FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee,, 11 mmeetteerr oonn--aaxxiiss,, sswweepptt--ssiinnee iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
50 Hz to 18 kHz (±3 dB)
UUssaabbllee llooww ffrreeqquueennccyy lliimmiitt ((--1100 ddBB ppooiinntt))::
39 Hz
PPoowweerr HHaannddlliinngg::
ow frequency section: 1,200 W continuous 2,400 W program 4,800 W peak
High fr
equency section: 100 W continuous 200 W program 400 W peak
SSoouunndd pprreessssuurree lleevveell,, 11 WWaatttt,, 11 mmeetteerr iinn aanneecchhooiicc eennvviirroonnmmeenntt::
ull Range: 100 dB SPL, (2.00 V input)
Low frequency section:
100 dB SPL, (2.00 V input)
High fr
equency section:
110 dB SPL, (2.83 V input)
MMaaxxiimmuumm ssoouunndd pprreessssuurree lleevveell ((11 mmeetteerr))::
ull Range: 131 dB SPL continuous 137 dB SPL peak
ow frequency section: 131 dB SPL continuous 137 dB SPL peak
High fr
equency section: 130 dB SPL continuous 136 dB SPL peak
NNoommiinnaall ccoovveerraaggee ppaatttteerrnn::
90˚ horizontal by 40˚ vertical
TTrraannssdduucceerr ccoommpplleemmeenntt::
ow frequency section: 2x 15" woofer, vented 1508-8 CUCP ProRider
High frequency section:
1 x 1.6 in. Exit/100 mm voice coil Compression driver on CD horn 44 XT (w/o adapter)on a CH®942qt
BBooxx ttuunniinngg ffrreeqquueennccyy::
Low frequency section:
47 Hz
HHaarrmmoonniicc DDiissttoorrttiioonn::
1% rated power 2nd harmonic:
100 Hz: 0.18% 1 kHz: 0.40%
d harmonic: 100 Hz: 0.10% 1 kHz: 0.28%
10% rated power 2nd harmonic:
100 Hz: 0.50% 1 kHz: 1.70%
3rd Harmonic:
100 Hz: 0.45% 1 kHz: 0.45%
CCrroossssoovveerr ffrreeqquueennccyy ((iinntteerrnnaall ppaassssiivvee))::
ow frequency - high frequency: 1,200 Hz
TTiimmee OOffffsseett::
Low frequency: delay 0.34 ms High frequency: 0.00 ms
IImmppeeddaannccee ((ZZ))::
ull range: Nominal: 4.0 Ω Minimum: 3.4 Ω
ow frequency: Nominal: 4.0 Ω Minimum: 3.5 Ω
High fr
equency: Nominal: 8.0 Ω Minimum: 7.1 Ω
IInnppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss::
Two 4-pin Neutrik
Speakon®jacks in parallel for full range input, one 4-pin switching Neutrik Speakon jack with a normal 4-pin Speakon jack in parallel with the driver side for bi-amp inputs. Second jack allows daisy chaining when bi-amping.
EEnncclloossuurree mmaatteerriiaallss aanndd ffiinniisshh::
0.720" plywood finished in black Hammer Head
MMoouunnttiinngg pprroovviissiioonnss::
Optional flying version available
DDiimmeennssiioonnss ((HH xx WW xx DD))::
49.25" x 21.13" x 22.69" 1251 mm x 537 mm x 576 mm R
49.25" x 13.78" x 22.69" 1251 mm x 350 mm x 576 mm
NNeett wweeiigghhtt::
136 lbs.(61.8 kg)
• 2,800 W program, 5600 W peak
• Very low power compression
• Quadratic Throat Waveguide
• Double 15" Pro Rider
woofers with
4" VC
• 44XT
4" titanium compression driver
• Low distortion at high SPL
• SoundGuard
44 tweeter protection
• Trapezoidal enclosure design
The QW
-4 has two of the new extra­high power Pro Rider™woofers incorporated, as well as a new compact cabinet design. The QW
-4 is a quasi-
three way speaker system comprised of two 15" Pro Rider™woofers with a Kevlar
impregnated cone, and an 44XT
compression driver loaded onto a CH®942qt constant directivity horn. The QW
-4 has a trapezoidal shaped enclosure, which reduces the build-up of standing waves inside the enclosure, which minimizes mid-bass and mid­range coloration’s due to the cabinet. It is constructed of premium .720" plywood and is covered with a tough, durable black textured Hammer Head
polyurethane coating. A 16 gauge powder-coated perforated metal grille covers the front of the system to protect the speakers from external damage.
The quasi-three way system is comprised of double 15" Pro Rider
woofers with Kevlar®impregnated water­resistant treated cones and dust cap for superior environmental stability. Capable of over 1,200 W total of continuous power handling (AES Std 2-
1984), the Pro Rider woofers together can handle a lot of sheer power. The high frequencies are handled by a 44XT
4" titanium diaphragm compression driver, utilizing ferrofluid cooling, coupled to a CH
942qt constant directivity horn Utilizing Quadratic Throat Waveguide™technology, the CH
942qt is protected under US Patent 6,059,069, and due to this patented geometry, the horn has lower distortion than many popular CD horns. The 44XT driver features the Radialinear Planar Phase Correction System, under US Patent 6,064,745, which provides smoother and extended high frequency response.
Input connection to the system is made via two 4-pin Neutrik jacks in parallel, and a 4-pin Neutrik switching jack is provided for bi-amping flexibility while maintaining superior signal integrity. The inclusion of a standard 4-pin Neutrik jack in parallel on the driver side of the bi-amp switching jack provides for daisy chaining to another cabinet when bi­amping.
The internal passive crossover features Sound Guard
44 tweeter protection circuit, and an advanced topology crossover with high performance components, to provide high power handling and reliability. Peavey’s proprietary high-frequency driver protection circuitry, Sound Guard
provides long and medium term driver
overload protection when the system is used full-range, without impairing musical transients or dynamics. The crossover provides driver roll-off and protection, as well as driver EQ for the woofer and horn, the sum total is a clean, clear and smooth response. High­quality, reliable crossover components include polypropylene capacitors, and high current inductors. The optimal integration of the crossover with the selected drivers results in a smooth frequency response from 50 Hz to 18 kHz.
Despite it’s compact dimensions for a double 15" based enclosure with a 2" throat compression driver, this system can put out some extremely serious sound levels, and take 2,800 Watts program of clean amplifier power, resulting in precise coverage with excellent clarity and high reliability.
FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee
This measurement is useful in determining how accurately a given unit reproduces an input signal. The frequency response of the QW
-4 is measured at a distance of 1-meter using a 1 Watt (into the nominal impedance) swept-sine input signal. As shown in Figure 1, the selected drivers in the QW
-4 combine to give a smooth frequency response from 50 Hz to 18 kHz.
PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg
There are many different approaches to power handling ratings. Peavey rates this loudspeaker system’s power handling using a full-range form of the AES Standard 2-1984. Using audio band 20 Hz to 20 kHz pink noise with peaks of four times the RMS level, this strenuous test signal assures the user that every portion of this system can withstand today's high technology music. This rating is contingent upon having a minimum of 3 dB of amplifier headroom available.
HHaarrmmoonniicc ddiissttoorrttiioonn
Second and third harmonic distortions vs. frequency are plotted in Figures 3 and 4 for two power levels. Ten percent (10%) of rated input power and either one percent (1%) of rated input power or one watt, whichever is greater. Distortion is read from the graph as the difference between the fundamental signal (frequency response) and the desired harmonic. As an example, a
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