• 2,000 Watts program, 4,000 Watts
• Very low power compression
• Pro Rider
15" woofer with 4" voice
• RX22
2" titanium compression driver
• Quadratic Throat Waveguide
• Low distortion at high SPL
• Sound Guard
III high frequency
driver protection
The QW 3 is a three-way, full-range
loudspeaker system employing a newly
developed Pro Rider 15" woofer and an
RX22 compression driver loaded by the
high frequency section of a CH-746qt
Quadratic Throat Waveguide. The 6.5"
driver, loaded by the mid frequency
section of the CH-746qt, handles the
The QW 3’s shape helps reduce the
build up of standing waves inside the
enclosure, which minimizes mid-bass
and mid-range coloration. It is
constructed of premium 18 mm poplar
plywood and covered with a tough,
durable, black textured Hammer Head
polyurethane coating. A 16-gauge,
powder-coated, perforated metal grille
covers the front of the system to protect
the speakers from external damage.
The 15" Pro Rider woofer features a
impregnated, water-resistant
treated cone and dust cap for superior
environmental stability. An RX22 2"
titanium diaphragm compression driver
handles the high frequencies and
features the Radialinear Planar Phase
Correction System (U.S. Patent
6,064,745), which provides smoother
and extended high frequency response.
This driver and the specially-developed,
ferrofluid-cooled 6.5" mid-range driver
are loaded by the CH-746qt Quadratic
Throat Waveguide (U.S. Patent
6,059,069). This device provides
unparalleled clarity and low distortion
through the mid and high frequency
portions of the audio spectrum.
Full-range input to the system is made
via two 4-pin Neutrik
jacks in parallel. A
4-pin Neutrik switching jack provides biamp input flexibility while maintaining
superior signal integrity. The inclusion of
a standard 4-pin Neutrik jack in parallel
on the driver side of the bi-amp
switching jack allows daisy-chaining to
another cabinet for bi-amp operation.
The internal passive crossover features
the Sound Guard III high frequency
driver protection circuit and an advanced
topology crossover with high
performance components to provide
high power handling and reliability.
Sound Guard provides medium- and
long-term driver overload protection
without impairing musical transients or
dynamics. The crossover provides driver
roll-off and protection as well as driver
EQ for the woofer and horn sections of
the loudspeaker. The result is a clean,
clear and smooth response. High quality,
reliable crossover components include
polypropylene capacitors and high
current inductors. The optimal
integration of the crossover with the
selected drivers results in a smooth
frequency response from the QW 3.
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee
This measurement is useful in
determining how accurately a given unit
reproduces an input signal. The
frequency response of the QW 3 is
measured at a distance of 1 meter using
a 1 Watt swept-sine input signal (into the
nominal impedance). As shown in Figure
1, the selected drivers in the QW 3
combine to give a smooth frequency
response from 50 Hz – 16 kHz.
Beamwidth is derived from the -6 dB
points from the polar plots (see Figure
3), which are measured in a whole space
anechoic environment. Q and Directivity
Index are plotted for the on-axis
measurement position. These
specifications provide a reference to the
coverage characteristics of the unit. The
parameters indicate proper placement
and installation in the chosen
environment. The blending of
components in the QW 3 exhibit a
desirable beamwidth and directivity
(Figures 3 and 4) suitable for sound
reinforcement applications.
PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg
There are many different approaches to
power handling ratings. Peavey rates
this loudspeaker system’s power
handling using a full-range form of the
AES Standard 2-1984. Using audio band
20 Hz to 20 kHz pink noise with peaks of
four times the RMS level, this strenuous
test signal assures the user that every
portion of this system can withstand
today’s high technology music. This
rating is conditional upon having a
minimum of 3 dB available amplifier
HHaarrmmoonniicc ddiissttoorrttiioonn
Graphs representing second and third
harmonic distortions vs. frequency are
plotted in Figures 3 and 4 for two power
levels: 10% of rated input power and
either 1% of rated input power or 1 Watt,
whichever is greater. Distortion is read
from the graph as the difference
between the fundamental signal
(frequency response) and the desired
harmonic. For example, a distortion
curve that is down 40 dB from the
fundamental is equivalent to 1%
This loudspeaker system is not
designed for overhead suspension.
AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall aanndd eennggiinneeeerriinngg
This loudspeaker system has an
operating bandwidth of 50 Hz – 16 kHz
and a nominal output level of 96.0 dB
when measured at a distance of 1 meter
and an input of 1 Watt. The nominal
impedance is 8.0 Ohms. It has a
maximum continuous power handling of
1,000 Watts, maximum program power
of 2,000 Watts and a peak power input
of at least 4,000 Watts, with a minimum
amplifier headroom of 3 dB. The
nominal radiation geometry is 85˚ in the
horizontal plane and 45˚ in the vertical
plane. The outside dimensions are
37.25" high by 21.00" wide by 22.75"
deep, and the system weighs 100 lbs.
For details, refer to the
warranty statement. Copies of
this statement may be obtained
by contacting Peavey Electronics
Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian,
Mississippi 39301-2898.