pDRIVE MX eco Operating Instructions

Operating instructions Modbus
>pDRIVE< ecoMX 4V
>pDRIVE< proMX 4V
>pDRIVE< proMX 6V
>pDRIVE< multi-ecoMX
>pDRIVE< multi-proMX
General remarks
Advice, tip !
General information, note exactly !
The requirements for successful commissioning are correct selection of the device, proper planning and installation. If you have any further questions, please contact the supplier of the device.
Capacitor discharge !
Before performing any work on or in the device, disconnect it from the mains and wait at least 15 minutes until the capacitors have been fully discharged to ensure that there is no voltage on the device.
Automatic restart !
With certain parameter settings it may happen that the frequency inverter restarts automatically when the mains supply returns after a power failure. Make sure that in this case neither persons nor equipment is in danger.
Commissioning and service !
Work on or in the device must be done only by duly qualified staff and in full compliance with the appropriate instructions and pertinent regulations. In case of a fault contacts which are normally potential-free and/or PCBs may carry dangerous voltages. To avoid any risk to humans, obey the regulations concerning "Work on Live Equipment" explicitly.
Terms of delivery
The latest edition "General Terms of Delivery of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association" form the basis of our deliveries and services.
Specifications in this instructions
We are always anxious to improve our products and adapt them to the latest state of the art. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify the specifications given in this instructions at any time, particular those referring to measures and dimensions. All planning recommendations and connection examples are non-binding suggestions for which we cannot assume liability, particularly because the regulations to be complied depend on the type and place of installation and on the use of the devices.
The user is responsible to ensure that the device and its components are used in compliance with the applicable regulations. It is not permitted to use these devices in residential environments without special measures to suppress radio frequency interferences.
Trademark rights
Please note that we do not guarantee that the connections, devices and processes described herein are free from patent or trademark rights of third parties.
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Option Modbus for the frequency inverters
>pDRIVE< MX eco
This instructions describe the functions software version APSeco_A04_16 and higher
Theme Page
Modbus...................................................................... 3
Function Modbus.................................................................4
Hardware ...................................................................9
Process data area.................................................... 15
Process data area..............................................................16
Control word......................................................................18
Main reference value (Auxiliary reference values) .............25
Status word .......................................................................26
Main actual value (Auxiliary actual values) ........................29
Parameterization...................................................... 31
General ..............................................................................32
Inverter settings .......................................................39
Bus - Diagnostics..................................................... 51
Diagnostics of the control / status word ...........................52
Diagnostics of the "Bus raw data" ....................................53
Application examples ..............................................55
General ..............................................................................56
Appendix.................................................................. 59
Parameter list of the >pDRIVE< MX eco........................60
Inverter messages .............................................................81
The instructions in hand cover the topics operation, parameterization and diagnostics of the >pDRIVE< MX eco Modbus interface. Moreover, the principles of the Modbus architecture and their main components are explained in detail.
Use this instructions additionally to the device documentation "Description of functions" and "Mounting instructions".
In order to address an inverter via fieldbus also during mains cut-off (line contactor control, disconnecting switch, ...) the >pDRIVE< MX eco has to be supplied with an external 24 V buffer voltage.
When using the Modbus interface only connect pins 4, 5 and 8 in order to avoid malfunction or damage of the >pDRIVE< MX eco !
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Function Modbus

All frequency inverters of the >pDRIVE< MX eco range support the fieldbus system Modbus as standard. It is coupled at the RJ45 socket next to the terminals (see chapter "Modbus connection", page 10).
In the Modbus network the frequency inverter is operated as slave. The used profile is designed on the basis of the Profidrive profile VDI/VDE 3689.
Principle function
The data transfer in a Modbus network takes place via the serial device interface (RS485 2-wire) with a master/slave method.
Only the Modbus master can send commands (request) to the other bus subscribers. Depending on the command, the reaction (response) of the individual slave devices is either to send the desired data or to confirm the execution of the desired operation function. During transfer of the data, request and response constantly alternate.
The master sends commands to the slave device. This slave sends data only when prompted to do so by the master device. The data exchange thus follows a fixed scheme. The sequence is always seen from the viewpoint of the Modbus master.
The commands are embedded in the transferred data frame in the form of function codes. The request of the master contains a function code that represents a command to be executed for the slave device. In the process, the transferred data bytes contain all information required for the execution of the command. The error check bytes enable the slave unit to check the integrity of the data received. The response of the slave device contains the function code of the request as an "echo."
The data bytes of the response (slave to master) depend on the function code used and are provided by the slave device. The error check bytes enable the master to check the validity of the received data.
The structure of the sent data is defined in various Modbus protocols. In addition to the Modbus RTU (master/slave communication in binary code) there are also the formats
Modbus-ASCII and Modbus-PLUS. The >pDRIVE< MX eco devices support the Modbus RTU protocol.
Structure of the telegram
The telegram structure of a Modbus frame always consists of the address of the slave being addressed, the desired request code, a data field of variable length and a 16-bit CRC to guarantee data consistency.
The end of the telegram is recognized by a pause ≥ 3.5 bytes. The structure of a byte can be set using parameter D6.12 "Modbus format".
The transfer of the telegrams takes place according to the master/slave system through the entry of the desired slave address in confirmed form. If a value of zero is used as the slave address, the telegram applies for all slaves (broadcast service).
The permissible address range of the individual slaves is 1...247. There may not be two or more devices with the same address at the bus.
To set up a single-point connection (network consists of only one master and one slave), the master can use the address 248. When using this address, the slave which is set by D6.10.
responds independent of its address
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Request code Data CRC 16
1 byte 1 byte 1...126 byte 2 byte
Creating CRC 16
CRC 16 is calculated according to the following method for checking the data security:
Initialize CRC (16-bit register) to hex FFFF
Execution from the first to the last byte of the message:
CRC XOR <byte> CRC Execute (8 times) Move CRC by 1 bit to the right If output bit = 1, execute CRC XOR A001 hex CRC. End of execution End of execution
The CRC value which is calculated that way is initially transferred with the low-order byte and then with the high-order byte.
Modbus functions / request code
Request code
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03 hex Read Holding Registers No
06 hex Write Single Register Yes
08 hex Diagnostics No
17 hex Read/write multiple reg. No
Modbus function Broadcast Description Use
Reading of a single parameter (16 bit) or a maximum of 63 parameters with consecutive logical address
Writing of a single parameter (16 bit)
Service for fieldbus diagnostics (requests with subcodes)
Request for writing and reading several words with consecutive logical addresses
Parameterization, Process data ZTW + IW
Process data STW+SW, ZTW + IW
Structure of the Modbus user data
The available request codes of the Modbus provide services for various tasks.
Diagnostic functions (request code hex 08)
Using the request code 08 hex and its subcodes, bus-specific information can be read in order to evaluate the quality of transmission statistically.
Request telegram Master >pDRIVE< MX eco
Request Subcode Request data CRC 16
08 hex Hi Lo Hi Lo Lo Hi
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Response telegram >pDRIVE< MX eco Master
Response Subcode Response data CRC 16
08 hex Hi Lo Hi Lo Lo Hi
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Subcode Request data Response data Description
00 XX YY XX YY The request causes an echo at the respective slave.
The response telegram of the slave is a copy of the
request telegram.
0A 00 00 00 00 Reset counter
0C 00 00 = actual value of the
0E 00 00 = actual value of the
Reading out the CRC Error Message counter
(number of the faulty received telegrams)
Reading out the telegram counter
(number of the telegrams received from the slave,
independent of the type of telegram)
Parameterization of the >pDRIVE< MX eco (request code hex 03, 06)
By means of the services Read (03 hex) and Write (06 hex) of parameters all inverter-internal parameters can be accessed via their logical address.
For details, see chapter "Parameterization", page 31.
Monitoring and control of the >pDRIVE< MX eco (request codes hex 03, 17)
By means of the services Read (03 hex) and Write/Read (17 hex) of multiple registers access to device-internal addresses of the control word and status word as well as to the available reference values and actual values is possible.
Therewith pure monitoring as well as complete control of the >pDRIVE< MX eco is possible. The device­internal drive profile is designed on the basis of the Profidrive profile (VDI/VDE 3689).
Unlike the telegram structure predefined by the Profidrive profile (PPO types 1...5), the lengths of the telegrams can be freely defined for both directions (master slave / slave master) in Modbus. As a result the telegram length can be optimized according to the existing requirements of the process.
Example of a Modbus user data telegram
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Master >pDRIVE< MX eco
For control of the >pDRIVE< MX eco the addresses 51D...526 hex are used. The number of the inverter-internal and actually used reference values can be preset by means of parameter D6.100 "No. of Bus-ref. values". The reference values are configured by means of parameters D6.101...D6.133.
User data STW SW 1 SW 2 SW 3 SW 4 SW 5 SW 6 SW 7 SW 8 SW 9 Log. address (hex) 51D 51E 51F 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 Configuration --- D6.101 D6.105 D6.109 D6.113 D6.117 D6.121 D6.125 D6.129 D6.133
PZD … Process data word STW … Control word, 16 bit chain of commands. (11 bits corresponding to Profidrive profile, 5 bits freely
SW … Reference value, 16 bit display, -200...+200 %, resolution 2
>pDRIVE< MX eco Master
The addresses FA...103 hex are used to read out information provided by the >pDRIVE< MX eco like status word and actual values. The number of the inverter-internal and actually handled actual values can be preset by means of parameter D6.137 "Number actual values". The actual values are configured by means of parameters D6.138...D6.170.
User data ZTW IW 1 IW 2 IW 3 IW 4 IW 5 IW 6 IW 7 IW 8 IW 9
Log. address (hex) FA FB FC FD FE FF 100 101 102 103
Configuration D6.138 D6.142 D6.146 D6.150 D6.154 D6.158 D6.162 D6.166 D6.170
PZD … Process data word ZTW … Status word, 16 bit chain of commands. (11 bits corresponding to Profidrive profile, 5 bits freely
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IW … Actual value, 16 bit display, -200...+200 %, resolution 2-14
A detailed description of the control word and status word can be found in chapter "Process data area", page 16.
Structure of the network
The typical Modbus topology corresponds to an RS485 2-wire serial bus network with drop lines. The individual subscribers are connected using a 2-wire, screened twisted cable (typ. Cat 5), whereby only the signals D1, D2 and Common are connected.
According to the Modbus recommendations, both bus lines are to be connected with one 650 Ω resistor against 5 V and ground when installing the master. At both ends of the bus segment, the bus cable is to be terminated with a 120 Ω resistor and a serially connected 1 nF capacitor.
At every bus segment, a maximum of 32 subscribers (including repeater) can be operated. The maximum line extension amounts to 1000 m at 19.2 kBaud. Principally, the drop lines must be kept as short as possible (max.. 20 m for a single line, 40 m in total in case of centralized distribution).
Technical key data of a Modbus network
Maximum number of subscribers: 247 in all segments Maximum number of subscribers per segment: 32 including the repeater Bus cable: Screened, 2 x twisted, two-wire line
Characteristic impedance: Distributed capacitance: Loop resistance: Wire cross-section:
100...120 Ω < 60 nF/km < 160 Ω/km > 0.22 mm
Bus connection: RJ45 - screened, pin assignment 4, 5, 8 Bus termination: Every bus segment has to be terminated using a serial
connection of R = 120 Ω and C = 1 nF.
Galvanic isolation: No
Detailed information regarding the Modbus specification can also be found under www.modbus.org (Modbus_over_serial_line_V1.pdf Edition 2002).
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Modbus connection
Plug assignment
Pin assignment of the RJ45 device interface
Pin Signal
*) CANopen signals **) Supply voltage for the Matrix 3 interface converter RS232/485 (8 P01 124)
The RJ45 socket (in the duct next to the control terminals) can be used as serial interface for the fieldbus systems Modbus and CANopen as well as to couple the PC software Matrix 3. When building up a Modbus network, only the signals of pins 4, 5 and 8 may be used.
1 CAN_H *) 2 CAN_L *) 3 CAN_GND *) 4 D1 5 D0 6 Not used 7 VP **) 8 Common *)
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Consequently, connection is possible in two different ways:
1. Using the optional Modbus T-adapter
The Modbus T-adapter provides two RJ45 sockets for further bus wiring. On both sockets, which are connected in parallel, only pins 4, 5 and 8 are connected so that also pre-assembled cables (1:1 connection) can be used.
The Modbus T-adapter is available in two different lengths. 8 P01 300 Modbus T-adapter with 0.3 m connecting cable
8 P01 301 Modbus T-adapter with 1 m connecting cable
Example of a bus structure with T-adapter:
2. Using the optional Modbus splitter or an external junction box
When no Modbus T-adapter is used, please ensure that only the three pins 4, 5 and 8 at the RJ45 connector of the bus connection are connected. Using the PHOENIX CONTACT VARIOSUB RJ45 QUICKON connector is a
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simple and capable solution to establish a connection between the bus subscriber and the Modbus splitter.
8 P01 303 Passive Modbus splitter 8 P01 306 RJ45 Connector VARIOSUB RJ45 QUICKON
Example of a bus structure with Modbus splitter:
>pDRIVE< MX Modbus options
Option >pDRIVE< MODBUS T-ADAP 03 8 P01 300 Option >pDRIVE< MODBUS T-ADAP 10 8 P01 301 Option >pDRIVE< MODBUS R+C 8 P01 302 Option >pDRIVE< MODBUS SPLITTER 8 P01 303 Option >pDRIVE< RS232/485 8 P01 304 Option >pDRIVE< MODBUS PLUG 8 P01 305 Option >pDRIVE< CABLE 3-BE 8 P01 122 Option >pDRIVE< CABLE 10-BE 8 P01 123
Further recommended Modbus components
When using the Modbus interface only connect pins 4, 5 and 8 in order to avoid malfunction or damage of the >pDRIVE< MX eco !
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LED - Indicator lamps
Typically the diagnostics of the Modbus connection is executed by means of the matrix operating panel BE11. If no operating panel is available, the actual bus state can be read out also using the built-in LED keypad.
LED Modbus state Bus state
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Local Bus
Active control source
(matrix field E4)
0 0 Terminal operation 1 0 Panel mode 0 1 Fieldbus
Modbus is not connected or inactive
LED flashes proportional to the number of the incoming and outgoing telegrams
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Process data area

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Process data area

The exchange of process data takes place using the Modbus request telegram code 17 hex. Therefor the status word with 1...9 actual values is sent as a response telegram to the master when the inverter receives a data telegram (consisting of the control word and 1...9 reference values). Typically, these telegrams are sent by the master cyclically to the individual slaves. The achievable cycle time depends on the bus structure, the number of bus subscribers and the transmission rate. Inside the inverter, the data are processed in a background task (typically 10...50 ms).
Example of a process data telegram to the slave with address 10
Read process data: Status word + 6 actual values, log. address of ZTW 250 dec = 00FA hex Write process data: Control word + 1 reference value, log. address of STW 1309 dec = 051D hex STW= 047F, SW=4000 hex (100 %)
Request telegram Master >pDRIVE< MX eco
Request Start address
Number of
words to be read
Start address
Number of words to
be written
(STW + SW)
- - -
17 hex Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo - - -
1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
- - - Number of
Word 1 - - - Word X CRC 16
- - - Hi Lo - - - Hi Lo Lo Hi
1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Summary of the request telegram
Slave Code ZTW
0A 17 00 FA 00 07 05 1D 00 02 04 04 7F 40 00 39 A3
Number of
STW address Number of
Word 1 Word 2 CRC *)
*) Calculation of the CRC algorithm, see chapter "Structure of the telegram", page 4.
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Response telegram >pDRIVE< MX eco Master
Slave address
Number of read bytes
Word 1 - - - Word X CRC 16
17 hex Hi Lo - - - Hi Lo Lo Hi
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes 2 bytes 2 bytes
Summary of the response telegram
Slave Code Number of
0A 17 0E 01 B7 40 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 - - -
- - - Word 6 Word 7 CRC
- - - 00 00 00 00 Lo Hi
Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5 - - -
ZTW = 01B7 ITW 1 = 4000hex (f act 100%) ITW 2 = 4000hex (P act 50%) ITW 3 = 4000hex (T act 50%) ITW 4 = 4000hex (I act 50%) ITW 5 = 0000hex (no alarm) ITW 6 = 0000hex (no fault)
If the Modbus should be used only for monitoring purposes, the "Read Holding Registers" (Multiple Read) code 03 hex telegram should be used.
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In special cases, the individual access to the respective elements of the commands 03 hex, 06 hex, and 10 hex.
process data is possible using
The design of the device-internal drive profile is based on the Profidrive profile (VDI/VDE 3689). The standardized information of the control and status word (bits 0...10) require no further inverter-internal settings. The reference use, the assignment of actual values and the use of the free bits (11...15) must be adjusted accordingly in matrix field "D6 Fieldbus".
Also see chapter "Structure of the Modbus user data", page 5.

Control word

Bit 15 Bit 14 5 freely configurable Bit 13 control bits for internal or external Bit 12 frequency inverter commands Bit 11 Bit 10 Control O.K. No control Bit 9 – Bit 8 – Bit 7 Reset Bit 6 Release reference value Lock reference value Bit 5 Release ramp integrator Lock ramp integrator Bit 4 Release ramp output Lock ramp output Bit 3 Release operation Lock operation Bit 2 Operating condition OFF 3 (Fast stop) Bit 1 Operating condition OFF 2 (Impulse inhibit) Bit 0 On OFF 1 High = 1 Low = 0
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Description of control word bits
Bit Value Meaning Note
0 1 ON
0 OFF 1
1 1 Operating condition 0 OFF 2
(Impulse inhibit)
2 1 Operating condition 0 OFF 3
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Is accepted when the drive state is "1 .. Ready to switch on" and changes to drive state "3 Ready to run" if the DC link is charged.
At active line contactor control: Change to drive state "2 .. Charge DC link", after successful charging the drive state changes to "3 .. Ready to run".
When the command has been accepted, the drive state changes to "13 .. OFF 1 active" and thus the drive is shut down along the deceleration ramp.
When the output frequency reaches zero Hz: the drive state changes from "0 .. Not ready to switch on" to "1 .. Ready to switch on" if the basic state (bit 1 = 0, bit 2 = 1, bit 3 = 1 and bit 10 = 1) is present.
If a renewed OFF 1 (On) command occurs during deceleration, the inverter tries to reach the given reference value along the acceleration ramp. Thereby the drive state changes to "7 .. Run".
At active line contactor control, the line contactor is switched off if the drive state changes to "1 .. Ready to switch on".
"OFF 2" command canceled
When the command has been accepted, the inverter will be locked and the drive state changes to "19 .. Lock switching-on".
At active line contactor control the main contactor is switched off.
If the basic state (bit 1 = 0, bit 2 = 1, bit 3 = 1 and bit 10 = 1) is given, the drive state changes to "1 .. Ready to switch on".
The OFF 2 command can also be triggered by means of the terminal function Impulse enable !
"OFF 3" command canceled
When the command has been accepted, the drive state changes to "14 .. OFF 3 active" and the drive is shut down as quickly as possible with maximum current and maximum DC link voltage.
When the output frequency reaches zero Hz, the drive state changes to "19 .. Lock switching-on".
Thereby, at active line contactor control the main contactor is switched off. If the OFF 3 command (bit 2 = 1) is canceled during deceleration, fast stop is executed all the same.
Bit Value Meaning Note 3 1 Operation released When the command has been accepted, the inverter is released (Impulse
enable) in drive state "3 .. Ready to run" and afterwards the drive state changes to "4 .. Operation released".
0 Lock operation
When the command has been accepted, the inverter will be locked and the drive state changes to "3 .. Ready to run".
If the drive state is "13 .. OFF 1 active", the inverter will be locked and the drive state changes to "0 .. Not ready to switch on".
Thereby, at active line contactor control the main contactor is switched off.
If the basic state (bit 1 = 0, bit 2 = 1, bit 3 = 1 and bit 10 = 1) is given, the drive state changes to "1 .. Ready to switch on".
If the drive state is "14 .. OFF 3 active", the procedure is executed all the same !
4 1 Release ramp output
Drive state "5 .. Ramp output released"
0 Lock ramp output When the command has been accepted, the output of the ramp function
generator is set to zero. The drive stops with maximum current and maximum DC link voltage.
The drive state changes to "4 .. Operation released".
5 1 Release ramp
Drive state "6 .. Ramp output released"
0 Stop ramp integrator When the command has been accepted, the output of the ramp function
generator is set to zero. The drive stops with maximum current and maximum DC link voltage.
The drive state changes to "4 .. Operation released".
6 1 Release reference
When the command has been accepted, the given reference value at the input of the ramp function generator is released. The drive state changes to "7 .. Run".
0 Lock reference value When the command has been accepted, the input of the ramp function
generator is set to zero. As a result the drive decelerates along the set ramp.
The drive state changes to "6 .. Ramp released".
7 1 Reset
The reset command is accepted at the positive edge when the drive state is "20 .. Fault".
If there is no fault anymore, the drive state changes to "19 .. Lock switching-on".
If a fault is still remaining the drive state is furthermore "20 .. Fault".
The reset command can also be triggered by means of the terminal function "Ext. reset" as well as by means of the Stop/Reset key on the keypad.
0 no meaning
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Bit Value Meaning Note
8 1 Jog 1 start Command not provided 0 Jog 1 off Command not provided 9 1 Jog 2 start Command not provided 0 Jog 2 off Command not provided 10 1 Control O.K. When the command has been accepted, the DP slave is controlled
via the bus interface. The process data become valid. This bit must be set in order to accept control commands and/or
the free bits as well as analog signals !
0 No control
When the command has been accepted, all data are processed
depending in status bit 9 "Control requested". Control requested == 1 Behaviour according to bus fault
If the DP slave requests control furthermore, the frequency
inverter switches over to fault state with the fault message BUS_COMM2 (depending on the setting of parameter D6.03 "Bus error behaviour"). In this case an alarm message is always set ! Control requested == 0 Data to 0 ! only I/O or panel operation
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Summary of the most important control commands
Start with controlled acceleration
Stop according to the set deceleration ramp
Impulse inhibit (free-wheeling)
Emergency stop (deceleration at current or DC link voltage limit)
Binary Hexadecimal
Control word
corresponds with the
"basic state"
results in drive state Lock switching-on !
results in drive state Lock switching-on !
Use of a free bit (e.g. 13) during operation
Canceling "Lock switching-on"
Basic state
start command
"15 Lock switching-on"
0000010001111110 0000010001111111
e.g. 480
8 P01 034.00/00 HALS
47E 47F
Simplified state machine
For standard control with the commands:
Start / Stop along the inverter-internal acceleration / deceleration ramps
Impulse inhibit
Emergency stop
Reset of a fault
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The commands Impulse inhibit (OFF 2), Fast stop (OFF 3) as well as a fault which has been reset always result in drive state "Lock switching-on" !
In order to reach drive state "Run" it is necessary to send the basic state (bit 0 = 0, bit 1, 2 = 1) before transmitting the start command (bit 0 = 1).
After connecting the mains (bootup of the drive) the basic state (bit 0 = 0, bit 1, 2 =1) must be provided in order to reach drive state "Ready to switch on".
State machine Profidrive
Not ready to switch on
Control OK +
OFF1 + basic state
Ready to switch on
Charge DC link
Hardware Ready
Ready to run
Not Ready
Lock operation
ON after OFF1
On +
Lock switching-on
OFF 1 active
OFF 3 active
All states
also OFF 3!
Release operation
Operation released
Release ramp output
Ramp output released
Release ramp
Ramp released
Release SW Lock SW
Ramp hold
Lock operation
ramp output
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Top priorityLowest priority

Main reference value (Auxiliary reference values)

Depending on the setting of parameter D6.100 "No. of Bus-ref. values", 1...9 reference values are available in the Modbus user data protocol. The meaning of the individual reference value words (16 bits each) is defined by parameterization of the >pDRIVE< MX eco using the Matrix surface.
The reference values can be divided into two groups:
inverter-internal reference values like e.g. f-reference, PID actual/reference value and suchlike (according to the reference use)
forwarding to the analog outputs for external use, without influencing the inverter control (bit 10 STW must be 1 !).
The reference values are linear scaled values with 16 bit display. That is: 0 % = 0 (0 hex), 100 % = 214 (4000 hex)
Therefrom a presentable data range of -200...+200 % with a resolution of 2
% Binary Hexadecimal Decimal
199.9939 01111111 11111111 7FFF 32767
100.0000 01000000 00000000 4000 16384
0.0061 00000000 00000001 0001 1
0.0000 00000000 00000000 0000 0
-0.0061 11111111 11111111 FFFF -1
-100.0000 11000000 00000000 C000 -16384
-200.0000 10000000 00000000 8000 -32768
The reference values are scaled by means of parameterization in matrix field D6. All reference values are scaled in Hz or %.
(0.0061 %) results.
Using bits 11...15 of the control word
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According to the Profibus profile bits 11...15 are not defined and therefore they can be freely used by the user.
When the frequency inverter is parameterized appropriate, this digital information can be used
for inverter-internal control signals (corresponding to the use of the digital inputs) or
totally separated from the inverter functions in order to transmit information using the digital outputs of
the frequency inverter (bit 10 STW must be 1 !).
This additional information (bit 11...15) are added to the control word in the corresponding numerical format.
Use Free control bits Possible reference values
Inverter – "internal" f-reference 2
2nd ramp External fault PID active Mains ON(OFF)
f-reference 1 f-reference 2 f-correction PID ref. value
PID actual value ... (for the complete list see matrix filed D6)
Inverter – "external" Relay and digital outputs of the basic card
or the option card IO11 or IO12
Analog output of the basic card or
the option card >pDRIVE< IO12
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