FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee,, 11 mmeetteerr oonn--aaxxiiss,,
sswweepptt--ssiinnee iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
50 Hz to 15 kHz (±3 dB)
UUssaabbllee llooww ffrreeqquueennccyy lliimmiitt ((--1100 ddBB
42 Hz
PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg::
Full range:
1,000 Watts continuous
2,000 Watts program
4,000 Watts peak
Low frequency section:
1,000 Watts continuous
2,000 Watts program
4,000 Watts peak
Passive mid/high frequency
150 Watts continuous
300 Watts program
600 Watts peak
SSoouunndd pprreessssuurree LLeevveell,, 11 WWaatttt,, 11 mmeetteerr
iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
Full range:
99 dB SPL (2.0 V input)
Low frequency section:
100 dB SPL (2.0 V input)
Mid/high frequency section:
98 dB SPL (2.0 V input)
MMaaxxiimmuumm ssoouunndd pprreessssuurree lleevveell
((11 mmeetteerr))::
Full range:
129 dB SPL continuous
135 dB SPL peak
Low frequency section:
130 dB SPL continuous
136 dB SPL peak
Passive mid/high frequency
121 dB SPL continuous
127 dB SPL peak
RRaaddiiaattiioonn aannggllee mmeeaassuurreedd aatt
--66 ddBB ppooiinntt ooff ppoollaarr rreessppoonnssee::
90˚ horizontal by 40˚ vertical; axis
of the vertical main polar lobe is
angled down 10˚, resulting in the
angular pattern with respect to
straight ahead being +10˚, -30˚
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Low frequency section:
2" x 15" woofer, vented
1508-8 HE SF
Mid frequency section:
1" x 6.5" pro mid-range on an
asymmetrical quadratic
throat CD horn
High frequency section:
1" x .875" exit/51 mm voice
coil compression driver
22 on an asymmetrical
quadratic throat CD horn
BBooxx TTuunniinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy::
Low frequency section: 52 Hz
CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy ((iinntteerrnnaall
Bottom woofer: 250 Hz
Low/mid frequency:
650 Hz
Mid/high frequency:
2100 Hz
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd AAccttiivvee CCrroossssoovveerr
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReeggiioonn aanndd SSllooppee::
Low/high frequency:
500 Hz at 12 dB/octave
TTiimmee OOffffsseett::
Low frequency: 0.0 ms
High frequency: 0.58 ms
IImmppeeddaannccee (( ZZ ))::
Full range:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω
Minimum: 3.5 Ω
Low frequency:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω
Minimum: 3.2 Ω
Passive MF/HF:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω
Minimum: 3.7 Ω
IInnppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Full Range: 2 x 1/4" phone jack
and 1 x Neutrik
four-pin Speakon
jack; bi-amp capability provided via
an internal wiring jumper.
EEnncclloossuurree MMaatteerriiaallss aanndd FFiinniisshh::
Nine-ply Baltic birch plywood
finished in black carpet
MMoouunnttiinngg PPrroovviissiioonnss::
This unit is not designed for
overhead suspension. Four large
rubber feet on bottom are for floor
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
52.50" x 20.81" x 23.00"
1334 mm x 529 mm x 584 mm
52.50" x 12.78" x 23.00"
1334 mm x 325 mm x 584 mm
127 lbs. (57.7 kg)
• Quasi four-way full range/biampalbe SR system
• Rx
22 compression driver with
ferrofluid cooling
• 6.5" Pro mid-range with phase
plug and ferrofluid cooling
• Two 15" BWX Black Widow
4" VC
• 2,000 Watts program, 4,000
Watts peak
• Patented Quadratic Throat
• Asymmetrical horns aim the
sound down 10˚ toward the
audience, not over their heads
• Sound Guard
III tweeter and
mid-range protection
• Full-range inputs now include a
Speakon®four-pin jack
along with two 1/4" phone jacks
• Bi-amp capability via internal
wiring jumper
• Trapezoidal Baltic birch enclosure
• Rear casters for easy transport