• Master level controls for each
output bus
• Three five-segment LED meter
• Four-band EQ: low‚ low-mid‚
high-mid‚ high
• Integral channel muting system
with priority
• Audio and mute bus linking
• Left‚ Right‚ Aux and Mute bus
links for stacking multiple units
• Rear panel master/slave linking
mode switch
• Remote master Left/Right level
control port
• Rear panel 20 dB pad switch on
each microphone input
• Front panel continuously variable
preamp gain control
• Rear panel bus assign switches
for each microphone channel
• Rear panel global 100 Hz low-cut
filter switch for all microphone
• Mute bus with channel 1 rear
panel threshold control
• Select switch for routing
microphone mix bus post
remote control
• All audio I/O on removable Eurotype connectors
The mixer shall have six
electronically balanced microphone
or line inputs. The mixer shall also
have two stereo unbalanced line
inputs. All inputs shall be routable to
any or all of three master buses, Left,
Right, and Aux. Each microphone
input shall include selectable 48-Volt
phantom power. Channel One shall
have a variable mute threshold over
all other channels. Each input shall
have a Signal/Clip indicator that
activates green at –20 dB, and turns
red at 2 dB below clipping. The mixer
shall have three electronically
balanced outputs, Left, Right and
Aux, each with its own master output
control and five LED meter array. The
mixer shall have remote master
capability for each of the master L, R
buses. There shall be remote select
for the two stereo inputs, rear panel
global 100 Hz low cut filter for the
mic inputs, master/slave link mode
switch, and audio bus linking. The
mixer shall have a shelving low EQ
with 15 dB boost or cut starting at
70 Hz, a peak/dip low mid EQ with
15 dB boost or cut at 250 Hz, a
peak/dip high mid EQ with 15 dB
boost or cut at 3.1 kHz and a high
shelving eq with 15 dB boost or cut
at 10 kHz. The unit shall be housed in
a rugged metal chassis 1.75" tall by
19" wide by 8.75" deep. One-inch
mounting flanges will be provided on
each side. The unit shall operate
from 120 VAC, 60 Hz power. The
mixer shall be capable of driving
+21 dBu into a balanced load from
the Left, Right or Aux outputs, from
20 Hz to 20 kHz. +0 to –2 dB into
600 Ohms with less than 0.05%
distortion and with system hum and
noise at least 80 dB below rated
output. The unit shall be a Peavey
Architectural Acoustics model SMR
SMR™821a stereo mic/line program audio mixerSpecifications
0 dBu = 0.775 VRMS
0 dBV = 1.00 VRMS
* Min. input level (sensitivity) is the smallest signal that will produce a nominal output with controls set at maximum gain.
** Nominal settings are defined as all controls set at center detent for nominal output. Microphone gain control is as specified.
without pad
with pad
2 k
2 k
2 k
2 k
10 k
Max Gain +60 dB
Min Gain +10 dB
Max Gain +40 dB
Min Gain -10 dB
Max Gain +60 dB
Min Gain +20 dB
Max Gain +40 dB
Min Gain 0 dB
-76 dBu
-25 dBu
-56 dBu
-5 dBu
-74 dBu
-34 dBu
-54 dBu
-14 dBu
-20 dBu
-56 dBu
-4 dBu
-36 dBu
+16 dBu
-54 dBu
-14 dBu
-34 dBu
+6 dBu
-10 dBu
-39 dBu
+13 dBu
-19 dBu
+33 dBu
-37 dBu
+3 dBu
-17 dBu
+23 dBu
+7 dBu
RCA jacks
without pad (optional
with pad (optional
Stereo Line
Input Gain
Pot Setting
Input Level: dBu
Min* Nom** Max
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