PEAK COMMUNICATIONS UPC7000 Series Installation And Operating Handbook

Handbook Issue 2.03, 22nd January 2018
Unit 1, The Woodvale Centre, Woodvale Road,
Brighouse, West Yorkshire
Phone +44 (0)1484 714200
Fax +44 (0)1484 723666
Installation and Operating Handbook
UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power
Covers software version 1.68 and above
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 2
Table of Contents
CUSTOMER CARE ...................................................................................................................................... 5
PRODUCT COMPLIANCE........................................................................................................................... 6
Safety ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
EMC .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 General product overview & principles of operation ........................................................................... 7
1.2 Functional description ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Internal Beacon Receiver – Functional description & operating suggestions. ........................... 10
1.3 UPC7000 Specifications ................................................................................................................... 11
1.3.1 Input Section .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.3.2 UPC Section ............................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.3 Output Section ............................................................................................................................ 13
1.3.4 General ....................................................................................................................................... 14
1.4 Review of UPC7000 Specification parameters ................................................................................. 14
1.4.1 External Beacon Receiver ....................................................................................................... 15 External Beacon Receiver Input .......................................................................................... 15
1.4.2 Internal Beacon Receiver DownConverter section ............................................................... 15 DownConverter Input ........................................................................................................... 15 DownConverter resolution ................................................................................................... 15 DownConverter Conversion Gain ........................................................................................ 15 Auxiliary DC output .............................................................................................................. 15 10MHz reference output ...................................................................................................... 15
1.4.3 Internal Beacon Receiver Tracking Section .......................................................................... 15 Tracking Output ................................................................................................................... 15 Tracking Level ..................................................................................................................... 15 Sweep Range ...................................................................................................................... 16 Sweep Rate ......................................................................................................................... 16 Post Detection Time Constant ............................................................................................. 16 Log Output Scale ................................................................................................................. 16 DC Output Adjustment ......................................................................................................... 16 PLL Noise Bandwidth .......................................................................................................... 16 Threshold for Reacquisition ................................................................................................. 16 ASB Sweep Rate ............................................................................................................... 16 ASB Threshold................................................................................................................... 16
1.4.4 Internal Beacon Receiver Video Section ............................................................................... 16 Video Input ........................................................................................................................... 16 Video Resolution .................................................................................................................. 16 Vertical Resolution ............................................................................................................... 17 Video Section Attenuator ..................................................................................................... 17 Reference frequency ........................................................................................................... 17
1.4.5 UPC Section .............................................................................................................................. 17 Compensation Range .......................................................................................................... 17 Step Size. ............................................................................................................................ 17 Compensation ratio. ............................................................................................................ 17 Slew Rate. ........................................................................................................................... 18 Sample Period. .................................................................................................................... 18
1.4.6 Output Section ......................................................................................................................... 18 Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Input. ......................................................... 18 Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Output. ...................................................... 18 Optional Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Bypass Connections. ................. 18 1dB Gain Compression Point. ............................................................................................. 18 Insertion Loss and Attenuation. ........................................................................................... 19 Gain Flatness....................................................................................................................... 19
1.5 Mechanical description ..................................................................................................................... 19
1.6 Front panel description ..................................................................................................................... 20
1.7 Rear panel description ...................................................................................................................... 20
1.7.1 Chassis Earth stud ..................................................................................................................... 20
Page 3 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
1.7.2 Rx In ........................................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.3 Rx Out/ External Beacon Input ................................................................................................... 21
1.7.4 Ext Ref........................................................................................................................................ 21
1.7.5 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘In’. ........................................................................................... 21
1.7.6 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘Out’. ........................................................................................ 21
1.7.7 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘Bypass’. .................................................................................. 21
1.7.8 Alarms connector ....................................................................................................................... 21
1.7.9 RS232/RS485 Remote Control connector ................................................................................. 21
1.7.10 Redundancy ............................................................................................................................. 22
1.7.11 Ethernet connector ................................................................................................................... 22
1.8 Fault philosophy ................................................................................................................................ 22
2. INSTALLATION ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1 Care of Your Product ........................................................................................................................ 24
2.1.1 Handling ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.2 Unpacking and Inspection .......................................................................................................... 24
2.1.3 Storage ....................................................................................................................................... 24
2.1.4 Cleaning & Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 25
2.2 Mechanical Installation Considerations ............................................................................................. 25
2.2.1 Mounting ..................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.2 Cooling ....................................................................................................................................... 25
2.3 Prime Power Supply & Connection ................................................................................................... 26
2.3.1 Fuses.......................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.2 Earthing ...................................................................................................................................... 27
2.4 Other Interface Connections ............................................................................................................. 27
2.4.1 Internal Beacon Receiver L-band Connection............................................................................ 27
2.4.2 Internal Beacon Receiver SHF Connection................................................................................ 27
2.4.3 Internal Beacon Receiver Auxiliary Output Connection ............................................................. 27
2.4.4 External Beacon Receiver DC Input Connection ....................................................................... 28
2.4.5 External Reference Input Connection ........................................................................................ 28
2.4.6 UpLink Channel Compensation Connections – In, Out, Bypass ................................................ 28
2.4.7 Alarms Interface Connection ...................................................................................................... 28
2.4.8 Remote Serial Communications Interface (RS-232/RS-485) ..................................................... 29
2.4.9 Redundancy Interface Connector............................................................................................... 30
3.1 Home menu ...................................................................................................................................... 34
3.1.1 Operating displays ...................................................................................................................... 34 UPC Display ........................................................................................................................ 34 Rx Level Display Screens .................................................................................................... 35 Internal Beacon Receiver .................................................................................................. 35 External Beacon Receiver ................................................................................................. 35 Beacon Video Display Screen (only shown if internal Beacon Receiver is fitted) ............... 35
3.1.2 Status screen ............................................................................................................................. 36
3.1.3 Configuration screen .................................................................................................................. 36 UPC Configure..................................................................................................................... 37 Calibration ......................................................................................................................... 38 Clear Sky ....................................................................................................................... 38 Clear Sky Offset ............................................................................................................ 38 Tracking Configuration screen (internal tracking only) ...................................................... 42 External Beacon Configuration screen (external tracking receiver only) ........................... 49 EXP Configure ..................................................................................................................... 50 Pilot Configure ..................................................................................................................... 51 Remote Control ................................................................................................................... 53 Set remote mode .............................................................................................................. 53 Setup RS485 .................................................................................................................... 53 Setup RS232 .................................................................................................................... 53 Set Protocol ...................................................................................................................... 53 Ethernet (Optional) ........................................................................................................... 53 Redundancy ......................................................................................................................... 54 Identifier ............................................................................................................................ 55 Change Over .................................................................................................................... 55 List Units In System .......................................................................................................... 55
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 4
3.1.4 Log ............................................................................................................................................. 56
3.1.5 Service ....................................................................................................................................... 56 Fan .......................................................................................................................................... 56 Tracking Rx LUT ..................................................................................................................... 57
3.2 Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 59
4. REDUNDANCY ...................................................................................................................................... 61
4.1 1+1 Redundancy (switched) ............................................................................................................. 61
5. REMOTE CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 63
5.1 P7xxx Protocol .................................................................................................................................. 63
5.2 Remote control version ..................................................................................................................... 87
5.3 Ethernet remote control (Optional) ................................................................................................... 88
APPENDIX 1 Terms and conditions of sale ........................................................................................... 90
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Contact the Peak Communications sales department for:
Product operation, application support or training requests Information for returning or upgrading a product Comments or suggestions on any supplied literature
Contact Information
Peak Communications Ltd Attention: Sales Department Unit 1, The Woodvale Centre, Woodvale Road, Brighouse West Yorkshire HD6 4AB England Tel. +44 (0) 1484 714200 Fax +44 (0) 1484 723666 E-mail
You can also contact us via our website at
To return a Peak Communications product for repair:
1. Contact the Peak Communications sales department and request a Return Material Authorisation (RMA) number.
2. You will be required to provide to our sales representative the model number, serial number and a detailed description of the problem.
3. To prevent any damage to the product during shipment we recommend that the unit is returned in its original packaging or if this is not available the packaging used must be of an equal standard.
4. Return the product back to Peak Communications and advise shipment details to sales representative for tracking purposes. (Any shipping charges should be prepaid)
For information regarding our warranty policy see Appendix 1 Terms and conditions of sale.
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 6
To ensure safety of operator the UPC7000 series of Control Units have been designed to comply with the following safety standard;
EN 60950: Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business machines.
Operation of the equipment in a non-standard manner will invalidate compliance to this standard.
The equipment MUST BE OPERATED WITH ITS LID ON AT ALL TIMES. If it is necessary to remove the lid for any purpose then it is essential that the lid is fitted back correctly before normal operation.
The UPC7000 series of Control Units have been designed to comply with the following standards;
Emissions: EN 55022 Class B; Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment.
Immunity EN 50082 Part 1; Generic immunity standard, part 1: Domestic, commercial and light industrial environment.
Damage to the keyboard membrane or mechanical damage to the chassis will also invalidate compliance; please contact the factory under these circumstances for advice on continued operation.
Interfaces to the UPC7000 Series of Control Units must be made with suitably screened connectors and double screened coaxial cable. Data cables must be double screened.
All 'D' type connectors must have grounding fingers on the plug shell to guarantee continuous shielding. The back-shells must comply to the requirements of VDE 0871 and FCC 20708, providing at least 40 dB of attenuation from 30 MHz to 1 GHz.
Installations which do not comply with this requirement will invalidate the EMC specifications.
Page 7 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
1.1 General product overview & principles of operation
Fig. 1 - UPC7000 L-band Up-Link Power Controller
This Manual covers the installation and operation of the UPC7000 family of Up-Link Power Controller units. A specification for the UPC7000series L band Up-Link Power Controller is incorporated in this manual but is not guaranteed to be the latest, so please visit our website for up to date specifications.
The signal transmitted from a satellite earth station is subjected to unwanted signal level variations caused by the natural effects of atmospheric weather conditions
(commonly and generally referred to as ‘rain fade’), this can be severe in some
cases with up to 30dB of variation seen. In order to maintain a constant ‘link’ power level, this automatic uplink power control unit (UPC) uses the DC output from a beacon receiver, operating on the downlink from the same geostationary satellite
as the uplink, to derive ‘compensation’ settings of variable attenuators that are
positioned within the uplink signal path. The Beacon receiver signal is affected in a similar way to the transmitted signal, apart from frequency propagation differences for which the user can make compensation adjustments.
The user is required to calibrate the UPC system in ‘clear-sky’ conditions which sets the maximum attenuation of the variation range in each uplink path. The attenuators used have a range of 0 to 30dB, but the maximum variation allowed
can be ‘limited’ to avoid saturating the uplink high power amplifier (HPA) by
selecting the most appropriate compensation range from the front panel (1, 2, 5, 10 or 30dB typically). The surplus attenuation range can also be used to set individual uplink channels to differing base levels. It is important to note that the UpLink gain/ ‘link budget’ and overall design should be such that a linear operation is achieved over the full adjustment range of the UPC unit.
For fail-safe conditions, in the event of the Beacon signal being lost or disconnected, the compensation settings will remain fixed at the point of loss and a warning flagged to the user. In the event of an internal equipment fault (includes
power disconnection etc.), each compensation channel will revert to a ‘bypass’
mode (optional to be specified at time of order placement), where an external fixed
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 8
attenuator (user selectable) is automatically placed in-circuit instead of the internal variable attenuator. Please note that if this UPC unit is being used in combination with external Peak converters (fitted with attenuators), bypass circuitry is not required and the external attenuator will remain at the previous setting.
Fig. 2 - Basic RF Block Schematic.
1.2 Functional description UPC7000 series controllers are housed in a 1U high 19" rack mount chassis and
are designed to provide automatic gain adjustment compensation for a number of uplink channels. The compensation and attenuator setting is based on the DC voltage from either an internal or external Beacon Receiver that is proportional to the signal level being received from a geostationary communications satellite (this can be either a dedicated Beacon signal or a looped-back carrier).
The signal levels of a number of uplink channels are adjusted via either internal attenuators (Fig. 3) or the control of external attenuators fitted to Peak agile or BUC frequency converters (Fig. 4). The 1RU chassis supports up to 4 uplink channels,
thereafter ‘expansion’ units are provided to increase to 10-channels and beyond, these are configured as ‘slaves’ to the main UPC unit.
For units with internal L-Band compensating channels, these units can be provided with a DC & 10MHz pass option. DC & 10MHz are often multiplexed onto L-Band
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UpLink signals to provide power and an external ‘station clock’ derived reference
signal for Block Up Converter’s or Power BUC’s (HPA’s). If this option has been ordered and fitted, then the unit is configured to allow these signals through from
the UpLink channel input ‘In’ to the output ‘Out’ without being affected by the
internal circuitry. The UPC7000 units can provide a high stability 10MHz reference signal and 22.5V
DC to power an external Block DownConverter/ LNB via the Beacon Receiver input connection.
The UPC7000 series of converters will interface with the Peak range of redundancy units for N+1 switching, using the CANBUS® interface. For more details please contact the factory.
Fig. 3 – UPC shown with Internal Compensating Channels.
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Fig. 4 – UPC shown controlling external Peak converter units.
1.2.1 Internal Beacon Receiver – Functional description & operating suggestions.
Functional Description; The UPC7000 series when fitted with the internal Beacon Receiver option will
down convert an L-Band signal to an IF of 70 ±18MHz, the signal is then split between the tracking function and the video display function, The tracking function
then uses a coherent detector to lock to the ‘CW’ beacon and measure the power
of the beacon signal. The video function uses a detector with switchable IF filters to display the required band on the front panel display allowing the required signal to be conveniently monitored. The display can be used for system fault location, routine maintenance and can be an effective alternative to a fully functional spectrum analyser, which may not be necessary for these tasks.
The units also incorporate a switchable, single sweep digital anti-sideband detector to prevent the unit locking to beacon sidebands (the video function is only available when the ASB function has finished). The unit features a large graphic LCD display, membrane keyboard and menu driven software for control and configuration of the unit. The units have built in 1+1 redundancy control and can be remotely controlled via a RS232/485 port (optional Ethernet is available supporting TCP, SNMP and an internal web-browser function).
The UPC7000 series are fully software controlled; there are no links or switches used to configure the unit. This enables all control and configuration to be programmed either locally or by remote control. All of the configuration
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parameters are stored in non-volatile memory that will retain data for a minimum of 5 years with no power applied.
Operating suggestions; The following are suggested set points to enable the customer to get the best use
out of the unit with the minimal of time. Tracking sweep range of 50kHz. Sweep time of 5kHz/s. Log output of 2dB/V. The Coherent detector operates ideally with a post DownConverter level of
between –60dBm to –90dBm, so by using the variable gain of the DownConverter section the optimum level can be achieved i.e. with an expected signal of – 100dBm the DownConverter should be set towards its maximum gain of 20dB and with an expected signal of –70dBm the gain should be set towards the minimum of 0dBm.
When the expected signal exceeds –80dBm then it is suggested that the optional video 10dB pad is turned on, to prevent compression of the video section (this does not affect the tracking section).
The ASB function is active for a single sweep when the unit has first locked, the down converted spectrum is swept and monitored for a higher signal and if one is found then the main receiver is forced to check the rest of the spectrum. This results in the unit locking to the highest-level signal in its sweep range. Due to the digital analysis of the bandwidth the ASB will take around 10 minutes to complete a full sweep. It is suggested that when the unit is used on a non-sideband beacon the ASB function should remain off.
1.3 UPC7000 Specifications
This specification is provided to show typical values and explain the parameters involved. The specification may change so please refer to our website for the latest up to date specifications.
1.3.1 Input Section
External Beacon Receiver Input;
DC input from an external Beacon receiver unit (Peak PTR50 or other), via a BNC (f), 50Ohm connector on the rear panel. Various DC input ranges are available, as follows; Standard range ±10VDC Option 1a 0-10VDC Option 1b ±5VDC
Internal Beacon Receiver (Optional);
An internal Beacon Receiver is available which accepts an L-Band (SHF input options are available) input signal via an N-Type (f), 50Ohm connection on the rear panel;
Beacon Receiver input frequency and performance;
The following Beacon input frequency ranges are available; Option 2 L-Band (950-2150MHz) input
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 12
Option 2a C-Band (3.4-4.2GHz, inverted spectrum) input Option 2b X-Band (7.25-7.75GHz) input Option 2c Ku-Band (10.7-11.7GHz) input Option 2d DBS-Band input Option 2e Ka-Band (20.2-21.3GHz) input Return loss 15dB typical Input Level; Option 2 -70dBm nom
-60dBm max
-20dBm max aggregate power Option 2a-2e -90dBm nom
-80dBm max
-40dBm max aggregate power Note; an auxiliary ±10VDC output is provided to drive other equipment. Slope Logarithmic, 0.5dB/V, 2dB/V, 5dB/V & 10dB/V (user
selectable from front panel menu)
Connector BNC (f)
Transfer Characteristics;
Synthesizer step size 1kHz Search range ±20kHz, ±50kHz, ±100kHz, ±200kHz, ±500kHz, user
Tracking Parameters;
PLL noise (IF) BW 2kHz fixed Threshold lock reacquisition 35dBHz Average search time 3s (for bandwidth of 2kHz) Beacon ‘display’; Graphical Resolution Bandwidth 2kHz, 50kHz, 1MHz, user selectable from front panel
External reference input;
An external reference input is available via a BNC (f), 50Ohm connect. Frequency Factory selectable 5 or 10MHz Level 0dBm, ±3dB Phase noise To be better than 50dBc/Hz of output Phase Noise
Internal reference;
An internal back-up reference is provided that automatically takes over if the external reference is either not provided, is disconnected or fails. Frequency 10MHz Adjustment ±1.0ppm, stepped 0.02ppm Stability <5 x 10
over 1s, <5 x 10-9 per 12 hrs Ageing <5 x 10-7 per year Temperature stability <5 x 10-8 over 0 to 400C
1.3.2 UPC Section The compensation range is user selectable to allow the automatic variation to be
pre-set to +1, +2, +5, +10 or +30dB, the user can set custom ranges if necessary. This minimises the likelihood of accidentally overdriving or saturating the high-power amplifiers in the uplink equipment chain. The attenuators have a high-resolution step size capability of 0.1dB. The operational compensation step size is user selectable to 0.1, 0.5, 1 or 2dB.
Page 13 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
The compensation ratio is applied directly to the compensation calculation and allows the user to make corrections for variations in uplink to downlink attenuation levels. This is user selectable from 0.1 to 10dB and for every 1dB drop in Beacon level, attenuation is reduced according to the above setting value. Setting resolution is to 0.1dB. Slew Rate; The Slew rate sets the maximum rate of change of the compensation applied and allows the user to limit the rate of change. This facility can be enabled/ disabled and when enabled, set to the equivalent of between 0.01 & 0.1dB/s, user selectable. The Sample period sets the timeframe over which the measured Beacon Receiver output is averaged before applying the new compensation to the attenuation channels. This can be user settable from 0.2 to 10s. Example; If the step size is set to 0.5dB, the compensation ratio set to 1.1, the slew rate to 0.1dB/s and the sample period to 5s, the average Beacon power will be taken over a period of 5 seconds, and then if a modified Beacon level is detected, the new attenuation value will be calculated using the compensation ratio and applied to the attenuators at a rate of a single 0.5dB step every 5 seconds.
1.3.3 Output Section External Peak UpConverter, BUC or Line Amplifiers;
The unit can be provided without internal compensation channels (variable attenuators), in this case the unit can be connected to any Peak P7000series Synthesised/ Agile UpConverter or Peak IBUH series Block Up Converter (with attenuator options fitted) or Peak ILAH series L-Band Line Amplifiers (with attenuator option fitted). This has the advantage of using attenuation already fitted in the uplink chain and
thus simplifies the system design. An attenuator adjustment range is ‘reserved’ for
the UPC function and the attenuators controlled via the Peak CANBUS® Data connection. In this mode of operation, the optional by-pass switching is not required and in the event of the loss of Beacon signal, a cable disconnection or a fault on the UPC unit, the attenuator will remain at the previous setting. Internal Adjustable Attenuators; The unit can be provided with up to 4 separate internal channels of uplink
compensation. For additional channels, an ‘expansion’ unit is provided which
supports up to 10 channels and is ‘slaved’ to the main UPC unit.
UpLink Signal type; L-Band (950-2150MHz), SMA (f), 50Ohm
Option 3; IF 7018MHz/ 14036MHz, SMA (f), 50Ohm 1 dB GCP Input -10dBm, Output +15dBm Input return loss >15dB Output return loss >15dB Attenuation control 0-30dB, stepped 0.1dB Gain stability ±0.5dB from 0 to +40deg.C.
±0.1dB per week (constant temp) Gain flatness ±1.0dB full band (±1.5dB 950 – 2150MHz option) ±0.5dB across any 36MHz in band A fail safe, by-pass option is available for each internal channel of compensation, this provides a switching arrangement where the unpowered (default) position routes
the UpLink signal through an external fixed attenuator ‘pad’ fitted on the rear of the
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 14
The user would calculate, provide and fit the fixed attenuator ‘pads’ based on the
level of attenuation required in this fail-safe condition, taking into account any offset
attenuation entered on the internal attenuators and the likely ‘average’ conditions to
satisfy the link requirements, whilst not over driving the Satellite. As power is applied to the unit, the compensation channels remain in the ‘off-line’
mode until the user selects either the ‘manual’ or ‘automatic’ mode, at which time the
internal switching activates and routes the UpLink signal through the internal attenuation circuitry. This condition remains until a fault is detected on the unit, the power is removed or the compensation channel condition is set back to the ‘off-line’ mode. In the case of a temporary loss of power or a fault condition that is rectified, the previous condition is automatically resumed. Please note that if the UPC unit is being used in combination with external Peak converters (fitted with attenuators), bypass circuitry is not required and the external attenuator will remain at the previous setting. In the event of the Beacon signal being lost or disconnected, the compensation settings will remain fixed at the point of loss and a warning flagged to the user. Bypass connection SMA (f), 50Ohm (2 connections per channel) Bypass Insertion Loss 1dB (plus external pad fixed attenuation value)
A DC & 10MHz pass-through option is available for internal L-Band compensation channels. This facility if fitted allows the DC power supply and the 10MHz external reference signal to be passed through the internal compensation circuitry to the external system BUC, without effect in either the off-line (bypass) or on-line modes of operation.
1.3.4 General Reference frequency internal 10 MHz frequency trimmed by software
External reference input factory selectable 5 or 10MHz Stability 1 second <5 x 10
Ageing <7.5 x 10-8 per year
5 x 10
per 12 hrs
Mechanical Standard 19inch rack mountable, 1RU stainless steel
chassis - 534mm deep, weight approx 8kg dependant on options
Environmental Operating temperature range 0 to 500C Compliance EMC to EN 55022, part B and EN 50082-1, safety to
EN 60950
Power supply 90 to 264VAC, 47-63Hz Remote Control RS 232/ RS 485 port Redundancy features In-built 1:1 CANBUS® system
1.4 Review of UPC7000 Specification parameters
Input Section
The Uplink Power Control unit can be provided with either an internal Beacon Receiver or an external Beacon Receiver DC input.
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1.4.1 External Beacon Receiver External Beacon Receiver Input DC voltage is proportional to the received signal strength provided by an external Beacon Receiver. As standard the voltage range is –10 to +10VDC, but other ranges can be changed via an appropriate front panel menu option. The user is required to input the slope (dB/V) for the external Beacon Receiver being used.
1.4.2 Internal Beacon Receiver DownConverter section DownConverter Input 950 MHz to 2150MHz full L-Band down conversion the selected frequency is passed to the Tracking section with a bandwidth of 2.5MHz and to the Video section with 25MHz DownConverter resolution 1 KHz Tracking frequency step size. On the LCD screen this is 0.001MHz if the L­Band frequency is viewed or 0.000001GHz if the SHF LO addition feature is switched on. DownConverter Conversion Gain Adjustable down conversion gain is available for best noise performance
0 to 20dB ± 2dB min stepped 0.1dB The gain of the converter can be set to have no gain at 0dB or a gain of 20dB. The
finite gain set is specified to be within 2dB of the setting and the step size is 0.1dB. The tolerance of the step size is not specified but should not exceed 0.05dB per step. Auxiliary DC output
22.5 volts regulated @ 0.5 Amp, software switchable This facility is used for driving an external SHF block down converter or an LNB. This
voltage is integrated with the L-Band signal (and 10MHz). This voltage is out of a regulator and will pull down to zero without damage however the internal fuse may be damaged if this happens. 10MHz reference output 0dBm nominal, software switchable This facility is used for stabilising the output frequency of an external L-Band to SHF Block DownConverter. This signal is integrated with the L-Band output signal. An outdoor BDC/LNB will drift in frequency due to ambient temperature changes causing changes to the BDC locking crystal inside the unit. Inside Peak BDC’s the facility is made to pick up the 10MHz locking signal sent by the UPC7000 and lock to the internal crystal. With the BDC locked to the indoor unit the stability of the BDC unit is as good as the internal UPC7000 crystal. With very long cables caution should be taken not to attenuate the 10MHz (and DC) too much.
1.4.3 Internal Beacon Receiver Tracking Section Tracking Output DC voltage proportional to the received signal strength at the required dB/V and offset using the DC offset menu to between –10V to +10V DC Tracking Level
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Maximum Tracking signal level is –60dBm nominal is –70dBm minimum is the determined by the noise level on the carrier though the unit will become nonlinear below –110dBm Sweep Range 5 user selectable sweep widths to allow for drifts on the required signal whilst searching it is suggested to leave on the narrower settings as this will speed up acquisition of lock. The settings available are 20kHz 50kHz 100kHz 200kHz 500kHz. It is suggested to use the narrowest setting if possible Sweep Rate Up to 8 user selectable sweep rates allow the user the choice to speed up the acquisition of lock. The user must be aware that the lower the signal to noise ratio the slower the sweep rate needs to be to guarantee lock detection. The settings available are; 2.5KHz/s, 5KHz/s on standard units, on fast acquisition units the extra sweep rates are; 10KHz/s, 20KHz/s, 40KHz/s, 80KHz/s, 120KHz/s, 240KHz/s. It is suggested to use 5kHz/s as a starting point. Post Detection Time Constant This is the smoothing on the DC output and is factory set to the value of 150ms. Log Output Scale 4 User selectable settings for the DC Logarithmic output voltage. The settings available are 1dB/V, 2dB/V, 5dB/V & 10dB/V. DC Output Adjustment User adjustable offset of the Log output adjustable to 0V DC for input power levels from –60dBm to –100dBm at 2dB/V. PLL Noise Bandwidth This is factory set to 2kHz. Threshold for Reacquisition The unit will lock with a threshold of 43dbc/Hz (unit must be on slowest sweep rate setting for these figures). ASB Sweep Rate The ASB when enabled will analyse the tracking band searching for a higher signal and if one is detected will enable the tracking lock circuit to release lock and search for this higher signal. The sweep rate on the ASB is around 80Hz/s. ASB Threshold When the ASB is searching it is looking for a signal which is at least 3 dB higher than the current locked signal level
1.4.4 Internal Beacon Receiver Video Section Video Input Selected Beacon frequency 25MHz (lower limit of 950MHz upper limit 2150MHz) is available to display on the front panel. The minimum setting for span is set by the resolution i.e. with wide res the display can be 160 pixels of (6kHz/2) = 480kHz and with the narrow a minimum span of 80kHz is available. Video Resolution
There are user selectable resolution band widths. ‘Wide’ has a bandwidth of 6kHz
and ‘narrow’ has a bandwidth of 1kHz. To enable displaying of wide bandwidth
signals there is no pixel averaging on the wide bandwidth setting however on the
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narrow setting the measurement is both average and also peak detected to allow better signal/noise display. Vertical Resolution The display vertically axis is set to 5dB/division. Video Section Attenuator It is Possible to switch in a 10dB pad to allow measurements to be better made if the unit has a high aggregate input level. Reference frequency Internal 10MHz frequency, software trimmed.
Uses a high grade OCXO at 10MHz External reference input: Will accept either 5 or 10MHz. Stability; <5 x 10
/ second, ageing <5 x 10-7/ year, <5 x 10-9/ 24 hrs, <5 x 10-8 over 0
to +50deg.C.
1.4.5 UPC Section Compensation Range +2dB to +30dB, user selectable, with pre-set ranges +1dB, +2dB, +5dB, +10dB & +30dB.
Sets the range of automatic adjustment Typically, in tropical areas ‘rain fade’ is at its worst and can increase by up to 30dB,
so the higher ranges would be required, but in more benign areas lower ranges would be more suitable. Many other factors have an effect, so the user should for each link study, test and set the range to ensure that worst case conditions are met. Statistics are readily available for regions throughout the world and will give the user guidance for the most suitable settings to use. Step Size.
0.1dB, 0.5dB, 1dB & 2dB, user selectable Although the variable attenuator incorporated within the design has a high resolution
of 0.1dB, the resolution can be reduced by the user. This gives the attenuation increments and generally the smaller the step size, the more often the compensation
will be automatically adjusted for changes in ‘rain fade’. With a larger step size the
compensation is courser and will generally not update as regularly for the same change in conditions. Compensation ratio.
0.1 to 10dB, user selectable. For every 1dB drop in the Beacon level, the attenuation is reduced according to this
set value. In this way, a 1dB setting provides a ratio of 1:1 and corresponds to a
direct correlation between the DownLink (Beacon) and transmitted signal ‘rain fade’.
Generally, UpLink and DownLink ‘rain fade’ characteristics are similar, however differences based mainly on propagation at the different frequencies, but also other factors, have an effect. The user should for each link study, test and set the ratio to best replicate the relationship between the Uplink and the Downlink characteristics. If unknown at the time of commissioning, this can be easily modified afterwards when more information is known about the likely link conditions.
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 18 Slew Rate.
0.01 to 0.1dB/s, user selectable. This facility can be disabled. Controls the maximum rate of change of the compensating attenuators If the Beacon level suddenly dropped by 1dB and the slew rate is set to 0.1dB/s, it
would take 10 seconds to complete the automatic compensation adjustment (assuming the compensation ratio to be 1:1 and the sampling period to be low enough to allow this rate of change). Sample Period.
0.2 to 10s, user selectable. Sets the time period over which the Beacon output signal is averaged before the
compensation is calculated and applied to the attenuator settings. This does directly affect the update rate and can, depending on the settings, override the slew rate setting.
1.4.6 Output Section Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Input. Either L-Band 950 to 2150MHz or 70/140MHz based IF signal.
Fitted on the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink Power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation)
Connected in the UpLink equipment chain, typically to the Modem (Modulator) TX L­Band or IF (70/140MHz) output or to the Agile Frequency Converter L-Band output. Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Output. Either L-Band 950 to 2150MHz or 70/140MHz based IF signal.
Fitted on the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink Power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation)
Connected in the UpLink equipment chain, typically to the agile frequency converter 70/140MHz input, the L-Band Block Converter input or the Power BUC (HPA) L­Band input Optional Internal UpLink Channel Compensation Circuit Bypass Connections. Either L-Band 950 to 2150MHz or 70/140MHz based IF signal.
Optionally fitted on the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation)
These connections (2off), if specified and ordered, allow the external connection of a fixed attenuator (pad). The pad is automatically switched in to the RF circuit in place of the internal attenuator in the event of a problem within the UPC unit, the removal
of the prime power supply to the UPC or by the user selecting the ‘off-line’ mode for the channel in question. This provides a ‘fail safe’ condition, and if the pad value is
chosen correctly will avoid over driving the Satellite in the event of an equipment problem. 1dB Gain Compression Point. The 1dB compression point is a finite point in the power scale where a 1dB input only gives 0.5dB increase in power. Note; the values specified are for total composite power and are not single carrier.
Page 19 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03 Insertion Loss and Attenuation. Insertion Loss; 1dB (with minimum attenuation set) Attenuation; 0-30dB, stepped 0.1dB For units with internal compensation channels, each channel includes amplification to overcome some of the loss associated with the internal RF circuitry. With maximum attenuation set, the Loss of the unit is approximately 31dB or with minimum attenuation 1dB. The attenuation set is specified to be within 2dB of the setting and the step size is 0.1dB. The tolerance of the step size is not specified but should not exceed 0.05dB per step. Gain Flatness. ±1dB full band (±1.5dB for >800MHz Bandwidths), ±0.5dB, across any 36MHz in band The slope and variation of power across the L-Band should be within 2dB top to bottom (3dB for L-Band bandwidths of greater than 800MHz, or >950-1750MHz), but within 1dB across any 36MHz.
1.5 Mechanical description
The UPC7000 Series of converters are housed in a 19-inch 1U high chassis, suitable for rack mounting. It is 534 mm deep and may be fitted with rack slides if required. Figure 2 shows views of the front and rear panels of the UPC7000 series Up-Link Power Controllers.
On the front of the unit is the keyboard, LCD display and LED indicators. The operator is prompted by messages displayed on the LCD to enter data via the keyboard. In this way the UPC7000 may be configured for use, and the set up changed, if necessary. The LEDs provide a quick visual indication of the operational status of the unit.
Rx Out Rx In
115/230 Volts AC 50/60 Hz
100 Watts - 5.0A Fuse: T5AH
Ext Ref.
Peak Communications Ltd.
Rear panel with integral beacon receiver option
Rear panel with external beacon receiver
Fig. 5 – front & rear panel views
NO /
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 20
1.6 Front panel description
The keyboard is of the membrane type and is an integral part of the front panel assembly. The front panel overlay and is completely sealed against penetration of liquids but caution should be taken especially with solvents which may damage the front screen. There are 16 keys in total; number keys in the range 0 to 9, YES/ENTER and NO/CANCEL and a 4-way arrow block of keys
LCD display
The backlit display is a graphic display and characters are scaled to incorporate as much information as possible on the screen. It provides detailed information about the status and configuration of the unit, and when appropriate, prompts the user to enter data via the keypad.
LED Indicator
Only one tricolour LED is present marked STATUS. This shows GREEN when the unit is OK, RED when an internal fault is present and AMBER when in STANDBY (Redundancy operation)
1.7 Rear panel description
All of the connectors necessary for the user to interface the UPC7000 series to other equipment are located at the rear of the unit. Depending on the model the connections may include the following;
External Beacon Receiver Input; labelled ‘External Beacon input’, always a BNC(f)
connector. Alarms, Remote Control, Redundancy; all ‘D’ type connections EC mains power connector/switch/fuse.
Units with internal Beacon receiver;
Beacon Receiver Output; labelled ‘RX Out’, always a BNC(f) connector.
Beacon Receiver Input; labelled ‘RX In’, always an N-Type(f) connector. External Reference Input; labelled ‘Ext Ref’ and is always a BNC(f) connector.
The UPC7000 series of converters are designed to operate from an AC mains supply, 90-264VAC, 47-63Hz. The Input connector incorporates a mains switch and 2 input fuses. Access to the fuses is also provided under the removable cover.
1.7.1 Chassis Earth stud To provide the correct level of safety to the operator this must be connected to a suitable safety earth provided in the rack installation. See the Safety and EMC comments in section 1.
Page 21 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
1.7.2 Rx In On units fitted with an internal Beacon receiver option, this is a 50Ohm, N-type (f) connector. For the L-Band Beacon Receiver, the input frequency should be in the range 950 to 2150MHz or for units fitted with the optional SHF input (internal LNB), the frequency range will be as stated on the datasheet.
1.7.3 Rx Out/ External Beacon Input On units fitted with an internal Beacon receiver option, this is a 50Ohm, BNC (f) connector and it provides an auxiliary Beacon receiver DC output to drive other external equipment. CAUTION; DC is present on this connector at all times within the range of –10V to +10V.
On units without an internal Beacon receiver option, this connection is used as the external Beacon receiver DC input and is a 50Ohm, BNC (f) connector.
1.7.4 Ext Ref. On the UPC7000 series of converters this is the input for the 10MHz station clock input. The internal reference is ‘locked’ to the external reference. Connector type is 50Ohm BNC (f).
1.7.5 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘In’. On the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink Power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation), these connections are used for the UpLink chain input and can be either L-Band or IF (70/140MHz) depending upon the product options chosen at time of ordering. Connector type is 50Ohm SMA female.
1.7.6 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘Out’. On the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink Power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation), these connections are used for the UpLink chain output and can be either L-Band or IF (70/140MHz) depending upon the product options chosen at time of ordering. Connector type is 50Ohm SMA (f).
1.7.7 UpLink Channel Compensation ‘Bypass’. On the UPC7001, 2, 3, 4 UpLink Power controller units (with internal UpLink compensation), these connections (2off) allow the external connection of a fixed attenuator (pad). The pad is automatically switched in to the RF circuit in place of the internal attenuator in the event of a problem within the UPC unit, or the loss of
the Beacon signal. This provides a ‘fail safe’ condition and if the pad value is
chosen correctly will avoid over driving the Satellite in the event of an equipment problem or the loss of the Beacon signal. Connector type is 50Ohm SMA (f).
1.7.8 Alarms connector This is a 15-pin male 'D' type connector, which provides access to the various form 'C' relay contacts which indicate alarm conditions.
1.7.9 RS232/RS485 Remote Control connector This is a 15-pin female 'D' type connector. The UPC7000 provides both an RS232 port for remote control, and an RS485 port for 'multi-drop' applications.
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 22
1.7.10 Redundancy This is a 9-pin male 'D' type connector. The UPC7000 has a built-in 1+1 redundancy controller. A pair of UPC7000 units is required for correct operation plus a P1000 series switching unit.
1.7.11 Ethernet connector This is an IEEE802.3 standard connector and is fitted to the rear panel if the Ethernet option is chosen at the time of order placement.
1.8 Fault philosophy Fault conditions are divided into two categories;
a) MAIN UNIT COMMON FAULTS; Faults with internal items that on a UPC7000 are common to all sections of the unit (Main power supply assembly etc). b) DEVICE SPECIFIC FAULTS; Faults that are specific to the Tracking section or DownConverter or video assembly. These can include external fault inputs.
Most faults as shown below activate the summary ALARM; this will force a change­over if used in a normal redundant system. The only fault that does not cause the unit to go into ALARM is the ‘External Mute’. All faults shown below are reported on the front panel LCD and turn the tri-colour fault LED to red. Green – No faults Amber – Unit in standby Red – Fault condition
The MUTED column shows if the output is muted when the ALARM is active.
Fault Name
5 VDC Power Supply
+15 VDC Power Supply
-15 VDC Power Supply
+36 VDC Power Supply
Over/Under Temperature
Over Humidity
General Fault
100MHz Fault
Redundancy Coax Switch
Page 23 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
Fault Name
+3 VDC Power Supply
DC Feed Power Supply
+5 VDC Power Supply
1st LO Fault
2nd LO Fault
Internal Block Fault
External Fault
Internal SHF Fault
External Mute
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 24
2.1 Care of Your Product
2.1.1 Handling
Single products, when fully packaged for transport can weigh in excess of 12kg’s. When multiple Converters are to be delivered at the same time, to the same customer, occasionally two Converters are packaged in the same outer carton, the overall weight can then exceed 20kg’s. Care must be taken when attempting to lift or carry these packages. The shipping carton is qualified for transit of these products and has been used successfully for many years. It will protect against shock and vibration encountered during normal carrier transportation. PLEASE RETAIN ALL PACKING MATERIALS, including the foam insets. Should the unit need to be returned, return to the address on the front of the manual USING THE ORIGINAL PACKING CARTON, unless it has been seriously damaged. Avoid subjecting the packaged or unpackaged product to severe shocks.
2.1.2 Unpacking and Inspection
When the product is first received, the outer pack should be inspected for signs of damage. If damage to the outer pack is evident, contact the Carrier immediately and submit a damage report. The equipment should then be removed and inspected for signs of damage, retaining all packing materials. Any visible signs of damage to the equipment should be reported immediately to Peak Communications (electronic photographs of the pack and equipment can help with any subsequent insurance claims). If the equipment appears undamaged, it should be tested for correct operation and again any abnormalities reported to Peak Communications. When first removing the product from its transit pack, take care to retain all documentation and associated hardware. These products are typically provided with the following items;
UPC7000 series product. Operation manual. Test results. Mains lead (suitable for use in country of operation). Spares kit.
If you suspect that any item is missing, please contact Peak Communications immediately.
2.1.3 Storage
Store the product in the normal horizontal orientation, in its outer carton until it is required for use. Do not use the products to support the weight of other items whilst in storage.
Storage temperature range is typically from -40°C to +80°C, avoid exceeding these extremes otherwise damage may result.
Avoid exposing the packaged or unpackaged product to extremes of humidity or moisture (including condensation). In the event that this does occur, the product
Page 25 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Issue 2.03
should be left at room temperature for in excess of 5 hours to dry naturally before application of prime power.
2.1.4 Cleaning & Maintenance
The product is designed to be installed and operated in a clean air environment. Apart from occasional cleaning of the front panel, no regular cleaning &/or maintenance is necessary.
Always ensure that the product is off-air and that the mains supply is isolated before attempting to clean the front panel. Cleaning of the front panel can be accomplished with a damp cloth. Do not use excessive amounts of water & do not use detergents or other cleaning agents without first consulting Peak Communications.
2.2 Mechanical Installation Considerations
2.2.1 Mounting
This product has been designed to mount in a standard IEC 19-inch racking system, but can also be used free standing or mounted in a standard IEC flight case.
The product is of standard 1U height (1.75 inch) and depth of 534mm (21 inches). Standard connector mating parts with cable bend radii, plus space to uncouple connectors, can add a further 80mm (3.15Inches) to this depth & should be considered when designing the installation.
The product is provided with standard 19-inch rack front panel fixing points, however these should not be solely relied upon to support the entire weight of the unit. Four (two on each side) additional M3 mounting points are provided along the sides of the unit, these can be used to support the unit from rack slide rails or other side support mechanisms, alternatively shelving brackets can be used to provide rest support for the units.
Cooling slots are provided on the sides of the unit, care should be taken to avoid blocking these when designing the installation (see Cooling section below).
When several products are to be mounted on top of one another in a rack system, they should not be stacked without individual support. Stacking of units without adequate mechanical support and isolation can degrade microphonic performance of the overall system and hamper maintenance activities.
2.2.2 Cooling
These products dissipate <100W internally and contain an internal forced air cooling system. Air intake and exhaust apertures are provided on the side panels of the chassis, care should be taken to avoid blocking these when designing the installation
Although these products have been designed to operate with a full rack packing density in an ambient of 50°C, for operational reasons it may be necessary to allow extra space if the unit is sandwiched between two longer chassis, or if the rack ambient increases above 50 degrees C. This will be necessary if adjacent equipment
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 26
transfer significant heat to the Converter surfaces, through either conduction or convection.
A thermal sensor is fitted to the unit which provides an over temperature alarm
2.3 Prime Power Supply & Connection
The safety notes provided in the product compliance section of this handbook should be read before connecting this product to the mains supply.
This product can be operated from mains supplies of 100-132Va.c. or 200-230V AC (50/60Hz), the appropriate voltage range is automatically selected by the unit and requires no user intervention. The IEC standard mains inlet on the rear of the unit includes a double pole switch.
The typical power requirement of these units is <100W.
The equipment is classified in EN 60950 as ‘pluggable equipment, class A’ for
connection to the mains supply, as such it is provided with a mains inlet cord suitable for use in the country of operation. In normal circumstances this will be of an adequate length for installation in the rack. If the mains cord proves to be too short, then any replacement must have a similar fuse type (if fitted) and be manufactured to similar specifications: check for HAR, BASEC or HOXXX-X ratings on the cable. The connector ends should be marked with one of the following: BS1636A (UK free plug 13 amp); BSI, VDE, NF-USE, UL, CSA, OVE, CEBEC, NEMKO, DEMKO, SETI, IMQ, SEV and KEMA-KEUR for the IEC 6 Amp free socket. Schuko and north American free plugs must have similar markings.
The installation of the equipment and the connection to the mains supply must be made in compliance to local or national wiring regulations for a category II impulse over voltage installation. The positioning of the equipment must be such that the mains supply socket outlet for the equipment should be near the equipment and easily accessible or that there should be another suitable means of disconnection from the mains supply.
2.3.1 Fuses
The equipment is provided with short circuit fuse protection of both the Live and Neutral conductors, both fuses must be functional before the unit will operate. The fuses are accessible from the rear of the unit and are fitted into the IEC mains inlet. To check or replace a fuse, switch off and isolate the mains supply before removing the fuse cover. If a replacement fuse is required, then an equivalent type and rating must be used. The fuse size is 5 x 20 mm, rated at 5A anti-surge (T5A).
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2.3.2 Earthing
The equipment is designed to operate from a TN type power supply system as specified in EN 60950. This is a system that has separate earth, line and neutral conductors. The equipment is not designed to operate with an IT power system which has no direct connection to earth. An external protective earth, providing protection against RF and transient currents, should be connected between the rear panel earth stud (adjacent to the prime power inlet point and fitted with an M4 nut) and a local system earth point.
2.4 Other Interface Connections
2.4.1 Internal Beacon Receiver L-band Connection
For units fitted with an internal L-Band Beacon Receiver option, this connection is provided on the rear panel and has the following characteristics;
Converter Type
Panel Label
Internal Beacon Receiver only.
N-type (F)
Rx In
The use of high quality cables and connectors for L-band signals is strongly recommended. Cables and connectors should be rated for operation up to 2200MHz. Care should be taken when handling these cables, avoiding stress to connections, tight bend radii and damage from sharp objects, all of which can degrade system performance. These connections can also be used to interface the 10 MHz reference signal (at a nominal 0dBm level) and the DC power (22.5V @ 0.5A) to the external Block DownConverter.
2.4.2 Internal Beacon Receiver SHF Connection
For units fitted with an internal Beacon Receiver with SHF input option, this connection is provided on the rear panel and has the following characteristics;
Converter Type
Panel Label
Internal Beacon Receiver only.
N-type (F)
Rx In
The use of high quality cables and connectors for SHF signals is strongly recommended. Cables and connectors should be rated for the frequency of operation. Care should be taken when handling these cables, avoiding stress to connections, tight bend radii and damage from sharp objects, all of which can degrade system performance.
2.4.3 Internal Beacon Receiver Auxiliary Output Connection
For units fitted with an internal Beacon Receiver, this connection is provided on the rear panel and has the following characteristics;
Issue 2.03 UPC7000 Series Automatic Up-Link Power Control Unit Page 28
Converter Type
Panel Label
Internal Beacon Receiver only.
Rx Out
5mA max
2.4.4 External Beacon Receiver DC Input Connection
For units without an internal Beacon receiver, this connection is provided on the rear panel and has the following characteristics;
Converter Type
Panel Label
External Beacon Receiver only.
2.4.5 External Reference Input Connection
For units with an internal Beacon receiver, this connection is provided on the rear panel and has the following characteristics;
Converter Type
Panel Label
Internal Beacon Receiver only.
Ext Ref.
Accepts 5 or 10MHz.
2.4.6 UpLink Channel Compensation Connections – In, Out, Bypass
For units with internal UpLink compensation channels, these connections are provided on the rear panel and have the following characteristics;
Converter Type
Panel Label
UPC7001, 2, 3, 4
UpLink chain input.
UPC7001, 2, 3, 4
UpLink chain output.
UPC7001, 2, 3, 4
2x SMA (F)
External ‘Bypass’ Pad.
2.4.7 Alarms Interface Connection
This is provided on the rear panel and is a standard ‘D’ type 15-pin (M). The connections provide access to the various form 'C' relay contacts which indicate alarm conditions.
If an external Beacon receiver is used, an appropriate fault output alarm can be connected to the ‘Ext. Beacon Lock Input’ connection of the UPC ‘Alarms Interface’ connector pin 10. This signal when connected to ground will be used to trigger the attenuator settings to be maintained at the previous level and ignore any Beacon Receiver signal changes until the alarm pin is open circuit.
A pin configuration is given below;
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Note: N/O indicates 'normally open' in the non-fail state, with STATUS LED Green. Unit fault (1) is used for the external or internal beacon receiver. Unit fault (2) is used for the UPC faults and EXP faults If there is an overall unit fault then both relays are triggered. ** If option 15SN is fitted then the Summary Alarm pin is available, otherwise it is not.
When available this pin is a dry relay contact, which is connected to GROUND when the unit is OK, or open contact when not, i.e. N/C.
2.4.8 Remote Serial Communications Interface (RS-232/RS-485)
This is provided on the rear panel and is a standard 'D' type 15-pin (F). The units provide both an RS232 port for simple two-way remote control, and an RS485 port for asynchronous, 'multi-drop' remote control applications.
A pin configuration is given below;
When using this product with the serial communications interface, a 120Ω bus termination should be fitted externally between the Rx + (pin 1) and Rx – (pin 9) connections of the 15-way ‘remote’ connector. If used in conjunction with other equipment on a multi-drop system, the bus termination is only required on one unit, typically the furthest from the master device.
Unit fault (1) COM
Unit fault (1) N/C
Ext. Mute (1)
Unit fault (2) COM
Unit fault (2) N/C
Not used
Not used
** Summary Alarm
Unit fault (1) N/O
Ext. Beacon Lock Input.
Ext. Alarm (1)
Unit fault (2) N/O
Not used
Not used
RS485 Rx +
RS485 Tx +
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
RS232 Rx In
Not used
RS485 Rx -
RS485 Tx -
Not used
Not used
Not used
RS232 Tx Out
+ 65 hidden pages