Peavey Automix 80304050 User Manual

Cover for Automix™
Intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
Intended to alert the user of the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.
CAUTION: Risk of electrical shock – DO NOT OPEN! CAUTION: To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove cover. No user serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to
appliance, read the operating guide for further warnings.
Este símbolo tiene el propósito de alertar al usuario de la presencia de "(voltaje) peligroso" que no tiene aislamiento dentro de la caja del producto que puede tener una magnitud suficiente como para constituir riesgo de corrientazo.
Este símbolo tiene el propósito de alertar al usario de la presencia de instruccones importantes sobre la operación y mantenimiento en la literatura que viene con el producto.
PRECAUCION: Riesgo de corrientazo – No abra. PRECAUCION: Para disminuír el riesgo de corrientazo, no abra la cubierta. No hay piezas adentro que el usario pueda
reparar. Deje todo mantenimiento a los técnicos calificados. ADVERTENCIA: Para evitar corrientazos o peligro de incendio, no deje expuesto a la lluvia o humedad este aparato
Antes de usar este aparato, lea más advertencias en la guía de operación.
Ce symbole est utilisé pur indiquer à l'utilisateur la présence à l'intérieur de ce produit de tension non-isolée dangereuse pouvant être d'intensité suffisante pour constituer un risque de choc électrique.
Ce symbole est utilisé pour indiquer à l'utilisateur qu'il ou qu'elle trouvera d'importantes instructions sur l'utilisation et l'entretien (service) de l'appareil dans la littérature accompagnant le produit.
ATTENTION: Risques de choc électrique – NE PAS OUVRIR! ATTENTION: Afin de réduire le risque de choc électrique, ne pas enlever le couvercle. Il ne se trouve à l'intérieur
aucune pièce pouvant être réparée par l'utilisateur. Confier l'entretien à un personnel qualifié. AVERTISSEMENT: Afin de prévenir les risques de décharge électrique ou de feu, n'exposez pas cet appareil à la pluie
ou à l'humidité. Avant d'utiliser cet appareil, lisez les avertissements supplémentaires situés dans le guide.
Dieses Symbol soll den Anwender vor unisolierten gefährlichen Spannungen innerhalb des Gehäuses warnen, die von Ausreichender Stärke sind, um einen elektrischen Schlag verursachen zu können.
Dieses Symbol soll den Benutzer auf wichtige Instruktionen in der Bedienungsanleitung aufmerksam machen, die Handhabung und Wartung des Produkts betreffen.
VORSICHT: Risiko – Elektrischer Schlag! Nicht öffnen! VORSICHT: Um das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlages zu vermeiden, nicht die Abdeckung enfernen. Es befinden sich
keine Teile darin, die vom Anwender repariert werden könnten. Reparaturen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal durchführen lassen.
ACHTUNG: Um einen elektrischen Schlag oder Feuergefahr zu vermeiden, sollte dieses Gerät nicht dem Regen oder Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt werden. Vor Inbetriebnahme unbedingt die Bedienungsanleitung lesen.
Thank you for purchasing the Automix™! The Architectural Acoustics Automix is a high quality automatic mixer with eight transformer balanced, Mic/Line inputs. Each Mic/Line preamp provides a gain control, phantom power (mic inputs), low cut filter, activity/clipping LED, and a choice between manual or automatic operation. Each channel can be muted externally or multiple channels can be muted externally via an assignable mutebus. In addition, channels one and two provide adjustable priority and a signal processor loop. The master section provides a gain trim control, three sweepable notch filters, a downward expander, a transformer balanced output, and a remote volume port.
The Automix has been designed so that multiple units can easily be linked together to form a single mixer with many more inputs (16, 24, 32...). The Automix is supplied with a plexiglass security panel to prevent changes to the installers settings. The Automix is packaged as a stand-alone unit, but will also rack-mount into a standard 19" rack with optional rack-mount kit.
The Peavey Automix is a classic "automatic mixer" combining several time proven techniques to deliver maximum gain before feedback in an easy to setup and easy to use configuration.
The Automix uses VCAs (voltage controlled amplifiers) and gain computing circuits in each channel to ride the gain downward as more microphones become active. By dropping the gain 3 dB every time the number of active microphones double, the overall system gain remains at unity for ideal gain before feedback performance.
A precision rectifier and logarithmic converter in each channel computes the amplitude of the audio signal present at each microphone in real time. This channel amplitude, in decibels, is then compared to the amplitude of the sum of all the channels, also in decibels. A simple computing circuit calculates the math­ematical difference between these two amplitudes and feeds the product to the VCA as a gain control signal.
To better grasp how this works, let me offer a few examples. If we take the case of one person speaking into a microphone, the amplitude in that channel will be virtually identical to the "sum of all channels" amplitude. The difference between these two equal amplitudes is "0." When 0 dB is fed to the VCA control port, the result is unity gain for that channel. All of the other channels, with no one speaking, will exhibit significantly lower amplitudes. When compared to the "sum," which contains a nominal signal, negative numbers result. These negative numbers, presented to the VCAs of non active channels, command further attenuation of the noise and leakage present at these non active channels.
A second more interesting example is two people speaking simultaneously. To simplify this example, let's assume they're both speaking with the same loudness. As these two sources are incoherent, i.e. not identi­cal, they will sum as the square root of the sum of the squares or 3 dB more than either individually. When each channel's amplitude is compared to this +3 dB sum, it's VCA will be commanded to attenuate 3 dB. As
before, the non active channels will be further attenuated. The elegance of this approach is really apparent in this next case. Assume a person is stationed exactly equidistant from two microphones. The identical signal arriving at both channels, being coherent, will sum linearly to +6 dB in the sum of all channels. This results in the two channels being turned down 6 dB. Being coherent, these two identical signals summed at -6 dB will add up to unity.
These gain relationships hold true no matter how many microphones are active and whether or not signals are coherent. Since all computations are done in the Log domain, it doesn't matter what the actual ampli­tudes are, only the relative amplitudes between signals.
Front Panel:
Manual Mode: In the manual mode the Channel Level controls provide 6 dB of gain above nominal unity
and 50 dB of attenuation. Auto Mode: In auto mode the controls still provide 50 dB of attenuation, but the control does not add gain
to the overall system level. Instead, when the level is adjusted above 0, the other channels are attenuated to make the channel sound louder in the mix without adding to the system gain.
The “Master Level” controls the overall output level. The range is set for 10 dB of gain above and 40 dB of attenuation below, nominal unity.
Note: The operating range of this control is reduced by the setting of the internal gain trim.
Depress the switch to the "on" position. The red LED will illuminate indicating power is being supplied to the unit.
Internal Front Panel:
11 12
13 14
PRIORITY (Channels 1 and 2 only) (4)
Turning the “priority” control clockwise allows one channel to override the others. It does this by tricking the gain computing circuits into thinking this channel is louder than the others. Up to 9 dB of priority is available.
This control sets the input gain in each preamp. The amount of gain is adjustable from +25 dB to +55 dB (Mic Input).
Each channel has a four station DIP switch that controls the following functions in each channel.
This switch determines whether the channel is operating in the automatic or manual mode.
This switch is used to connect the channel to the system mutebus. This allows multiple inputs to be muted under external control. NOTE: See MUTEBUS (21).
This switch selects the low cut filter. The low cut filter provides a low frequency roll-off that will help minimize unwanted noise (handling of mics, bumping of tables, etc.). The roll off starts at 75 Hz (-3 dB) and is a 6 dB per octave filter.
When this switch is in the PHAN position, +12 volts of phantom power are supplied to the Mic ± terminals. This provides power for condenser mics and should be defeated when using dynamic microphones or unbalanced inputs.
The LED will glow green when the channel is active and the status output is low (0 V). The LED will start to glow red 6 dB before the preamp begins to clip.
The Automix notch filter consists of three sweepable 1/3 octave filters with 0 to 15 dB of cut. These filters can be used to attenuate frequencies that are prone to feedback without adversely affecting the tonal quality of the system. Equalizing these problem frequencies out of the room's frequency response increases the sound system gain before feedback.
Notch Filter Level Control (11): The notch filter level control adjusts the amount of cut at the frequency selected by the corresponding frequency control (12). It is adjustable from 0 dB to 15 dB of cut.
Notch Filter Frequency Control (12): The notch filter frequency control is used to select the center frequency of the notch filter. The bottom filter has a range of 40 Hz to 925 Hz. The middle filter has a range of 260 Hz to 6 kHz. The top filter has a range of 500 Hz to 12 kHz.
The downward expander can be used to attenuate the system gain when all of the input signals are low. This can be used to prevent background room noise from being amplified.
Setting the Downward Expander:
Have someone speak into a microphone at the softest level you expect to encounter. Slowly turn the down­ward expander clockwise until the background noise between words is attenuated. Be careful not to go too far. The more downward expander that is used, the less “natural” sounding the system will become.
This method will get you to a good starting point, but the best way to set the downward expander is during an actual meeting or event. While doing this, the downward expander can be adjusted for the best sound. If you have to deal with both loud and quiet events, you will need to trade off between natural sounding ambi­ent and background noise.
The Master Gain Trim sets the maximum overall system gain. This control should be set with the front panel master gain at maximum (all channels at unity) and external power amps turned up and locked at opera­tional settings. When trimmed to a safe margin below feedback, no combination of user controls can cause feedback. This trim provides up to 25 dB of attenuation.
Back Panel:
2423 15
18 19 20
For use with low impedance microphones or low level sources. This is a transformer balanced input with an impedance of 2,000 ohms.
LINE INPUTS (Channels 3-8) (16)
These allow line level inputs to be used in channels 3-8. This is a transformer balanced input through a 30 dB resistive pad. Input impedance is 2,000 ohms.
Each channel has a set of direct output terminals that can be used for recording or anytime the output of an individual channel is required. The level of this signal is independent of “Automix” gain manipulations.
MUTE (18)
Channels can be muted individually by shorting this terminal to ground. It provides approximately 45 dB of attenuation.
figure 1 Mute
The status is a DC logic output that is low (0 volts) when the channel is active and high (3.8 volts) when the channel is not active. This DC voltage can be used to key video cameras or trigger key lights on active microphones.
LOOP (Channels 1 and 2) (20)
This is a signal loop that allows an external device such as an EQ to be inserted into the signal path of the first two channels. When used without external processing these loops are hardwired.
CEQ 280
figure 2 Loop
The Mutebus is a control port that when shorted to ground will mute all channels that are assigned to the mutebus (approximately 45 dB). The channels to be muted must be attached to the mutebus using the internal switch marked OFF/MBUS. (See number 7).
figure 3 Mutebus
The master level of the mixer can be controlled remotely with a simple connection on the back of the unit. A 10 K to 100 K potentiometer can be wired as shown in the drawing below. A 10 K pot will provide approxi­mately 0 to 25 dB of attenuation. A 100 K pot will provide 0 to 45 dB of attenuation. If desired, a control voltage can be inserted to command 0 to 70 dB of attenuation. The internal gain trim must be set full CW to achieve the maximum attenuation range of the remote volume.
NOTE: The control voltage should never exceed 13 volts DC.
figure 4 Remote Volume
To increase the number of inputs available, multiple Peavey Automix's can be linked together. Linking automixers is a very simple process. It can be done with a small flathead screwdriver and a length of two conductor shielded wire.
a. Using the small screwdriver, remove the factory installed jumper wires in the link port from the slave unit.
remove »
remove »
figure 5 Link Port
b. Connect the mixers with the shielded wire as shown.
figure 6 Link Port
You now have a 16 (or more) channel automatic mixer. Any unit can be used for the system output. The notch filter and master controls will only affect that unit's output.
NOTE: When configuring multiple units, the wire jumpers in the ALOAD and the CLOAD must be left in one unit and one unit only.
The master output is a 600 ohm, transformer balanced output that can be used to feed an external power amplifier. It is at this point that the automatically mixed or the manually mixed output is accessed.
1. Wiring Inputs and Outputs:
For best results it is recommended that a two-conductor shielded cable is used for all input and output connections. When making connections remember to observe proper polarity. The recommended strip length for the screw terminal connectors is 1/2".
2. Initial Control Settings:
Channel Levels (Faceplate) - (Full CCW) Channel Gain Trims (Internal) - (Full CCW) Priority (Internal) - (Full CCW) Notch Controls (Internal) - (Full CCW) Downward Expander (Internal) - (Full CCW) Master Level (Faceplate) - (Full CW) Master Level (Internal) - (Full CCW) All channels in auto mode
3. Setting the Channel Level:
Set the front panel control (of the channel that is being adjusted) to the middle (12 o’clock) position. Connect a mic or line input to one channel. While someone is speaking into the mic (in a way that it would normally be used), slowly increase the channel gain trim until a slight ringing (feedback) is heard. Turn the channel gain trim down slowly until the ringing is no longer audible. This is the maximum level that the gain trim should be set. Turn the external channel level control down (full CCW).
NOTE: The internal master gain trim may need to be turned up (CW) if the channels can be easily driven into clipping, or feedback cannot be obtained in the normal operating range of the internal gain trim control. Repeat this step for the remaining channels.
4. Return all of the external channel level controls to their mid position (0).
5. Setting the Notch Filter:
The Notch Filter can be set in several different ways. It can be set using test equipment to pinpoint frequen­cies that are prone to feedback, or it can be set “by ear.” For the purpose of this manual the “by ear” method will be described.
a. Slowly increase the master gain trim (internal) until a slight ringing is audible. b. Select the proper frequency range and turn the corresponding level control CW to about the 12 o’clock
position. c. Slowly turn the frequency control back and forth until the ringing is no longer audible. d. Again slowly increase the master gain trim until ringing is heard. If this is a different frequency, repeat
steps 2 and 3. If it is not a different frequency, try turning the frequency control while listening to the feedback. Stop when the frequency that is feeding back is reduced. If the feedback is still audible turn the level control CW toward the -15 until the feedback is gone.
e. Set the Master Level Control (external) for the desired overall output level. The mixer’s levels are now set and the mixer’s other features (downward expander, Lo cut and priority) can be set as desired for the application.
f. Attach the security plexiglass with the four supplied screws. This will prevent any unwanted tampering with the settings.
Nominal Out = +2 dBu (1 volt)
-122 dBu (terminated 150 ohms)
25 dB to 55 dB
2,000 ohms (transformer balanced)
+12 volts at Mic ± terminals
-65 dBu
PRIORITY (Channels 1 & 2):
0 dB to 9 dB
20 Hz to 20 kHz, +1/-2 dB at nominal
+20 dBu (Hi-Z load) +16 dBm (600 ohm load)
0 dB to 70 dB of attenuation
0 dB to -70 dB
Channel is attenuated 45 dB when mute to ground connection is made.
Multiple channels can be attenuated 45 dB when mutebus to ground connection is made.
-3 dB at 75 Hz (6 dB per octave)
COMMON MODE (rejection ratio):
-85 dB
OUTPUT IMPEDANCE (transformer balanced):
600 ohms (nominal)
< 0.1 % at nominal
Status is low (0 V) when channel is active. It is high (3.8 V) when channel is not active.
AC 120 volts, 60 Hz Domestic AC 230 volts, 50/60 Hz Export 15 watts
10.8 lbs
3-1/2" H x 17" W x 10-1/8" D
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features and specifications listed herein are subject to change without notice.
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