Peavey Freq-Out Specifications

Freq-Out™24-Bit ProcessorSpecifications
MMEECCHHAANNIICCAALL DDiimmeennssiioonnss:: (H x W x D) 1.75” x 19” x 9” (4.4 cm x 48.3 cm x 22.9 cm) WWeeiigghhtt::
7.1 lbs. (3.95 kg) MMoouunnttiinngg:: One EIA rack space CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss:: Balanced combo female XLR/female 1/4” TRS for input Separate balanced male XLR and female 1/4” TRS for output RS-232 DB-9 for PC interface
PPEERRFFOORRMMAANNCCEE SSaammppllee RRaattee:: 48 kHz CCoonnvveerrtteerrss:: 24- bit FFrreeqquueennccyy RReessppoonnssee:: +/- 0.5 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz, ref. 1 kHz) SSiiggnnaall--ttoo--NNooiissee:: Greater than 105 dB (typical) TToottaall HHaarrmmoonniicc DDiissttoorrttiioonn ++ NNooiissee:: Less than 0.005% (typical) IInnppuutt IImmppeeddaannccee:: 40 k Ohms
OOuuttppuutt IImmppeeddaannccee:: 120 Ohms
• 16 available feedback filters (eight dynamic, eight static)
• 1/12 octave filter bandwidth
• 30 dB maximum filter depth
• lnput sensitivity selectable between -10 dBV and +4 dBV (+4 dBu and +18 dBu)
• Output level selectable between
-10 dBV and +4 dBV (+4 dBu and +18 dBu)
• Signal presence and clip LEDs
• Four filter configuration presets
• System bypass control
• “Wide” control (increases filter
width and depth)
• “Panic” filters to control sudden,
extreme feedback
• LED indicators for active notch filters
The Freq-Out
is basically a very sophisticated filter set. It includes sixteen notch filters configured for 1/12 octave performance in normal operation. The filters operate using
Freq-Out™24-Bit ProcessorSpecifications
“seek & destroy” algorithms to find, lock in on, and reduce offending frequencies. The reduc­tion of the offending frequency is minimal, using only enough attenuation to contain the feed­back without affecting tonal qual­ity. The attenuation happens very quickly and is difficult to even notice that it is taking place.
Essentially, what happens is this. When the Freq-Out locates an offending frequency, it applies a notch filter, beginning with fil­ter number 16. This filter is cen­tered at the feedback frequency with an attenuation of
-3 dB. Then, if the feedback con­tinues, the filter depth is progres­sively increased until the feed­back is gone, or maximum atten­uation is reached. If the feedback is momentary, such as a short squeal, the filter will release in .1 dB steps until the feedback re­occurs, or the filter is returned to flat (0 dB) response. Once returned to flat, it is then avail­able for further use. If the filter depth is continually increased at the same frequency, the filter will become “locked” at the offend-
ing frequency until the unit is reset. As feedback occurs at dif­ferent frequencies, the process continues as additional filters are engaged. Monitoring continues as the Freq-Out attempts to release each filter a tenth of a dB at a time.The unit maintains a constant vigil in search of feed­back frequencies and applies only enough attenuation to elimi­nate the feedback, no more ... no less.
The Peavey Freq-Out
shall be a digital feedback eliminator sys­tem. It shall provide balanced input via a combo female XLR/female 1/4" TRS connector, and balanced output via separate male XLR and 1/4" TRS connec­tors. A RS-232 DB-9 connection shall be provided for PC inter­face. Input sensitivity and output level shall be switchable between
-10 dBV and +4 dBV (+4 dBu and +18 dBu). Input impedance shall be 40 k Ohms, and output imped­ance shall be 120 Ohms.
The Freq-Out shall provide a
48 kHz sample rate and utilize 24-bit converters. It shall have a frequency response of +/- 0.5 dB or better from 20 Hz to 20 kHz referenced at 1 kHz. Signal-to­noise ratio (S/N) shall be greater than 105 dB (typical), and total harmonic distortion + noise (THD/N) shall be less than
0.005% (typical). The Freq-Out shall provide 16
available feedback filters (8 dynamic, 8 static). Filter band­width shall be 1/12 octave and maximum filter depth shall be 30 dB.
The unit shall be 19" (48.3 cm)
wide x 1.75" (4.4 cm) high x 9" (22.9 cm) deep and weigh 7.1 lbs. (3.95 kg). It shall be rack-mount­able with an EIA standard of one unit. The system shall be the Peavey Freq-Out.
NOTE: For details, refer to the warranty statement. Copies of this statement may be obtained by contacting Peavey Electronics Corporation, P.O. Box 2898, Meridian, Mississippi 39302-2898.
Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian, MS 39301 601-483-5376 • Fax 601-486-1678 • ©2001 Printed in USA 4/02
Specifications are subject to change without notice.