FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee,, 11 mmeetteerr oonn--aaxxiiss,, sswweepptt--ssiinnee iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
50 Hz to 15 kHz (±3 dB)
UUssaabbllee llooww ffrreeqquueennccyy lliimmiitt ((--1100 ddBB ppooiinntt))::
42 Hz
PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg::
Full range:
Low frequency section:
4,000 Watts peak Passive mid/high frequency section:
150 Watts continuous
300 Watts program
600 Watts peak
SSoouunndd pprreessssuurree LLeevveell,, 11 WWaatttt,, 11 mmeetteerr iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
Full range:
99 dB SPL (2.0 V input) Low frequency section:
100 dB SPL (2.0 V input) Mid/high frequency section:
98 dB SPL (2.0 V input)
MMaaxxiimmuumm ssoouunndd pprreessssuurree lleevveell ((11 mmeetteerr)):: Full range:
129 dB SPL continuous 135 dB SPL peak
Low frequency section:
130 dB SPL continuous
136 dB SPL peak Passive mid/high frequency section:
121 dB SPL continuous
127 dB SPL peak
RRaaddiiaattiioonn aannggllee mmeeaassuurreedd aatt
--66 ddBB ppooiinntt ooff ppoollaarr rreessppoonnssee:: 90˚ horizontal by 40˚ vertical; axis of the vertical main polar lobe is angled down 10˚, resulting in the angular pattern with respect to straight ahead being +10˚, -30˚
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
Low frequency section:
2" x 15" woofer, vented 1508-8 HE SF
Mid frequency section:
1" x 6.5" pro mid-range on an asymmetrical quadratic throat CD horn
High frequency section:
1" x .875" exit/51 mm voice coil compression driver RX
22 on an asymmetrical
quadratic throat CD horn
BBooxx TTuunniinngg FFrreeqquueennccyy::
Low frequency section: 52 Hz
CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy ((iinntteerrnnaall ppaassssiivvee))::
Bottom woofer: 250 Hz Low/mid frequency:
650 Hz
Mid/high frequency:
2100 Hz
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd AAccttiivvee CCrroossssoovveerr FFrreeqquueennccyy RReeggiioonn aanndd SSllooppee::
Low/high frequency:
500 Hz at 12 dB/octave
TTiimmee OOffffsseett::
Low frequency: 0.0 ms High frequency: 0.58 ms
IImmppeeddaannccee (( ZZ ))::
Full range:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω Minimum: 3.5 Ω
Low frequency:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω Minimum: 3.2 Ω
Passive MF/HF:
Nominal: 4.0 Ω Minimum: 3.7 Ω
IInnppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Full Range: 2 x 1/4" phone jack and 1 x Neutrik
four-pin Speakon
jack; bi-amp capability provided via an internal wiring jumper.
EEnncclloossuurree MMaatteerriiaallss aanndd FFiinniisshh::
Nine-ply Baltic birch plywood finished in black carpet
MMoouunnttiinngg PPrroovviissiioonnss::
This unit is not designed for overhead suspension. Four large rubber feet on bottom are for floor use.
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
52.50" x 20.81" x 23.00" 1334 mm x 529 mm x 584 mm Rear:
52.50" x 12.78" x 23.00" 1334 mm x 325 mm x 584 mm
127 lbs. (57.7 kg)
• Quasi four-way full range/bi­ampalbe SR system
• Rx
22 compression driver with
ferrofluid cooling
• 6.5" Pro mid-range with phase plug and ferrofluid cooling
• Two 15" BWX Black Widow
4" VC
• 2,000 Watts program, 4,000 Watts peak
• Patented Quadratic Throat Waveguide
• Asymmetrical horns aim the sound down 10˚ toward the audience, not over their heads
• Sound Guard
III tweeter and
mid-range protection
• Full-range inputs now include a Neutrik
Speakon®four-pin jack
along with two 1/4" phone jacks
• Bi-amp capability via internal wiring jumper
• Trapezoidal Baltic birch enclosure
• Rear casters for easy transport
DDeessccrriippttiioonn The new SP 6 features the new
Quadratic Throat Waveguide™in a dual­horn arrangement, and an enclosure made from Baltic birch plywood. The SP 6 is a quasi four-way speaker system comprised of two 15" Black Widow
BWX SF woofers with a Kevlar®/carbon fiber­impregnated cone, a horn-loaded 6 1/2" pro mid-range and an Rx™22 compression driver loaded onto the constant directivity waveguide.
The SP 6 has a trapezoidal-shaped enclosure, which reduces the build-up of standing waves inside the enclosure to minimize mid-bass and mid-range coloration. It is constructed of nine-ply Baltic birch and is covered with a durable black carpet. Use of the Baltic birch plywood provides an enclosure that is lighter than those made from OSB or MDF. The enclosure corners are reinforced with metal corners, and a black powder-coated, perforated metal grille covers the lower half of the system to protect the woofer from external damage.
The quasi four-way system consists of the following driver components: two 15" Black Widow
BWX SF woofers with
/carbon fiber-impregnated cones, and dust caps. Capable of over 1,000 Watts of continuous power handling (AES Std 2-1984), the woofer section can handle a lot of power. The mid-range is carried by a 6 1/2" professional-grade, horn-loaded speaker with a phase plug and ferrofluid cooling, providing high articulation in the vocals. The high frequencies are handled by an Rx 22 2" titanium diaphragm compression driver utilizing ferrofluid cooling. Both the mid­range and the high frequency drivers are coupled to a Quadratic Throat constant directivity horn(U.S. patent #6,059,069), with smooth, even response, low distortion and good high frequency dispersion. These horns both have an asymmetrical vertical polar response, aiming the main energy lobe down 10
so it is aimed at the audience instead of over their heads. This helps reduce ceiling reflections for greater clarity and gain before feedback. The Rx 22 driver features the Radialinear Planar Phase Correction System(U.S. Patent #6,064,745), which provides smoother and extended high frequency response.
Full range input connection to the system is made via two 1/4" phone jacks and a four-pin Neutrik
in parallel,
with bi-amping flexibility provided for via an internal jumper that can be accessed by unscrewing and removing the input cup. The internal passive crossover features Peavey’s exclusive Sound Guard™protection circuit for both the tweeter and the mid-range speaker, and an advanced topology crossover with high performance components to provide high power handling and reliability. Sound Guard
provides long­and medium-term driver overload protection when the system is used full­range or when it is bi-amped without impairing musical transients or dynamics on either the mid-range or the tweeter. The crossover provides driver roll-off and protection, as well as driver EQ for the woofers, mid-range and horn, for a clean, clear, smooth response. High quality, reliable crossover components include polypropylene capacitors and high current inductors. The optimal integration of the crossover with the selected drivers results in a smooth frequency response from 50 Hz to 15 kHz.
This extremely high power handling system can put out some very serious sound levels, but with control and precision for high articulation and long-term reliability.
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee This measurement is useful in determining how accurately a given unit reproduces an input signal. The frequency response of the SP 6 is measured at a distance of 1 meter using a 1 Watt (into the nominal impedance) swept-sine input signal. As shown in figure 1, the selected drivers in the SP 6 combine to give a smooth frequency response from 50 Hz to 15 kHz.
Power Handling
There are many different approaches to power handling ratings. Peavey rates this loudspeaker system's power handling using a full-range form of the AES Standard 2-1984. Using audio band 20 Hz to 20 kHz pink noise, with peaks of four times the RMS level, this strenuous test signal assures the user that every portion of this system can withstand today's high technology music. This rating is contingent upon having a minimum of 3 dB available amplifier headroom.
Harmonic Distortion
Second and third harmonic distortions vs. frequency are plotted in figures 3 & 4 for two power levels: ten percent (10%) of rated input power and either one percent (1%) of rated input power or 1 Watt, whichever is greater. Distortion is read from the graph as the difference between the fundamental signal (frequency response) and the desired harmonic. For example, a distortion curve that is down 40 dB from the fundamental is equivalent to 1% distortion.
This unit is not designed for over head suspension. The two large rubber feet on bottom, along with two rear casters are for floor use.
Architectural & Engineering Specifications
The loudspeaker system shall have an operating bandwidth of 50 Hz to 15 kHz. The nominal output level shall be 99 dB when measured at a distance of one meter with an input of one Watt. The nominal impedance shall be 4 Ohms.
The maximum continuous power handling shall be 1,000 Watts, with maximum program power of 2,000 Watts and a peak power input of at least 4,000 Watts and a minimum amplifier headroom of 3 dB. The nominal radiation geometry shall be 90˚ symmetrical about the center axis in the horizontal plane, and +10, -30˚ about the center axis in the vertical plane. The outside dimensions shall be 52.50" high by 21.38" wide by 22.88" deep. The weight shall be 127 lbs.
The loudspeaker system shall be a Peavey model SP 6.
3 + 2 Year Limited Warranty
NOTE: For details, refer to the warranty
statement. Copies of this statement may be obtained by contacting Peavey Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian, Mississippi 39301-2898.
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