Peavey CinemAcoustics CA-S7330 Install Manual

Step 1. Install the upper bracket to the midrange horn as
shown with two 1/4" x 7/8" machine screws and flatwashers. With the horn right side up, the protruding flange with the center hole of the upper bracket will be on the left when facing the cabinet back.
base with the t-nut side down. Install the lower bracket to the separate plywood horn base as shown with two 1/4" x 7/8" machine screws and flatwashers.
Step 3. Position the midrange horn upside down on a flat
surface. Align the half of the hinge with the center hole with the center hole of the midrange horn’s front edge. Make sure that the hinge pivot pin is toward the front. Install three #8 machine screws into the three t-nuts in the horn.
Step 4. Align the front edge of the plywood midrange horn
base flush with the pivot of the remaining hinge half. The bracket installed in S tep 2 above, needs to be on the same side of the plywood base as the hinge. Install four #8 x 3/4" wood screws through the hinge into the plywood base.
Step 5. Position the midrange horn and plywood base
assembly right side up on top of the low frequency speaker cabinet. Align the four pivot holes and slots in the base with those in the speaker cabinet. Loosely install four 1/4" x 1 1/4" machine bolts and flatwashers through the base into the low frequency cabinet.
Step 6. Loosely assemble the two extension arms by
inserting two 1/4" x 7/8" machine screws, flatwasher, lockwasher, and nut.
Step 7. Loosely assemble the extension arm assembly to
the upper bracket with a 1/4" x 7/8" machine screw, flatwasher, lockwasher, and nut.
Step 8. Similarly, assembly the bottom end of the extension
arm assembly to the lower bracket with a 1/4" x 7/8" machine screw, flatwasher, lockwasher, and nut.
Step 9. On a separate surface, install the CH-7 horn into
the front of the high frequency horn baffle with six 1/4" Phillips head screws and flatwashers.
Upper Bracket (Step 1)
(Step 3)
(Step 4)
Lower Bracket (Step 2)
Step 10. Position the CH-7 horn bracket up against the
CH-7 horn throat with the bottom of the metal flange facing toward the rear base edge. Two holes in the metal bracket and in the base should be in reasonable alignment. Install the 44XT
driver to the horn throat with four 1/4" x 3/4" machine screws and flatwashers.
Step 11. Position the CH-7/44XT and bracket assembly
onto the top of the midrange horn. The horns should align at the front edge. Install two 1/4" x 1 1/4" machine screws and flatwashers through the 44XT bracket, wood base, and into two t-nut holes provided in the midrange horn top. Do not overtighten.
Step 12. T ilt and pivot the midrange horn assembly as
required by the room area coverage and tighten all pivot and extension arm hardware.
Extension Arm Assembly
Scale .250
(Step 6)
(Step 10)
(Step 11)
(Step 7)
(Step 8)
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Peavey Electronics Corporation • 711 AStreet • Meridian • MS • 39301
(601) 483-5365 • FAX (601) 486-1278 •
©1999 Printed in the U.S.A. 6/99