZ::
16 Ohms mono
8 Ohms stereo (each side)
IInnppuutt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Two 1/4" phone jacks (input and
daisy-chain output when in mono,
left and right when in stereo)
EEnncclloossuurree mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd ffiinniisshh::
Poplar plywood sides, birch
plywood baffle, closed-back
construction, with removable
top back
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
20-1/2" x 26-1/2" x 11-1/4"
NNeett wweeiigghhtt::
54 lbs.
The Triple XXX 212 is a heavy duty
loudspeaker cabinet designed to
perfectly match the Triple XXX
combos and can also be used to
make a small stack using the Triple
XXX or any other amplifier head. It
is loaded with two rear-mounted,
custom-designed chrome-plated
Sheffield 12" Triple XXX speakers.
The Triple XXX 212 can
accommodate any playing style,
and emphasizes the low end while
allowing chiming mids and highs to
cut through for tight, rhythmic
playing and thick chords. The
inclusion of a stereo/mono wiring
system provides the user with either
mono 16 Ohms total or 8 Ohms per
side stereo.
For details, refer to the
warranty statement. Copies of this
statement may be obtained by
contacting Peavey Electronics
Corporation, P.O. Box 2898,
Meridian, Mississippi 39301-2898.
Features and specifications subject to change without notice.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301 (601) 483-5365 • FAX (601) 486-1278 • www.peavey.com
©2003 Printed in the U.S.A. 4/03