The QW
-118 incorporates one of the new
extra-high power Low Rider
18" woofers
and a new compact cabinet design. The
QW-118 is a direct radiator subwoofer
designed specifically for the high end proaudio user.
The new Low Rider 18" driver is a
milestone in high-power subwoofer
design. An incredible 1,600 Watt program
rating and extra-long cone excursion come
together to produce amazing new levels of
clean, deep bass. This makes the QW-118
a superior choice for the bottom end of
any high powered sound system.
The QW-118 is unusually compact for its
power handling, SPL output, distortion
performance and bass extension. This is
made possible by special characteristics
designed into the Low Rider woofer.
The QW-118 is well braced and very stiff,
as internal pressures produced by the Low
Rider woofer can be very high. The vent
design integrated into the enclosure
includes a vertical brace to further
increase enclosure stiffness.
The QW-118 vent’s large area and long
path length allow for a large volume of air
to move with very low resistance. This is
important due to the massive air flow
volumes that the Low Rider woofer can
The QW-118 is constructed of premium
.720" plywood and is covered with a
tough, durable black Hammer-Head
polyurethane coating, making this system
rugged and extremely roadworthy. A 16gauge, powder-coated, perforated metal
grille covers the front of the system to
protect the speakers from external
Input connection to the system is made
via two four-pin Neutrik jacks in parallel,
an eight-pin Neutrik, and a four-pin
thru jack is provided for biamping flexibility while maintaining
superior signal integrity. The inclusion of a
standard four-pin Neutrik jack in parallel
allows for daisy chaining to another
cabinet when bi-amping.
Despite its compact dimensions for a
single 18" bass enclosure, this system can
produce some extremely serious sound.
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee
This measurement is useful in determining
how accurately a given unit reproduces an
input signal. The frequency response of
the QW-118 is measured at a distance of 1
meter using a 1 Watt (into the nominal
impedance) swept-sine input signal. As
shown in Figure 1, the selected drivers in
the QW-118 combine to give a smooth
frequency response from 47 Hz to 1.5 kHz.
PPoowweerr hhaannddlliinngg
There are many different approaches to
power handling ratings. Peavey rates this
loudspeaker system’s power handling
using a modified form of the AES Standard
2-1984. Using audio band 40 Hz to 400 Hz
pink noise with peaks of four times the
RMS level, this strenuous test signal
assures the user that every portion of this
system can withstand today’s high
technology music. This rating is contingent
upon having a minimum of 3 dB of
amplifier headroom available.
HHaarrmmoonniicc ddiissttoorrttiioonn
Second and third harmonic distortions vs.
frequency are plotted in Figures 3 and 4
for two power levels. Ten percent (10%) of
rated input power and either one percent
(1%) of rated input power or one watt,
whichever is greater. Distortion is read
from the graph as the difference between
the fundamental signal (frequency
response) and the desired harmonic. As an
example, a distortion curve that is down
40 dB from the fundamental is equivalent
to 1% distortion.
AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall aanndd eennggiinneeeerriinngg
The loudspeaker system shall have an
operating bandwidth of 47 Hz – 1.5 kHz.
The nominal output level shall be 97 dB
when measured at a distance of one meter
with an input of one watt. The nominal
impedance shall be 8 Ohms. The
maximum continuous power handling
shall be 800 Watts, maximum program
power of 1,600 Watts and a peak power
input of at least 3200 Watts, with a
minimum amplifier headroom of 3 dB. The
outside dimensions shall be 28.38" high
by 21.00" wide by 26.75" deep. The
weight shall be 85 pounds. The
loudspeaker system shall be a model
For details, refer to the
warranty statement. Copies of
this statement may be obtained
by contacting Peavey Electronics
Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian,
Mississippi 39301-2898.